Sky War God

C3604 Creation as a Sword

C3604 Creation as a Sword

Gathering the incomparably powerful force of creation in his body, the aura unleashed by Ye Feng had reached an unimaginable realm.    


Those dazzling rays of light quickly gathered together, forming ripples that reached an unimaginable level. That energy was so powerful that it could even suppress everything in the surrounding space.    


At the same time, there was also an extremely pure aura formed by the force of creation, which seemed to resonate with the entire world.    


Sensing such a force, Ye Feng could also sense the aura in his body. * Hong Long...... *    


At the same time, the attribute energy emitted from the spatial zone became extremely terrifying. Those experts could also sense the powerful force coming from Ye Feng's body.    


In a very short period of time, countless terrifying aura spread across the void. The energy that was emitted from them had even reached a realm that ordinary people could not reach.    


The dazzling sword light flashed and released a power that seemed to be able to kill all the living matter in the entire space.    


The Creation Sword Light that Ye Feng had cultivated possessed unimaginable power. It was able to destroy all the living aura in a very short period of time.    


At this moment, the Creation Spirit Light in his body had merged with the Sword Qi, and the power that was unleashed from it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The creatures that were charging at Ye Feng could also feel the terrifying aura. In a very short period of time, all the energy in their bodies was unleashed.    


The incomparably powerful vibrating power occupied the entire spatial zone at an extremely fast speed, as if it was going to completely destroy everything in the world.    


Sensing such a terrifying power, the aura in Ye Feng's body circulated at an extremely fast speed, as if it was going to destroy everything in the spatial zone.    


These terrifying attacks collided with each other in a very short period of time.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was heard, and the energy it emitted had reached an unimaginable level.    


Sensing the vibration of this energy, Ye Feng's eyes lit up. The source energy in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


This aura was completely unleashed at this moment. The energy it emitted had reached an unimaginable level.    


The terrifying destructive power was circulating crazily in the spatial zone, and it seemed as if it was going to completely destroy the entire spatial zone.    


This aura had completely erupted at this moment, completely destroying everything in the surrounding space. Facing this kind of pressure, the expressions of those experts present became incomparably solemn.    


The strength that Ye Feng had displayed was truly too terrifying. Even if they used all their strength, they were still somewhat unable to withstand it.    


If Ye Feng was allowed to continue growing like this, none of the people present would be a match for him.    


In just a very short period of time, the aura that was released from the void had become even more terrifying. Those experts did everything they could to gather their strength and crush Ye Feng.    


In just a very short period of time, this terrifying aura was completely unleashed. The ripples of destruction formed by it could even destroy the entire heaven and earth.    


The powerful waves that were unleashed by the combination of these energies had even reached an unimaginable realm of Ye Feng.    


Countless metal energies were gathered together, as if they were going to transform into a virtual world.    


Dazzling golden light bloomed at this moment, like a sun.    


An extremely powerful destructive power fell at an extremely fast speed at this moment, directly enveloping Ye Feng's body.    


The metal shell that was in charge of Ye Feng's body was unable to withstand such a terrifying attack. It was melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.    


Even the source energy that Ye Feng had condensed with all his strength seemed to be completely destroyed by the impact of the aura.    


Faced with such a terrifying pressure, the source energy aura in Ye Feng's body was even more powerful. It circulated at an extremely fast speed, and the Chaotic Force connected with the Origin Energy of the entire world and started to condense.    


Golden rays of light burst out from Ye Feng's body. The origin force of the world was converging at an extremely fast speed, as if it wanted to completely suppress everything in this spatial zone.    


Sensing such a force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually bright. The aura and the origin energy of the heaven and earth were constantly interweaving in his body, forming ripples that reached a level that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


In this very short period of time, the source energy in his body was crazily releasing the ripples, and it seemed like it was going to completely suppress the entire spatial zone.    


The two terrifying energies finally collided. Ye Feng immediately felt an extremely powerful wave of destruction descending on him. * Hong Long...... *    


Such a terrifying aura was about to completely suppress the energy that was being emitted from the spatial zone. It had even reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


In an extremely short period of time, those terrifying energies had already descended upon Ye Feng's body. Layer after layer, they destroyed the metal shell that he had condensed. They even wanted to destroy all the energy that Ye Feng could control at his fastest speed.    


Despite Ye Feng's strength, no matter how powerful he was in the face of such terrifying pressure, the origin force in his body couldn't help but tremble.    


In order to suppress such a terrifying aura, the energy gathered from his body had reached an unimaginable realm.    


The destructive aura that was unleashed from his every move had already reached an unimaginable level. The destructive waves that were formed from the continuous eruption of that energy were about to break through some kind of special boundary.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's expression didn't change at all. The Origin aura in his body was also present. Such a terrifying force was spreading crazily in the void, causing the entire spatial zone to shake continuously.    


Realizing this change, the Origin Energy within the peak body circulated at a speed that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


The Origin Energy within his body was being released at a rapid speed, and the incomparably bright golden light that was being emitted was surging at an extremely fast speed.    


All the metal energy in the surrounding space had been gathered here. The origin energy that Ye Feng was controlling at this moment had also reached a level that no ordinary person could compare with.    


In this very short period of time, the origin energy in Ye Feng's body had begun to erupt continuously.    


When those terrifying destructive attacks landed on the peak body, they were actually devoured by a special ability.    


Ye Feng's Heavenly Devil Golden Body Art had also been fully circulated at this moment. The energy it emitted had even exceeded the limits of Ye Feng's imagination.    


The metal aura in the surrounding space was completely unleashed. Under the suppression of the chaotic force, it quickly merged into Ye Feng's body, and was about to explode out with its most powerful force.    


Countless attributes of the aura spread crazily in the void, and it seemed like it was going to completely destroy everything in this world.    


A terrifying destructive attack was spreading crazily in the void. The eruption of the aura could even engulf the entire world.    


The terrifying vibrating power that erupted at this moment caused the entire void to shake like never before. Countless destructive power could once again expand at a rapid rate.    


However, facing such an attack once again, Ye Feng's expression was incomparably calm, as if he had no fear at all.    


The source energy in his body was fully unleashed at this moment, and the energy unleashed by the aura had reached a level that ordinary people could never hope to reach.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's figure suddenly transformed into a ray of light of fortune. The powerful aura around his body was completely unleashed.    


In this very short period of time, the source energy of the world began to violently surge, crazily gathering in Ye Feng's direction.    


The Origin aura in his body had also been circulated to its maximum state. The pure energy of the attribute had completely unleashed its power.    


In an instant, the Origin Energy in the world began circulating uncontrollably. The powerful aura was so powerful that it could even suppress the entire world.    


At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes had reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people. This kind of powerful destructive fluctuation was so powerful that it could even suppress the entire heaven and earth.    


The power that was emitted from his body had reached an unimaginable level. He exerted all of his strength to circulate every single aura in the Divine Melody, allowing this power to advance to a higher level in a short period of time.    


The characteristics of the Heavenly Devil Golden Body had already reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine. The Devouring Power that was emitted from his every move was enough to completely engulf the entire space.    


The eruption of this power could even completely suppress the entire spatial zone. The energy that was emitted from it could even reach an extremely terrifying level.    


Facing such an aura, Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all. He immediately circulated the source energy in his body.    


The energy contained in his body was completely unleashed at this moment. The terrifying aura was completely unleashed at this moment.    


The extremely powerful fluctuation of the attributes also unleashed all of its energy at this moment. It was as if the aura within his body was going to be completely spread out.    


The metallic creatures were incomparably shocked when they felt this energy fluctuation. They couldn't imagine what kind of powerful strength Ye Feng possessed to be able to change such a situation.    


"It's impossible. Who exactly is this guy? How can he have such powerful strength?"    


"The power he controls is completely different from ours. The aura he releases is even more dangerous."    


"To us, such a power is too terrifying. It seems like it can kill our souls in the shortest amount of time."    


"No matter how powerful our bodies are, they won't be able to resist such a terrifying attack. Just who is he?"    


The experts present were extremely furious when they sensed the terrifying power unleashed by Ye Feng. They circulated the aura in their bodies with all their might, as if they wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


However, no matter how powerful the aura they contained was or how much strength they used to unleash, the Creation Sword Light that Ye Feng slashed out had already reached a terrifying realm.    


The extremely terrifying aura of destruction was spreading wildly in the void, releasing powerful ripples that could even kill all the living beings on the scene.    


This powerful attribute energy was crazily unleashed in the void. An incomparably terrifying destructive aura spread out in a very short period of time, as if it was going to destroy everything in this world.    


In this very short period of time, the elemental force that was emitted from the void had reached an unimaginable realm. Those terrifying destructive aura completely erupted at this moment.    


The energy waves that had been formed spread out in a very short period of time. A powerful energy of that attribute had descended in Ye Feng's direction.    


When he felt this aura, the source energy in his body was also churning crazily. He didn't have any fear when faced with this terrifying pressure.    


With a wave of his hand, the dazzling starlight was unleashed, unleashing a powerful force that seemed to want to destroy everything in this world.    


Countless destructive ripples spread across the void, forming a powerful aura that wanted to completely destroy this world.    


Sensing such a terrifying power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became stronger and stronger. The power of his attribute spread out in a very short period of time.    


Countless destructive ripples spread crazily in the void. The destructive aura that spread out merged with Ye Feng's sword light of fortune.    


However, Ye Feng's force of creation had already reached an unimaginable realm. The aura that was unleashed from his every move was beyond imagination.    


It was as if in a very short period of time, such a terrifying force had been suppressed by an unprecedented force. The Origin aura in his body was spreading at an incredible speed.    


The destructive power that filled the spatial zone crumbled under Ye Feng's slash. There was no way for them to resist at all.    


The purest attribute energy was torn apart by Ye Feng. The powerful aura contained within was returned to its purest form, the Metal-type Strength.    


The Heavenly Demon Golden Body Technique was still circulating continuously. The aura that was being emitted had reached a terrifying level.    


The energy between the heavens and the earth was pulled over by Ye Feng and attached to the metal shell that he had cultivated. The source energy contained within was directly refined by the Heavenly Devil Metal Body Technique.    


The scattered light that was emitted from Ye Feng's body was also attached to Ye Feng's body, causing the aura to become even more terrifying.    


This kind of power seemed to want to release all the attributes in his body, and completely quell the changes in the Spiritual Qi in the spatial zone.    


No matter what kind of expert it was, when they felt this power, the aura emitted from their bodies would be greatly suppressed.    


At this moment, the source energy in Ye Feng's body had completely erupted. The power of the Creation Sword Light had become even more terrifying.    


Sensing such a terrifying aura, the source energy in Ye Feng's body became even more terrifying. He circulated his powerful attribute at an extremely fast speed and unleashed his power in a very short period of time.    


"You want to kill me with just this bit of power? You really don't know what's good for you."    


Ye Feng didn't hesitate in the face of those metallic life forms. He immediately unleashed the source energy in his body.    


One had to know how terrifying the aura that was gathered in the peak body was.    


With Ye Feng's talent, even if the Metal-type Strength of the entire world was stacked on his body, there would be a day when it would be completely refined by him, or even break through to a higher realm.    


What Ye Feng needed at this moment was sufficient energy, so that he could continuously improve his cultivation base.    


The aura that was unleashed from this world had already fulfilled all of Ye Feng's needs. The source energy in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed, as if he could suppress everything in this world in a second.    


Sensing such a terrifying energy, everyone was so shocked that they couldn't speak. Countless dazzling starlight fell on their bodies.    


Following that, the sword-light dissipated, and the bodies of these people disappeared as well. Then, these terrifying attributes and powers completely dissipated at this very moment.    


Sensing the terrifying aura filling the spatial zone, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably dangerous.    


Sensing such a force, Ye Feng exerted all of his strength to mobilize the origin force in his body, as if he wanted to completely suppress everything in this spatial zone.    


However, at this moment, an extremely terrifying destructive fluctuation rushed towards Ye Feng.    


That overbearing force seemed to want to completely suppress the entire heaven and earth. The same terrifying force even penetrated into Ye Feng's body.    


Sensing this powerful force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably bright. The aura that he had gathered in his life had become even stronger at this moment.    


With a loud bang, this terrifying aura had completely spread out. Even Ye Feng's body could not withstand it. Such a powerful impact sent him flying backwards.    


The Good Fortune Spirit Light that he had gathered couldn't withstand such a powerful impact. In a very short period of time, it had already left Ye Feng's body, as if it was going to be completely destroyed.    


To Ye Feng who had mastered the Good Fortune Law, such a force couldn't harm his body at all. The powerful force that was gathered in his body... At this moment, it was also condensing at an extremely fast speed.    


Countless functions of creation were awakened at this moment. The aura that was unleashed became even more powerful, as if it wanted to suppress everything in the world.    


Such a change had also allowed Ye Feng's control of his own strength to reach an extremely profound realm. The aura that was unleashed was also attacking the source energy in his body at the fastest speed.    


However, no matter how fast Ye Feng's reaction was, it was impossible for him to stabilize his body in the shortest amount of time. He was pushed out of the Sky Battlefield's range by that force.    


At this moment, Ye Feng felt an unprecedented weight. It was as if a world was pressing down on his back, making him unable to move at all.    


Such an aura made Ye Feng's expression become incomparably solemn. The source energy in his body was circulating continuously, and the Origin aura that he released was resisting with all its might.    


However, the pressure that was pressing down on his body was too terrifying. It was as if the entire world was going to be completely destroyed. The incomparably terrifying destructive aura erupted crazily in a very short period of time.    


Facing such a terrifying pressure... The source energy in Ye Feng's body was still there. It circulated at an extremely fast speed. Countless destructive waves were about to destroy this spatial zone.    


Despite carrying such a heavy force, Ye Feng's body didn't tremble at all. He continued to walk forward slowly.    


Although the pressure in the spatial zone had reached an unimaginable and terrifying realm, the metal Yuan Qi contained within had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach.    


The powerful energy contained within it had been absorbed by Ye Feng in a very short period of time. Some of the origin energy within had even surprised him.    


The light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright when he was able to absorb such a powerful energy. The aura that he had gathered was about to break through some kind of special realm.    


In the next instant, an extremely powerful attribute force spread out. That kind of unimaginable powerful force even suppressed this spatial zone.    


Then, that extremely powerful attribute fluctuation spread out completely at this moment, as if it wanted to completely contain the entire world within its body.    




A terrifying vibration was heard. Ye Feng recalled the power contained in the Heavenly Devil Golden Body. At this moment, he had reached an extremely powerful realm.    


Under the continuous tempering of the metal power, Ye Feng's bones had been completely dyed with a layer of golden color. The powerful energy waves emitted from it could even refine the entire spatial zone.    


The incomparably terrifying aura of Destruction erupted at this moment. The destructive power that was beyond imagination seemed to leave a deep mark in this spatial zone.    


Despite carrying such a terrifying pressure, Ye Feng continued to walk forward step by step, and his body became even more tall and straight.    


After the Heavenly Devil Golden Body Technique had reached the peak of its power, Ye Feng no longer had such a great need for the metal energy in the outside world.    


The Golden Body of the Heavenly Devil Golden Body Technique had reached the Great Completion. As long as Ye Feng could derive the power of the Heavenly Devil to the extreme and turn all of his flesh and blood into Heavenly Devil, he would be able to cultivate the Heavenly Devil Golden Body to the point where his qi and blood would surge endlessly.    


At this stage, Ye Feng's Qi and Blood Heavenly Barrier would be considered complete.    


However, it would still take a long time to push his qi and blood to such a level.    


During this process, Ye Feng had also merged all the metal power gathered in his body into the metal shell outside his body.    


The aura that was crazily condensed by countless force of creation was so powerful that it was beyond the reach of an ordinary person.    


Dazzling golden light burst out from within. Ye Feng had also formed a very powerful force of creation within a very short period of time.    


The light of fortune was wreaking havoc in the surrounding space, causing an unprecedented change to the source energy in the surrounding space.    


The energy emitted from his aura was so great that it reached an unimaginable level.    


After that, the energy that erupted from his aura had exceeded a certain limit, as if it wanted to suppress the entire spatial zone.    


Faced with such a terrifying force, the terrifying pressure that descended from the spatial zone didn't seem to be able to completely suppress Ye Feng's body. Instead, it made him feel like he was being suppressed. * Hong Long...... *    


After returning to the battlefield in the sky, the force that was emitted from Ye Feng's body became even more terrifying.    


Countless rays of light rained down in Ye Feng's direction, nourishing his body and making the light of creation even purer.    


Combined with the powerful energy emitted from his body, Ye Feng was also brewing his own origin energy at an extremely fast speed.    


Even the light sword formed by the force of creation was showing signs of materializing at this moment.    


It could even be said that in the following cultivation, the energy that Ye Feng released would be integrated into this light sword, increasing its power to its peak.    


The metallic beings on the battlefield were completely shocked when they sensed the powerful aura.    


They couldn't imagine why Ye Feng's strength had increased so quickly. His strength hadn't reached such a level the moment he was shot out.    


However, it had only been a short period of time. It had only been a few battles, but the strength in Ye Feng's body had already reached a level that they couldn't ignore. He even wanted to rip apart and refine the surrounding space.    


Countless Destruction aura were expanding crazily. Many experts on the scene unleashed their power at Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed.    


"Kid, you shouldn't have participated in the Sky Battlefield. Leaving now will save your life.    


If you continue to be so reckless, then you will not only face that kind of terrifying intimidation. "    


A metallic lifeform carefully observed Ye Feng's strength. The aura that was being emitted from his body had also reached an extremely terrifying level.    


Such a terrifying power had reached an unimaginable level. Every single movement of the creature would emit a terrifying aura, as if it was going to destroy the entire world.    


If such a force was allowed to spread across the space, it would definitely destroy the entire world in a very short period of time.    


However, Ye Feng didn't hesitate in the face of this force. He just casually waved the Creation Light Sword in his hand.    


The first incomparably pure sword light bloomed at this moment. The aura it emitted was so powerful that it was beyond the reach of an ordinary person.    


This crazy burst of energy was so powerful that it seemed like it could completely suppress the heavens and earth. The incomparably brilliant sharp force slashed at the metallic lifeform's body.    


Its body was naturally unimaginably tough, and it could block most of the power in this world.    


However, this force didn't include the force of creation that Ye Feng had casted.    


The moment he made contact with the force of creation, his body had already suffered an extremely terrifying impact. The origin force that he possessed had caused an unprecedented vibration at this moment.    


The sharpness formed by the incomparably terrifying Creation Sword Light was not something that ordinary people could imagine.    


That terrifying aura was simply about to completely destroy all living beings in this space. Countless destructive power were crazily spreading in the void.    


"Bastard, do you still dare to kill me?"    


Someone roared furiously. The aura that was being emitted from his body had also reached an extremely terrifying state. That terrifying destructive power seemed to be able to suppress this entire space in an instant.    


The other metal life forms also saw Ye Feng's cruelty and dominance. Naturally, they would not allow him to continue his violence.    


The origin force in his body had spread out in an instant, forming a destructive wave that was enough to completely suppress the entire heaven and earth.    


In an instant, these destructive power had completely spread out, completely suppressing the space in this area.    


The metallic radiance formed by the combination of these energies had already reached an extremely terrifying realm. No matter how strong a expert was, when faced with this kind of pressure, they wouldn't be able to resist at all.    


However, these attacks had no effect on Ye Feng. In just a very short period of time, the source energy in his body had begun circulating crazily.    


In just a few breaths of time, the source aura in his body had reached an extremely terrifying level. The metal shells surrounding his body instantly crumbled.    


Ye Feng himself also turned into a streamer and fused with the Creation Light Sword he had condensed.    


The powerful energy waves emitted by the superposition of these two powers had exceeded the imagination of ordinary people. That kind of terrifying destructive attack was circulating crazily at this moment. The energy it emitted was about to explode completely in a very short period of time.    


In an instant, the dazzling sword light slashed at everyone present. The incomparably brilliant light had already spread out completely.    


When the metallic beings felt the pressure, they were at a loss, as if they were unable to resist the attack unleashed by Ye Feng.    


At this moment, a melodious Bells sounded out in the spatial zone.    


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