Sky War God

C3813 The Stars Decide

C3813 The Stars Decide

In that instant, an incomparably terrifying destructive power exploded in the void.    


Within the external Dharma Idol, a ball of world origin energy was slowly circulating.    


Such a powerful aura was continuously evolving in the void. The energy ripples it emitted had reached a unique level.    


A terrifying vibration resounded in the sky at this moment. The energy waves emitted by the aura seemed to devour the entire space.    


That kind of energy that had exceeded the limit was constantly clashing with each other at this moment.    


Ye Feng's Chaotic Force was also able to give birth to the aura in the Blood Ocean. At this moment, it was fully circulating and unleashing a kind of power that ordinary people could not understand.    


The origin force of the heaven and earth was circulating continuously at this moment, and it had reached an indescribable stage.    


That kind of attribute energy that had exceeded the limit was circulating continuously at this moment, and it even wanted to completely destroy this spatial zone.    


An extremely powerful attribute power spread out at this moment, and the pressure it formed had already broken through a certain boundary.    


Ye Feng's Chaos Bloodline also suffered an extremely intense impact when it collided with the ocean of bloodline of the Demon God, as if it was going to collapse at any moment.    


The force of the attribute that had exceeded the limit was circulating continuously at this moment. The pressure that it displayed was also very terrifying.    


Faced with such a change, the Demon God didn't hesitate to unleash the purest energy in its body.    


The terrifying aura that was wreaking havoc in the void had reached an indescribable level.    


"Ye Feng, how dare you humiliate me like this? Do you know how terrifying this is?    


You sealed my body and wanted to seize my origin? Do you really think you can fight me with just this little bit of strength?    


I will let you witness how terrifying my strength is, to be able to establish the Myriad Demon Heavens and obtain the origin energy of this world."    


An incomparably furious roar echoed between the heavens and the earth. The aura gave people an unprecedented pressure.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out in an instant. The body of the Demon God was also emitting an extremely terrifying attribute energy. It was as if it was trying to completely destroy the Heavens and Earth.    


The destructive aura that had exceeded the limit was condensed at an extremely fast speed, turning into a huge hand that covered the sky and descended towards Ye Feng.    


In the palm, an endless scene could be faintly seen, as if it was the faith that was born during the evolution of all the Demonic Beast.    


"Since I can guide all the demons in the world to cultivate my Cultivation Method, and continuously break through their cultivation realms and obtain greater strength, I have enough confidence to let them advance a step further.    


Moreover, you are only so old, so you have no idea what these changes represent to us. The fundamental strength within these changes is something that you will never be able to hope for in your entire life!    


Now, you will pay the price for your own arrogance and ignorance."    


As he spoke, an extremely terrifying power had already descended upon Ye Feng's head, as if it was going to completely obliterate his body.    


That kind of extremely terrifying destructive power erupted crazily at this moment, and it even said that it wanted to completely destroy this world.    


Regarding this, the attitude that Ye Feng showed was very calm, as if all of this had nothing to do with him.    


The chaotic bloodline power was circulating slowly at this moment. The aura that was being emitted from it was also very calm.    


However, when this kind of power was fully unleashed, the aura that was condensed from the heaven and earth had reached an indescribable stage.    


That kind of power that exceeded the limit was wreaking havoc crazily at this moment, and it even wanted to destroy this entire space.    


The chaotic airflow was revolving around Ye Feng's bloodline power, and the aura fluctuation that was emitted from it had reached a very shocking stage.    


That unique aura seemed to be changing endlessly, giving birth to all the changes in the heaven and earth.    


All kinds of powers in the world had emerged at this moment, and even the aura that was revealed had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


That kind of attribute power was constantly evolving in the space. The ripples that were released from the aura had reached an unprecedented level.    


When he experienced this kind of power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant, as if it was going to swallow this entire spatial zone.    


* Rumble * Terrifying vibrating power was also unleashed from Ye Feng's body. The ripples of the aura were also abnormally terrifying.    


At this moment, a figure emerged from the chaos. Ye Feng had already formed a body with the Chaotic Force as his bloodline.    


The inextinguishable innate spiritual light was injected into the body, and at this moment, it blossomed with endless Power of life.    


It was as if it was going to make the entire world tremble.    


At this moment, an incomparably terrifying aura burst out from the void. The energy fluctuations it emitted had reached an extremely shocking level.    


The energy that exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment, as if it had reached an indescribable realm.    


Ye Feng's expression was calm as he felt this change. He just threw an ordinary punch forward.    


He went to meet the attack unleashed by the demon god.    


When these two forces collided, the aura that was released had reached a very shocking level.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out, and an extremely terrifying aura was wreaking havoc in the void.    


That kind of power was continuously evolving between the heavens and earth, and the aura ripples that it emitted had reached an extremely shocking level.    


It was as if the entire space was going to be destroyed, and that unimaginable power exploded at this moment.    


Boundless destructive power was completely unleashed at this moment. The aura that it emitted had reached an extreme.    


During the process of contact, Ye Feng had indeed felt how powerful the opponent was. The aura in his body was vibrating continuously.    


The body that was formed by the Chaotic Bloodline contained the purest aura in the world. The strength that it displayed at this moment was also quite shocking.    


As for the Demon God, his tiny bit of origin force had caused a huge disturbance. It was even weaker than Ye Feng's.    


One had to know that the strength of the Demon God had already transformed continuously during this process, reaching the peak of his own body.    


Although the Demon God had been constantly cultivating and tempering his bloodline, wanting to develop a stronger strength, it still required more time and energy for him to do so.    


However, the bloodline power that Ye Feng had gathered had also displayed a kind of power that ordinary people could not understand. Once it was fully unleashed, it would completely suppress the entire spatial zone.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded at this moment.    


The extremely terrifying fluctuations of the aura were like a crazy flood as they pressed down.    


An endless amount of Destruction aura was unleashed at this moment. The energy that it emitted became incomparably dangerous.    


Ye Feng's expression was relatively calm as he faced the wild and violent attack of the Demon God. He walked forward step by step, and the aura in his body became even more powerful.    


The energy inside was wreaking havoc, and the ripples of the aura had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


At this moment, the aura that appeared in the depths of the void had reached its limit.    


In Ye Feng's eyes, endless chaotic scenes were reflected, as if it was going to devour everything.    


A kind of attribute aura that surpassed the limit emerged in the world, and it seemed like it was going to completely suppress this spatial zone.    


The bloodline power unleashed by the Demon God was also constantly vibrating and gathering into the fluctuations of the aura. It had even broken through a certain boundary, as if it wanted to destroy everything.    


A terrifying rumbling sound once again resounded from the void. This kind of attribute aura that exceeded the limit had even reached an unprecedented level.    


Facing the extremely crazy Demon God, Ye Feng's expression was rather calm. The aura in his body was still circulating continuously.    


That kind of extremely pure attribute energy was being emitted at this moment. It had even surpassed a certain limit.    


The terrifying vibrating power was silently unleashed. Ye Feng also punched out one punch after another.    


The energies of both parties kept colliding, and the aura that was unleashed became even more ferocious, as if it wanted to destroy everything.    


At this moment, the power of both parties was crazily erupting. The pressure that Ye Feng was enduring was also getting stronger and stronger.    


The aura contained in the Chaos Bloodline was also absorbing the source energy of the world under this condition.    


The fundamental energy in his body was also increasing bit by bit.    


As for the Demon God, the energy in his body seemed to be endless as it crazily poured down towards Ye Feng.    


The origin energy of the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens had already been drawn out by him. It was being emitted from his body, and it seemed as if it was going to completely destroy the entire world.    


The two energies were constantly intertwining and circulating at this moment, and they even wanted to completely destroy each other. The aura that was being emitted was even more terrifying.    


During this process, Ye Feng's eyes were also shining with endless radiance, as if he was going to devour everything.    


The rumbling sound was incessant.    


There was also a kind of powerful force that was constantly erupting in Ye Feng's body.    


The chaos bloodline was wreaking havoc time and time again, causing the aura in the spatial zone to evolve continuously, and even reach a higher realm.    


Both parties were in a stalemate. Ye Feng's expression became more and more calm, and his evolution of the bloodline power was also improving.    


However, the expression of the Demon God became more and more unsightly, and the aura in his body was also constantly erupting.    


That kind of unimaginable power was constantly circulating in his body, reaching a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


An extremely tyrannical destructive power began to spread out in an instant, as if it wanted to destroy everything.    




Endless destructive power circulated continuously at this moment, reaching an unprecedented level.    


The frenzied rampage of the destructive power that surpassed the limit wanted to destroy everything in this world.    


However, when this aura was completely unleashed, the power in the space underwent a tremendous change.    


A star was suspended within this origin space.    


There was no energy fluctuation. It was only quietly emitting light, but it caused the Fey God's expression to turn extremely fearful.    


"How, how is this possible?"    


That unimaginably powerful force was released at this moment. It was so powerful that it was beyond imagination.    


The destructive aura was intertwined at this moment. The energy it emitted was circulating at an extremely fast speed, as if it wanted to completely suppress everything.    


Ye Feng's eyes sparkled when he sensed the change in this power.    


The aura that ordinary people couldn't understand kept exploding at this moment.    


The corner of Ye Feng's mouth raised slightly when faced with this kind of power. It seemed like their plan had succeeded.    


When Ye Feng used his own strength to guide the Galaxy Demon Lord to use his own star power to devour the laws of the heaven and earth, he already had such a plan.    


What Ye Feng needed was the origin power of this supreme heaven realm. It could allow him to radiate his own strength into the boundless world.    


As for the nature of this world, it wasn't that important to Ye Feng who could control it.    


At this moment, the aura that was unleashed from the depths of the void had become indescribably powerful.    


It could even be said that the energy that was being emitted had become extremely shocking.    


That kind of attribute power that had exceeded the limit kept exploding at this moment, and it had reached an unprecedented level.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds were continuously circulating at this moment. The aura that was being emitted also became exceptionally terrifying.    


This kind of aura fluctuation that had exceeded the limit also brought a tremendous pressure to the Demon God.    


As the fundamental laws of the Ten Thousand Fey Heaven, any one of them was incomparably important.    


At this moment, this star represented one of the Laws within it. It had been completely refined by the Galactic Demon Lord.    


At this moment, the face of the Demon God was incomparably gloomy. The aura within his body was constantly erupting, reaching a state that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


A terrifying rumbling sound rang out in that instant. The ripples of the aura that were being emitted became even more terrifying.    


That kind of attribute energy that surpassed the limit was constantly circulating at this moment. The pressure it created was so great that it could even completely destroy this space.    


Endless destructive power wreaked havoc. The Origin aura between the heaven and earth also became unusually pure, as if it wanted to destroy this space.    


An extremely pure attribute energy was circulating continuously in the space, causing the aura that was being emitted to become even more terrifying.    


That kind of attribute aura that had exceeded the limit was crazily surging in the void, as if it wanted to destroy this entire world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound continuously reverberated at this moment.    


As time passed, the Fey Gods could feel the Laws they grasped becoming weaker and weaker. The stars in the sky also grew one by one.    


Such a change was an enormous blow to the Fey God. It was as if the source within his body was about to wither away.    


A unique and terrifying energy fluctuation. At this moment, the aura fluctuation that was constantly circulating had become incomparably savage.    


"All of you are courting death! All of you are courting death!"    


At this moment, the Fey God was becoming increasingly crazed. It kept roaring furiously in its mouth, and the aura within its body was being unleashed in an extremely berserk state.    


The power of the attribute that had exceeded its limits was being circulated continuously at this moment, reaching an unprecedented level.    


The destructive aura was wreaking havoc in the world, and the energy fluctuations it displayed had reached an extreme.    


That kind of unimaginable and terrifying power was constantly being emitted and circulated at an extremely fast speed.    


A rumbling sound of destruction was unleashed at this moment. The energy ripples that were being emitted from the aura had reached an indescribable level.    


This kind of energy that exceeded the limit was being circulated continuously at this moment. The aura that was being displayed had become extremely terrifying as well.    


The rumbling sound of destruction resounded at this instant. That kind of energy that ordinary people could not understand erupted at this moment.    


When he experienced this kind of aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes was also flickering crazily.    


The technique that the Demon God was able to use seemed to have reached its limit, and it was no longer able to display its foundation.    


Faced with such a transformation of the aura, Ye Feng's expression was quite calm, but he slowly circulated his strength.    


That kind of extremely pure attribute energy was circulating continuously at this moment, and it became unusually pure.    


Without any hesitation, Ye Feng waved his fist again and again. The aura in his body was released at an extremely fast speed.    


Terrifying energy fluctuations kept exploding at this moment. The pressure that was formed had already reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.    


All kinds of unimaginable and terrifying aura were circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


"Demon God, why are you putting up a stubborn resistance? In your current state, what sort of reaction can you make?    


The origin energy of this world has already fallen into my hands. You will only become weaker and weaker, and you won't even have the strength to circulate your origin energy.    


If this continues, you will only end up being completely destroyed by this power, and will no longer have any life left to speak of.    


If you surrender now, you will still be able to use this opportunity to preserve your life. Even if you lose your former honor and status, it will still be a good opportunity.    


Under the persuasion of the Star River Demon Venerate, the Demon God seemed to have changed slightly as well.    


However, in the next moment, the Demon God was thoroughly enraged. The energy within his body was circulating crazily, and it had reached an unprecedented state.    


A terrifying rumbling sound rang out in that instant. The aura ripples that it was emitting had even reached an unprecedented state.    


"Damn it, do you really think that you can make me submit just like this? That was definitely impossible.    


You bunch of little bastards, you want to make me lose my dignity and status? Don't tell me I've worked so hard for countless years just to be a dog for others? "    


When he sensed such an aura, the source energy of the world had already reached an indescribable level.    


Sensing the change in the aura, Ye Feng's expression became extremely cautious.    


An even stronger destructive power was nurtured in the depths of the spatial zone. The aura that was emitted from it was also quite shocking, as if it wanted to completely suppress this spatial zone.    


This kind of energy that exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment, and it even wanted to completely suppress the entire world.    


That kind of destructive aura that exceeded the limit erupted at this moment, as if it wanted to completely seal and change the entire spatial zone.    


At this moment, the aura that was emitted from the depths of the void had already reached a certain limit.    


An incomparably powerful destructive power spread out at this moment.    


The source of the world was trembling continuously at this moment. The aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had reached an indescribable level.    


Ye Feng's expression became even more relaxed when he felt this change. The energy in his body was circulating continuously.    


The unique attribute of the energy was evolving at this moment. The aura that was being emitted had reached an unimaginable level.    


That kind of attribute energy that exceeded the limit kept changing at this moment, and it was also displaying its own origin energy at an extremely fast speed.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds were continuously reverberating at this moment. The aura ripples that were being emitted had already reached an unprecedented level.    


When he truly experienced this kind of aura, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant. It even wanted to completely suppress this spatial zone.    


The aura that was being emitted from the Chaotic Bloodline became even stronger as it circulated within the clone.    


A unique and sacred attribute energy was emitted from Ye Feng's body.    


The energy that was displayed had reached an indescribable level. The unique fluctuation of the aura was also changing at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, the source energy of the world was vibrating, causing the aura that was gathered to become even crazier.    


A brilliant light was flickering in Ye Feng's eyes. The fluctuation of the aura that was emitted had already reached an extremely pure realm.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds reverberated wildly at this moment. That kind of pure attribute energy seemed like it was going to break through a certain level.    


At this moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes had become extremely brilliant.    


The evolution of the Chaotic Bloodline in his palm had reached an extremely powerful stage. The energy that erupted from his palm was simply about to destroy the entire spatial zone.    


At this moment, an unimaginably powerful aura was continuously unleashing endless power of attributes, spreading out in an instant.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were flickering with radiance. It seemed like there was an incomparably powerful destructive aura surging at this moment.    


"Let's end this."    


With such conviction, the chaotic force in Ye Feng's hand continued to evolve.    


That extremely powerful aura even shook the space time and time again, touching the origin of the Power of the Heavens and the Earth.    


The aura in his body was resonating with the heaven and earth. The power that it was emitting had reached an indescribable level.    


This kind of power that exceeded the limit was circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds kept echoing between the heaven and earth, gathering into an extremely huge chaotic mass of air.    


Under the influence of this kind of power, the entire space was vibrating at an extremely fast speed. The destructive power that had surpassed the limit had even reached an indescribable stage.    


It was also at this moment that the Demon God sensed that the aura had become incomparably terrifying.    


The energy ripples that had exceeded the limits of one's attribute and were wildly wreaking havoc at this moment had reached an unprecedented level.    


Terrifying rumbles reverberated in the air at this moment. The ripples of the aura that were emitted had already broken through a certain level.    


The energy that had exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment, and the aura that was unleashed became extremely terrifying.    


Ye Feng slowly pushed the chaotic energy that he had gathered towards him forward. That kind of terrifying aura that had surpassed the limit kept exploding at this moment.    


Boundless destructive power wreaked havoc in this instant, and the ripples formed by the aura became unusually pure.    


At the same time, the aura in the world had also erupted to an unprecedented level.    


Around Ye Feng's body, there were balls of extremely brilliant light, and they also displayed an unprecedented change in strength.    


Faced with this kind of power, the fluctuation of the aura that was blooming in the depths of the void had reached an extreme, as if it could collapse at any time.    


* Hong Long...... * Terrifying rumbles resounded at this moment. The destructive power that had surpassed the limit had reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes shone with an unimaginable light.    


The power of the attribute that had exceeded the limit had even reached an unprecedented level.    


This tiny bit of divine sense of the Demon God was simply unable to withstand such an impact. The destructive aura was immediately unleashed.    


The violent natural source dispersed in an instant. The aura that was emitted was also constantly changing in the space.    


The unique and powerful energy ripples were absorbed by Ye Feng's body. The origin energy of the heaven and earth was also merging into it bit by bit.    


"Using the bloodline power as the core, carrying the endless changes of life, and finally deriving the Myriad Demon Heavens. This is the path of the Demon God."    


He analyzed it time and time again, solving the changes in the power of the Demon God.    


This allowed Ye Feng to have a deeper understanding of the spirit energy of the Demon God. The aura in his body was also constantly circulating.    


That kind of power that exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy this world.    


An incomparably terrifying energy fluctuation was emitted at this moment, as if it was going to completely suppress the entire world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound rang out at this instant. That kind of unimaginable destructive fluctuation was continuously circulating at this moment.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had become indescribably powerful.    


That kind of destructive aura that had exceeded the limit was continuously evolving in the void. It even wanted to completely suppress and refine this sealed space.    


That kind of extremely pure attribute energy spread out at this moment, and it even wanted to destroy this entire space.    


The aura of the Demon God completely collapsed at this moment. The Origin Energy contained within its body was constantly dissolving at this moment.    


This kind of attribute energy that exceeded the limit erupted at this instant, and it even circulated at an extremely fast speed.    


The rumbling sounds of destruction reverberated wildly in that instant. The aura that was being emitted became even more terrifying.    


That kind of aura was constantly surging in the void, and the energy ripples it emitted were also quite terrifying.    


However, no matter what, the energy that was being emitted from the depths of the void had already reached an extremely terrifying level.    


That kind of attribute energy that had exceeded the limit was spreading at this very moment, and was circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


The source energy of the Demon God was slowly being melted away by Ye Feng, and the aura in his body was also rapidly collapsing.    


The source energy in this space had also reached a limit, and it was being absorbed and refined by Ye Feng bit by bit.    


Moreover, there was also the Star River Demon Sovereign, a supreme giant, who was continuously emitting his own power.    


The source energy aura between the Heaven and Earth was being melted bit by bit. Eventually, it completely melted within this space.    


That sort of attribute power that had surpassed the limits was erupting out continuously at this moment. It had even reached a state that ordinary people could not resist at all.    


At this moment, the Origin Power of the Ten Thousand Monster Heaven was also being replaced bit by bit.    


The Demonic Beast that represented the fundamental Laws of the Ten Thousand Fey Heaven had already been transformed by the Star River Demon Lord, turning into stars that floated in the sky.    


The unique Life aura was circulating continuously at this moment. The power that it was emitting had already reached an indescribable state.    


The fluctuations of the aura in the space were circulating continuously at this moment. The power that it was displaying had already reached an incomparably shocking state.    


Ye Feng had also sensed the changes in the aura. The source of his body was constantly evolving, and it was emitting a kind of aura that ordinary people could not understand.    


This kind of power that exceeded the limit was continuously evolving at this moment. The fluctuation of this power was also showing the foundation of his body.    


As he silently experienced this kind of energy, the ripples of the aura that was emitted from the depths of the void became incomparably pure.    


After experiencing the changes of the energy in the spatial zone, Ye Feng's eyes shone brightly. It had reached an unimaginable level.    


"It has been quiet for such a long time, but they still haven't made any moves. I'm afraid they are already waiting for us outside."    


At this moment, Ye Feng was muttering to himself. The aura in his body was circulating continuously, as if it could explode at any time.    


An unimaginable power was brewing in his body. The aura that was being emitted became even more unique.    


In the short period of time that he was talking, the origin energy of the world had completely merged into Ye Feng's body, allowing his bloodline avatar to take shape.    


"Perhaps, they have already made their preparations and are waiting for us to jump into this pit." Star River Demon Sovereign said with a smile.    


No matter what, the aura of these two had already reached an extremely powerful level. The energy that was being emitted from the spatial zone had also become exceptionally terrifying.    


That sort of attribute power that surpassed the limit spread out in an instant. It was as though it wanted to completely suppress everything.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out in an instant. That kind of extremely terrifying energy fluctuation was circulating continuously at this moment, and it had reached an unprecedented level.    


Ye Feng's eyes sparkled as he felt the changes of the aura in his body.    


The energy in the outside world was constantly evolving, and the aura that was being emitted had reached an unprecedented level.    


The Galaxy Demon Lord did not have any doubts about this. He just arranged for his own star energy to be used to plan the flow of the source energy in this space.    


The source world of the Ten Thousand Fey Heaven was based on the life and death of the demon soul as its starting point and ending point.    


All of the Law trajectories were reflected on the bodies of the Demonic Beast, and they finally formed a complete Law of the World.    


But now, this power was no longer suitable for the Laws of the entire world.    


The Galaxy Demon Lord had already completely suppressed this power, and he was using the stars he had gathered to control the foundation of this world.    


As such, every single star that he condensed corresponded to the lives of the various powerful beings.    


Or, it could be said that this was fate.    


But no matter what, this extremely powerful aura was constantly changing in the void. The power it emitted had reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


That kind of attribute power that exceeded the limit kept exploding at this moment. It even wanted to completely suppress this space.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds reverberated wildly at this moment. The aura that was being emitted had already reached an indescribable level.    


Time rotated. The time between the heavens and the earth seemed to have no constraints as it continued to surge forward.    


During this process, Ye Feng was also continuously calming down the aura in his body. Four incomparably powerful avatars of giants were displaying their own strength.    


At the same time, a powerful force was being nurtured in the Super Dimensional Void, pushing the aura in his body to constantly change.    


This kind of extremely pure attribute energy was constantly evolving between the heaven and earth, and the aura that was being emitted became unusually pure.    


As the heaven and earth swallowed and swallowed this kind of aura fluctuation, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became unusually bright.    


At this moment, an attribute energy that surpassed the limit erupted.    


The aura in the Super Dimensional Void also received the energy that Ye Feng had released, as if it could no longer resist Ye Feng's circulation of the aura.    


This caused the will of the Super Dimensional Void to become even more furious. The source energy in its body was constantly erupting.    


* Hong Long...... *    


Every time Ye Feng fully grasped this kind of power, the fluctuation of the aura that erupted from the depths of the void would become even more terrifying.    


"It seems like they can't wait any longer."    


Sensing this kind of power, the expression of the Star River Demon Sovereign was also quite strange, as if he was eager to give it a try.    


The power that he had grasped was circulating continuously at this moment. The pressure that he was emitting had already reached an indescribable level.    


The strength of the Galactic Demon Lord was already quite terrifying after he had advanced to a Supreme Overlord. The aura that he was emitting was not something that an ordinary Supreme Overlord could withstand.    


Not to mention that he was now backed by the Myriad Demon Heavens. No, it should be said that he was now in the Heavenly Star Realm.    


He had a Supreme Heavenly Realm supporting him from behind.    


The Star River Demon Sovereign's strength had also advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching the peak of the Supreme Powerhouses.    


Perhaps in the future, the Star River Demon Sovereign would be able to borrow the power of the stars to continuously polish the world and make the power he grasped even stronger. However, that would be something that could not be accomplished overnight.    


At this moment, the aura that the Star River Demon Sovereign was emitting had already reached a level that ordinary people could not even begin to imagine.    


That sort of attribute power that surpassed the limits of the world was erupting continuously at this moment, as though it was going to completely destroy this entire space.    


The attribute power that had surpassed the limits was unleashed at an extremely fast speed, and it vibrated towards the void, as though it wanted to destroy everything.    


"Since you're already here, why are you still hiding? Come out."    


Under such a terrifying shockwave of the aura, there was no one who could hide anymore. They were all forced out by the Star River Demon Sovereign.    


The destructive aura that was beyond their imagination was erupting continuously at this moment. The power that it had unleashed had already reached an extremely powerful state.    


The energy ripples formed by the continuous evolution of this terrifying aura between the heavens and the earth were extremely terrifying as well.    


Ye Feng's expression was a little strange when he sensed the aura that was being emitted from the bodies of the four opponents.    


This kind of energy was also very pure and unique. The aura ripples that were emitted from it had reached an extremely shocking level.    


Ye Feng could also feel the purest source energy of the world from their bodies. However, the source energy that exceeded the limit of the Heaven Realm wasn't something that everyone could control.    


"It seems like the other supreme realms have really put in a lot of effort to deal with us.    


I'm afraid that such a technique can only be condensed by damaging the foundation of the Supreme Heavens Realm. This is truly regrettable."    


Terrifying rumbles reverberated between the heaven and earth. Every word of Ye Feng struck the hearts of these people.    


The Star River Demon Sovereign didn't care about anything. He said in an extremely calm tone, "So what?    


What they possess is the source energy of the other worlds. It has nothing to do with us."    


Upon hearing this, Ye Feng shook his head and said in a serious manner.    


"You can't say that, Senior Brother Xing He. The source energy that they have consumed will belong to me in the future.    


Everyone has consumed what should have belonged to me in advance, but they don't feel guilty at all?    


Do you still have any respect for me, your master? Is this the order of the Super Dimensional Void?"    


When they heard Ye Feng's words, not only the experts of the Supreme Heavenly Realm, even the Star River Demon Sovereign was shocked.    


He couldn't help but grin. The Star River Demon Sovereign said with a smile, "If that's the case, they are indeed going too far. In any case, they have to get your permission before they can use the origin force.    


But this is good as well. Since they are provoking us like this, we should teach them a good lesson. "    


How dare you! What do you take us for? How dare you humiliate us like this? "    


"What are you talking to them for? Just kill them now and make them disappear from this world forever. Shut up!"    


"Good idea!"    


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