Sky War God

C3770 World Fusion

C3770 World Fusion

After experiencing such a force, all the living beings present could already feel the terrifying danger of the aura.    


That kind of unimaginable power spread out at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy everything.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out in an instant, as if it was going to destroy everything.    


When he truly felt this aura, Ye Feng's expression was calm. The destructive power that was being emitted from his body had already been strengthened to an unimaginable level.    


Just by turning around, the aura that was released by the Divine Dragon Battle Spirit had become even more terrifying.    


The Devouring Power that exceeded his imagination was wreaking havoc in the air. The aura that was released from his body became even stronger.    


An extremely terrifying power of attributes spread out in an instant, spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


When the world's will sensed this power, it was incomparably shocked.    


It was as if this power was about to completely destroy its body.    


The Devouring Power that was continuously unleashed wreaked havoc at this moment. It even said that it wanted to completely destroy this entire space.    


An extremely powerful attribute energy was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything.    


The destructive power, which had surpassed the limit, was unleashed at this moment. The tremendous pressure it formed had reached a level that ordinary people could not even imagine.    


It was the aura that he had been circulating with all his might. The ripples that it emitted had also turned into an extremely pure source energy.    


When faced with this kind of energy, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant.    


An extremely powerful attribute energy was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


The extremely terrifying destructive power unleashed a powerful pressure at this moment, causing the will of the world to continuously crumble.    


When it truly felt this aura, the Origin Energy in the space began to boil at an extremely fast speed.    


This kind of powerful aura that had exceeded the limit spread out in an instant, as if it wanted to completely obliterate everything in this world.    


"If you kill me, the will of the world will not let you go. In the end, you will be the same as me."    


The will of the world was also letting out a furious roar. The energy that was being emitted slowly melted in the void.    


When he felt the aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely unique.    


This kind of energy that exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy everything in this world.    


The incomparably terrifying destructive aura was emitting an even more terrifying pressure at this moment.    


Ye Feng didn't pay too much attention to the words spoken by the wills of these worlds.    


His own strength had already reached an extremely powerful level. With just a slight circulation, a terrifying aura could be seen filling the air in an instant.    


An unimaginably powerful force spread out at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything.    


When he truly felt this kind of force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even more terrifying.    


Vaguely, an extremely violent force emerged in the depths of the void, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


This kind of terrifying aura that was beyond imagination spread out in an instant, and the powerful force it emitted spread out at an extremely fast speed.    


The terrifying aura descended upon Ye Feng's body.    


That kind of extremely powerful and oppressive force was almost as terrifying as a tangible substance at this moment.    


The destructive aura that exceeded his imagination became more and more terrifying, and it even wanted to destroy the entire world.    


The rumbling sound of destruction resounded at this moment.    


The powerful aura that was beyond imagination spread out and formed the destructive power at this moment. It had reached a terrifying extent.    


Even with Ye Feng's current cultivation base, his expression became incomparably solemn when he felt the pressure.    


The destructive aura kept circulating, and the energy it released became even more terrifying.    


The energy of the attribute that had surpassed the limit was unleashed continuously at this moment, as if it was going to destroy everything in the world.    


Ye Feng also circulated the Chaotic Origin Energy in his body, and unleashed an extremely powerful aura.    


This kind of terrifying power kept clashing with the Origin aura in the spatial zone, causing the ripples of the aura to become even stronger.    


The two forces kept colliding, causing the ripples to become even more unique, as if it was going to completely cover the entire spatial zone.    


"This energy is really strong."    


Ye Feng's eyes shone even brighter when he sensed the unique attribute of the energy in the spatial zone.    


An incomparably powerful attribute energy spread out at this moment, causing the pressure it emitted to become even more terrifying.    


An extremely powerful aura of Destruction spread out at this moment, and the energy it emitted had reached an unprecedented level.    


"An external creature. I didn't expect you to have such strength."    


A terrifying vibration resounded in the void, and the energy ripples it emitted had reached a terrifying level.    


The energy that surpassed all attributes began to spread at a rapid pace.    


The rumbling sound of destruction and tremors could be heard at that instant, causing the pressure it gave off to reach an unprecedented level.    


Ye Feng's expression was incomparably calm after he felt this pressure.    


The extremely powerful aura of destruction had already reached an unimaginable level in this instant. * Hong Long...... *    


This kind of destructive power that exceeded the limit had spread out in a very short period of time.    


Ye Feng didn't say anything, he just circulated the energy in his body.    


An extremely powerful aura of destruction spread out at this moment, spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


"He has entered my world, and has even occupied a portion of my space, and even the surrounding space.    


Do you think I don't exist just like that? Or are you already used to such nobility?"    


In the space, the extremely powerful vibrations were continuously circulating. The aura that was being emitted became even more terrifying.    


This kind of attribute power that had exceeded the limit was being continuously released at this moment. The pressure that was formed had reached an unprecedented level.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone even brighter when he felt this aura.    


The energy that had exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything.    


The aura of destruction that existed between the heavens and the earth circulated to the extreme at this moment.    


The extremely terrifying pressure in the void had also reached its limit at this moment.    


When Ye Feng truly sensed this aura, the radiance in his eyes became even more brilliant.    


An unimaginable power erupted at this moment, as if it was going to destroy everything.    


Such a terrifying destructive power was instantly neutralized by a unique aura the moment it landed on Ye Feng's body.    


The fluctuation of the aura emitted from the spatial zone had reached its peak in an instant.    


The energy that exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything.    


A brilliant light emerged in Ye Feng's eyes, as if it wanted to purify this spatial zone.    


Ye Feng's expression became more and more solemn when he felt the aura.    


At this moment, the energy that had exceeded the limit was unleashed, forming a powerful aura. The fluctuation had reached an unimaginable realm.    


The two powers kept clashing. Ye Feng was also in North Korea, and his soul body was exploding with extreme power. It was a terrifying destructive power.    


"What kind of method I used to survive has nothing to do with you. If you are willing to let me leave, then I will give up everything that I have obtained here."    


Ye Feng didn't have any special feelings towards the Chaos Dragon Turtle. His body was also emitting aura fluctuations that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


However, Ye Feng's attitude had deeply provoked the Chaos Dragon Turtle.    


In the next moment, a terrifying pressure that exceeded one's imagination erupted at this moment.    


That kind of energy that exceeded the limit spread out crazily, and it kept erupting at an extremely fast speed.    


Feeling such a terrifying pressure, Ye Feng's expression became calmer and calmer, as if all of this had nothing to do with him.    


Both of their powers were in a deadlock, and there were even unique ripples of aura spreading out.    


When he felt this kind of power, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more unique.    


"Who do you think I am? And what kind of place is this? Don't tell me that you can come and go as you please?    


You have robbed the source energy of my world, and now you want to say that nothing has happened. Don't tell me that I am so easy to bully? "    


An extremely terrifying destructive power descended at this moment. An incomparably violent will emerged at this moment.    


Ye Feng could feel that the aura that was emitted from the void had reached an unprecedented realm, and the destructive power that was released had become even stronger.    


At this moment, the power that was emitted from the depths of the void had reached an unimaginable level.    


The energy that had exceeded the limit was wreaking havoc in the void.    


The chaotic energy in that area had been condensed to an unimaginable level. The aura that was being emitted from that area was extremely terrifying.    


The other party could also feel the violent nature of the chaotic energy, but his emotions did not change at all.    


"I didn't come here on my own accord. I was influenced by you. Since you don't have any intention of forcing me to stay, why can't you just let me go?"    


Ye Feng said calmly, but his tone hurt the Chaos Dragon Turtle even more.    


In an instant, the power of the attribute that had exceeded the limit spread out.    


An incomparably huge destructive power condensed at this moment, forming a mountain peak that smashed down at Ye Feng.    


Layers of the power of the world erupted at this moment, and the aura that was released became even more terrifying.    


In this very short period of time, the fluctuation of the aura that was released from the depths of the void had broken through a certain limit.    


This kind of destructive power that surpassed the limit spread out in an extremely short period of time.    


Ye Feng's eyes were constantly flickering with radiance. The chaotic origin energy was filling the air, and it was emitting an aura that no ordinary person could imagine.    


With a wave of his hand, an extremely powerful chaotic origin energy spread out. The ripples of the aura were equally shocking.    


In the next moment, the destructive power that had surpassed the limit displayed a unique attribute energy in this spatial zone.    


The two terrifying aura collided, producing a terrifying rumbling sound as if it wanted to completely destroy everything.    


The radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter when he felt this aura.    


The Chaos Dragon Turtle became even more furious, and it exerted all of its strength to circulate its energy.    


Layers and layers of world energy were stacked on top of each other, causing the aura to become incomparably violent, as if it was going to destroy everything.    


Ye Feng could feel that those terrifying aura were constantly descending on his body, as if it wanted to completely destroy his body.    


Such a terrifying and powerful force was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy all the spatial zones.    


However, in the next moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became brilliant.    


* Hong Long...... * A terrifying rumbling sound was heard at this moment, and it was a force that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


The terrifying force that was formed from the continuous eruption of the destructive power had reached an extreme.    


At this moment, the formidable aura that exceeded one's imagination was spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


Ye Feng felt as if his body was going to be completely destroyed. The aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void also became more and more terrifying.    


Such an extremely terrifying destructive power had already reached an unimaginable level.    


The ripples that were emitted from it caused the surrounding space to be destroyed continuously. The pressure that was emitted from it became stronger and stronger.    


Such a terrifying destructive aura had already reached an unprecedented level.    


Ye Feng's body was also collapsing at a rapid speed, as if he couldn't withstand this energy at all.    


Such a powerful and terrifying destructive aura was unleashed at this moment.    


The strength of the Chaotic Dragon Turtle had far exceeded Ye Feng's imagination. The energy waves emitted by the aura had also exceeded his imagination.    


An extremely terrifying destructive power was unleashed at this moment.    


* Hong Long...... * A terrifying vibration was heard at this moment, and it spread at an extremely fast speed.    


The aura, which ordinary people could not understand, was unleashed at this moment.    


In an instant, his body collapsed, and the aura in his body vanished into thin air.    


The Divine Dragon Battle Spirit's power seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure, and it collapsed in an extremely short period of time.    


However, in the next instant, an extremely terrifying destructive aura was unleashed at this very moment.    


The energy that exceeded the limit spread out and formed the destructive power in an instant. It had even reached an unprecedented level.    


Ye Feng's expression became more and more cautious when he felt this kind of energy.    


This kind of attribute power that exceeded the limit spread out at this moment.    


The extremely powerful Devouring Power was revived at this moment. The pressure it emitted had reached an unprecedented level.    


A terrifying rumbling sound appeared at this moment. The ripples of the aura had even reached a limit.    


Dragon roars continuously resounded. The destructive power that was being emitted had become exceptionally terrifying.    


"A very powerful Devouring Power. Looks like you have another kind of connection with the heavens and the earth."    


Sensing the phagocytosis unleashed by Ye Feng, the extremely terrifying Destruction aura had become incomparably terrifying.    


The Chaos Dragon Turtle also displayed its powerful strength, as if it wanted to completely destroy the entire spatial zone.    


This kind of aura that exceeded the limit spread out in an instant, as if it wanted to destroy everything.    


Light flickered continuously in its eyes, and the energy it released became purer and purer.    


In just an instant, the aura emitted by the Chaotic Dragon Tortoise was suppressed on Ye Feng's body.    


Although the previous energy was terrifying, the destructive aura that was released at this moment had become even more powerful.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone even brighter when he sensed this force.    


The destructive aura condensed into one, and another terrifying sharp light descended upon Ye Feng.    


Such a terrifying force was unleashed at this moment, and it had reached an unprecedented level.    


At this moment, the aura that appeared in the depths of the void had become incomparably terrifying.    


When he truly felt this kind of power, the source of Ye Feng's body had already reached an extremely powerful level.    


"Very strong!"    


Ye Feng gave his evaluation. At the same time, the source of his body was circulating rapidly.    


The Devouring Power released by the Divine Dragon Battle Spirit had reached an unimaginable level.    


The Devouring Power was unleashed at this moment, directly affecting those terrifying destructive attacks.    


The two forces collided continuously in the spatial zone. Ye Feng found that his aura still had no ability to resist.    


That kind of extremely terrifying destructive aura erupted in a very short period of time.    


The power of the attribute that had exceeded the limit had expanded at this moment. It had even reached a level that no one could understand.    


The strength of both parties continued to collide. The ripples that were emitted from the aura had also become exceptionally powerful.    


Such a terrifying destructive aura also brought tremendous pressure to Ye Feng.    


The Divine Dragon Battle Spirit's body was about to collapse once more.    


However, after experiencing all of this, Ye Feng's expression became even more solemn.    


A rumbling sound of destruction resounded at this moment. The aura that was released had reached a level that no one could understand.    


The Chaos Dragon Turtle unleashed its terrifying power again and again, wanting to completely destroy everything in the world.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could no longer withstand such a terrifying attack.    


The Confusion Spirit Orb emerged with a raise of his hand, and the energy waves emitted from it became even purer.    


This kind of attribute power that exceeded the limit had simply reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


In that instant, an extremely terrifying destructive power erupted between the heavens and the earth.    


An incomparably terrifying aura of destruction was unleashed in a very short period of time, forming a powerful pressure that ordinary people could not comprehend.    


At this moment, Ye Feng took a step forward. The Divine Dragon Battle Spirit's body became incomparably illusory.    


A terrifying destructive power mixed with a Confusion Spirit Orb was thrown into the void.    


That kind of powerful aura that was beyond imagination spread out at this moment. It was wreaking havoc at an extremely fast speed.    


The power that exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment.    


The destructive aura that was formed had even reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach. The pressure that was formed had also become extremely terrifying.    


At this moment, the power that exceeded the limit of the attribute had already reached an unimaginable level.    


The rumbling sounds of destruction reverberated continuously. The ripples that were released from the aura became even more unique.    


In an instant, the radiance that emerged in Ye Feng's eyes kept flickering, as if it was reflecting everything in the world, the fundamental laws.    


Space shattered, and endless radiance flickered.    


There seemed to be some kind of terrifying aura vibrating in the void. The pressure that it emitted also collapsed at an extremely fast speed.    


When he felt this aura, the corner of Ye Feng's mouth kept rising.    


"I've found you."    


At this moment, an extremely powerful destructive aura exploded, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in the world.    


That kind of attribute energy that exceeded the limit spread out at this very moment, and it erupted at an extremely fast speed.    


The chaotic energy contained within the Confusion Spirit Orb was extremely powerful. It was not something that the Chaos Dragon Turtle could resist.    


The terrifying aura was unleashed at this moment, and it was circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, the fluctuation of the aura that existed between the heavens and the earth had reached an extreme.    


With a wave of his hand, an unimaginably powerful force spread out at this moment, as if it was going to destroy everything in this space.    


In this space, the spiritual body of the Chaotic Dragon Turtle emerged.    


The incomparably huge Dragon Turtle carried an endless mountain on its back. Layers and layers of worlds continuously resounded on top of it.    


The terrifying pressure of the aura exploded at this moment, as if it wanted to destroy everything.    


It was not a terrifying destructive power, it was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The destructive power that it released had reached an unprecedented realm.    


At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes had become incomparably brilliant, as if he was going to destroy the entire spatial zone.    


The strength of the Chaotic Dragon Tortoise was beyond imagination. At this moment, the aura that he could unleash had also reached an unimaginable level.    


The two forces collided once again.    


An extremely powerful destructive power spread at this instant, as though it wanted to destroy everything.    


This kind of extremely terrifying destructive power had already reached an unimaginable level.    


Anything that came into contact with this chaotic energy would be completely destroyed in a very short period of time, leaving no trace behind.    


At this moment, Ye Feng had pushed his strength to the limit.    


The Confusion Spirit Orb was spinning, and the aura that was being emitted became even more violent.    


Such a terrifying energy fluctuation was circulating between the heaven and earth, and it was emitting a power that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


At the same time, Ye Feng was also doing his best to circulate the energy of his natal world, and resonate with this heaven and earth.    


Such a unique energy circulated continuously between the heaven and earth, and the aura that was emitted became even more unique.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was heard at this moment, and it was a unique energy that ordinary people could not understand.    


In a very short period of time, the power of Ye Feng's natal world began to devour the source energy of this world.    


The aura emitted by the Chaos Dragon Turtle was also suppressed by this energy.    


This kind of energy that exceeded the limit was unimaginably powerful, as if it was going to destroy everything.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds continuously sounded out, and the aura ripples that were emitted became even more terrifying.    


"Who exactly are you?    


Why? Why do you possess such power? Who exactly are you? "    


The aura that the Confusion Spirit Orb was emitting gave the Chaos Dragon Turtle an enormous pressure.    


The feeling was as if it had encountered its natural enemy. The energy waves emitted by the aura had become incomparably terrifying.    


Every time the Confusion Spirit Orb rotated, it would emit an extremely terrifying pressure, as if it was going to crush everything in this space.    


When he felt this aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes was also bouncing continuously.    


This kind of energy that exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


The Chaotic Dragon Tortoise did its best to circulate its energy towards people, but it was unable to resist the Confusion Spirit Orb.    


The aura in its body had collapsed in a very short period of time, and the power it was emitting had reached an extreme.    


The destructive aura that had exceeded its limit was unleashed in a very short period of time, as if it wanted to destroy everything.    


Ye Feng didn't respond. He just circulated the power of the Confusion Spirit Orb seriously, as if he was going to cut off all the aura.    


At this moment, the energy fluctuation that was emitted from the depths of the void had broken through a certain limit.    


A kind of energy that exceeded the limit was circulating continuously at this moment, and it was emitting a destructive power that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Ye Feng could feel that his natal world was constantly merging with this spatial zone, as if it was trying to create a realm that ordinary people could not understand.    


In the next moment, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the void had broken through a certain boundary, as if it was going to melt the entire spatial zone.    


The quality of Ye Feng's natal world had improved, making it more suitable for the Super Dimensional Void. The energy waves produced by it were enough to fight against this spatial zone.    


Furthermore, Ye Feng had the enhancement of the Confusion Spirit Orb at this moment, and the aura that he was releasing was even more powerful.    


The two types of aura were constantly clashing and merging at this moment, vaguely gathering a brand new energy.    


This kind of change also made people feel a unique aura that they had never seen before, as if everything in the spatial zone was going to have the most fundamental change.    


Powerful fluctuations of the aura spread out at this moment, and it was transforming at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, Ye Feng finally felt an extremely unique source energy, as if the aura in his body was changing.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed around Ye Feng's body. The ripples of the aura became even purer.    


An extremely powerful attribute energy erupted at this moment, forming a unique aura that ordinary people could not understand.    


In an instant, the destructive power that exceeded one's imagination had reached its limit.    


"It's over."    


Ye Feng sighed inexplicably.    


When the Chaos Dragon Turtle was enraged, the aura that was released from the depths of the void became more and more unique.    


The Confusion Spirit Orb rotated once again, swallowing all the aura in the two spaces and releasing a brand new world energy.    


Ye Feng's eyes sparkled continuously when he sensed this aura.    


The energy of his natal world had been completely imprinted in the world of the Chaotic Dragon Turtle.    


The two worlds had been merging at this moment, and it could even be said that they had reached an even more terrifying stage.    


No, it was more accurate to say that Ye Feng's natal world had already parasitized the Chaotic Dragon Turtle.    


The aura that belonged solely to Ye Feng was constantly expanding in this spatial zone, and it was seizing the proportion of the energy that occupied this world.    


Although this speed was very slow, the aura that was released did not have that kind of terrifying pressure.    


However, to the Chaos Dragon Turtle, it was true that its source was constantly being depleted.    


As time passed, the Chaos Dragon Turtle's source energy would be slowly plundered by Ye Feng, and eventually, it would completely collapse.    


It could even be said that the extremely terrifying aura was already powerful to an unimaginable realm.    


In an instant, the fluctuation of the aura released by Ye Feng had already merged into this spatial zone.    


The energy of the entire world had vanished at this moment, leaving no trace behind.    


The Chaos Dragon Turtle was also incomparably furious. The aura it released became even more violent.    


However, no matter how furious it was, it couldn't find Ye Feng's figure anymore, as if he had vanished from this world.    


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