Treasure identifying Golden Eyes

C564 Bidding King

C564 Bidding King

In the last batch, there was only one piece of wool, and that was the Bidding King!    


Every year's Bidding King was the highlight of the show, although no one needed to bid, but the method of bartering was much more intense, and everyone was trying to guess the other party's price. This way, it was very possible that the final price would be far too high, and sometimes, there would even be a first place that was more than two times the original price!    


Yang Bo held onto the marked information in his hand, filled in the basic information, and then began to wait.    


The most important thing was experience because it was not the first time for many people to participate in the Bidding King competition. Everyone had a prediction of the other people's strength, using this to determine the amount of bids!    


Yang Bo saw that there was a commotion within the crowd, he raised his head and looked over, only to see a middle aged man walking over with a few bodyguards behind him, surrounded by many people who were greeting him.    


Yang Bo was surprised, "Who is this?"    


"Didn't I already tell you?" Luo Yaohua said.    


Yang Bo did not understand, "Did you say that?"    


"Of course I've said it before, he's Shen Qiang!" Luo Yaohua said.    


Yang Bo opened his eyes wide, "South of the rainbow? So it was him! Why is he here? "    


"The Jadeite King thinks very highly of the Bidding King, that's why they let him come here!" Luo Yaohua guessed.    


While speaking, Yang Bo saw that Shen Qiang did not hesitate at all and directly walked over and placed the bid slip.    


The scene was in an uproar!    


"This year's competition for the Bidding King is too intense. The jade that Jadeite King has his eyes on, can definitely increase the stakes!"    


"That's the Jadeite King, a hundred out of a hundred, there's no wasted effort!"    


"In the end, Shen Qiang is here on behalf of Shen Tong, but why isn't the Jadeite King present?"    


Yang Bo listened to the discussion at the scene and was curious too. It was just that he was not familiar with the place, so he didn't want to surround it.    


With Shen Qiang's example, the scene became even more intense, and very quickly, two more people walked over and threw themselves into the box.    


Yang Bo stared at the bazaar, a light flashed past his eyes, and he saw Shen Qiang's bid, which had 18 million written on it!    


Yang Bo was shocked. One must know that the base price of this material was only 7 million euros.    


The Bidding King weighed 500 kg. According to the price, each kilogram was worth more than 30 thousand euros and more than 300,000 yuan. The price was much higher than that of ordinary wool, and there were also more waste materials and more risks!    


There were two other orders beside the list. Yang Bo looked carefully, there was no one that was higher than the price!    


Very quickly, just as Yang Bo was hesitating, another two people walked up. One of them had golden hair and blue eyes, and was actually from a different world.    


Did you see that foreigner? His name is Peter, an American businessman, and he seems to come to participate in the Emerald Public Board every year and is very generous. He used 30.01 million euros to get the Bidding King last year, making a huge profit of 5 million euros. Luo Yaohua said.    


Yang Bo nodded slightly and looked over. Seeing that Peter's bid was indeed higher, it was indeed higher, by 38.88 million!    


In fact, many of them were just joining in for the fun of it. They filled in a starting bid of 7 million euros, or even a starting price of 8 million euros. When bidding, they let their subordinates take a picture.    


At least it means that I was involved in the competition for the Bidding King, or at least my power wasn't as good as it was before!    


As the seconds ticked by, the final price seemed to have been set at 38.88 million euros.    


When they were only five minutes away from the end, Xu Xiaoru walked up to the front desk with the ticket in hand. Yang Bo stared at the bill in his hands, and when he saw that the sum was actually as high as 41.88 million euros, he was immediately shocked.    


Yang Bo picked up the pen, wanting to fill in the price, but seeing that Shen Qiang's bodyguards had suddenly surrounded him, Yang Bo was startled, and immediately understood, the other party was bidding again!    


The bodyguards could obstruct everyone's line of sight, but it could not obstruct Yang Bo's line of sight. Staring at the other party's writing, he saw that the final amount was 58.99 million euros, and understood in his heart, Jadeite King Shen Tong really had high hopes for this piece of material!    


Time passed minute by minute, Yang Bo saw Peter filling in the form again. Only this time, he was obviously being more conservative, only he had filled in 51.99 million euros.    


The Xu Xiaoru father and son duo seemed to be in dispute over the price of their bylaws. After a long discussion, they once again wrote down a new bylaws.    


Yang Bo picked up his brush, planning to fill in the 59.18 million euros, but in his mind, he thought that in another minute, if there was any more mistakes, the jade would change hands, and even if he invested more, it would still garner him a lot of rewards!    


Yang Bo changed the price on the list to 63.88 million euros, almost paying an additional 4 million yuan. Although he was distressed, Yang Bo did not care about it anymore!    


After filling it in, Yang Bo immediately stood up and walked towards the box.    


Almost at the same time, Shen Qiang stood up, Peter stood up, Xu Xiaoru stood up!    


The four of them walked over in succession, letting everyone understand that this was the most intense competition, the most tense moment!    


Shen Qiang was the closest to the group. After he walked over and placed the order slip inside, he stood still and waited for others. His price of the order sign was 58.99 million euros!    


Xu Xiaoru was the second to walk over. He nodded at Shen Qiang and then placed the bill in. His bill was priced at 49.99 million euros.    


The third person who walked over was Yang Bo. He had walked over to the box with Peter and Peter, who was holding 51.99 million euros. When Yang Bo put the label into his performance, he saw that there were only ten seconds left in the countdown!    


Peter suddenly pulled out a long prepared bill from his pocket. Replacing the bill in his hand, he tossed it in!    


Yang Bo was shocked!    


He had not expected to encounter such a situation. His eyes were fixed on the bill in Peter's hand, and he even saw the other party's bill slowly float down to the bottom of the box!    


Yang Bo stared at the bill of exchange and saw the price on it: 61.88 million!    


Yang Bo felt as if his entire body was being vacuumed!    


Shen Qiang laughed, "Peter, you are really too naughty. You play this trick every year!"    


Peter waved his hand, "It doesn't matter. Anyway, this piece of wool still belongs to me!"    


Xu Xiaoru turned his gaze away from Yang Bo, and smiled, "Mr. Peter, that may not be the case!"    


Peter laughed. "Then let's wait and see!"    


From beginning to end, Yang Bo did not say much, because he had already confirmed that the Bidding King belonged to him!    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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