Sky War God

C3754 Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan

C3754 Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan

An extremely powerful energy was unleashed from Ye Feng's body. The aura's energy waves had reached an unimaginable level.    


That terrifying force that exceeded his imagination was brewing at this moment, and the pressure it emitted was changing at an extremely fast speed.    


Ye Feng's eyes also revealed a brilliant light.    


That kind of extremely powerful energy surrounded his body, and the energy ripples it emitted was even more terrifying.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could feel that the Origin aura between the heavens and earth had become unimaginably powerful. Once it was unleashed, the energy ripples it released would be absolutely terrifying.    


This kind of extremely terrifying destructive aura was constantly circulating between the heavens and earth, and it was crushing towards the opponent's position at an extremely fast speed.    


A rumbling sound of destruction and vibration resounded. The terrifying pressure that was formed seemed to have turned into a material substance at this moment as it ruthlessly pressed down.    


Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan also felt this kind of terrifying power, and his expression became extremely ugly.    


His strength was indeed powerful enough, but he was also unable to resist such a terrifying aura.    


The power that existed in the void was wreaking havoc continuously at this very moment. It had even reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


If this power was fully unleashed, it would absolutely destroy his body.    


At this moment, it was naturally impossible for Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan to hold back. The aura in his body began to be unleashed without restraint.    


This kind of terrifying power shook wildly between the heaven and earth. The aura that was unleashed had also reached an extremely terrifying level.    


A vast heavenly realm was unleashed from Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan's body.    


An extremely powerful Law aura was constantly forming a suppressive force at this moment, causing one to feel suffocated.    


Once this sort of power completely spread out, it would bring an extremely great pressure to the surrounding space.    


There was even an incomparably divine and powerful energy fluctuation that crazily spread out at this moment, wanting to completely swallow up this entire world.    


At this moment, Ye Feng suddenly took a step forward.    


Without any resistance, he rushed into the destructive aura unleashed by the light door.    


The power of both parties collided at this moment. The ripples of the aura were getting more and more terrifying.    


That kind of destructive power that exceeded one's imagination was wreaking havoc in the world. The aura that was emitted also became exceptionally terrifying.    


Ye Feng's sudden action had shocked many people present. Their eyes were flickering continuously at this moment.    


An extremely terrifying attribute energy was circulating wildly in the world. The energy ripples that were being emitted were also unimaginably powerful.    


The terrifying aura of Destruction covered Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed, as if it was going to completely destroy his body and soul.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's body seemed like it was going to melt away. There was no way he could resist such a terrifying energy.    


In the next moment, an incomparably pure energy burst out from Ye Feng's body.    


The power of the Saint Devil was unleashed at this moment, as if it was going to completely purify this space.    


The incomparably powerful aura was crazily unleashed between the heaven and earth. The energy ripples it emitted had reached an unimaginable level.    


There was a pure and powerful holy power that was constantly circulating in the void, and the aura that it emitted also became increasingly pure.    


The destructive power collided with the energy that Ye Feng was releasing, causing the pressure it created to become even more terrifying.    


The two forces collided violently, forming an unimaginable vibrating power of Destruction in the void.    


* Hong Long...... * The sound of destruction rumbled, as if it was going to tear the entire spatial zone into pieces.    


This kind of extremely violent attribute energy crazily erupted between the heaven and earth, forming a destructive energy that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


A power that surpassed the extreme attribute spread out at this instant, and it was sufficient to completely destroy this piece of heaven and earth.    


It was also at this moment that the aura that Ye Feng released was faintly spreading in another direction.    


That unique attribute energy pressed down on Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan's body, as if it was going to crush his body into pieces.    


Although it had indeed brought a huge trouble to Qing Yuan Heavenly Monarch, from Ye Feng's point of view, he wasn't the one who initiated the attack.    


Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan could also feel such a terrifying fluctuation of energy. The aura in his body erupted crazily, directly displaying the destructive power that ordinary people couldn't imagine.    


An incomparably pure light was released from his body, and an endless sky was suspended above his head.    


The combination of these two powers even displayed a powerful strength that ordinary people could not comprehend, and it continuously vibrated in the depths of the space.    


That terrifying aura was crazily erupting at this moment, and it seemed as if it was going to completely destroy the entire world.    


In the sky, an extremely brilliant mirror emerged.    


The mirror light illuminated the entire world, as if it was giving birth to another world.    


Two kinds of terrifying aura were combined together. At this moment, the power that was displayed had reached an unimaginable level.    


Once such an aura was completely unleashed, the destructive waves it created would definitely reach an extremely terrifying state.    


The destructive aura in the void also erupted crazily at this moment. It began to crazily collide with the spatial zone.    


The destructive ripples of the aura were crazily wreaking havoc at this moment. Ye Feng could also feel the terrifying extent of this energy.    


However, Ye Feng's expression didn't change at all.    


Or, it could be said that the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared in a flash, and no one noticed it.    


Although Ye Feng's current cultivation base was not the highest level in the entire audience, his mastery of various attributes and micro-operation of various kinds of aura had definitely reached the highest level.    


Perhaps only Keeper, who was in the void, had sensed Ye Feng's means, but there was no evidence.    


Regarding the origin energy of the heaven and earth, freely operating it had become Ye Feng's commonly used technique. At this moment, the strength that he displayed had become rather unique.    


In just a short period of time, Qing Yuan Heavenly Monarch's expression had become very ugly, and the origin power in his body was also rapidly weakening.    


Ye Feng's technique didn't have any pressure on him. Instead, he could borrow the circulation of the origin aura in the natural space to temper himself.    


On the contrary, Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan was bearing the pressure that he shouldn't have. His body was fighting crazily, as if it could collapse at any time.    


A terrifying energy fluctuation was spreading in the depths of the spatial zone. The pressure that was released was also quite terrifying.    


It was as if if if such a terrifying aura were to erupt once again, it would completely obliterate this entire world.    


"Bastard, you deserve to die!"    


While resisting the destructive power contained within the space, Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan's expression also became increasingly savage, as if he was throwing this piece of heaven and earth into complete destruction.    


The power within his body erupted wildly. The destructive aura that was released also completely devoured this piece of heaven and earth.    


That kind of attribute energy that exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, as if it was going to completely melt this part of the world.    


Although he couldn't confirm that it was Ye Feng who was causing trouble for him in the dark, the only one who could achieve such a feat at this moment was the expert in the void, Ye Feng.    


Or it could be said that other than Ye Feng, no one else had such a driving force.    


In an instant, an extremely terrifying attribute energy spread out in the depths of the spatial zone. The pressure it formed had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't imagine.    


The attribute energy that had exceeded the limit was circulating continuously once again.    


At this moment, the Ten Thousand Gu Qingtian Rites had expanded. It was enough to cover the entire world.    


The brilliant radiance was constantly unleashing the energy ripples that formed between the heaven and earth, and it broke through the destructive force that was formed by the spatial zone.    


In an instant, Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan took a step forward, unleashing a terrifying power that no ordinary person could imagine.    


That kind of terrifying energy that exceeded the limits, the destructive aura that was formed from constantly circulating in the depths of the space, had already reached an extremely terrifying state.    




An extremely powerful destructive aura bloomed from the depths of the void.    


The power that Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan was emitting had already reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine. That kind of terrifying Destruction aura also covered this entire space with an extremely fast speed.    


When he truly felt this aura, Ye Feng's expression became somewhat serious.    


Although this terrifying destructive force was still within the range of his endurance, the power it displayed was quite different.    


As the powerful attribute energy was released at this moment, it seemed as if it was going to completely melt the entire world.    


Without any hesitation, the light in Ye Feng's eyes had already reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach.    


It was true that Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan could not be underestimated. The energy that erupted at this moment also made Ye Feng feel an enormous pressure.    


However, Ye Feng didn't feel any change in his emotions because of this.    


The Chaotic Origin Power in his body was circulating continuously, and the energy ripples that it emitted became even purer.    


The aura unleashed by the spatial deletion with such a unique attribute had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


A terrifying energy that exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, as if it was going to completely melt the entire world.    


His eyes reflected the endless scene in the spatial zone. Ye Feng's body was also emitting a terrifying energy that had exceeded the limit.    


Facing the light door, the destructive power that was gushing out had already been fully grasped by Ye Feng.    


At this moment, Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all. He quickly strode forward.    


Everyone present was completely shocked by Ye Feng's actions. They had never thought that Ye Feng would have such courage.    


Or, it could be said that they simply couldn't accept Ye Feng. How could he resist the destructive power in such a short period of time?    


The energy of the origin of the heaven and earth was continuously absorbed by Ye Feng and integrated into his own natal world.    


Terrifying energy waves were vibrating. The aura that was being emitted made the energy in Ye Feng's natal world circulate rapidly.    


The power of the attribute that was beyond the limit spread out at this moment, as if it was going to swallow the entire heaven and earth.    


The rumbling sounds of destruction resounded continuously in the void. The aura that was being emitted had also reached an extremely powerful state.    


At this moment, a brilliant light emerged in Ye Feng's eyes, as if it was going to completely suppress and refine the entire world.    


At this moment, the fluctuation of the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach.    


That kind of attribute energy that had exceeded the limit was constantly circulating in the depths of the void. The fluctuation of the aura that was released had also become abnormally terrifying.    


Faced with such a terrifying energy, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.    


He could clearly feel that an unprecedented unique energy was being produced in his natal world, as if it was trying to affect this spatial zone bit by bit.    


The unique emotion aura was also pushing the energy in his body to transform continuously, as if it was going to completely devour this spatial zone.    


An unimaginably powerful aura was released at this moment.    


In an extremely short period of time, the energy ripples that were emitted from the depths of the void had already broken through a certain boundary, and at this moment, it was crazily advancing towards a higher realm.    


"Everyone, I'll be taking my leave first."    


Ye Feng said calmly. The aura that was being emitted from his body had become purer, and the pressure that it created made everyone's expression turn awkward.    


At that moment, they could never imagine that Ye Feng had such strength. He was able to enter the light door and reach the Nine Heavens Realm before all of them.    


In the next moment, the expressions of the few geniuses became quite interesting.    


An incomparably pure attribute energy spread out at this moment. The aura fluctuation that was released had already reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


The destructive aura spread across the space, and the energy ripples that it emitted became exceptionally terrifying.    


The peerless geniuses of which faction no longer held anything back. They unleashed all the energy in their bodies, as if they were going to devour the entire spatial zone.    


The rumbling sounds of destruction reverberated wildly at this moment. The energy ripples that were emitted from the aura had reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


That unique and powerful attribute energy spread crazily at this moment, forming an attribute energy that exceeded the limit.    


When he felt this aura, the energy ripples that were emitted from the depths of the void had already reached an unimaginably powerful realm.    


An extremely pure attribute energy spread out in an instant, as if it was going to completely destroy this world.    


At this moment, the energy fluctuation that gathered from the depths of the void had already reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


Ye Feng could also feel the terrifying aura, but he didn't feel the slightest bit of fear.    


The pace of his feet didn't slow down at all. The energy waves emitted from his body had also reached a terrifying level that exceeded the limit.    


Every movement of his made Ye Feng's eyes shine brightly. The aura that he had gathered had reached an extremely pure level.    


In this very short period of time, the source energy in Ye Feng's body began to circulate crazily. The energy of the aura that was gathered here was unimaginably powerful.    


The rumbling sound of destruction resounded at this moment. The energy waves that were released became more and more terrifying.    


Such a terrifying aura was circulating continuously in the void, and the energy waves that it formed became even stronger.    


The geniuses behind him also tried their best to chase after Ye Feng. However, they discovered that the gap between them had not only not shrunk, it had also become bigger and bigger.    


How could Ye Feng's strength be compared to these people? The energy in his body was circulating continuously, displaying a terrifying strength that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


At this moment, the Origin aura in Ye Feng's body completely erupted. He took a step forward and passed through layers of space, and entered the light door.    


At that moment, Ye Feng could feel the aura in the space violently shaking, and the energy it emitted became purer and purer.    


The unique and powerful aura of Destruction was circulating continuously at this moment, emitting a kind of energy that exceeded the limit.    


At this moment, the light that emerged in Ye Feng's eyes had become unusually bright, as if it was going to swallow the entire spatial zone.    


After reaching the Nine Heavens Realm, Ye Feng could naturally feel the unique energy that existed in the void.    


There was also an aura that made Ye Feng's body tremble involuntarily.    


This was not a sign of fear, but an instinct that was displayed after being stimulated by the intense aura in the outside world.    


This kind of pure attribute energy was circulating continuously in the depths of the spatial zone. The aura that was being emitted caused Ye Feng's body to transform bit by bit.    


"What a pure source energy. So this is what Master and the others are looking for."    


After sensing the source energy aura contained in the Nine Heavens Realm, Ye Feng finally understood what those experts were thinking.    


This kind of source energy was extremely beneficial to anyone. If they could completely grasp it, it would even allow their strength to advance by leaps and bounds.    


After nine breaths, this kind of pure energy had already weakened.    


No matter how Ye Feng circulated the energy in his body, he wouldn't be able to obtain any more source energy.    


In an instant, Ye Feng could feel the aura in the depths of the void constantly changing.    


An extremely rigid voice resounded in the void, and the aura that was released became purer and purer.    


"Those who enter the Nine Heavens Realm first will receive the reward of the Nine Heavens Realm's origin. At the same time, you have also entered the initial stage of this battle.    


Right now, you are standing in the domain of the Nine Heavens Realm.    


If your domain is completely broken, then all the rewards you receive in the competition will be completely taken away.    


If you want to obtain the most rewards, you will need to occupy a bigger domain and hold on until the end.    


During this process, if one was able to kill other experts, they would also receive the same feedback.    


All rules lie in your own territory."    


After saying this, the rigid voice in the void also vanished without a trace.    


After sensing this aura, the earliest energy in the night rose continuously, and the energy in his body also erupted continuously.    


As the natal aura in his body continued to spread, Ye Feng naturally felt the unique energy in the spatial zone.    


His own civilization aura had formed an inexplicable connection with the heaven and earth, absorbing the source energy in the spatial zone bit by bit. This was also the process of increasing his control over his power.    


However, after Ye Feng unleashed all of his strength, he discovered that his origin aura only occupied a mile of the spatial zone.    


Before Ye Feng could figure out what this represented, a terrifying force erupted from the depths of the void once again.    


Someone rushed through the light door once again and unleashed his aura, occupying the surrounding space at an extremely fast speed.    


Such a terrifying energy fluctuation made Ye Feng frown slightly. He could only watch helplessly as the opponent unleashed his own natal world, which then covered a radius of dozens of miles.    


There was a substantial gap between the Sovereign realm and the Heavenly God realm.    


Just the energy released from his own natal world was enough to cause many problems.    


Ye Feng was only in the Heavenly God realm right now. The natal world he revealed could only cover an area of one mile at most.    


Before his natal world turned into reality, it was only an illusory image in the end. It had no support, nor did it have the support of its own laws.    


After the other Heavenly Gods entered this place, they wouldn't even be able to occupy the range of the domain. They would be suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth.    


And now, Ye Feng was able to use his own illusory domain to suppress the space within a mile radius around him. This was enough to prove how powerful Ye Feng was.    


At this moment, the Origin aura between the heavens and the earth was twisting crazily.    


However, the genius of the Heaven Realm had also appeared here. He was crazily releasing his own natal world, occupying the power of this spatial zone.    


The aura from both sides continuously collided at this moment. The aura that was emitted from both sides had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


The rumbling sounds of destruction reverberated across the world. The aura that was being emitted had also reached an unimaginable level.    


At the same time, everyone on the scene saw the domain that covered Chief Ye's body. They could feel that Ye Feng was continuously absorbing the source energy.    


"Hahahaha, I didn't expect this, I didn't expect this."    


Upon seeing Ye Feng's current scene, Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan of Myriad Gu Qingtian couldn't help but laugh out loud. The aura in his body no longer restrained itself.    


"I never thought that you would rush in with all your might, but in the end, you only covered a small area. Do you want me to give you a little bit of resistance?"    


Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan's strength wasn't bad either. The instant he entered, he had covered an area of 36 miles.    


This kind of strength could be considered a pretty good result among the many heaven's pride experts.    


At least, he could be ranked above the upper middle ranks, far surpassing Ye Feng.    


Facing the humiliation of Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan, Ye Feng's expression was relatively calm. The aura in his body was also circulating and releasing continuously.    


A terrifying force was unleashed from Ye Feng's body.    


* Hong Long...... * The rumbling sound of destruction reverberated through the clouds. The energy ripples that were emitted had reached a level that ordinary people could not reach.    


A powerful force beyond imagination erupted at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy this world.    


The power of both sides collided wildly. The energy ripples that were revealed had already reached a certain limit.    


At this moment, a terrifying power that ordinary people could not comprehend appeared in the depths of the void.    


Sensing the aura in Ye Feng's body, the expression of the disciples in the factory was also very surprised. It seemed like they had never thought that Ye Feng would use such a technique.    


The terrifying wave of destruction was unleashed at this moment, as if it was going to completely obliterate this piece of heaven and earth.    


An extremely powerful destructive power spread out at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy this spatial zone.    


In this very short period of time, the energy fluctuation emitted from the depths of the void had broken through a certain boundary, as if it wanted to completely destroy this piece of land.    


The attribute energy that had exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy this piece of heaven and earth.    


Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan was the same. He looked at Ye Feng in shock, and his voice was trembling slightly.    


"W-what do you want to do?"    


Ye Feng also said with a light laugh, "According to the rules of this place, territory doesn't always exist, I can definitely seize it."    


When they heard this, everyone's facial expression changed. A terrifying aura was spreading in the spatial zone, and the energy ripples it emitted became more and more terrifying.    


An incomparably terrifying destructive aura spread out in the depths of the void. The energy ripples it released made everyone feel incomparably afraid.    


In that instant, the energy ripples that Ye Feng had unleashed had reached an unimaginable realm. Once it was fully unleashed, it would definitely destroy the entire spatial zone in the shortest amount of time.    


The geniuses of the various major powers did indeed have their own foundation. However, when they truly felt this aura, their hearts were filled with incomparable fear.    


At this moment, Ye Feng took a step forward. The source energy in his body had already reached an unimaginably terrifying realm.    


That kind of destructive aura that had surpassed the limit was spreading crazily at this moment. The pressure it formed had even reached a terrifying extent that surpassed the limit.    




The sound of destruction reverberated across the void. The powerful aura that had gathered had already reached a terrifying realm that an ordinary person could not imagine.    


A kind of extremely pure attribute energy spread out at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy the entire world.    


When they truly felt this kind of terrifying aura, the expressions of everyone present were incomparably shocked, as if they could not believe their eyes.    


That terrifying aura exploded crazily at this moment. Ye Feng also threw a punch towards Qing Yuanjun without any reservation.    


Terrifying chaotic airflow erupted. The energy ripples that were formed from the depths of the void had already reached an unimaginable level.    


That kind of energy that exceeded the limit was unleashed at this very moment, as if it was going to completely destroy this piece of heaven and earth.    


The energy undulations formed from the pervading of the chaotic origin power had already reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, the aura that had gathered in the depths of the void had already exceeded a certain limit, as if it was going to completely destroy this space.    


In this very short period of time, the energy contained in the world had broken through to an unimaginable level.    


An extremely powerful attribute energy spread out at this moment, as if it was going to swallow this entire space.    


Chaotic air currents erupted, directly smashing onto Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan's domain.    


At this moment, Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan's domain began to shake crazily. The aura that was being emitted also began to decline unceasingly at this very moment.    


That terrifying power erupted at this moment, as if it wanted to completely change the rules of this space.    


Boundless Destruction aura circulated crazily at this moment. The pressure that it formed also caused the Laws of the world to tremble crazily.    


"Damn it, go to hell!"    


Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan roared furiously. He had never felt such a terrifying pressure before. It was as if the Origin aura within his body was about to completely collapse.    


In an instant, the destructive power that had surpassed the limit was unleashed from his body, and it rushed towards the chaotic airflow unleashed by Ye Feng.    


In an extremely short period of time, these two terrifying forces had collided. The aura that was unleashed was unimaginably powerful.    


However, Ye Feng's expression became calmer and calmer, and the aura that was unleashed was also circulating continuously.    


An unimaginably powerful force was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy this world.    


"Your strength is too weak."    


Ye Feng said.    


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