Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C525 Return to Luzhou

C525 Return to Luzhou

More than ten luxury cars sped by, and very quickly, they brought Wu Tian and Blanche back to the Luzhou City.    


Looking at the neon lights flashing on the streets, Wu Tian's mood was extremely complicated. After being trapped in the canyon for eight days, he finally returned to the city that he had lived in for more than twenty years.    


Everything he had experienced before was like a nightmare. When he woke up, it was as if nothing had happened.    


Half an hour later, the caravan stopped in front of the Golden Hall. Blanche suggested, "Wu, it's already so late. Why don't you go to my place first?"    


"I've been away from home for too long. I want to go home first." Wu Tian was worried about Elder Sister Lan, Xue, and the others. He had disappeared for several days, so they probably went crazy because of him.    


"If you go home like this, I'm afraid you'll scare your family."    


"True." Wu Tian glanced at his tattered clothes, which were stained red with blood. "My appearance is indeed scary."    


"Why don't you go to my room to take a bath first and change into a set of clean clothes? I still have something to tell you."    


"Sure." Wu Tian nodded and agreed to this suggestion.    


If those women saw him like this, they would definitely be scared half to death.    


"Let's go!" Blanche pushed open the car door and led the way to the hall.    


Wu Tian followed her inside. After taking the elevator upstairs, he arrived at the luxurious suite that Blanche lived in.    


More than ten foreign girls were standing in the room, bowing in unison. It was a spectacular scene.    


One of them, a foreign girl Wu Tian had met before, was Blanche's assistant. She quickly stepped forward and said, "Miss Bu, we lost contact with you recently and are about to die from anxiety. We've sent many helicopters and rescue teams deep into the vicinity of Eight-Diagram Mountain …"    


"You've all worked hard." Blanche interrupted her assistant and instructed, "You may all leave first. Make some preparations and return home tomorrow."    


"Yes sir!"    


After answering, the foreign girl led the servant and bodyguard out of the room. When she passed by Wu Tian, she couldn't help but take a few more glances.    


After the servants left, the room became much quieter.    


Wu Tian walked over and couldn't help but ask: "I heard you say that you are returning home tomorrow?"    


"Yes, the reason why I came to China is to find the Blood Ganoderma Herba to treat my father's illness. Now that the Blood Ganoderma Herba has been found, I need to hurry back." Blanche explained with a serious tone.    


"Alright, then I wish your father a speedy recovery."    


"Thank you!"    


Blanche pursed her lips into a smile, pointed at the bedroom and said, "Go and take a bath first, I'll get someone to find clothes for you."    




Wu Tian stretched, turned around and went into the bathroom to take a bath.    


This should be Blanche's private bath, the bathroom was filled with the fragrance of a virgin, it smelled especially comfortable.    


The moment he took off his shirt, he heard a knock on the door, "Hello, Mr Wu. Miss Bu asked me to send you some clothes."    


"Alright." Wu Tian quickly put on his shirt and opened the door.    


He saw the foreign girl standing in the doorway with the clean men's clothes in her arms, with the men's underwear still on them.    


Wu Tian quickly took the clothes and smiled awkwardly: "Beauty, thank you for your consideration."    


"This is what Miss Bu prepared for you." After saying this, she didn't forget to add, "Miss Bu told you to take a shower and be careful not to let the wound on your back get wet, lest you get infected."    


"Alright, then help me thank you, Miss Bu."    


"Alright!" She slightly nodded her head before turning around and leaving.    


Wu Tian glanced at the clothes in his hands, locked the door, and then started to take a shower.    


The bite wound on his back by the wild beast had not completely healed yet. He might get infected if he touched water, so he took a shower carefully, trying not to let his back touch the water.    


After the bath, he changed into a set of clean clothes. He hadn't taken a bath for eight days. Now that he had changed into a new set of clothes, he felt extremely comfortable.    


When he came out of the bathroom, he saw Blanche sitting in the living room, talking on the phone. She had already showered and changed into a nightgown.    


"Come and sit." Seeing Wu Tian walk out of the bathroom, Blanche hung up the phone and pointed to a nearby location.    




Wu Tian walked over and sat in front of Blanche. He smiled and said, "The suit you chose for me is very suitable."    


"As long as you like it."    


Blanche stood up and opened a bottle of red wine from the cabinet. She poured two cups and pushed one cup in front of Wu Tian, "Wu, accompany me to drink."    




Wu Tian grabbed his wine cup and walked in front of Blanche, "Come, let's celebrate our escape from death and toast to rebirth."    


"Cheers!" After Blanche clinked her glass, she drank all of the red wine in it in one gulp.    


She exhaled a breath of alcohol and sighed with a smile, "I never thought that I would fall into the canyon, much less that I would be able to survive after falling into the canyon."    


"You are the Princess of Char Country, your fate is great." Wu Tian poured half a glass of red wine for Blanche.    


"No, it's not that my life is great. The reason why I was able to miraculously survive was because I had you. It was you who saved my life."    


"You saved me too, we're even."    


"This is unfair." Blanche stared into Wu Tian's eyes and said with deep emotion, "I will never be able to repay your kindness. I will owe you my life."    


"It's not that serious."    


"I want to repay you with my entire life if I can."    


"What …" The smile on Wu Tian's face gradually disappeared. This woman's tone was sincere, her expression was serious, and there was no hint of joking.    


Faced with such a direct confession, Wu Tian could only politely reject it: "You don't have to repay me, nor do you have to repay me with your body."    


"I have to return home tomorrow. Before I leave, I have a very important question to ask you."    


"Go ahead."    


"Would you marry me?"    


"I …" Wu Tian embarrassedly scratched his head, and tactfully refused: "You are the princess of Char, an ordinary person like me is not fit for you."    


She was very beautiful, very sexy, excellent in every way, and a rare world-class beauty.    


But in the end, this was still a foreign woman, and she was even a Princess of Char Country. He was naturally unwilling to marry such a woman, and various cultural, political, and geographical factors such as her.    


Moreover, he only had a good impression of this woman. Having experienced life and death situations together, it wasn't to the point of discussing marriage.    


"You are worthy. In this world, only you are worthy." Blanche bit her lips and said gently, "I've never had feelings for a man before. You're the first man I admire."    


"We are not suitable for each other. You, a dignified princess of the Char Country, fundamentally cannot marry a man like me, who possesses China."    


"I can make you a man of Char Country, make you the supreme leader, and become the king of our Char Country." Blanche was completely confident.    


As long as Wu Tian nodded, she could fulfill all her promises.    


Ever since her father had gotten sick, she had been in control of the true power of Char Country, so many things were only natural for her.    


"I'm sorry!"    


Now that the words had come to this point, Wu Tian couldn't drag his feet any longer and decisively refused: "We are not suitable, I won't marry you, and I also don't want to be the leader of your Char Country."    


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