Super Dragon slaughtering System

C96 Dragon Slaying Marquis

C96 Dragon Slaying Marquis

Article 96. Dragon Slaying Marquis    


"That's right."    


Ning Qi nodded.    


"Emperor, Ning Qi should be Alchemist Grandmaster without a doubt. Whether it is refining Spiritual Nourishment Pill or Unique Battle Pill, such a success rate, I can only admit that I am inferior to him."    


Mo Wentian said with a bitter smile.    


Lvh Wuchang and Qin Jinge nodded.    


Qin Zheng stretched out his hand and held the pill in front of him. After that, he looked at the Mid-grade Yellow Rank Unique Battle Pill in Lvh Wuchang's hand. Lvh Wuchang let out a dry laugh and handed the pill back to Qin Zheng.    


After putting the pill away, Qin Zheng looked at Ning Qi with a smile. "Looks like I have to give you the title of Lord Marquis. But Alchemist Grandmaster getting the title of Lord Marquis is not an overstep."    


"One clan and two marquises. This is a good thing."    


Qin Jinge smiled.    


Ning Qi rolled his eyes and cupped his hands towards Qin Jinge. He said, "Your Royal Highness, don't compare me to Ning Hongtian. My sworn brothers' cultivation base is not inferior to his. If you want me to say... You should withdraw Ning Hongtian's title of Lord Marquis and let Grandmaster continue to hold the position. "    


Ning Qi brought up the old matter again. Qin Zheng pretended not to hear him and looked at him.    


Seeing this, Ning Qi knew that it was impossible to encourage the Emperor to withdraw Ning Hongtian's title of Ning Hongtian for a short period of time. Then he immediately said, "Emperor, please confer me with Dragon Slaying Marquis."    


"You are just a mere Three Star Great Battle Master and you have the title of Dragon Slaying Marquis. Aren't you afraid that Dragon Clan will find out about you and they will eat you in one bite? I think Divine Pill Marquis is suitable for you. "    


Qin Zheng said with a smile.    


Ning Qi said righteously, "I have a wish, which is to slaughter all the Dragon Clan on the continent and make them our slaves, so I am not afraid."    


"But I'm afraid. If the Dragon Clan comes looking for us, the Sixth Grade Dragon Clan will still be fine. Even if the Seventh Rank Dragon Clan uses all their strength, we won't be able to defeat them."    


Qin Zheng frowned and said.    


Ning Qi said, "You can just hand me over when the time comes. I have no complaints. This is my great wish. Please fulfill it."    


Lvh Wuchang saw this and said, "Ning Qi is very determined. Emperor, just confer him the title of Dragon Slaying Marquis. With his talent, if Dragon Clan really comes looking for trouble at that time, I can ask for help from the sect."    


Qin Zheng was silent for a moment, then he looked at Ning Qi." Are you sure? "    


"I am sure."    


Ning Qi nodded.    


"Alright, but you can skip the ceremony. The more low-key you are, the better. There is no need to make a big fuss about it. Moreover, this title is what you want, so I won't give you a fief. I'll give you the place you're staying at right now as a fief. If you're Divine Pill Marquis... I'll give you a city."    


Qin Zheng said.    




Ning Qi was slightly moved but he thought of the damage that Dragon Slaying Marquis's title dealt to Dragon Clan and the five hundred Dragon Slaying Coins. This was something that not even ten cities could exchange for. He said resolutely, "Emperor, I want Dragon Slaying Marquis."    


Qin Zheng saw that there was no way to change Ning Qi's mind even with threats and enticements. Qin Zheng said, "From today onwards, you will be Dragon Slaying Marquis. When the time comes, I will ask Lin Tian to send your clothes over. In addition, I will send a decree to the Marquis' Mansion to inform them of this good news."    


"Congratulations to Host for completing the mission and obtaining the title of Dragon Slaying Marquis. Host will cause an additional 30% damage to the Dragon Clan!"    


"Congratulations to Host for obtaining 500 Dragon Slaying Coin."    


As soon as Qin Zheng finished speaking, a notification sounded from the system.    




Ning Qi said with a smile.    


"But you have to publicize Alchemist Grandmaster's identity. I will have someone announce it to the world later."    


Qin Zheng said with a smile.    


This was an improvement to the prestige of Qintang Empire. This was to tell others that Qintang Empire was very powerful and that geniuses like Ning Qi would always appear in the future.    


"Do as you wish."    


Ning Qi said with a smile.    


"You can leave!"    


Qin Zheng waved his hand.    


Two imperial decrees were sent out from the palace.    


One was sent to the Yin residence of Jing City, and the other was sent to the Marquis' Mansion.    


"Grandmaster! The Emperor's Imperial Decree has arrived!"    


That servant shouted as he ran into Armory Field.    


Grandmaster Ning was slightly startled. He stood up and walked to the main door. At this time, Ning Hongtian and the rest walked out. The one who delivered the Imperial Decree was Lin Tian.    


He smiled and looked at Ning Hongtian, then read aloud, "Give Ning Qi the title of Dragon Slaying Marquis. Grandmaster Ning taught Sun Youfang. He gave him five thousand taels of gold and a hundred acres of farmland."    


"Ning Qi became Lord Marquis?"    


"What?! How is this possible?"    


"Damn bastard! How could he become Lord Marquis before Yan?"    


Nangong Yuer was burning with jealousy.    


Everyone had different expressions. Some were happy, some were shocked, and some were hesitant. When they thought about how the once useless person had become Lord Marquis, they felt that the world had changed too quickly.    


"This unfilial son has become Lord Marquis?"    


Ning Hongtian's face darkened.    


At this time, Grandmaster Ning had already received the Imperial Decree and started chatting with Lin Tian.    


"Do you know that he is Alchemist Grandmaster?" Lin Tian said with a smile.    


Grandmaster Ning was shocked. "Alchemist Grandmaster?" he asked.    


Looking at his expression, Lin Tian knew that Ning Qi was also hiding it from him. He immediately felt a little better.    


"That's right. In the future, our Qintang Empire will have four Alchemist Grandmaster. The Emperor is very happy."    


Grandmaster Ning smiled bitterly.    


The others were stunned on the spot. For the first time, a trace of panic flashed across Ning Hongtian's eyes. This unfilial son's growth was too fast! One by one, shocking news came, causing him to be at a loss as to what to do.    


"I still have to make a trip to Dragon Slaying Marquis Mansion. I'll leave first." Lin Tian said with a smile.    


Another imperial edict was also announced by the knights as they traveled to different cities.    


In the courtyard in front of Ning Qi, a few craftsmen sent by the imperial palace were modifying his plaque.    


Zhao Er rubbed his hands and stood behind Ning Qi, his eyes filled with wild joy. He really wanted to ask Ning Qi if he would really become the housekeeper of Marquis family in the future.    


However, when his eyes shifted to Gou, who was standing beside Ning Qi, he sighed in his heart. With Gou around, he definitely wouldn't be able to become Head Chief.    


Occasionally, some passers-by would look over curiously, because Ning Qi's identity was really noble. They didn't dare to approach him without permission. At this time, the craftsman had put down the new plaque. They looked at the four big words on it. They were immediately shocked: Dragon Slaying Marquis Mansion!    


"Master Ning has become Lord Marquis? His rank is higher than Champion Marquis's!"    


The passers-by were all shocked.    


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