Sky War God

C3690 Greed

C3690 Greed

The Origin energy in his body was circulating continuously at this moment, and it had reached a very unique state.    


Ye Feng's expression became incomparably solemn when he felt this kind of power.    


The attribute power in his body was spreading continuously at this moment.    


All kinds of powers in the world had gathered around Ye Feng's body at this moment, and it was a power that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy was circulating continuously, and the energy it emitted was getting purer and purer. Every single movement of the aura had reached an extremely pure level.    


After absorbing all kinds of energies from the heaven and earth, Ye Feng's expression became even more serious. The aura in his body had unleashed an unprecedented energy fluctuation.    


"This is?"    


Ye Feng was also filled with doubts about the changes in his body.    


Although he wasn't sure what had happened, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the void made him even more serious.    


Ye Feng circulated his Cultivation Method continuously. He tried his best to control the energy in his body, and carefully sensed every change in his body.    


When he circulated these energies, only then did Ye Feng realize how heavy the source energy was.    


Every time he circulated a part of the energy, his body would feel an even greater pressure.    


The continuous circulation of his mental energy also displayed a unique pressure that ordinary people could not understand. It could even be said that the Origin Power within his body was rapidly circulating.    


On the other hand, his body and his Divine Sense had been sealed by the continuous channeling. They were both experiencing tremendous changes.    


It was as if the energy was constantly nourishing Ye Feng's body.    


As all kinds of energies were gathering in his body, Ye Feng's expression became incomparably solemn. The Origin aura in his body was circulating continuously at this moment.    


That kind of extremely powerful energy had merged into Ye Feng's body at this moment, especially the apocalyptic storm and Void Divine Lightning.    


The intertwining and circulating of these two energies had also caused a huge change to Ye Feng's aura.    


At the same time, that kind of unique attribute energy was being circulated by Ye Feng.    


As he continuously gathered the origin energy within his body, Ye Feng's expression became even more solemn.    


He could clearly feel that the fundamental Great Dao of his body was undergoing a transformation while these energies were circulating.    


The Heavenly Dao was extremely important to Ye Feng. At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void was enough to push his cultivation base to a higher realm.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could feel that the energy that was being emitted from the void was going to completely fuse into his body.    


* Hong Long...... * Terrifying rumbles resounded at this moment, and an incomparably terrifying destructive power erupted.    


Ye Feng's expression was also incomparably shocked when faced with such a terrifying destructive aura.    


Such a powerful attribute was circulating continuously in the spatial zone, and it even revealed a powerful fluctuation that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


In order to completely grasp this kind of strength, the time and energy required was definitely not few.    


Just as Ye Feng was constantly circulating the source energy in his body, the fundamental aura in this spatial zone kept exploding at this moment.    


Ye Feng's expression became extremely cautious when he sensed this unique attribute energy.    


The powerful aura that exceeded his imagination had completely expanded at this moment. It even wanted to suppress everything in this world.    


Unfortunately, the surging energy in the void had grown bigger than Ye Feng had imagined. The destructive force it emitted had reached an indescribable state.    


Water, fire, earth, wood - all kinds of attributes - like a rainstorm, gathered towards Ye Feng's position.    


This kind of unimaginable power erupted at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Ye Feng's expression became incomparably cautious in the face of such a terrifying attack. The source energy in his body was circulating rapidly at this moment, displaying a terrifying ability that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


However, before Ye Feng's chaotic source energy could fully erupt, those terrifying attacks had already landed on his body.    


When he sensed this power, the aura that was being emitted from the void became extremely pure.    


Using a terrifying energy beyond imagination, it seemed like it was going to completely tear apart the defense in Ye Feng's body, and unleash a destructive attack that was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could clearly feel that his body had shattered in front of such a terrifying torrent.    


Countless destructive power swarmed into his body.    


Ye Feng's expression didn't change at all when he sensed this unique fluctuation.    


Or rather, he couldn't control his own body anymore.    


That kind of powerful aura that was beyond imagination exploded at this moment. There was also a unique power that ordinary people couldn't understand that kept spreading at this moment.    


The formidable power of the Chaos Origin Energy was also unable to resist so many terrifying attributes.    


Furthermore, the enemy Ye Feng was facing wasn't as simple as he thought.    


"I never thought that it would be such a young man who has mastered the power of the Origin of the Heavens and Earth first.    


To be able to combine the two elements in such a short period of time was indeed not something an ordinary person could do.    


I thought that it was some young master's beloved general, but I didn't expect it to be a little trash like you."    


In the void of space. Someone said. The terrifying aura that erupted had already reached a terrifying realm.    


That kind of unimaginable power was like a divine sword, pointing at Ye Feng.    


Every word that came out of his mouth was filled with a terrifying power, and it descended towards Ye Feng's position.    


Ye Feng's facial expression changed dramatically when he sensed this unimaginable power. It was as if this unique attribute of power was going to completely cut the heaven and earth apart.    


"It can't be said that he has achieved nothing. No matter what, he has already obtained two kinds of source power.    


He also fused them into his own body.    


No matter from which angle we look at it, we are already a step slower than him, and a very important step at that."    


"That sounds nice, but didn't we just suppress him?    


Right now, all we need to do is think about how to divide the power within his body, and let him become a part of us.    


Don't tell me you're feeling sympathetic and want to save this little thing?"    


In the void, the conversations of the crowd had also provoked Ye Feng, causing the source energy in his body to constantly fluctuate.    


The terrifying Chaotic Origin aura was circulating continuously at this moment, displaying a terrifying power that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Unfortunately, Ye Feng's body had been completely ripped apart. Even though he was circulating the Origin Energy, his body was still shattering continuously.    


It could even be said that if he didn't suppress those terrifying destructive power quickly, Ye Feng's body would be completely destroyed, and he wouldn't have the chance to exist anymore.    


Currently, Ye Feng was just an ancient Giant God, and he had yet to fully condense his internal world.    


Once the energy in his body completely collapsed and the aura in his soul was completely destroyed, he would truly die.    


He wouldn't even have the chance to revive.    


When he felt this energy, Ye Feng's expression was incomparably calm. The aura that was being emitted was circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


When he truly felt this aura, a brilliant light emerged in Ye Feng's eyes, as if it was going to devour all the energy in this world.    


The chaotic origin force swept across his body. The Confusion Spirit Orb, the supreme treasure, was spinning continuously in his body.    


A chaotic radiance spread out, as if it wanted to merge everything in this world into its body.    


Such a powerful force could suppress all the worlds in the universe at this moment. The terrifying force gathered in the depths of the void was also suppressed by Ye Feng's aura.    


Using an extremely unique force to spread out, it also caused the origin force in Ye Feng's body to circulate continuously, to an unimaginable extent.    


"How is this possible?"    


When they saw such a force being completely unleashed, the expressions of everyone present became extremely shocked, as if they were believing their own eyes.    


That kind of unimaginable power... At this moment, it continued to expand, and it even said that it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


"This definitely shouldn't be the case. The destructive power that we've unleashed together is something that can even heavily injure a Sovereign.    


What right does he have to resist such a powerful destructive attack? In fact, it could even be said that... He can still recover in this situation."    


In the crowd. Someone said furiously. The Flame Qi emitted from his body seemed like it was going to burn the entire space.    


The terrifying destructive power descended on Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed, as if it wanted to completely destroy his body.    


However, the chaotic origin energy was also spreading at this moment, forming a barrier in front of Ye Feng.    


After blocking such a terrifying attack, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


The circulation of the chaotic origin force had stabilized and changed the aura around Ye Feng's body. The unique force that was released was enough to completely suppress and refine this spatial zone.    


Seizing this opportunity, Ye Feng unleashed a pure force with a flick of his finger. The destructive aura that had surpassed the limit was about to completely suppress this spatial zone.    


That kind of extremely unique and brilliant fluctuation was continuously being emitted at this moment, as if it was going to devour everything in this world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded at this moment. The instant the strength that both parties possessed collided, an extremely terrifying destructive ripple erupted.    


Under such a powerful pressure, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant.    


However, he didn't have time to wait. * Hong Long...... * Before Ye Feng could fully sense this force, the aura that was gathered in the depths of the void had already reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


Facing this unique energy, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. He immediately unleashed all the energy in his body.    


The terrifying energy that had exceeded the limit had also displayed its most powerful ability in a very short period of time, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Ye Feng's attack had already been circulated to the extreme.    


Those unimaginable and terrifying waves of destruction were completely unleashed at this moment, as if they wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Such a terrifying aura was constantly shaking in the depths of the void, and the energy it was emitting was unleashed at an extremely fast speed.    


Both of their strengths had reached a terrifying level. At this moment, terrifying rumbles reverberated continuously in the void.    


At that instant, the energy ripples emitted by the entire space had reached an extremely powerful level.    


Faced with such a huge pressure, Ye Feng's body started to crumble one step further. The energy contained in his body was also dissipating at this moment.    


The extremely unique attribute energy within his body spread out in an instant. It could even be said that the fluctuation of the aura was enough to completely suppress the entire spatial zone.    


"Are you alright? To be resisted by such a little fellow, this is truly a disgrace to your master."    


Looking at Ye Feng and the divine general fighting, the crowd was filled with people. Some people laughed and said.    


"How dare you!"    


The divine general who used the flame was also extremely furious. The aura that he released was also many times stronger than before.    


Such a terrifying aura spread out in an instant, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Boundless flames burned, rushing towards Ye Feng's position.    


Those terrifying flames were enough to ignite the entire heaven and earth. It was even to say that the unimaginable power was going to completely destroy Ye Feng's body in an instant.    


The power of the flames churned, distorting the space around them. A terrifying ability that surpassed the limit emerged.    


In the face of such a powerful aura that exceeded one's imagination, the energy ripples emitted from the depths of the void had reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


Circulating the aura in his body, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


It was as if the destructive power that surpassed the limit had even reached a realm that ordinary people could not reach.    


"Do you think that you can suppress me just like this?"    


Within the flames, Ye Feng was enduring intense pain. His body was about to be completely incinerated.    


However, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the spatial zone had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


There was also a kind of flame in Ye Feng's body that was burning with a unique attribute. It expanded at this moment.    


It contained an endless amount of aura of Life, and it absorbed all the flames in the spatial zone.    


The Nirvana Fire that was revolving around the peak body completely bloomed at this moment. It was as if it was going to ignite the entire world.    


The surrounding flames were unable to harm Ye Feng at all. Instead, it made the Nirvana Fire grow even stronger.    


Such a unique attribute energy had completely expanded at this moment. It was also circulating at an extremely fast speed. It even wanted to completely sink the energy in this spatial zone.    


"What is this?"    


Everyone present was completely silent by the power that Ye Feng had displayed. They couldn't even imagine that there was such a terrifying energy fluctuation.    


It wasn't scary, but this kind of extremely unique power really possessed the aura and power that they couldn't imagine.    


The Nirvana Fire was quite special. In an extremely short period of time, it had already caused the entire space to boil crazily.    


The flame power in the world was crazily gathering at this moment, and it even displayed a kind of powerful strength that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


The various techniques that the Divine General of Fire used could indeed cause tremendous damage to Ye Feng.    


However, Ye Feng was also able to absorb the fiery energy from the heaven and earth in the Nirvana Fire and merge it into his body to heal his injuries.    


As this energy circulated, it gradually became balanced.    


No matter what kind of damage the other party caused to Ye Feng, Ye Feng would be able to fully recover in a very short period of time.    


Facing such a unique aura that was beyond his imagination, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.    


The Undying Bird Battle Spirit gradually flew out from behind him, absorbing the flame energy between heaven and earth, and tempering his Nirvana Fire.    


This kind of unimaginably powerful flame was crazily unleashed at this moment, and it even displayed an extremely powerful attribute.    


"This kind of power... How is this possible?"    


Sensing the unique strength contained within the Battle Spirit's body, everyone present was completely shocked.    


They simply couldn't imagine that there was still such a unique energy within Ye Feng's body.    


At this moment, those experts had displayed their absolutely terrifying attribute, as if they wanted to completely destroy this spatial zone.    


A terrifying rumbling sound erupted at this moment.    


Countless destructive power descended towards Ye Feng's location. They even said that they wanted to completely destroy his body.    


At this moment, such a powerful force was completely unleashed. It was also expanding at an extremely fast speed.    


However, the flame power that was being emitted from the outside world was unable to harm Ye Feng and the Undying Bird Battle Spirit. Instead, it made their aura become even more powerful.    


That kind of powerful energy fluctuation that exceeded one's imagination had completely spread at this moment. There was even a kind of energy that was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people that was crazily erupting at this moment.    


"That's right. He is indeed in control of that kind of strength."    


"Such a sacred and powerful ability was actually used by him in such a lowly manner. It is truly infuriating."    


"We can't let him continue to insult this sacred ability. We must give him an extremely severe punishment."    


"Kill him, deprive him of this sacred power, we must make him pay the price"    


All the Divine Generals present let out furious roars as they stared at the Undying Bird Battle Spirit behind Ye Feng.    


That kind of unimaginable pressure bloomed at this moment, and rushed towards Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed.    


Countless destructive aura were spreading at this moment. Therefore, the tremendous force that was unleashed was so powerful that it could even destroy the entire heaven and earth.    


Ye Feng couldn't help but frown. The energy in his body continued to expand, and the aura that was unleashed became even more powerful.    


He had no idea why the energy of the Battle Spirit would make these people so crazy.    


However, this wasn't enough to make Ye Feng surrender.    


An incomparably powerful attribute energy erupted at this moment. It was as if it was going to devour the entire world.    


The flames rose crazily, and Ye Feng was moving his feet at a rapid speed.    


That kind of powerful attribute energy that had exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, as if it was going to burn everything in this world.    


Under the push of the flame, Ye Feng's Su Duye's strength increased crazily. The strength that he displayed was beyond imagination.    


The Divine General of Fire couldn't understand why Ye Feng's strength had increased so much during this period of time.    


But now, he had no time to hesitate.    


The destructive force that had exceeded the limit erupted at this moment, as if it was going to annihilate everything in this world.    


The destructive aura that had surpassed the limit was fully unleashed at this moment. In fact, it could even be said that there was an unimaginably powerful force that had completely erupted at this moment.    


Two completely different types of fire energy, the energy that was displayed from the crazy collision at this moment, was also unimaginably powerful.    


In this very short period of time, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


The destructive power that had surpassed the limit was also circulating at an extremely fast speed, displaying a destructive power that was beyond imagination.    


One was the Nirvana Fire that rose continuously from death, and finally came back to life.    


The other was the Nirvana Fire that destroyed everything, and completely extinguished the flames of destruction.    


When these two forces collided, the aura of both sides would naturally continue to entangle with each other, and the power it emitted would reach an extremely terrifying realm.    


When he was truly enduring this unimaginable power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant.    




An incomparably terrifying vibration of destruction erupted at this moment, causing the aura that was being emitted from this area to become unusually terrifying.    


Two kinds of extreme flames collided crazily at this moment, displaying an extremely powerful destructive power.    


At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant. A kind of destructive aura that had surpassed the limit rose from his body.    


The Undying Bird's Battle Spirit spread its wings and fluttered in the air. A seven-colored radiance bloomed at this moment, as if it was going to devour everything in this world.    


Endless flames spread out at this moment, and even the expressions of the people present became extremely shocked.    


The power contained within the Origin Flame that surpassed the limit was simply terrifying to an extremely terrifying extent. The power it emitted was even expanding at an extremely rapid speed.    


When they truly grasped this kind of power, the expressions of everyone present became incomparably shocked.    


The footsteps under Feng's feet continued. He moved his body and also shuttled through space.    


That Divine Flame General's strength had indeed reached an extremely powerful realm, but it was still unable to change anything at this moment.    


Ye Feng's speed had been raised to the extreme. The strength he displayed and the aura had also become incomparably terrifying.    


The destructive power that had exceeded the limit in that instant had completely expanded at this moment. There was even a terrifying energy that exceeded his imagination that bloomed crazily at this moment.    


It was also at this very moment that the two extremely terrifying flames collided in the void, displaying a unique energy that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Such a terrifying aura spread across the void, displaying an extremely terrifying attribute energy.    


"Go to hell!"    


He tried to use the source energy in his body to suppress Ye Feng a few times, but to no avail. After that, the Divine General of Fire almost went crazy.    


Such terrifying flame energy was unleashed crazily at this moment, as if it was going to incinerate the entire world.    


Furthermore, not only did the flame origin power that he had obtained from this world completely burst out, even the powerful energy within his body completely burst out at this moment.    


It was as if he was going to burn everything in this world to ashes.    


At this instant, the energy fluctuations emitted from the depths of the void had already reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine. That kind of destructive hammer that surpassed the limit was even going to burn the entire world clean.    


"Go to hell, go to hell!"    


The Divine General of Flames roared furiously. The power of fire within his body had also completely erupted at this moment.    


An incomparably huge flaming axe condensed at this moment, forming a unique power that ordinary people were unable to comprehend.    


That kind of flame power that exceeded the limit, carrying an unprecedented sharpness, directly descended towards Ye Feng's position.    


When he felt this aura, the energy in the peak body was boiling.    


The two energies collided crazily at this moment, and it even revealed a unique energy that ordinary people were unable to comprehend.    




A series of terrifying vibrations resounded in that instant. There was even a destructive might that exceeded the limits, spreading wildly at this moment.    


Such a terrifying aura was unleashed at this moment. In fact, it could even be said that it was going to explode at this moment. With an extremely fast speed, it completely destroyed the entire world.    


Seizing this opportunity... Ye Feng also unleashed the aura in his body without holding anything back. He even said that he wanted to completely destroy the entire world at this moment.    


This kind of terrifying energy that had exceeded the limit completely erupted at this moment. It even caused everyone present to feel an unprecedented shock.    


The Undying Bird Battle Spirit indeed only contained the power of nirvana.    


But this kind of power didn't mean that he didn't have any combat strength at this moment.    


That kind of destructive aura that surpassed the limit had completely erupted in an extremely short period of time.    


Countless flames were boiling at this moment. There was also a terrifying energy that was beyond imagination. At this moment, it was fully unleashed.    


The terrifying rumbling kept recalling the terrifying fluctuation that was beyond imagination at this moment. It was even about to completely destroy everything.    


The gigantic flaming axe was forcibly broken by the Undying Bird Battle Spirit at this moment.    


A portion of the flame energy contained within was devoured by the Undying Bird Battle Spirit, becoming its food.    


When he saw this scene, the Divine General of Fire was also incomparably shocked.    


"Impossible, how is this possible?"    


The Divine General of Flames couldn't believe such a scene, and he muttered to himself.    


The unique aura that exceeded his imagination expanded at this moment. It even said that it wanted to completely destroy all the power in this world.    


In this very short period of time, the aura that was being emitted from the void had reached an unimaginable level.    


It could even be said that this kind of destructive power was beyond the limit. At the moment when it was fully unleashed, it displayed an unprecedented destructive aura.    


The unique strength displayed by the Undying Bird Battle Spirit had completely shocked everyone present.    


After that, the light in their eyes became even more greedy. The attribute energy they emitted had even reached a realm that ordinary people could not even imagine.    




At this moment, no power could suppress the Divine Flame General's madness. His heart was filled with extreme anger.    


Countless Destruction aura erupted at this moment. It was even said that they wanted to completely destroy all the power in this world.    


In this very short period of time, the unique energy that filled the depths of the void spread out at an extremely fast speed.    


Everyone's expressions became extremely shocked when they sensed the enormous power.    


They simply couldn't imagine that Ye Feng could still use such a terrifying technique. It could even be said that this spatial zone was going to be completely destroyed.    


The destructive power that had surpassed the limit completely spread out at this moment. There was even a kind of extremely terrifying destructive power that was spreading crazily.    


"Even if I die, you will be buried with me."    


Ye Feng's voice was as firm as before. The energy and aura that he was emitting had reached a level that ordinary people could not understand.    


This kind of terrifying ability that was beyond imagination had also displayed its true ability in such a short period of time.    


There was also an extremely terrifying aura of destruction that was unleashed in that instant.    


Both of their strengths had already reached an unimaginable realm. The collision at this moment was also consuming their respective Origins.    


At this moment, the energy emitted from the peak body had become extremely terrifying.    


The destructive force that had exceeded the limit seemed as if it was going to completely destroy this world.    


The terrifying energy that had surpassed the limit spread out in a very short period of time.    


The terrifying vibrating power! At this moment, it kept spreading, and it even unleashed an extremely powerful attribute energy.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds continuously echoed out. There was even a kind of extremely powerful destruction that spread out in an extremely short period of time.    


Facing such a powerful destructive aura, Ye Feng's expression was incomparably indifferent.    


He frantically circulated the energy in his body, ignoring the destructive attacks from the outside world.    


He only exerted all of his strength, controlling the Nirvana Fire in his control to charge at the Divine Flame General.    


This kind of unimaginable power was also causing the aura in the surrounding void to shake unceasingly. There was also an extremely unique type of energy that was spreading crazily at this moment.    


"You're crazy!"    


The Divine General also looked at Ye Feng with an extremely shocked gaze. It seemed like he could not imagine that this human would actually be so crazy. He even had the courage to do so. He was provoking him in such a crazy way.    


However, that unique Nirvana Fire also filled his heart with fear, and he couldn't even truly provoke him.    


Once this kind of power truly descended upon his body, even his extremely powerful strength wouldn't be able to withstand it.    


However, Ye Feng's body had already completely shattered. He was only relying on the power of the Nirvana Fire to maintain the stability of his body.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was heard at this moment. There was also a unique force that no ordinary person could understand that erupted in an instant.    


At that moment, it was as if Ye Feng had passed through layers of space and landed on the body of that expert.    


Such a unique destructive power was circulating crazily at this moment. The energy ripples it emitted were so powerful that it could even destroy the entire world.    


This kind of unimaginable power was simply shocking. It was as if the source energy in one's body was burning crazily.    


Ye Feng continuously circulated the aura in his body. The light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.    


At the same time, that terrifying ability that had exceeded the limit. It also unleashed a destructive force that surpassed the limit without any reservation.    


At this moment, the anger in the Divine Flame General's heart finally dissipated.    


What replaced it was a fear that couldn't be described with words.    


That fear was like a shadow of death, enveloping his heart. With an extremely fast speed, it erupted with destructive power that no ordinary person could imagine.    


Just as he was hesitating, the Undying Bird Battle Spirit had already arrived in front of him.    


The destructive power that exceeded his imagination exploded in an extremely short period of time, displaying a powerful fluctuation that exceeded the limit.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could clearly sense the power that erupted from the depths of the void. How powerful was it?    


This kind of terrifying destructive power that exceeded the limit, it could even destroy the entire heaven and earth in an instant.    


"I want you to die with me."    


Seeing that there was no way to dodge Ye Feng's attack, the experts present also felt the same way. He unleashed his own source energy at an extremely fast speed.    


An extremely terrifying destructive power started burning at this moment, as if everything in this world was going to be completely lit up.    


The two extreme flames collided crazily at this moment. The energy waves emitted from them had reached a level that ordinary people could not even imagine.    


As they frantically circulated the Origin Energy within their bodies, the expressions of everyone present became extremely shocked.    


In that instant, everyone present saw the collision and fusion of the two balls of flames.    


At this moment, the destructive power that exceeded their imagination bloomed completely. It was as if it wanted to illuminate everything in this world.    


The final impact and destruction of the flame power had reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


It was also at this moment that the body of that expert began to melt crazily. It could even be said that not even a trace was left behind.    


Ye Feng, on the other hand, continued to absorb the surrounding fire energy. He did his best to push the rebirth of the Undying Bird Battle Spirit.    


The continuous transformation of these two powers also caused the aura in the surrounding space to become quite unique.    


There seemed to be endless fire energy continuously distorting at this moment. It even said that it wanted to completely illuminate everything in this world.    


As they continuously controlled the attributes of the aura within their bodies, the expressions of everyone present became more and more cautious.    


This kind of powerful fluctuation that exceeded the limit spread out at this very moment. It even said that it wanted to completely light up the entire heaven and earth.    


Facing the extremely terrifying attributes of the aura, everyone's eyes became incomparably brilliant.    


The high-pitched cry of the Undying Bird reverberated continuously in the void, causing all the people present to go crazy.    


"What a powerful and sacred power! If I can obtain it, then even if I want to break through to the Sovereign level, it's not impossible!"    


Someone stared at the Undying Bird's body, speaking in an extremely infatuated tone.    


At this moment, everyone's gazes were extremely bright. The powerful ripples emanating from their bodies had similarly reached an extremely terrifying level.    


At that instant, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the rift was unimaginably powerful. There was even a terrifying energy wave that surpassed the limit that was completely unleashed at that moment.    


"He's mine now."    


An extremely powerful force of wind and sand was unleashed at this instant, covering Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.    


"You dare?!"    


A peerless divine general roared furiously, unleashing an even more terrifying destructive force.    


The incomparably terrifying destructive power exploded at this instant. Countless terrifying aura spread out crazily at this moment, and it seemed as if they were going to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Faced with such a unique attribute, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


Even in the midst of the transformation, he could clearly sense everything that was happening in the outside world. Even the aura in his body was transforming at an extremely fast speed.    


The unique strength of the Nirvana Fire was enough to allow Ye Feng to fully recover in a very short period of time.    


At this moment, the energy fluctuation that he was emitting had also reached a terrifying realm.    


The experts present were even fighting madly for the Nirvana Fire at all costs, displaying the unique power that they possessed.    


As they absorbed the terrifying aura within the space, the expressions of everyone present became increasingly cautious.    


They knew that the damage this kind of flame energy could bring them was immeasurable.    


Once they were struck by this kind of power, their bodies would completely collapse in an extremely short period of time.    


But even so, they didn't hesitate at all. They circulated the aura in their bodies with all their might, as if they were going to destroy everything.    


Facing such a terrifying force, everyone's eyes had become incomparably brilliant. It was as if the Origin aura in their bodies was boiling crazily at this moment.    


It was absorbing the unique energy within their bodies that had exceeded their limits.    


The Origin Energy in Ye Feng's body was also transforming continuously.    


The power of the wind, fire, and lightning attributes, which had exceeded the limit, were constantly interweaving and converging at this moment. Finally, a complete change occurred.    


The extremely powerful attribute power of the Undying Bird's Battle Spirit was completely ignited at this moment. It was even said that it was going to completely ignite the entire heaven and earth.    


A terrifying rumbling sound spread wildly at this moment. A unique aura that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people appeared.    


After merging such a unique attribute into his body, the aura in Ye Feng's body became stronger and stronger.    


In an instant, Ye Feng took a step forward. The strength in his body had become stronger and stronger, and he walked out of the Nirvana Fire.    


The Undying Bird Battle Spirit was revived once again, and the energy it emitted spread out into the void.    


Endless power of nirvana was crazily cheering at this moment. The aura that was released had also reached an extremely terrifying realm.    




At this moment, the Divine General furiously roared. The power within his body... At this moment, it completely erupted and descended upon Ye Feng's location.    


Ye Feng could also clearly feel the scariness of the aura emitted from his opponent's body.    


The destructive force that exceeded the limit was so strong that it could even destroy the entire world in an instant.    


However, Ye Feng's expression was incomparably calm. It could even be said that there was a terrifying force that exceeded the limit in his body.    


However, this tiny bit of Ye Feng's strength wasn't enough to resist the endless greed.    


All the experts present were circulating the strength in their bodies with all their might, crazily seizing the aura that was emitted from Ye Feng's body.    


And this bit of energy was simply not enough to satisfy the greed in the hearts of those experts.    


Their goal was to kill Ye Feng and seize the Undying Bird's Battle Spirit.    


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