Alchemy & Martial Supreme

C1163 Fantasy

C1163 Fantasy

0"patriarch, you're so strong, but you're not an ultimate powerhouse?" Wang Zhao exclaimed.    


Wang Zhenwei nodded with a solemn expression. "I have seen the real Omnipotent Expert of Martial Saint."    


"One strike, just one strike, and I have lost all my combat strength."    


"So strong?" A few people cried out in alarm.    


"Fortunately, there aren't many supreme experts. I've only seen them once." Wang Zhenwei said solemnly, "If you guys encounter the Omnipotent Expert of Martial Saint, don't think too much about it. Just run away!"    


"Your strength is like the Martial Sovereign in front of you in front of the utmost powerful beings."    




Their hearts were trembling, and their faces were filled with yearning.    


"There's no need to think about it. It's impossible for you all to become ultimate powerhouses!" Seeing their expressions, Wang Zhenwei knew what they were thinking. He said indifferently, "I was the same as you all back then."    


"I even think that if others can become Omnipotent Expert of Martial Saint, why can't I?"    


"After experiencing all kinds of pain and dying several times, I finally woke up."    


"The ultimate powerhouse is the ultimate powerhouse. It's not something that can be achieved by just relying on hard work, it can only be achieved by putting one's life on the line!"    


When they heard that Wang Zhenwei had lost confidence in becoming a supreme expert, they all let go of their fantasies.    


"Alright, those are all off-topic words." Wang Zhenwei waved his hand and said, "You all should know that although you can't become supreme experts, it's not like you can't become enemies with supreme experts."    


"As long as our family is strong enough to form a formation with a hundred Martial Saint, even supreme experts will have to retreat."    


"Qin Ming's Perfect Grade Nine Pills is our chance now. If we have an endless supply of Perfect Pills, what's the big deal about the strongest warriors?"    


"When we can cultivate all kinds of Heavenly Extreme cultivation techniques and Spirit Skills, we might be able to cultivate our own supreme experts!"    


Wang Zhao took a step forward and filled Wang Zhenwei's teacup. He smiled and said, "patriarch is right!"    


"No matter how strong the supreme experts are, they are only one person. How can they be compared to an inflated major power?"    


"If we have an endless supply of Ninth Grade Perfect Pills, how many supreme experts can't be nurtured?"    


"It's even possible that we can even nurture Martial Emperor warriors!"    


"At that time, even the utmost powerful warriors would be like ants, killed by Martial Emperor with a single palm!"    


After saying that, Wang Zhao fell into a fantasy. He thought about the emergence of Martial Emperor warriors in his family, occupying over a hundred cities and occupying a region.    


Because he was a senior elder of his family, he had many wives and concubines, and over a thousand servants.    


"Cough cough..." Wang Zhenwei interrupted Wang Zhao's unrealistic fantasy, "The most important thing right now is to find out about Qin Ming's Perfect Pills, and find out exactly what kind of Perfect Grade Nine Pills he accidentally obtained."    


"There is still a special way to get a large number of Grade Nine Pills."    


"If you accidentally get a large amount of Perfect Grade Nine Pills, then find out the location of the pill and snatch it over."    


"If there is a channel, then we have to find out. Can we snatch the channel from Qin Ming?"    


"Don't worry about the patriarch. This is all planned in advance. Old Zhang will definitely be able to do it!" Wang Zhao said.    


"I need to make sure nothing goes wrong. All of you, control it well. Don't make any mistakes." Wang Zhenwei said in a serious tone, "This concerns the future glory of our family."    


"It concerns whether or not my hidden illness can be cured."    


"Besides, the Forest City isn't as solid as we thought. We don't have much time left. Patriarch of Sen Family and Patriarch of Mu Family will definitely intervene when they get the news."    


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