Sky War God

C3689 Unexpected Thunder Gate

C3689 Unexpected Thunder Gate

chapter 3717, raimon.    


That unimaginable pressure descended at this moment.    


The most terrifying aura of destruction circulated crazily at this moment. It also completely enveloped Ye Feng's body in a very short period of time.    


When he felt this kind of power, Ye Feng's expression became extremely solemn. The source energy in his body was circulating continuously at this moment.    


The uniqueness of the Chaotic Origin Energy also allowed him to have an extremely keen sense of all the aura in the surrounding space.    


In this very short period of time, the powerful energy that filled the depths of the void had already unleashed the purest attribute energy that belonged to him.    


Under such circumstances, the energy that filled the entire space had become extremely pure.    


It could even be said that the aura that was unleashed had become extremely terrifying.    


This level of energy was not something that an ordinary person could imagine or bear. The terrifying aura in the depths of the void erupted crazily at this moment.    




The terrifying power of thunder reverberated wildly at this moment. The aura that was being emitted had already reached a terrifying level.    


Ye Feng could also sense that the opponent's powerful strength and the power of the storm that was used by him were not bad either.    


The two forces collided in the void, and the pressure and Qi they emitted became more and more terrifying.    


Seeing that Ye Feng was still able to fight against him, his opponent's expression became quite surprised.    


However, he quickly adjusted his state of mind and circulated the energy in his body once again.    


That kind of unimaginable power, the aura that was continuously unleashed at this moment, had become exceptionally terrifying.    


"Kid, it's useless.    


Even if you have mastered this power, you are still no match for me. After all, your foundation is completely different from mine."    


The Heaven God and expert of that generation had completely displayed their foundation in the depths of the void. Endless lightning energy was surging crazily at this moment.    


When he felt this kind of energy, Ye Feng's expression became incomparably solemn.    


The source energy in his body was circulating continuously. The powerful aura that was emitted from his body was suppressing the entire spatial zone.    


Even in the depths of the void, the terrifying lightning energy was still surging.    


This kind of unimaginable power seemed to want to completely destroy everything in this world.    


And behind that expert, an incomparably huge lightning gate appeared.    


Under such circumstances, all the aura that Ye Feng had summoned had already been suppressed by the terrifying power that the opponent had displayed.    


"What kind of power is this?"    


Ye Feng's heart was filled with doubts as well. He had no idea what kind of terrifying aura existed in this spatial zone.    


"Fear. This is a unique power that belongs to our world.    


In this world, there is no lightning that can escape our control.    


Even though this bit of power you possess is powerful enough, it is impossible for you to contend against us."    


The voice of the Heaven God changed slightly after saying this.    


What was even stranger was that Ye Feng could sense an extremely unique power being born in the body of the Heavenly God, as if this power didn't belong to him.    


"Who exactly are you?"    


Ye Feng did his best to control the force in his body, and asked this question to his opponent.    


"Is it very sensitive?"    


When the Heavenly God heard Ye Feng's words, he couldn't help but smile, as if he didn't care about Ye Feng's reaction.    


"I didn't expect that you would be able to detect my presence. This is indeed surprising, but everything that you have shown is too sensitive.    


You're just a Divine General, yet you're able to detect my presence. This is definitely not ordinary.    


It probably took quite a bit of effort for Silken Cloud to be able to find you, but it's truly too much of a pity..."    


The man on the opposite side kept shaking his head, and the aura emitted from his body had already reached a terrifying level.    


An extremely powerful pressure was unleashed at this moment, heading towards Ye Feng's position, as if it was going to crush his body into pieces.    


Especially the huge lightning gate. A vast world had emerged within it.    


Although the essence of this world was incomparably illusory, the lightning energy within it wasn't fake at all.    


When he felt this aura, Ye Feng's body trembled continuously. The energy that was emitted from it was unimaginably powerful.    


Faced with such a terrifying aura, the expressions of everyone present had become extremely shocked. It was as if they couldn't understand how the opponent's strength could undergo such a powerful transformation.    


At this moment, outside of the battlefield, wen Fengzhao was keenly aware of such a change.    


"Martial Uncle."    


The Misty Cloud Palace's Palace Master nodded and said, "It's that kid from the Thunder Clan.    


He didn't expect that he would really cultivate such a Cultivation Method. He separated his soul and attached it to someone else's body.    


However, this kind of power was also the greatest damage to his soul.    


Even if he had sufficient strength and refined an endless number of clones, it would still not allow his cultivation base to reach a higher realm in the end.    


After cultivating this Cultivation Method, that kid will stop at the Sovereign God Realm for the rest of his life. "    


When Wen Fengzhao Yue heard this, he shook his head as well. His gaze was a little strange as well. No one knew what he was thinking about.    


He heard her say in a calm tone, "But in reality, in this vast world, who would be able to reach the Sovereign level?    


Cultivating such a Cultivation Method would allow one's soul to constantly transform. The power that it emanated would indeed reach an extremely powerful level.    


Having such a powerful combat strength was already considered quite formidable even in the Sovereign realm.    


As for being able to reach this step in the end, I'm afraid that it's not something that he can decide for himself."    


After that, wen Fengzhao had already given up on such an idea, turning his head to look at Palace Lord Yun Lan.    


"However, this brat used such a method to challenge your dignity. Could it be that you don't care about it?"    


When she said this, her voice was also somewhat playful, as if she was stirring up something.    


"You, lass, don't play this trick on me.    


Although I organized such an event, my real purpose wasn't for you kids.    


As for who won the final battle, and what methods they used, I don't care.    


As for who would obtain the greatest benefits in the end, it has nothing to do with me.    


Even if you want to help that little girl of the Jin Xiu Clan, don't involve me."    


Wen Fengzhao Yue didn't feel any sense of loss. He just looked at Ye Feng with a unique gaze, as if he was looking forward to something.    


"Actually, there's nothing I can't tell you. After all, you are already a dead man."    


The Heavenly God also unleashed his aura, enshrouding Ye Feng within.    


The power of the Void Divine Lightning was circulating continuously. The world had completely covered this part of the spatial zone.    


The powerful power within his body also continued to be willful at this moment.    


Ye Feng could feel that the connection between him and the outside world had been completely severed.    


Countless terrifying destructive power were revolving around his body, as if they were going to devour his entire body.    


"My name is Wang Wuwang of the Thunder Sect. I am a young master of the Thunder Sect's Great World.    


This time, I have used some kind of special technique to descend here for an extremely precious item.    


I didn't expect to meet someone like you, who could see through my identity and expose my own methods.    


At this moment, I might have already appeared in that person's eyes, but it's nothing.    


Since I'm able to enter here, I've already obtained that person's acquiescence. As long as I don't go overboard, I won't do anything to me.    


As for you, no matter what, I'll let you die with an understanding, and let you know just how terrifying my strength is. "    


As he spoke, wang Wuwang of the Thunder Sect had already unleashed a terrifying force of lightning.    


That terrifying aura had directly covered the entire space.    


The incomparably terrifying lightning energy that erupted crazily at this moment had become extremely terrifying. It could even be said that it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone even brighter when he sensed the terrifying aura.    


The power unleashed from his every move had become incomparably terrifying.    


Seizing this opportunity, the source energy in his body continued to explode, forming terrifying waves. It spread out at an extremely fast speed.    


A terrifying lightning energy came from the depths of the space. It was also a destructive fluctuation that was wildly circulating at this moment. It was so powerful that it was unimaginable.    


It was impossible to resist such a terrifying aura with his own strength.    


Ye Feng didn't hold anything back either. He unleashed all of his fundamental strength.    


The chaotic origin force pushed the few terrifying apocalyptic storm, spreading crazily in the void, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Facing such a unique force, no one dared to take a step forward to resist such a terrifying destructive force.    


The two unimaginable powers collided at this moment.    


Terrifying rumbles reverberated in the void. There was even an extremely terrifying destructive power that had completely expanded at this moment.    


This unique destructive power seemed as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Countless Destruction aura began to spread out wildly.    


Countless energies were circulating crazily in his body. Ye Feng could also feel an enormous pressure.    


The destructive force that exceeded his imagination descended upon his body in a very short period of time, as if it was going to completely destroy his body.    


It was also at this moment that the aura that filled the depths of the void had become extremely terrifying.    


That kind of destructive power that exceeded the limit erupted in an extremely short period of time. It seemed as though it wanted to completely destroy everything in the world.    


"It's useless. Give up resisting."    


Wang Wuwang of the Thunder Sect said in a calm tone. The energy that was emitted from his body was many times stronger than before.    


The incomparably huge Thunder Sect behind him seemed to have condensed into a solid form, and the aura that was being emitted from it became even more terrifying.    


The world behind the lightning door displayed its most powerful strength. It even wanted to swallow this entire space.    


Faced with such a terrifying impact, Ye Feng's expression didn't change at all. The Origin aura in his body was still circulating rapidly.    


Despite enduring such a powerful force, Ye Feng was still displaying his most powerful aura.    


It was as if he was saying... It was as if he wasn't the one being tortured by that terrifying force.    


At this moment, the aura that was blooming in the depths of the void had become extremely terrifying. The energy that was being emitted was spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, Ye Feng suddenly made his move.    


The steps under his feet kept sliding, and the aura that was being emitted was unimaginably powerful.    


In his hand, a terrifying pike that was formed from destructive power appeared.    


The terrifying sharpness of the Saint magic spear bloomed at this moment. It was as if it was going to swallow everything in the world.    


It caused the terrifying aura to explode at this moment, causing the surrounding space to distort.    


Ye Feng also seized this opportunity to increase his speed to the maximum, and rushed towards the Thunder Sect.    


Unexpected Thunder Sect didn't expect Ye Feng to have such courage. He immediately unleashed the lightning energy in his body.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds had spread crazily at this moment. There was even an aura that ordinary people could not understand circulating crazily at this moment.    


It was also at this instant that the aura that filled the depths of the void had already reached a level that ordinary people could not understand. Once it was completely gathered together, the strength that it displayed would reach an extremely powerful state.    


Under such circumstances, the source energy in Ye Feng's body began to burn.    


When this energy completely spread out, the aura in the void had become extremely dangerous. Every movement of the aura was filled with terrifying fluctuations.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's expression was incomparably solemn. The source energy in his body was circulating continuously, trying to devour everything in the world.    




A terrifying sound of destruction reverberated in this instant. A powerful force that was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people was spreading crazily at this moment.    


Feeling such a unique force, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant.    


The expression of Wang Wuwang of the Thunder Sect became incomparably cautious. The Origin Energy in his body was circulating continuously at this moment.    


The extremely unique energy in his body had completely expanded at this moment. There was also an extremely huge aura that filled the air in an instant.    


In this very short period of time, the destructive waves that were unleashed from the depths of the void had already reached an unimaginable level. The energy that was unleashed had already exceeded his imagination.    


Seizing this opportunity, the Thunder Sect's Wuwang also quickly circulated the Origin Power in his body. He even expanded the territory of his own power at an extremely fast speed.    


Those terrifying aura started circulating crazily at this moment, causing the energy that was being emitted from the entire space to become unusually pure.    


Seizing this opportunity, the powerful ripples that were spreading out from the depths of the void started spreading crazily, causing the entire world to be filled with them. They were all circulating at the fastest speed possible.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds reverberated continuously in the void, and the aura that was being emitted was even more terrifying. * Hong Long...... *    


At this moment, the energy ripples that were being emitted from the entire spatial zone had become extremely terrifying.    


The aura unleashed by both parties was unimaginably powerful. It could even be said that this kind of terrifying strength was enough to completely tear apart this spatial zone.    


The attribute of Undeserved Thunder Sect was also unimaginably powerful. It was several times stronger than the storm unleashed by Ye Feng by burning his source.    


Under such circumstances, no matter how powerful Ye Feng was, he wouldn't be able to fight his opponent.    


It could even be said that such a terrifying aura would completely devour Ye Feng's body in a very short period of time.    


Under such circumstances, Ye Feng seemed to have no way of breaking out of this situation. Even with the help of a peerless Ares-class like the Sacred magic spear, he wouldn't be able to change anything.    


However, was this really the case?    


Facing the terrifying pressure, Ye Feng's deep emotions were still as calm as before.    


The Origin aura in his body was the same. * Hong Long...... *    


The destructive power that had gathered in the entire spatial zone continuously brought tremendous pressure to Ye Feng.    


At the same time, Ye Feng had also grasped such a terrifying power. He had also gathered all the Destruction aura around him.    


A gentle breeze swept across the surface of the Sacred magic spear, and all the destructive power was gathered within it.    


In the end, this powerful force kept compressing and condensing, and it could even be said that it wanted to completely devour all the energy in the world.    


The power to destroy the void.    


In this spatial zone, Ye Feng exerted all of his strength to mobilize his own strength. Finally, he had completely condensed the aura in his body at this moment.    


The power to destroy the void originated from the powerful force within the Sacred magic spear.    


The terrifying destructive force was beyond Ye Feng's imagination.    


Once such a force was fully unleashed, Ye Feng couldn't imagine what kind of changes would happen. He couldn't even imagine what kind of damage this spatial zone would suffer.    


However, Ye Feng had no other choice right now.    


The origin power in his body erupted crazily. The destructive force also pierced towards his opponent's position.    


Unexpected Thunder Gate also sensed the danger of the destructive force. He immediately unleashed all of his power.    


This extremely unique aura spread out in an instant, as if it was going to devour everything in this world.    


The aura that was emitted from the depths of the void had already reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


The two forces collided wildly. Terrifying rumbling sounds reverberated continuously.    


There was also an aura that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It was spreading crazily at this moment.    


The destructive power that was formed had even reached an extremely terrifying extent.    


The destructive force that was displayed by the destructive force of the void had already become stronger and stronger, and it was even about to devour the entire space.    


Although the lightning force unleashed by Wu Wang of the Thunder Sect was powerful, it couldn't completely suppress Ye Feng's destructive force at this moment.    


On the contrary, the powerful force that was constantly circulating within it was erupting continuously at this moment. It had even reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach.    


However, this kind of force had completely spread out. Even Unexpected Thunder Sect was unable to control this kind of terrifying aura.    


However, Ye Feng's expression was still calm. The energy ripples that he was releasing were also growing at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, the Saint magic spear in Ye Feng's hand trembled slightly. The aura that was being emitted had also reached a very strange state.    


That kind of destructive power that exceeded one's imagination exploded at this moment.    


Feeling such a unique power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became brighter.    


"It's my turn now."    


After saying this, Ye Feng's Su Duye kept soaring. The aura that he released became stronger and stronger, as if it was going to devour everything in this world.    


Such a terrifying aura erupted crazily, causing Wu Wang of the Thunder Sect to be completely shocked. It was as if he couldn't imagine Ye Feng's strength to reach such a terrifying extent.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the void had reached an unimaginable level.    


Once such a force was fully unleashed, it would definitely destroy the entire space.    


However, there was no way for Wu Wang of the Thunder Sect to stop it.    


That kind of unimaginable destructive power had completely erupted at this moment, forming a destructive fluctuation. It spread at an extremely fast speed, as if it was going to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Under this terrifying pressure, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void became even more terrifying.    


At this moment, the destructive ripples that had surpassed the limit had completely displayed its formidable strength.    


A terrifying rumbling sound could be heard at this moment.    


An extremely terrifying impact descended upon the body of the Thunder Sect's Wuwang at the first possible moment.    


The lightning door behind him also released an extremely terrifying lightning energy at this moment.    


The incomparably powerful Destruction aura erupted crazily at this moment. It even displayed a force fluctuation that was incomprehensible to ordinary people.    


Seizing this opportunity, Ye Feng waved the Sacred magic spear once again. One after another, blood-red spear light after another pierced towards his opponent.    


The destructive force kept on surging. The energy ripples that were unleashed were spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


It was as if it was going to devour the entire Heavens and Earth.    


"How is this possible?"    


Unexpected Childe of the Thunder Sect could not believe what he had just seen. He could clearly sense that the energy in his body was being suppressed.    


The power of an extremely unique attribute spread out at that instant. In fact, it could even be said that it was about to be suppressed. It spread out at an extremely fast speed.    


Even the enormous lightning door behind him was being suppressed at this moment. The power of lightning that was being emitted from it... It was collapsing at an extremely fast speed.    


"No, this is impossible!"    


Unexpected Thunder Gate roared loudly. The aura in his body was also exploding at this moment.    


His soul force was trembling at this moment. It was constantly emitting powerful waves of destruction, crushing towards his opponent's position.    


To him, the destruction of this body was nothing.    


However, if his soul force was injured, it would be an irreversible injury.    


He had also cultivated an extremely unique Cultivation Method. It kept splitting his soul and merging it into the bodies of other experts, or rather, other treasures.    


With this process, he would be able to cultivate even more Cultivation Method. Moreover, he would be able to push the Cultivation Method he cultivated to a higher level.    


Facing such a unique power, even if the Thunder Sect's Wu Wang wasn't very strong, he would still be able to raise his combat strength to an extremely terrifying level.    


However, once he cultivated such a Cultivation Method, every soul fragment would be incomparably precious. Once he was injured, there was no way he could compensate for it.    


Even with the most miraculous spirit medicine in the world, it was impossible to change this outcome. All it could do was watch helplessly as its soul was being destroyed bit by bit until it was completely destroyed.    


This was the power that Ye Feng had unleashed.    


The unique destructive power was spreading crazily in the void. The aura that it was releasing had reached an unimaginable level.    


The continuous eruption of the power of destruction would definitely destroy the soul of Wu Wang of the Thunder Sect in a very short period of time. The destructive power that was beyond the limit could even reach a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the void had become incomparably terrifying.    


It could even be said that he wanted to completely suppress the other party in a very short period of time.    


The Thunder Sect's Wuwang unleashed all of his strength at an extremely fast speed, as if he wanted to completely destroy everything in the void.    


Faced with such a terrifying pressure, Ye Feng's expression became even more cautious in the depths of the void.    


That kind of extremely terrifying aura of destruction kept exploding at this moment. The powerful energy waves that were formed were spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, the Origin aura within the peak body was burning crazily. The energy ripples that were being emitted from it... And it's running at an even faster speed.    


"I've caught you!"    


At that moment, Ye Feng's eyes had become extremely bright. The source energy in his body... It also erupted at an extremely fast speed.    


It was as if all the energy had been ignited. That kind of terrifying energy that had exceeded the limit crazily erupted at this moment.    


The powerful aura that Ye Feng possessed expanded in an instant. It could even be said that it wanted to incinerate everything in this world.    


Faced with such a terrifying pressure, the expressions of everyone present became incomparably cautious. It was as if they had never thought that Ye Feng's strength would actually reach such a terrifying realm.    


Especially Wang Wuwang of the Thunder Sect. His heart was filled with incomparable fear, as if he couldn't understand why Ye Feng possessed such a powerful destructive power.    


In this very short period of time, the aura that Ye Feng had displayed was unimaginably powerful, and there was an extremely terrifying power contained within the magic spear.    


Feeling such tremendous pressure, the expression of Wang Wuwang from the Thunder Sect became more and more solemn.    


He crazily unleashed the lightning energy that belonged to him, wanting to kill Ye Feng.    


However, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't suppress Ye Feng in such a short period of time. The source of Ye Feng's energy had instead increased the pressure on his soul.    


This had also made the Thunder Sect lawless and almost crazy.    


"Block it!"    


A furious roar was heard. He unleashed all of his energy to release his own source aura. Countless destructive power filled the void. It was even crazily erupting at an extremely fast speed.    


Terrifying rumbles reverberated in the void. There was even a terrifying aura wrapping around Ye Feng's body.    


At this moment, the energy ripples emitted from this place had reached an unimaginable level.    


It could even be said that when this energy spread out, Ye Feng could feel the powerful destructive power contained within it.    


Seizing this opportunity, Ye Feng unleashed all of his strength without any reservation. The terrifying aura that had exceeded the limit completely erupted at this moment.    


In this very short period of time, the energy that erupted from the depths of the void had reached an unimaginable realm.    


The destructive aura on top of the Saint magic spear spread out crazily, enough to completely destroy the entire world.    


At this moment, the powerful destructive power that filled the depths of the void had also displayed its true strength at this moment.    


The body of Wu Wang of the Thunder Sect was no longer able to resist such a terrifying destructive aura. It was pierced through the void by Ye Feng's Sacred magic spear and struck directly.    




At this moment, wuwang of the Thunder Sect let out a miserable cry. He could feel that his soul was enduring an unprecedented pressure.    


That kind of intense torture made his soul incomplete. Even the Origin aura in his body was burning crazily at this moment.    


Ye Feng was also unable to mobilize such a terrifying destructive power again. He tried his best to circulate the Origin Energy in his body.    


Both sides were in a deadlock at this moment. As long as one side was the first to collapse, everything would be lost.    


The circulation of the Chaotic Origin Force also placed a huge pressure on Ye Feng. The Origin aura in his body was constantly emitting powerful fluctuations.    


In terms of will, Ye Feng would never lose to anyone, let alone be suppressed by anyone.    


The strength of Wang Wuwang of the Thunder Sect was indeed terrifying. However, under such circumstances, he was still unable to fight Ye Feng.    


The incomparably terrifying lightning gate behind him had also displayed a terrifying strength that ordinary people couldn't compare with.    


Finally, the lightning energy within was continuously absorbed by Ye Feng.    


The Confusion Spirit Orb was rotating within Ye Feng's body, and the aura it was emitting had already reached an unimaginable realm.    


The powerful aura that contained the source power of the Void Divine Lightning was refined by Ye Feng in an instant, and finally integrated into his body.    


It was at this moment that Ye Feng realized that the energy in his body was undergoing a unique transformation.    


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