Godly System Moralizes the World



Jing Tian nodded and walked to Tang Xuejian's side. He helped her up and carried her to the side.    


Yun Ting did not care about Jing Tian and Tang Xuejian. He did not want to kill them all. It would be fine as long as he defeated Zi Xuan and the other three.    


Jing Tian and Tang Xuejian leaving was also a good thing for him. At least he didn't have to worry about the threat that Jing Tian and Tang Xuejian posed.    


After all, although these two people were not that strong, they were still a threat to him. Now that Jing Tian and Tang Xuejian had left the stage, he could concentrate on fighting Zi Xuan and Loong Kui!    


"Kui, buy me some time," Zi Xuan said to Loong Kui after trying to communicate with the Thunder Spirit Bead once again.    


With that, she waved her hand and set up layers of defenses around her body. At the same time, the Wind Spirit Bead, the Water Spirit Pearl, the Fire Spirit Pearl and the Earth Spirit Pearl all appeared beside her at the same time.    


Yun Ting's expression changed when he saw this scene. His entire body was wrapped in a terrifying lightning glow. He raised his hand and shot two lightning balls at Zi Xuan.    


The instant the lightning balls left his hands, they transformed into two galloping cheetahs, as if they wanted to tear Zi Xuan into pieces.    


However, before the cheetah could reach Zi Xuan, it was blocked by a purplish black sickle. Loong Kui only gently waved the sickle in her hand and broke Yun Ting's attack.    


Loong Kui's figure flashed again, sticking close to Yun Ting. The scythe in her hand continued to swing out, bringing with it a piercing sound, not giving Yun Ting even the slightest chance to catch his breath.    


Facing Loong Kui's storm-like attacks, although Yun Ting was afraid of Zi Xuan and knew what kind of powerful moves she was preparing, he had no choice but to muster his energy to deal with Loong Kui's attacks.    


After all, Loong Kui was not weak as well, but once she was hit by her sickle, she would instantly be defeated!    


Under these circumstances, how could Yun Ting dare to be distracted?    


Loong Kui's barrage of attacks slowed to a crawl. Her face paled and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.    


Seeing this, Yun Ting was overjoyed. Before he could retaliate, Zi Xuan suddenly shouted, "Get out of the way, Kui!"    


When Loong Kui heard this, she immediately sent out two sharp blade-shadows. Then her figure flashed and appeared beside Zi Xuan. Although Yun Ting wanted to dodge, he was blocked off by Loong Kui's blade-shadows.    


After he dispersed the blade light, Zi Xuan's attack was already approaching him.    


The Wind Water Fire Earth Spirit Beads brought a majestic amount of spiritual energy. The Wind Spirit within the Wind Spirit Bead turned into a blue eagle with its wings spread out, surrounded by a great amount of wind blades, cutting towards Yun Ting!    


The earth spirit inside the Earth Spirit Pearl turned into a handsome tiger, its tiger claws struck the ground and a large number of them pierced towards Yun Ting.    


As for the water spirit of the Water Spirit Pearl, it had transformed into an ice blue Black Tortoise. Its huge claws and feet landed on the ground and a large amount of frost covered Yun Ting's location, turning him into an extremely cold purgatory!    


The fire spirit inside the Fire Spirit Pearl turned into many roaring fire dragons, and the terrifying high temperature caused the green leaves in the Provincial Magistrate's Mansion's backyard to quickly turn yellow. Before they could completely ignite, they were sealed in ice by the extremely cold aura the Water Spirit Pearl was emitting!    


All of a sudden, the surroundings of Yun Ting were shrouded in fire, then it turned into a freezing Purgatory. Sometimes, sand would rise up in all directions, and sometimes, a fierce wind would blow!    


Under such a terrifying attack, the Spiritual Energy in Yun Ting's body was quickly used up and his face became pale. When the last of the Spiritual Energy was used up, Yun Ting closed his eyes in despair.    




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