Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C733 You Look down on People with Your Dog Eyes

C733 You Look down on People with Your Dog Eyes

Wu Tian thought that this guy would do something to him due to his anger, but in the end, he still obediently let him go.    


When he walked out of the interrogation room, Wu Tian intentionally cast a glance at Superintendent Liu, as if showing off his victory.    


"I told you, if there's no evidence, don't do this."    


Superintendent Liu was so angry by Wu Tian's words that her face turned green.    


Walking out of the police station, Wu Tian looked outside and was about to go back when he realized he didn't seem to have brought any money with him.    


He couldn't even get a taxi this time. He didn't even know where he was.    


At this moment, Superintendent Liu drove her car out of the police station and saw Wu Tian standing by the roadside in a daze. She slowly rolled down the window.    


"You can't go back."    


Wu Tian quickly walked over when he saw that it was her.    


"You have to send me back. You brought me here. I'm not familiar with this place at all."    


A smile suddenly appeared on Superintendent Liu's face, and she bared her white teeth at Wu Tian.    


"What are you thinking about? Dream on." After saying that, Superintendent Liu stepped on the accelerator and sped away.    


Wu Tian cursed for a long time behind, but he didn't have any better idea. He could only walk on the road.    


Since he didn't know the location of the company and he couldn't read the Korea and language, he continued to walk aimlessly on the streets.    


Although the headphones could be translated, the police station was located in a remote location. Wu Tian waited for a long time, but no one came over.    


As he walked, a luxurious sportscar suddenly appeared beside Wu Tian and sped past him.    


Then, with a quick brake, the sports car stopped on the road, causing Wu Tian to jump in fright.    


"Let me tell you, it's already over between us!" A girl's voice came from the car. She was talking on the phone in a very emotional manner, and her expression was very sad.    


But the words were firm.    


"Don't come find me, I already have a new boyfriend, we won't have any relationship in the future."    


Listening to these words, Wu Tian just smiled calmly. This was probably the saddest thing about a young person.    


Love, either you split the legs, or I do not love, anyway, at the end of the story, both of them are too idle.    


Wu Tian felt that he didn't have the time to think about such things. He was too busy with his work, so how could he have the time to argue with others?    


This woman was probably the daughter of a rich family. After all, the car she was driving seemed to be very valuable.    


Wu Tian looked around for a while and thought he could ask her for directions, so he stood by the roadside and waited for the girl to finish talking.    


However, this phone call continued for ten minutes without stopping.    


Wu Tian was tired of watching the show. He thought it would be better to leave, why waste time here.    


Just as he was about to leave, he saw another car approaching from the distance. The car came to a screeching halt, almost at the same speed.    


A good-looking young man in a suit and leather shoes got off the car. Maybe he was this girl's boyfriend.    


The boy had begged the girl to reunite with him, but the girl hadn't agreed.    


Finally, the boy pestered the girl, "Didn't you say you already have a new boyfriend? Where is he? Let me see him! "    


The girl was stunned. Originally, she was the one who made this up, but she didn't expect her ex-boyfriend to actually use this matter to interrogate her.    


"This …" The girl looked around. Other than Wu Tian, who was standing beside the car and enjoying the show, there was no one else.    


The girl didn't care too much about that. She walked over and held Wu Tian's arm. Then, she pressed her warm lips against his and lightly kissed Wu Tian's lips.    


Wu Tian didn't even have time to react before the girl was already leaning on him like a little bird.    


"This is my boyfriend. You've met him now, haven't you, dear?" As she said "darling", the girl turned around and winked at Wu Tian.    


"Oh, ah, yes, that's right. I'm his boyfriend. What's the matter?"    


Her ex-boyfriend looked at the two of them strangely. When Wu Tian opened his mouth and spoke the China language, he felt even more confused.    




"So what if he is a foreigner? Aren't foreigners human beings? Can't I get a foreign boyfriend? " Of course, the girl didn't think that Wu Tian wasn't one of their Korea people, but the effect wasn't that big. As long as it was a man who looked good, it was fine.    


Wu Tian then looked at the girl carefully. Her figure could only be said to be passable. She was a standard Taiping princess, but her attire was very rebellious and she had a lot of colourful things on her hands.    


How to put it, she was like a bad girl who didn't learn well. It seemed like there were a lot of girls like this in the Korea, they usually called themselves hot girls.    


"I've already given you your request. Alright, you can leave now."    


The girl looked coldly at her ex-boyfriend, then pulled Wu Tian into the car and sped away.    


Watching her ex-boyfriend get smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror, the girl started to cry as she drove.    


"What are you crying for, do you have to go through so much effort just for this little thing?"    


Wu Tian murmured as he supported his chin with his hand.    


Although the girl didn't understand what Wu Tian was saying, she could feel what he meant from his tone.    


"You can leave from here." The girl drove a few blocks and found a spot to park.    


Wu Tian didn't say anything and just prepared to get off. In any case, he wasn't in the mood to care about other people's matters.    


"Wait, I can't let you help me for nothing."    


As the girl said that, she took out a stack of money from her purse and casually threw it onto Wu Tian's seat.    


This action made Wu Tian extremely angry.    


What do you mean, does she look down on Wu Tian? Or maybe she was going to treat Wu Tian as a beggar and send him away.    


"What do you mean?"    


Wu Tian pointed at the money with a cold expression and felt very annoyed.    


The girl didn't understand anyways, but he didn't seem very happy when he looked at Wu Tian.    


She disdainfully snorted. These people were indeed scum. They wanted to extort her for a bit when they saw that she was rich.    


"Too little? I'll give you a little more, hurry up and go. "    


She threw another wad of bills at him.    


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