Sky War God

C3603 Sky Battlefield

C3603 Sky Battlefield

In the following period of time, Ye Feng was seriously cultivating. The aura in his body was circulating at its maximum speed.    


Especially the light of fortune that he had just cultivated, it made the power that Ye Feng could control become even stronger.    


When he felt this aura, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the aura in his body had reached an unimaginable level.    


The energy that was emitted from the countless light had even reached a level that ordinary people could not reach.    


The energy had completely returned to his body. Ye Feng had also completely condensed this energy in an extremely short period of time.    


The origin energy in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed. The energy that was being emitted had even exceeded the imagination of ordinary people.    


All kinds of metal energy in the world were gathering in Ye Feng's direction at an extremely fast speed.    


Even the giant divine peak was shocked.    


One should know that the giant divine peak was the pinnacle cultivator in this world. The power and strength that it controlled were beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


According to the classification of realms that Ye Feng knew about, his strength had already reached the peak of the Heavenly God realm.    


As long as he could obtain a suitable Cultivation Method, he would be able to unleash all the energy in his body, and the energy he released would be enough to suppress the entire spatial zone.    


In fact, it wouldn't be difficult for him to create a complete world with that kind of energy.    


When he felt the change of the power, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter. The aura he released was so powerful that it was beyond the reach of ordinary people.    


The spiritual light kept absorbing the Metal-type Strength between the heavens and earth, giving birth to an incomparably huge force of creation. It was an inspiration to any living being.    


If Ye Feng could transform the outer shell of his body into this kind of spiritual light and nurture their essence bit by bit, his combat strength would continue to increase.    


It could even be said that he could try to condense that kind of power that he couldn't touch, the Magnetite Divine Light.    


However, to condense such a powerful power, it was not something that could be successfully cultivated in a short period of time.    


Ye Feng still needed a long time to melt the terrifying energy and release it completely.    


The aura in his body was also circulating the energy in his body at this moment. It was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


With the circulation of this aura, the energy in the surrounding space had become even stronger.    


Such a cultivation speed was hard to imagine even on the Giant God Peak.    


Previously, Ye Feng's cultivation required him to assist him in gathering the energy of the heaven and earth and merging it into his body.    


However, after Ye Feng cultivated the light of creation, the energy of the heaven and earth automatically converged in his direction, as if it was trying to push his cultivation base to a higher realm.    


Sensing such a change, even the giant divine peak felt incomparably gratified. It seemed that the force that could help Ye Feng improve his cultivation base had already reached an extremely powerful realm.    


No one knew how long Ye Feng had been cultivating for, but a strange fluctuation suddenly came from the entire spatial zone.    


In the sky, a strange light was gathering, emitting an incomparably powerful mind, as if it wanted to pull all the metal life forms in this world into the sky.    


Even Ye Feng couldn't resist the release of this power. The aura in his body seemed to have reached an unimaginable level.    


However, the force that was emitted from the sky completely ignored Ye Feng's resistance. It kept dragging him upwards.    


When he realized this force, it was not the time for him to resist. A bright light emerged in Ye Feng's eyes.    


After that, the light of fortune changed, and the aura it released was even stronger than what an ordinary person could imagine.    


With the help of this force, Ye Feng locked onto the body of the giant divine peak. He wanted to use the force of the giant divine peak to maintain the stability of his body so that he wouldn't be dragged into the void by the force.    


However, unexpectedly, the giant divine peak trembled slightly and severed its connection with Ye Feng.    


"Young man, this is your opportunity. How can you reject it? Go and try it."    


A deep voice sounded out from the rift, and the energy it gave off reached a terrifying level.    


The aura surged into Ye Feng's body, causing his aura to become incomparably powerful.    


With the support of such a force, the energy in Ye Feng's body was also increasing at an extremely fast speed. The energy that was being emitted was even about to break through a special realm, suppressing everything in this world.    


However, before Ye Feng could stabilize his condition, the aura that was being emitted from the spatial zone had already reached a level that no ordinary person could reach.    


The energy that he had gathered had been completely suppressed by the aura in a very short period of time.    


This energy caused all the energy in the surrounding spatial zone to go completely silent. There was no threat at all.    


Under the guidance of this energy, Ye Feng flew into the spatial zone without any resistance.    


The Metal-type Strength between the heavens and earth became extremely active, as if it was going to envelop the entire spatial zone.    


The energy emitted by this aura had even reached a level that an ordinary person could not reach. It was a completely different type of aura, and it seemed as if it was going to completely suppress everything in this space.    


After experiencing such a change, Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably bright. The source energy in his body had even broken through a special realm.    


When he sensed this kind of energy, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright.    


It was as if everything in the world was going to change. Such a terrifying energy was going to break through to a higher level.    


At this moment, Ye Feng had gradually stabilized his condition and was carefully observing his surroundings.    


This spatial zone contained the energy that Ye Feng couldn't understand before. Countless amounts of metal energy were converging at this moment, forming an incomparably bright light.    


This light seemed to be similar to the light of creation he had condensed, but he still possessed the purest source energy in this world.    


Although these lights were incomparably bright, their bodies were incomparably real. Even Ye Feng's body could withstand them completely. It even gave him a slight pressure.    


One should know that Ye Feng had already fully integrated into this world. The energy in his body had reached an unimaginable level.    


Being able to reach such a level was also a great help to Ye Feng. The aura that was being emitted from his body was incomparably powerful.    


There were only a few people who could bring him pressure.    


Furthermore, the light in this void battlefield wasn't the only one.    


Ye Feng could feel that there were still many people who were arriving at this battlefield through a special suction force.    


Every time a metallic lifeform descended, the light in this spatial zone would become stronger.    


In other words, the energy of this battlefield was condensed from the origin aura of all metallic lifeforms.    


In order to break free from the constraints of this place, one had to defeat all the people present here. Only by leaving only one of them behind would one be able to leave this place.    


Sensing such a change, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became brighter.    


This world was too magical. Every movement of his could emit a power that ordinary people couldn't understand. If he could truly control the energy in this world, it would be an unprecedented help to him.    


In this very short period of time, the strength in his body had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach. The aura that was emitted from his every movement was extremely terrifying.    


Countless attribute energies were gathering crazily, causing the pressure on the battlefield to become stronger and stronger. Even the cultivation base of these metallic beings was being suppressed intensely.    


If one's control over one's own strength wasn't complete, the aura in one's body would fall to an extremely powerful level at this moment.    


Only those with incomparably firm foundations wouldn't be affected by the outside world during this period of time. Instead, they would be able to continuously strengthen their foundations.    


Under such an environment, naturally, they would not be affected. Someone took the initiative to make a move first. Instead, he activated all the strength in his body to sense the changes in the surrounding environment.    


Now, these people knew that everything in the surroundings was under the control of others. The energy emitted by this aura was so powerful that it was beyond the reach of an ordinary person.    


If they allowed this aura to be released, the energy in the entire spatial zone would reach an unimaginable and terrifying realm.    


It could even be said that Ye Feng's own power would undergo a complete transformation in this short period of time. Such a powerful aura could even destroy the entire world.    


In the next moment, this terrifying force began circulating crazily. The powerful aura that was gathered here seemed as if it wanted to completely suppress everything in this world.    


Countless destructive power were spreading crazily in the void. The aura that was being emitted had reached a realm that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Facing such a force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, as if it was going to seal everything in this world.    


With a loud bang, the entire spatial zone shook violently. At this moment, the power of law between the heavens and earth had completely closed, and nothing could be changed.    


Sensing the change of the aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely huge, and the power in his body became even greater. It circulated at an extremely fast speed.    


The radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more intense when faced with such an aura. Everything in his body was present. * Hong Long...... *    


At this moment, all the energy in Ye Feng's body had reached an extreme. The aura that was being emitted was gathering at an extremely fast speed.    


A rain of light was raining down from the sky, landing on the bodies of these metallic beings.    


The more Ye Feng sensed, the more he could sense that the aura that was being emitted from this spatial zone had a special life force that allowed these metallic beings to continuously refine their bodies and reach a higher realm.    


However, Ye Feng was different from them. When he received this energy, the natural source aura would merge with his body, causing the natal spirit light he cultivated to become even brighter.    


If he could continuously absorb this rain of light, the aura in his body would definitely grow at an extremely fast speed, or even break through to a higher realm.    


When he sensed the changes in the aura, the energy in Ye Feng's body was circulating at an extremely fast speed. The energy that was being emitted was even about to break through to a special realm.    


In an instant, Ye Feng also sensed the information contained within the light.    


This kind of rain of light would continue to fall in the Sky Battlefield, but the environment of the battlefield would continue to shrink.    


Every time someone touched the edge of the battlefield, they would lose the right to obtain this power, and they would also be greatly suppressed.    


If this suppression was irresistible, then the aura that was being emitted from the spatial zone would directly expel him from the Sky Battlefield.    


At that time, all the resources in this battle would leave him, and he would only be able to maintain the strength he had obtained.    


It was very obvious that this was a golden age for cultivation. At this moment, the Sky Battlefield beneath his feet was the best place for cultivation in this world.    


The powerful pressure contained within the spatial zone could continuously temper the source of a person, causing the aura they controlled to become even stronger.    


The rain of light in the sky would also emit an extremely powerful force, causing one's source energy to become stronger.    


However, this sort of cultivation also had a certain limit. If one was unable to withstand the attacks of the people around them, they would be pushed out of the array.    


At that time, the pressure they would face would be incomparably huge. The aura emitted from their bodies would continuously crumble during this period of time.    


Once he was unable to withstand such a terrifying pressure, the aura within his body would completely collapse within a very short period of time. Moreover, it would be completely suppressed by the energy within the spatial zone.    


Once he left the battlefield, such an excellent training environment would disappear completely, and even the resources in this round would have no fate with him in the end.    


If it was to increase one's own strength, no one would give up in this battle. Such an opportunity would allow him to rush to the center of the formation in an extremely short period of time.    


This would allow one to continuously stabilize one's condition and rapidly increase one's cultivation base.    


When Ye Feng sensed this aura, an incomparably bright light emerged in his eyes.    


Finally, Ye Feng felt some other rules.    


In this Sky Battlefield, no one was allowed to fight. If one could defeat his opponent, not only would he obtain a large amount of energy, but his own origin aura would also improve to a certain extent.    


Furthermore, loser would also be expelled from this place, and the energy in his body would be returned to the battlefield.    


In the end, the aura that victor could obtain would also obtain all the remaining energy in the battlefield.    


Such a reward was enough to make everyone's eyes turn red, and they would even go crazy from killing in such an environment.    


Despite Ye Feng's tough mentality, after hearing such a response, the energy in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


It was as if he wanted nothing more than to suppress everything in this world. The Origin aura in his body had reached an unimaginable realm.    


The energy that he had gathered... At this moment, it was circulating at an extremely fast speed. The energy that was emitted was completely unleashed in a very short period of time.    


In an instant, the incomparably terrifying aura completely spread out. Those powerful destructive power seemed to want to completely destroy everything in this world.    


The surrounding metallic life forms no longer had any fear at this moment. They directly unleashed the energy within their bodies.    


Countless Destruction aura burst forth with terrifying soundwaves in the void. It spread across the battlefield at an extremely fast speed.    


That was the expert of the metallic lifeform. Without any hesitation, he unleashed his most powerful technique, as if he was trying to clear out the battlefield and spread his power to the surrounding environment.    


Sensing such an aura, Ye Feng's eyes sparkled with a brilliant light. The source energy in his body was quickly retracted, forming a protective barrier.    


Those terrifying attacks spread out at this moment, crazily attacking Ye Feng's body.    


Not only everyone in Ye Feng's battlefield had been locked onto by these chaotic attacks, they could be completely defeated by this aura at any time.    


It could even be said that many metallic life forms were unable to withstand such a terrifying force, and completely collapsed in a very short period of time.    


The defeat of these metallic lifeforms was naturally directly expelled from the Sky Battlefield. In an extremely short period of time, the densely packed environment of the Sky Battlefield became much thinner.    


This Sky Battle was targeted at all living beings in the entire world. Every metallic lifeform that had reached a certain realm was being pulled by this aura at this moment.    


Now that these experts had unleashed their full power, the metallic lifeforms naturally couldn't withstand such a terrifying attack.    


In an extremely short period of time, many metallic lifeforms had already fallen due to this.    


At the same time, a large number of pure aura descended from the sky, as if wanting to raise everyone's strength to a whole new level.    


Although Ye Feng didn't take the initiative to attack before, the energy that was released from his body couldn't help but reflect some of the attacks that landed on his body.    


Some of the cultivators who weren't particularly powerful were intimidated by this energy at the first moment.    


Their bodies were destroyed by Ye Feng's self-rebounding force, and they were separated from the battlefield.    


Because of this, Ye Feng had killed quite a number of experts in the chaotic battle earlier, and the aura he released was even more terrifying.    


Sensing such a force, the aura in Ye Feng's body was also present. It spread at an extremely fast speed, and the defensive barrier it formed became even stronger.    


The aura that was being emitted from the spatial zone was even more powerful than what an ordinary person could imagine. The energy that was being emitted from each of its actions had reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


When he looked at the energy again, the light in Ye Feng's eyes had reached an unimaginable level. The continuous spreading of the aura made everything in the surrounding spatial zone seem as if it was going to collapse completely.    


Countless rays of light continued to spread in the void. The aura that was being emitted had reached an unimaginable realm.    


Under the impact of this power, the source energy in his body was spreading at an extremely fast speed. The ripples that formed seemed to want to completely destroy the entire space.    


As he felt this aura, the Origin Energy in his body was spreading out at an extremely fast speed, forming ripples that even wanted to calm the entire world down.    


At the same time, the experts within the metallic lifeforms were also choosing their opponents, as if they wanted to completely suppress everyone.    


Countless destructive undulations were frantically expanding. The aura that was being emitted was about to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Sensing the destructive power contained within these attacks, the aura in Ye Feng's body became more and more dangerous.    


In a very short period of time, this incomparably terrifying aura began to spread crazily. The energy waves formed by it seemed to want to completely suppress everything.    


At this moment, the Heavenly Demon Golden Body Technique was also being unleashed continuously.    


The powerful devourer formed by the Heavenly Devil Power devoured all the residual waves in the surrounding space. The portion of the metal aura contained within was absorbed by Ye Feng's body.    


The remaining portion of the energy was also covered by his metal outer shell. The pressure that was emitted from it was beyond the imagination of an ordinary person.    


Faced with such an impact, the attitude that Ye Feng showed was also unprecedentedly powerful. The energy that was released from his every move had reached a level that ordinary people could never reach.    


When he felt this terrifying aura, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright.    


"This kind of battle is really interesting."    


As he spoke, the incomparably terrifying aura had already erupted from Ye Feng's body and formed a destructive fluctuation. It had reached a realm that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


In the next moment, these terrifying aura began to erupt crazily. The energy they released was simply about to destroy everything in the world.    


Countless destructive ripples spread crazily in the space, forming the aura. It had even reached a realm that ordinary people could not even imagine.    


In an extremely short period of time, these ripples of destruction had reached an extremely powerful stage. Even the Origin aura in the spatial zone would be completely destroyed.    


Many of the metallic creatures in the surroundings were incomparably shocked after sensing the terrifying power unleashed by Ye Feng. The aura that was unleashed from their bodies was also being suppressed intensely.    


However, in an instant, the energy within their bodies had completely erupted. The destructive power that they were releasing was so powerful that it could even destroy the entire spatial zone.    


Sensing such an intense pressure, everyone present... * Hong Long...... *    


The aura that was released from Ye Feng's body was just too terrifying. The energy that was released from it was beyond anyone's imagination.    


Such a powerful fluctuation was able to release a terrifying energy within a very short period of time.    


Even these experts had some fear when facing Ye Feng. They didn't dare to fight him alone.    


Under such circumstances, they would naturally do their best to send Ye Feng away from the battlefield.    


Terrifying waves of destruction spread out in the void. The terrifying aura that was unleashed seemed as if it was going to completely destroy everyone present.    


In the next instant, the aura in Ye Feng's body spread out, forming a defensive barrier that reached an extremely terrifying level.    


That ball of light of fortune was even more powerful than it had ever been before. It immediately emitted an incomparably terrifying radiance.    


In the next moment, those terrifying destructive attacks had already landed on Ye Feng's body.    


Countless destructive power erupted crazily in this extreme period of time. The aura that was unleashed was as if it was going to completely destroy everything in the spatial zone.    


Sensing such a powerful impact, the energy in Ye Feng's body was also present. It erupted at an extremely fast speed.    


The frenzied release of the aura caused the surrounding spatial energy to distort, as if everything in the world was going to be destroyed.    


Sensing such a change, the energy in Ye Feng's body was circulating at an extremely fast speed. This kind of terrifying aura had reached a level that ordinary people could never hope to reach.    


In an instant, an extremely terrifying attack burst out. The vibrating power unleashed by Ye Feng completely ignored the attack unleashed by them. It immediately struck their bodies.    


Although these people were considered powerful experts, they had no way to resist Ye Feng. They would definitely be crushed to death in the shortest amount of time.    


Sure enough, the moment the collision occurred, countless destructive aura descended. The few metal life forms closest to Ye Feng were instantly killed by the vibrating power unleashed by Ye Feng.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could feel an extremely powerful source of life force surging into his body.    


The ball of life spirit light that he had comprehended had undergone a tremendous transformation at this moment. The source energy in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


Sensing the transformation of this energy, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably bright. The energy that was emitted from his body had even reached a realm that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


At this moment, the Origin aura in his body had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


The space was constantly filled with a powerful force, as if it wanted to suppress everything in this world.    


An incomparably terrifying power of attributes was crazily spreading and gathering in the void. It was so powerful that it wanted to completely destroy everything in the world.    


It was also at this moment that those terrifying aura erupted crazily. Some experts could even feel Ye Feng's current condition. In an extremely short period of time, he was able to completely release the energy in his body.    


Such a powerful force was spreading crazily in the spatial zone. It was like it was going to completely suppress everything in the world.    


In that instant, the Origin aura in his body began to erupt crazily. That powerful destructive fluctuation was simply about to destroy all the forces in this world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded in the void. The powerful aura that was being emitted was about to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Even Ye Feng couldn't help but frown when he felt this aura. The source energy in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


In an instant, someone had already guided the terrifying destructive power to Ye Feng's body. This terrifying aura seemed to want to destroy everything in this world.    


Such a terrifying aura was unleashed, causing everything in the surrounding space to reach a level that ordinary people could not reach. The ripples of destruction were so powerful that it could even destroy the entire space.    


In the next moment, the source energy of the peak body began to erupt crazily. That powerful aura was enough to change everything in the world.    


Without any hesitation, the source aura in his body had completely spread out in a very short period of time, forming ripples of destruction. It seemed as if it was going to completely suppress the entire world.    


There was nothing. Due to the attributes of his body, the energy in his body had begun to explode continuously. The destructive aura that was being emitted was spreading crazily in all directions.    


There were also many experts present who were constantly circulating their source energy. However, at this moment, the aura that had gathered in the spatial zone had already reached a realm that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


In an extremely short period of time, this terrifying energy had already begun to spread wildly. The destructive fluctuation that it formed was enough to completely destroy everything in the spatial zone.    


Many experts quickly gathered their power at this moment, as if they wanted to completely suppress everything in this world.    


However, even though this aura was powerful, it was unable to reverse the entire space. The source energy in his body was constantly circulating, and at this moment, it completely erupted.    


At this very moment, Ye Feng condensed the most powerful aura in his body. That terrifying power had even reached a level that ordinary people could not reach.    


The light of fortune flew out from Ye Feng's body and slashed towards the surroundings.    


At this moment, the light of fortune that Ye Feng had created had condensed into a treasured sword, and it was emitting an unprecedented sharp force.    


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