Godly System Moralizes the World



Seeing Tang Hao's actions, Xiao Tian could not help but laugh, and the gaze he used to look at the Ninth Elder of the Martial Soul Palace was full of sympathy.    


Under normal circumstances, even if Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu were at the same level, it would be difficult for them to break his defense in one move. But the problem was, the one who attacked Ninth Elder was Tang Hao!    


A Yin was his disciple, so Tang Hao could be considered half of his junior. Previously, when he was in seclusion in Saint Soul Village, how could Xiao Tian not have taught Tang Hao?    


Thinking about this, Xiao Tian couldn't help but shake his head, his face full of ridicule.    


Although the Ninth Elder of the Martial Soul Palace was focused on Tang Hao, he did not dare to ignore Xiao Tian who was at the side. Seeing Xiao Tian's expression, his heart jumped, and a bad premonition rose from the bottom of his heart.    


However, before he could react, the Hao Tian Hammer had already viciously smashed into the turtle shell on his back with a whistling sound!    


"Boom —!"    


A deafening collision sound resounded in the air above Martial Soul City. The place where Tang Hao and the Ninth Elder of the Martial Soul Palace were at, there were even more powerful shockwaves that were spreading out in all directions.    


Sand flew everywhere as everyone backed off, afraid that they would be hit by the aftermath of Tang Hao's attack.    


Even Dugu Bo and other Titled Dou Roc s did not dare to say that they were safe and sound from the aftermath of Tang Hao's attack, let alone those ordinary Soul Master s in the audience seats that were unable to even obtain Titled Dou Roc or Soul Dou Roc s.    


Thankfully, the shockwave did not spread far before it was locked in a small radius by the sword lights from the sky, unable to spread even a little outwards.    


"Senior Xiao has made his move!" One of the Soul Master s quickly reacted, he could not help but to look at Xiao Tian, only to see Xiao Tian retracting his Dark Dawn Sword.    


"This is Hao Tian Dou Roc's full strength attack, and he also used the Haotian Sect Great Sumeru Hammer's Ring Explosion Technique to blast apart a hundred thousand year old Soul Ring. Even a level 98 Titled Dou Roc might not be able to block this strike.    


I m afraid that even the shockwave is not something that a level 95 Titled Dou Roc can withstand. I didn't think that Senior Xiao would be able to block all of the shockwaves with just a few casual sword lights. This kind of strength is really hard to imagine! "    


A Soul Master who had some understanding of Haotian Sect said, his tone was filled with shock.    


Even Sword Dou Roc Chen Xin and Bone Dou Roc Gu Bong, who were standing beside Ning Fengzhi, had shock on their faces.    


Especially Chen Xin, because his own Martial Soul is known for its attack skill, the Seven Deadly Sword, he had a deeper understanding of the difficulty of this move of Xiao Tian's.    


After all, swords were known for their offensive strength, and as for their defensive capabilities, they were almost nothing. Therefore, even though Chen Xin was from a family of Sword Tao s, and had immersed himself in the Seven Deadly Sword Martial Soul for his entire life, he still could not reach the level that Xiao Tian was at just now.    


Compared to Chen Xin, Gu Bong had a much higher voice. He possessed the Bone Dragon Martial Soul, which was known for its defensive capabilities. However, he believed that even if he used his full strength, he could only barely block the aftermath of the attack.    


"Just the aftermath of that attack was already so terrifying, I wonder if the Ninth Elder of the Martial Soul Hall can withstand Tang Hao's attack," Ning Fengzhi was more concerned about whether Tang Hao's earlier attack could break through the defense of the Ninth Elder of the Martial Soul Palace.    




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