Sky War God

C3650 Kill!

C3650 Kill!

An extremely terrifying aura vibrated in the depths of the void. This kind of powerful force that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people also erupted with an extremely terrifying pressure at this moment.    


Even the Doomsday Sovereign's gaze became extremely shocked when he felt this kind of power. The Origin Energy in his body was trembling at an extremely fast speed, as if all the energy in his body had been completely suppressed by his opponent.    


An incomparably terrifying destructive power was blooming in the depths of the void. A terrifying energy that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people was erupting crazily at this moment, causing the entire spatial zone to enter an extremely strange state.    


An extremely terrifying doomsday force spread out in an instant, causing the entire world to shake violently. The destructive ripples formed by it were so strong that it seemed like it was going to devour the entire space.    


The strength of both parties was beyond imagination. At this moment, the terrifying aura that had gathered caused the entire space to tremble continuously. The energy contained within had even reached a limit.    


In the next instant, the two forces collided. A terrifying rumbling sound echoed in the void. An incomparably terrifying destructive power crazily erupted at this moment.    


Faced with such a terrifying energy, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. He continued circulating the aura in his body and releasing it forward.    


An extremely terrifying destructive power was crazily spreading out at this moment. The waves of destruction it created had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even hope to reach.    


Under the influence of such a force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright. The source energy in his body was circulating continuously, and it was unleashed towards the wave of destruction in the depths of the void.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could also feel the strength of his opponent. The source energy in his body was circulating continuously, and the aura that was being emitted was becoming more and more terrifying.    


The expression of Doomsday Sovereign became even uglier. The source energy in his body had already been suppressed by Ye Feng's force of creation. It could even be said that an extremely special energy was being emitted from the heaven and earth, as if it was going to swallow all the aura in his body.    


The circulation of the force of creation had caused the entire spatial zone to enter an extremely strange state. The source energy of the heaven and earth was in a frenzied state. The energy that was being emitted was so strong that it seemed like it was going to destroy the entire world in an instant.    


At this moment, an endless amount of energy was unleashed, as if it was going to completely suppress and refine all the energy in the world. Even such a terrifying aura had reached an unimaginable realm at this moment.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds reverberated wildly in the void. The aura that filled the void had even broken through some kind of boundary and was violently released into the depths of the void. Faced with such a destructive fluctuation, no matter how powerful the people present were, they were unable to resist such a terrifying impact.    


Countless destructive power were circulating. The powerful aura that filled the air had even reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


Those terrifying energies must continuously emit powerful fluctuations from the depths, and it was even to the extent that it wanted to completely suppress everything in this world.    


When he sensed this energy, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright. The energy that was emitted from his every move had become extraordinarily powerful. His own origin power was boiling at an extremely fast speed.    


The terrifying power that was beyond the reach of ordinary people in the depths of the spatial zone was unleashed at this moment. Countless elemental energy of heaven and earth were circulating rapidly, causing the spatial zone to become extremely chaotic.    


Without any hesitation, Ye Feng took another step forward. The aura in his body was circulating crazily, pushing the entire spatial zone into an extremely strange realm.    


The Power of Doomsday wanted to invade the entire world, but the force of creation that Ye Feng released was just as powerful. When the two powers overlapped, it was as if the world was unable to stabilize itself, and it fell into chaos.    


The terrifying Chaotic Origin Power erupted wildly at this moment. The power that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people spread out and circulated wildly in all directions.    


That terrifying aura also displayed its most powerful strength at this moment, especially that Doomsday Sovereign who had completely unleashed his own Origin Energy.    


Facing such a terrifying pressure, the Doomsday Sovereign's reaction was beyond imagination. The origin energy in his body circulated rapidly, and countless Doomsday energies spread in all directions.    


Such a terrifying aura kept exploding in the depths of the void. The energy it released had reached an unimaginable level. At this moment, the destructive power was circulating rapidly and colliding with Ye Feng's force of creation.    


However, the strength that Ye Feng possessed was like the power that could split the sky and earth. Such a terrifying aura was constantly circulating in the void. The energy that erupted from it had even reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The two forces collided once again, causing the aura in the surrounding space to distort continuously. The force that was emitted was so strong that it seemed as if it was going to swallow the entire world.    


Such a terrifying aura was circulating rapidly at this moment, causing the entire space to collapse. It was as if all the energy was going to be integrated into this space.    


Ye Feng could also feel the changes in this energy. The Origin aura in his body was circulating rapidly, and the energy it was emitting had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach.    


Two extremely terrifying energies collided violently. A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out in the void, and it revealed an extremely terrifying destructive power.    


At this moment, the Origin aura in the world began to shake violently. The energy it emitted was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Countless Destruction aura began to spread out at this moment.    


Such a terrifying energy was enough to completely destroy the surrounding space, causing the entire world to collapse. That destructive radiance continued to spread outwards, even engulfing the entire Heavenly God Great World.    


Faced with such terrifying energy waves, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. The source energy in his body circulated rapidly, causing the entire world to enter a very special realm.    


When he sensed this terrifying energy, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more resplendent. The aura in his body fused with the entire Heavenly God Great World, causing a terrifying fluctuation that was unimaginable to ordinary people to erupt forth once more.    


When this aura was released, the entire space shook at an extremely fast speed. The energy that filled the void seemed to want to completely destroy everything in this world.    


In that instant, the terrifying aura that was released from the depths of the void had reached an unimaginable realm. Countless destructive power were blooming crazily, wanting to completely destroy Ye Feng's body and the entire Heavenly God Great World.    


However, at this moment, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. The energy in his body kept spreading out, emitting an extremely terrifying radiance.    


Ye Feng was walking quickly. The source energy in his body had reached an unimaginable level. Countless destructive power burst out crazily at this moment.    


Such a terrifying energy was circulating in the depths of the void. The terrifying aura was going to completely suppress and refine the entire world in a very short period of time.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was heard at this moment, and an extremely terrifying force descended upon Doomsday Sovereign once again.    


Such a terrifying force caused Doomsday Sovereign's expression to change. The Origin aura in his body was circulating continuously, and the energy it emitted was so powerful that it could even destroy the entire world.    


When they felt such a terrifying force, the expressions of everyone present had reached an extremely terrifying realm. The Origin Energy in their bodies was circulating at an extremely fast speed, as if they were saying that they were going to destroy the entire world. It was as if they were trying to completely suppress and refine this place.    


The extremely terrifying destructive power had already covered the body of Doomsday Sovereign in an instant. The incomparably terrifying destructive power was slowly whittling away the source energy in his body.    


Although Doomsday Sovereign's strength was beyond imagination, and the strength he could unleash had reached an unimaginable realm, when faced with such a terrifying aura, his own strength was also under an unprecedented restriction.    


The source energy in his body was constantly erupting, and the aura that was lingering in the depths of the void had reached an extremely terrifying level, as if it was saying that he was going to break through to the next realm. It was as if the entire world was going to be destroyed.    


Doomsday Sovereign was also shocked beyond his imagination, as if he had never thought that there would be someone who could use this kind of power to restrain him. In fact, it could even be said that the terrifying aura that was lingering in the void had already reached a level that he couldn't resist.    


Under the guidance of such a force, the Origin aura in Doomsday Sovereign's body was collapsing at an extremely fast speed. It could even be said that he was no match for Ye Feng.    


Ye Feng also seized this opportunity. The Origin energy in his body circulated rapidly, causing the aura to become unusually dangerous.    


As the source energy in his body kept exploding, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter. The aura in his body was constantly circulating the destructive power, and it had even reached a level that ordinary people could not recognize.    


In this very short period of time, the aura that was being emitted from the entire spatial zone... It had already reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine. It was a kind of destructive power that was beyond imagination. In an extremely short period of time, it had completely erupted. In fact, it could even be said that it wanted to swallow everything in this world.    


No matter how terrifying the strength of both parties was, the aura that was released from the void had already reached an unimaginable level of danger. If one was careless, they would be completely destroyed.    


An extremely terrifying vibrating power of Destruction spread out at this moment. The entire world had entered an extremely dangerous realm. It was as if this terrifying destructive power was going to destroy the entire world in a very short period of time.    


Unable to withstand such a terrifying attack, doomsday Sovereign let out a wail. The source energy in his body had been fully activated, and the aura that was being emitted became even more terrifying.    


However, even if he unleashed all of his terrifying power at this moment, he was still unable to resist the terrifying energy that was being emitted from the spatial zone. Even the Origin Energy in his body had collapsed in an extremely short period of time.    


The Origin aura in his body was being unleashed bit by bit, causing the energy in this world to dissipate in a very short period of time. It was a destructive power that no ordinary person could imagine, or even a destructive power that no ordinary person could imagine. During this period of time, he had displayed his most terrifying technique.    


Subsequently, the aura that was being emitted from the entire void had become extremely dangerous. The powerful energy in his body had even displayed a terrifying strength that ordinary people could not comprehend in such a short period of time.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was heard. At this moment, an extremely terrifying destructive power was revealed. The Origin aura in Ye Feng's body also spread out at this moment, causing the entire space to churn crazily.    


By this time, it was already too late. No matter how he circulated the Origin Energy in his body, it couldn't change the current situation.    


The power of doomsday in the body of Doomsday Sovereign had already been analyzed by Ye Feng's chaotic aura. The energy contained in it was no longer an irresistible threat to Ye Feng.    


Just as the chaotic power enveloped the body of Doomsday Sovereign, the power in Ye Feng's body completely erupted at this moment. An incomparably terrifying power of Doomsday was also unleashed from Ye Feng's body.    


Such a terrifying energy had erupted at this moment, causing the entire spatial zone to fall into an inexplicable silence. The aura that was unleashed had also completely unleashed its power at this moment.    


When he felt this aura, the expression of Doomsday Sovereign was beyond imagination. The source energy in his body was even more so. It was boiling at an extremely fast speed, and the energy it emitted had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even hope to reach.    


An incomparably terrifying aura burst out from the depths of the void, forming a destructive fluctuation that seemed to want to completely destroy the entire world.    


Facing such a terrifying aura, Ye Feng's eyes shone brightly. The source energy in his body had even reached an extremely terrifying level.    


At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became purer and purer. The powerful aura in his body became even purer. The Doomsday Power erupted at an extremely fast speed and covered the body of Doomsday Sovereign.    


"Impossible! How did you grasp such pure Doomsday Power? Who exactly are you?"    


When he sensed the aura on Ye Feng's body, doomsday Sovereign was also shocked beyond his imagination. It was as if the source energy in his body was going to collapse completely.    


The Doomsday Energy that ordinary people couldn't imagine was even purer than the energy contained in his body. The aura that was released was even more terrifying than the previous Doomsday Emissary.    


Facing such a terrifying energy, doomsday Sovereign was completely confused. After all, the power of Doomsday was his most fundamental power, and it had never been spread out. Because of this, he didn't even have a disciple.    


Apart from his own power, all other powers revolved. Only his Doomsday Emissaries were the races that he had personally created.    


However, at this moment, the power of Doomsday released by Ye Feng was purer than those of the Doomsday Emissaries. It was on par with the power of Doomsday that he controlled. Such a change made the heart of Doomsday Sovereign shake beyond imagination. He couldn't imagine what had happened.    


The aura in his body was circulating rapidly at this moment. The energy that permeated the spatial zone had even reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


At this moment, Ye Feng took another step forward. The aura in his body once again erupted with destructive waves. It seemed like it was going to completely suppress and refine the entire world in a very short period of time.    


The incomparably terrifying aura was completely unleashed at this moment. The tremendous pressure it created was enough to make people feel an unprecedented shock in their hearts. This kind of unimaginable power of doomsday was enough to completely destroy the entire world.    


"Who am I? I am just an ordinary cultivator. As for you... "    


Ye Feng seemed to be thinking about something before he said calmly, "Your Power of Doomsday is indeed not bad. To a certain extent, its lethality is indeed shocking, but unfortunately, it is mine now."    


After saying this, the aura burst out from the spatial zone. It had reached an even more terrifying stage. Waves of terrifying destructive waves spread out crazily at this moment. The destructive power was beyond imagination. In fact, in this very short period of time... * Hong Long...... *    


Countless Doomsday Power crazily erupted at this moment. The aura that filled the sky and earth had even reached a realm that ordinary people could not understand. The terrifying energy that was emitted from the void was so powerful that it could devour the entire world in an extremely short period of time.    


Although Doomsday Sovereign was very powerful, the aura that was unleashed at this moment was completely suppressed by Ye Feng. It could even be said that the power that was displayed in his body couldn't even be compared to Ye Feng's.    


The incomparably terrifying aura of Destruction burst out crazily at this moment, forming destructive waves. In an extremely short period of time, the entire heaven and earth was completely suppressed and refined by the aura of Destruction. At this moment, it erupted crazily.    


An extremely powerful destructive power descended at this moment and covered the body of Doomsday Sovereign. The destructive aura that it emitted had even reached a realm that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the spatial zone had become exceptionally terrifying. The powerful energy that was being emitted from his body could even destroy the entire world in a very short period of time.    


Ye Feng's eyes lit up when he felt this terrifying energy. The source energy in his body was circulating rapidly, causing the entire world to be destroyed. It was circulating at the fastest speed possible.    


The strength that Doomsday Sovereign possessed couldn't be displayed at this moment. He could only watch helplessly as the aura in the void covered his body and even devoured his soul.    


Although the strength of the Doomsday Sovereign was unusual, the aura that he could unleash at this moment had already reached its limit. The terrifying destructive power in the void was very direct. It completely destroyed his body and soul.    


An extremely terrifying pain spread to his body in an instant. Doomsday Sovereign's body couldn't help but tremble. The aura emitted from his body had reached an unimaginable realm.    


When he felt this kind of power, the energy in the entire spatial zone had reached an extremely terrifying level. The aura that was being emitted from the void had even erupted in the shortest amount of time.    


"Damn it! Bastard! Who are you?! How dare you humiliate me like this?"    


The Doomsday Sovereign was also infuriated, and the Origin Energy in his body grew even stronger. He wanted to break through the layers of chains surrounding his body and kill Ye Feng.    


However, the aura that was gathered by the layers of chains had reached an unimaginable realm. Every single movement of the aura was terrifying, as if it wanted to completely suppress and refine everything in the world.    


As the aura unleashed by the Doomsday Sovereign grew stronger, the energy that filled the void had reached an unimaginable realm. That kind of terrifying sealing force could even suppress all the energy in this world in a very short period of time.    


Doomsday Sovereign circulated his own origin force even more. The powerful energy in the void would speed up the refinement of his body. Once he reached his limit, his body would collapse in an instant.    


Enduring such a terrifying pressure, extremely dangerous aura emerged in his eyes. The origin energy in his body circulated rapidly at this moment.    


However, no matter how hard he tried, the aura that was being emitted from the entire spatial zone was extremely terrifying. It was as if it was going to completely suppress the entire world in a very short period of time.    


Unfortunately, everything he did was in vain. The terrifying energy in the void also continued to grow within an extremely short period of time, as if it was going to grow endlessly.    


In such a battle, the other party's strength was completely above that of Doomsday Sovereign. Only Doomsday Sovereign possessed extremely terrifying means, and at this moment, he was unable to fully activate them.    


"Damn it, damn it, I must kill you, I must kill you."    


However, no matter how much Doomsday Sovereign roared, the aura that filled the void wouldn't change. The terrifying power that was emitted from the spatial zone, and even the terrifying energy that ordinary people couldn't comprehend in such a short period of time, wouldn't change.    


The extremely terrifying destructive power unleashed a destructive fluctuation in an instant. In an extremely short period of time, it was going to completely suppress all the power in this world.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's strength had given him a certain degree of sensing, allowing him to sense what was happening in the place where the main body of Doomsday Sovereign was located.    


Sensing such a terrifying aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter. Every movement of his was filled with a powerful energy that was beyond the reach of an ordinary person.    


The aura in the spatial zone had already reached an extremely powerful realm. If Ye Feng's strength was sufficient, he could indeed cross layers of spatial zone in an instant and arrive in front of the main body of Doomsday Sovereign.    


Unfortunately, Ye Feng had yet to comprehend his own fundamental Great Dao. Although the aura gathered in his body was powerful, it couldn't be too far away from the Heavenly God Great World.    


It could even be said that once he left a certain distance, the aura in Ye Feng's body would automatically decline, and the aura that was emitted would also completely wither away in an extremely short period of time.    


Under such circumstances, even if Ye Feng had the intention to eradicate the root of the problem, he wouldn't be able to fully exert it at this moment. It could even be said that he would be suppressed by the terrifying force in the depths of the void.    


Feeling this unimaginable power, Ye Feng was extremely shocked in his heart. He discovered that the chain surrounding Doomsday Sovereign's body was similar to the chain of order on his body.    


When he thought of this, Ye Feng's heart also fluctuated intensely. The aura that was released from his body was circulating rapidly at this moment. It had even reached a terrifying extent that ordinary people could not imagine.    


At this moment, an incomparably terrifying energy kept exploding out from the aura in the void. It even revealed his true foundation at this moment.    


The terrifying energy that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people was becoming stronger and stronger at this moment. The energy that was gathered had reached a level that ordinary people could not even imagine.    


Since he was unable to leave the Heavenly God Great World... In that case, he could only allow the Heavenly God Great World to proceed in that direction.    


No matter what, he had to kill the Doomsday Sovereign before the chains collapsed. Otherwise, once the Doomsday Sovereign broke free from the chains, his strength would naturally increase tremendously.    


At that time, he was afraid that Ye Feng wouldn't be able to defeat him with his meager strength.    


In an instant, an extremely terrifying force was released from Ye Feng's body. The experts of the Heavenly God Race could also feel such a powerful spiritual will.    


"Move the world. Let's fight.    


Since he wanted to destroy our world, he would never let it be as if nothing had happened. At this moment, our battle has just begun. "    


When Ye Feng's spirit spread out from the void, the entire space had entered an extremely boiling state. Countless destructive aura erupted at this moment, as if they wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Terrifying rumbles reverberated in the void. The aura that was unleashed had reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The release of this energy seemed as if it was going to completely destroy the entire world.    


Such a terrifying aura kept exploding in the depths of the void, causing the ripples of destruction to become stronger and stronger. It was as if the entire world was going to be completely destroyed.    


Circulating the source energy in his body, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright. The energy of the Origin aura in his body was becoming more and more terrifying at this moment.    


In this very short period of time, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had become extremely powerful. It had even completely suppressed the entire world within a very short period of time.    


Subsequently, the energy in the void erupted at an extremely fast speed. The destructive power that was getting crazier and crazier had also displayed an unimaginable power at this moment.    


Circulating the powerful energy in his body, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably bright. The Origin aura in his body also displayed an energy that ordinary people could not understand.    


At this moment, the destructive power that was being emitted from the depths of the void was going to completely suppress and refine the entire world in a very short period of time. Countless destructive energy had displayed its most powerful technique at this moment.    


In a very short period of time, the aura that erupted from the depths of the void had reached a level that no ordinary person could reach. The destructive energy that was unleashed from each of its actions was beyond imagination. It was even going to completely suppress and refine this world.    


When he felt this aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant. The entire Heavenly God Great World had begun to move continuously at this moment.    


Those experts of the Heavenly God Race had acted according to Ye Feng's will the moment they received the order. They relied on their strength to push the world's energy to a higher level.    


When he felt such a terrifying aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually bright. The Origin aura in his body kept gushing out, and the powerful energy it gathered had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


Such a terrifying aura had completely erupted at this moment. It had also allowed the entire space to display its true strength at this moment.    


Such a powerful energy had already displayed an extremely terrifying destructive fluctuation in a very short period of time. Terrifying rumbling sounds were produced in the void, forming a powerful energy that could even destroy the entire world in a very short period of time.    


It was also at this moment that countless powerful aura erupted with a powerful fluctuation in an instant. It was as if they were pushing the Heavenly God Great World through space in an extremely short period of time.    


The changes in the coordinates of the world contained aura that had reached a level that ordinary people could not understand. This kind of unimaginable destructive power spread out at this moment, causing the entire space to tremble crazily.    


Silently circulating the source energy in his body, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright. The powerful aura in his body was circulated to the extreme. The energy that was emitted was enough to completely suppress and refine the entire spatial zone.    


However, the aura in the spatial zone had become more and more powerful. The energy it gathered had reached a level that ordinary people could not understand. In the face of such a terrifying aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright.    


The powerful energy in his body had also become purer and purer. The Heavenly God Great World was slowly advancing towards the location of Doomsday Sovereign, and it also displayed the terrifying aura contained in the entire world.    


Furthermore, the Confusion Spirit Orb was also revolving continuously. The energy it released had already displayed the most terrifying attribute energy in this world in an extremely short period of time.    


An extremely dazzling radiance was unleashed at this instant. It was a terrifying energy that ordinary people could not understand. It had even reached an extremely terrifying realm at this moment.    


The Origin aura between the heavens and the earth... It was also circulating at an extremely fast speed. The energy that it emitted was even able to display a powerful fluctuation that ordinary people could not understand in an extremely short period of time.    


At this moment, countless powerful forces had displayed their most fundamental energy. The void was filled with an unimaginably powerful energy that was enough to completely distort the entire space.    


As the Heavenly God Great World moved, layers of ripples appeared in the ocean of the void, spreading into the endless distance.    


When the experts above the Heavenly God Realm sensed this aura, their hearts were filled with shock beyond imagination. They were all paying attention to the source energy in their bodies, circulating it at an extremely fast speed.    


"It seems like those bastards of the Heavenly God Race are trying to do something. To erupt with such terrifying strength at such a time, is he planning to fight?"    


"However, to be able to display such strength at such a time, isn't this also proof that the Heavenly Deity Great World wants to participate in this battle?"    


"Such terrifying strength has indeed reached an extremely terrifying level. In the past, those experts had launched such a battle in order to break through to a higher level. And now that the Heavenly Deity Realm has joined in, the current situation isn't as simple as it seems."    


The experts in the depths of the spatial zone discussed animatedly. The aura they emitted had also reached a realm that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The terrifying ripples that were released from the depths of the void had even bloomed with a unique radiance that belonged to itself at this moment.    


When he felt this aura, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright. The attribute energy that he had gathered had become so powerful that it was beyond the reach of an ordinary person.    


Such a terrifying energy kept exploding in the depths of the void. It had even reached an extremely terrifying realm, as if it was going to completely suppress and refine the entire world in the shortest amount of time.    


Furthermore, with Ye Feng's powerful Divine Sense, he could naturally sense the terrifying fluctuations that erupted from the depths of the void. The aura that he summoned had also reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


"The Divine Court? The battlefield?"    


When Ye Feng heard these words, he was at a loss. The aura in his body was the same. It circulated at an extremely fast speed, and the aura it emitted had reached an unimaginable level.    


When Ye Feng sensed this power, the light in his eyes became extremely bright. The Origin aura in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed, and the energy that it was emitting became extremely powerful.    


He still remembered the Martial Emperor Manor that he had once acknowledged as his master in the Divine Court. It was also because of his teacher's guidance that he knew how to break through to the Heavenly God Realm.    


However, he had already embarked on an even more distant path, and he wouldn't be able to return to the Divine Court in a short period of time.    


However, if there was a chance, he was still willing to help push his teacher to a higher realm.    


However, he couldn't focus his attention on the battlefield right now. His aura continued to spread, locking onto the Doomsday Sovereign.    


The terrifying energy in the depths of the void had already reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Every single movement of his had already reached an extremely terrifying level.    


When Ye Feng felt this kind of power, the radiance in his eyes became brighter and brighter. The Origin aura in his body had reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Time slowly passed, and the energy in the Heavenly God Great World became stronger and stronger. As he shuttled through space, he also displayed his terrifying strength.    


The terrifying energy in the depths of the spatial zone had already reached an extremely terrifying realm. The destructive power that was emitted from his every move was beyond imagination.    


At that moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright. The energy that gathered from the Heavenly God Great World also erupted continuously at this moment. At this moment, Ye Feng finally saw the body of Doomsday Sovereign.    


Powerful energy was surging continuously in the void. Once again, the destructive waves produced by the crazy explosion had reached an unimaginable realm.    


At this moment, Ye Feng had unleashed the aura in his body without hesitation. The waves of destruction were so powerful that it could destroy everything in the world.    


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