Sky War God

C3669 The Soul of the Main God

C3669 The Soul of the Main God

At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had reached an unimaginable level.    


Ye Feng also felt an unprecedented pressure, as if there was a force bearing it, penetrating into his body at an extremely fast speed.    


Under the impact of this force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant.    


At this moment, countless destructive power burst out from Ye Feng's body, as if they were going to destroy everything.    


That unknown enemy had also displayed a terrifying strength beyond the imagination of ordinary people, as if he was going to kill Ye Feng in the shortest amount of time.    


Ye Feng's path to the heavens was shaking continuously, as if he wanted to resist this terrifying force.    


However, the opponent's strength was just too terrifying. In just a very short period of time, he had completely unleashed all the energy in the spatial zone.    


Facing this unimaginably powerful pressure, the Origin aura in Ye Feng's body was violently shaking.    


As if it was impossible to resist this force, the energy in Ye Feng's body was circulating crazily.    




An incomparably terrifying vibration resounded at this moment. There was even a terrifying destructive power that was spreading crazily at this moment.    


Ye Feng's face turned incomparably pale when he sensed this energy.    


"I can't resist it, I can't block it at all!"    


At this moment, Ye Feng was circulating the force in his body with all his strength, but he was unable to change anything.    


The source energy in his body... At this moment, he was circulating and releasing the Origin aura in his body, reaching a level that ordinary people could never hope to reach.    


At this moment, the powerful energy emitted from the void had locked onto Ye Fang's body.    


The terrifying energy that was beyond imagination pierced through the spatial zone where Ye Feng was.    


Even Ye Feng couldn't resist such a terrifying energy. The Origin aura in his body... * Hong Long...... *    




Ye Feng couldn't bear it at all. He spurted out a mouthful of blood.    


At this moment, his aura was in a frenzied state of decline, as if it was unable to bear such a terrifying pressure.    


Without any hesitation, Ye Feng had already activated the aura in his body in a very short period of time.    


But in fact, this power was not something he could resist.    


The destructive power was crazily wreaking havoc in Ye Feng's body.    


The aura that was being emitted had reached an unimaginable realm.    


Ye Feng didn't hesitate when he sensed this power.    


The first thing he did was to circulate the Chaotic Force continuously. The Confusion Spirit Orb was also retracted back into his body.    


With the help of this aura, Ye Feng suppressed the aura in his body in a very short period of time, preventing it from spreading further.    


However, even the terrifying energy in this spatial zone had reached an unimaginable level.    


An incomparably terrifying aura of Destruction erupted at this moment, displaying the powerful might of destruction in the void.    


"Don't waste your energy. With your puny cultivation base, so what if you can resist me for a period of time?    


In the end, everything will fall into my hands. "    


The powerful existence in the void also took a step forward. The source energy in his body began to erupt continuously, pressing down on Ye Feng's position.    


Such a terrifying pressure was something that Ye Feng couldn't resist at all.    


The source energy in his body was completely intimidated by the aura. Even the Heavenly Ling Path was suppressed.    


"Who are you?"    


Ye Feng asked in an extremely hoarse voice. At this moment, the energy in his body seemed to be unable to circulate.    


Hearing this question, the figure that had just appeared let out a long sigh.    


"Me? I am just a ghost that is wandering in time and space.    


But even so, I want to stay in this world and not disappear into the endless darkness forever. "    


After saying these words, the aura in the void continuously trembled.    


It was as if this space couldn't withstand it. This powerful pressure seemed as if it would collapse at any moment.    


As they felt this extremely terrifying aura, the expressions of everyone present became incomparably shocked.    


They simply couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying existence this was.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the endless void had already become exceptionally terrifying.    


That figure was also slowly walking towards Ye Feng.    


"Give me your strength, your body, and everything else you have.    


I will take good care of him, make use of him, and let him reach the highest level.    


And I, a soul left behind from the ancient era, will replace your existence, and eventually make you mine"    


At this moment, the ghost was continuously recounting his emotions. The Origin aura in his body had become exceptionally terrifying at this moment.    


Such a terrifying power made the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes become extremely bright. The energy that was emitted from his eyes had become extremely dangerous.    


Countless destructive power crazily erupted at this moment, and spread out in an extremely short period of time.    


No matter how powerful Ye Feng was, he couldn't withstand this unimaginable destructive force.    


In fact, the energy in his body was trembling crazily at this moment, as if it was going to collapse at any moment.    


Ye Feng didn't have any fear while enduring such a terrifying pressure. Instead, he expanded the energy in his body.    


The Confusion Spirit Orb spun on the ground. Boundless chaotic light was released at this moment.    


Such a powerful energy collided with the destructive power unleashed by the figure.    


Two extremely powerful destructive power clashed violently in a very short period of time.    


A terrifying rumbling sound reverberated in the void. It was even more suitable to display a terrifying strength that ordinary people could not imagine.    


Ye Feng, on the other hand, floated out under the impact of such a terrifying force. The Origin aura in his body was vibrating rapidly.    


In the face of such a terrifying energy, everyone's expression became extremely shocked.    


In the next moment, this kind of extremely terrifying aura was crazily charging forward.    


This kind of terrifying energy seemed as if it wanted to tear the entire space apart.    


"You want to obtain everything about me, and replace my existence?"    


Upon hearing these words, Ye Feng was infuriated. The Origin aura in his body... * Hong Long...... *    


This kind of unimaginable power was even more incredible! With an extremely fast speed, he displayed his true strength.    


Countless Destruction aura exploded at this moment. There was even a terrifying energy that was beyond imagination that bloomed at this moment.    


Ye Feng circulated the remaining energy in his body and walked forward step by step.    


He held the Sacred magic spear in his hand. The aura around his body was unleashed in an extremely violent manner.    


"I have reached this step with great difficulty. My Friends, my family, everything that I have endured is the mark that I have left behind in this world.    


And you, a dog fart who doesn't know what you are, actually wants to replace everything that belongs to me, even saying that you want me to become you...    




At this moment, Ye Feng suddenly started laughing wildly. This kind of laughter could not conceal the anger in his body, as if his entire body was about to be ignited by anger.    


"Alright. Didn't you want everything from me? Come on then. I want to see if you have the ability to do so."    


At this moment, Ye Feng was on the verge of going crazy. The aura in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


That kind of unimaginable power had even erupted with a terrifying strength within a very short period of time, as if it was going to completely suppress the entire spatial zone in an instant.    


"You actually dare to resist me?"    


Seeing Ye Feng's attitude, the residual soul of that expert was incomparably furious and shocked.    


It could even be said that he couldn't believe that such a thing would happen to him.    


"Do you know who I am?    


Do you know the consequences of rejecting me?    


How dare you speak to me like that? Where did you get the courage to make you so crazy? "    


The soul questioned crazily. The aura in his body... It was also released at an extremely fast speed.    


Even if it couldn't withstand this terrifying force, the energy that was emitted from Ye Feng's body had also reached a terrifying realm.    


That kind of unimaginable destructive force erupted at this moment, and it seemed like it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


The Saint magic spear in his hand was trembling continuously. The aura that was being emitted from it was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Without any hesitation or even a reply, Ye Feng thrust out the Saint Devil Spear in his hand.    


The scarlet spear light bloomed at this moment, as if it wanted to pierce through the heavens and earth in the shortest amount of time.    


Such a terrifying aura was unleashed at this instant. It also caused that expert to feel an unprecedented shock.    


It had been too long since his era. It had been a long time since anyone dared to do such a thing to him.    


The force in the void erupted crazily at this moment. The aura that was unleashed had reached a level that ordinary people could not even hope to reach.    


"Good, very good."    


The afterimage gritted its teeth and said. The energy in its body started circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


The destructive pressure that was unleashed from the depths of the spatial zone was even more intense. It displayed its true strength at an extremely fast speed.    


The destructive power that exceeded one's imagination had simply reached a level that no ordinary person could achieve.    


He wanted to kill Ye Feng in the shortest time possible and seize everything from him.    


When he felt this aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes also became unusually bright.    


The Sacred magic spear was trembling continuously, and all the energy in his body was paying close attention to it at this moment.    


The scarlet spear light and the destructive attack unleashed by the residual soul collided crazily at this moment.    




The void reverberated with a terrifying power that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. There was also an extremely terrifying destructive power that erupted in an extremely short period of time.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone brightly when he sensed the aura.    


Reality proved that he was unable to resist such a powerful person. Even the aura in his body was collapsing continuously at this moment.    


However, the Confusion Spirit Orb was still suppressing the core of Ye Feng's body. Countless source energy was being devoured by the Confusion Spirit Orb.    


The unimaginable destructive force spread out in an instant, causing Ye Feng to feel an enormous pressure.    


Such a terrifying energy erupted at this moment, and it seemed like it was going to completely destroy everything.    


On the other hand, that soul directly released an incomparably terrifying oppressive force, counterattacking everything in the void.    


An even more terrifying destructive power descended upon Ye Feng's body, causing his vision to be in an unprecedented state of turmoil.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded in an instant. The aura that filled the void, even engulfed the entire space in an instant.    


When he felt this destructive power that was beyond his imagination, the Origin aura in Ye Feng's body began circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


Countless destructive power were blooming crazily at this moment, and an unimaginable destructive aura was spreading out at this moment.    


The powerful ghost controlled such a terrifying force and charged towards Ye Feng's position. That kind of terrifying aura had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even hope to reach.    


At this moment, the energy that erupted from the depths of the void had become extremely terrifying.    


That unimaginable willpower directly increased everything in the void and descended towards Ye Feng's position.    


Space, yuan Qi, and even Ye Feng's spirit couldn't stop this powerful force.    


The incomparably terrifying destructive power continued to descend at this moment. The power it displayed had even reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


At this moment, the energy that had gathered in the entire spatial zone had already been completely grasped by the soul.    


The Origin aura between the heavens and the earth, as well as the entire Ling Tian World, had been suppressed by the other party.    


Seizing this opportunity, the other party also took a step forward and completely released the aura within his body.    


He unleashed a terrifying energy towards Ye Feng.    


At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant. The Origin aura in his body was unleashed at an extremely fast speed.    


It didn't seem like he was resisting the opponent's attack. Instead, it seemed like he was taking the initiative to accept Ye Feng's arrival.    


At this moment, the residual soul world unleashed an incomparably powerful force that rushed into Ye Feng's body.    


The destructive force it carried was so powerful that it was as if it wanted to destroy everything in this world.    


At this moment, the terrifying aura surrounding Ye Feng was completely attracted by him.    


The energy of the entire Ling Tian Realm was channeled by Ye Feng, pressing down on his body at an extremely fast speed.    


"Since you have come, I will definitely treat you well. Don't even think about leaving."    


He said to the soul in his body. The aura within the peak body also erupted crazily at this moment.    


The Confusion Spirit Orb began to spin around.    


The chaotic light that bloomed from within was simply powerful to an extent that an ordinary person could not even begin to imagine.    


Countless destructive power were unleashed at this moment, locking onto the soul that had descended into Ye Feng's body.    


In the next moment, this unimaginable destructive power had completely bloomed, and an extremely terrifying force erupted crazily at this moment.    


"What is this?"    


The soul had never imagined that Ye Feng's body contained such a terrifying energy.    


This terrifying aura had completely suppressed the soul's body, and it even wanted to destroy the last bit of energy in his body.    


When he sensed this energy, the soul's aura was circulating crazily, wanting to completely suppress Ye Feng.    


However, the nature of the Confusion Spirit Orb was beyond imagination. The power that it could unleash at this moment was definitely not something that ordinary people could resist.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the void had become extremely terrifying.    


The destructive force fluctuated. Countless origin force surged crazily.    


It was as if this entire space had turned into a sea of void.    


All the destructive aura were crazily attacking. The source energy of the world was in chaos. No one could suppress such a terrifying fluctuation.    


At this moment, the energy that was unleashed from the void had reached a level that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


If it wasn't for the aura that Ye Feng had activated, the entire spatial zone would have been completely destroyed, turning into a black hole that swallowed everything.    


At this moment, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the void had become unusually pure. The aura that was unleashed from every movement of the spatial zone had become incomparably terrifying.    


Ye Feng didn't have the energy to care about the changes of the energy in the outside world. At this moment, his gaze had already shifted to his body.    


The residual soul in his body had also unleashed a terrifying power that ordinary people couldn't compare with. Countless destructive power erupted at this moment, as if it wanted to suppress everything in this world.    


"Impossible, this is impossible..."    


The force in his body erupted crazily. His opponent was also fighting Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed, wanting to completely suppress the aura in this spatial zone in the shortest amount of time.    


However, if he wanted to fight against the Confusion Spirit Orb, the amount of energy he needed to consume would definitely increase exponentially.    


Such a terrifying aura was constantly erupting in the depths of the void, and the strength it displayed was even more terrifying.    


The suppression and Devouring Power emitted by the Confusion Spirit Orb were enough to devour everything in the world.    


Although the strength of this residual soul wasn't bad, it couldn't be compared to the Confusion Spirit Orb at this moment.    


"Don't waste your energy. It's impossible for you to defy the power of the Confusion Spirit Orb and me."    


Ye Feng said confidently. He could feel how terrifying the power of the Confusion Spirit Orb was.    


Even if he used all his strength, he wouldn't be able to move a single inch of the Confusion Spirit Orb. Although the strength of this expert wasn't bad, he hadn't reached the stage where he couldn't be defeated.    


"Impossible! I'm a Sovereign!    


To think that you would be able to suppress the power that belongs to me with that tiny pearl of yours. That's just wishful thinking."    


The Sovereign God's residual soul roared furiously, constantly mobilizing the Origin Energy within its body, wanting to completely suppress this entire region of space in an instant.    


Unfortunately, the Confusion Spirit Orb's aura wasn't any weaker either. The energy it emitted completely suppressed the aura that it possessed.    


At this moment, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the void had become extremely terrifying.    


This kind of terrifying strength was beyond imagination. It had even reached a realm that ordinary people couldn't reach.    


Every move and action had a powerful strength that ordinary people could not imagine. In that instant, it expanded, and even wanted to suppress the entire heaven and earth at this moment.    


If he kept circulating his power and extracting the origin power of the heaven and earth, he might really be able to suppress Ye Feng's inner world.    


Unfortunately, Ye Feng wouldn't give him such a chance.    


He circulated his energy and circulated the aura that was being emitted from the Confusion Spirit Orb.    


This unimaginable power erupted at this moment, and it seemed as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


The power unleashed by Ye Feng's body was absolutely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The destructive power that had exceeded the limit instantly suppressed the body of the Sovereign residual soul.    


Although the cultivation base of this Sovereign residual soul was extremely high, the power it possessed was something that Ye Feng could not match up to.    


However, the difference in strength between the two of them was not that obvious. In fact, it could even be said that Ye Feng's strength was even greater in the Confusion Spirit Orb.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had become stronger and stronger. Every single movement of the aura had a power that ordinary people couldn't match up to.    




This unimaginable power erupted at this moment.    


The forces of the Sovereign residual soul were simply incapable of resisting this terrifying pressure. They were on the verge of collapsing at the very first moment.    


Relying on the powerful aura within the depths of his soul and the essence of a Sovereign's cultivation base, the Sovereign's residual soul was only able to resist this terrifying destructive might with all its might.    


Even so, it caused his own strength to be incomparably weak, as though there was no way for him to raise his strength any further.    


After enduring such a terrifying aura, the power that was emitted from the void became stronger and stronger.    


"Damn it, you deserve to die!"    


The Sovereign residual soul roared furiously. The source energy within its body also erupted forth crazily at this moment.    


That sort of unimaginable pressure was so strong that it was beyond the reach of an ordinary person. It wanted to completely destroy the other party's body in the shortest amount of time possible.    


In the next moment, the destructive power that was beyond imagination completely bloomed at this moment.    


There was also an extremely terrifying pressure expanding crazily at this moment, as if it was going to destroy the entire world in an instant.    




A terrifying destructive force was unleashed once again, and an unimaginably powerful aura was unleashed from Ye Feng's body.    


The Law of Chaos expanded in Ye Feng's body, displaying an extremely powerful force. It even gathered the chaotic origin force of the entire world.    


Under such circumstances, Ye Feng also displayed an extremely terrifying lethality. The Origin Energy in his body expanded crazily at this moment.    


A destructive pike formed by the source energy of Chaos was condensed at this moment.    


Without any hesitation, it was shot towards the opponent's position, as if it was going to kill that Sovereign God residual soul completely.    


Facing such a terrifying attack, the Sovereign God residual soul's heart was filled with shock beyond imagination. It was as if it had never thought that Ye Feng's strength would reach such a terrifying level.    


At this moment, the aura that erupted from the depths of the void had become incomparably terrifying.    


The Sovereign residual soul exerted all of its strength to mobilize its last bit of strength, wanting to use its most powerful means to completely suppress and kill Ye Feng.    


Now, he had given up on the idea of seizing Ye Feng's body. The only thing he wanted to do now was to kill Ye Feng completely.    


Faced with such a terrifying force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant.    


The origin force of the world was expanding continuously at this moment. The strength that it displayed was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The strength that was displayed by the residual soul had become unusually strong, crazily colliding with Ye Feng's strength.    


Unfortunately, the aura that Ye Feng was using to control the Confusion Spirit Orb had become stronger and stronger.    


On the other hand, this Sovereign God residual soul had forcefully circulated the Origin Energy within its body, causing it to lose quite a bit of its strength.    


With this, Ye Feng's strength had even improved tremendously, allowing him to completely suppress his opponent in the shortest amount of time possible.    


After seizing this opportunity, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter. The strength he displayed had also reached an unimaginable realm.    


However, the Myriad Spirit God was unleashed. The powerful Devouring Power it possessed was also pulling on the power of the Sovereign's residual soul.    


To Ye Feng, the Sovereign realm was extremely mysterious. It was something that he could not grasp at all.    


Right now, he wanted to seize this opportunity to fully unleash the power within his body.    


In fact, as long as he could grasp this Sovereign God residual soul, he might be able to force out the relevant clues from this fellow's mouth.    


In fact, it could even be said that once one's strength reached that sort of level, they would be able to increase their cultivation speed and reach a higher level.    


Sensing what Ye Feng was doing right now, the Sovereign residual soul immediately realized what he was trying to do.    


After that, it was followed by an unimaginable amount of rage.    


The terrifying power of rage caused the remaining aura of the Sovereign residual soul to erupt forth with a frenzy.    


Even the Confusion Spirit Orb had no time to circulate such a terrifying energy. It could only watch helplessly as the terrifying aura was completely unleashed.    


Such a terrifying energy erupted in a very short period of time. The destructive power that was formed was so powerful that it could even destroy the entire world in an instant.    


The destructive force wreaked havoc inside Ye Feng's body, as if it was going to rip his body into pieces at this moment.    


Sensing such an aura, Ye Feng hastily circulated the energy in his body and suppressed the terrifying destructive power at an extremely fast speed.    


The aura that was emitted from the depths of the void had also become exceptionally terrifying after grabbing onto this unimaginably powerful energy.    


Silently circulating the Origin aura in his body, Ye Feng also quickly suppressed everything in the void.    


However, the expert's heart was filled with fury. The strength he displayed had reached an incomparably terrifying level.    




When Ye Feng sensed this aura, he suddenly realized that the other party had already detonated his soul.    


The little bit of soul force that he had saved also quickly dissipated at this moment. It could even be said that he was completely unable to resist this terrifying energy.    


The expressions of everyone present became extremely shocked when faced with such a terrifying aura. It seemed like they were unable to understand how Ye Feng had used such a terrifying technique to completely obliterate that soul.    


Of course, Ye Feng wouldn't have the time and energy to explain it to them. At this moment, he could feel the intense impact of his soul force.    


The energy unleashed by the self-destruction of the Sovereign residual soul had simply reached a level that no ordinary person could ever hope to reach.    


That sort of destructive power that exceeded one's imagination was even capable of completely obliterating Ye Feng's soul.    


It was also at this moment that Ye Feng activated the most terrifying power within his body.    


The Confusion Spirit Orb kept spinning, and the Good Fortune Divine Sword emerged from his body, slashing out dazzling sword lights of Good Fortune.    


With the help of this power, Ye Feng finally suppressed the aura in his body, and slowly calmed down the destructive force.    


However, the power of the world wasn't as simple as it seemed. This was especially true when it came to the energy left behind by the self-destruction of a Sovereign Lord.    


That sort of terrifying imprint that exceeded one's imagination, and even the existence of the energy that connected the Super Dimensional Void, caused the aura in the void to fall down.    


Ye Feng was simply unable to resist this kind of power. He was immediately branded on his soul by the aura.    


Although Ye Feng's soul essence had already reached an extremely terrifying level, he still hadn't reached that level yet.    


The aura, which could only be withstood by Sovereigns, finally struck Ye Feng's body.    


And this sort of power caused Ye Feng to feel an extremely tremendous pressure. It was as if his thoughts and consciousness were slowing down.    


The circulation of power had become extremely slow, as if it was said that only a few thoughts and thoughts could circulate for hundreds or thousands of years.    


"No... it can... this... ... Go... Go..."    


Just this thought alone made Ye Feng realize that ten years had already passed in the Heavenly World.    


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