Sky War God

C3692 The Martial Gathering Ended

C3692 The Martial Gathering Ended

An unimaginable destructive force erupted at this moment, along with an extremely powerful aura of destruction.    


When this force was fully unleashed, Ye Feng could clearly feel that the incomparably pure attribute force was circulating continuously.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy was boiling. The Undying Bird Battle Spirit was also gathering a Nirvana Fire that exceeded his imagination.    


The power that was displayed when the two powers were combined was even more powerful than everything in this space.    


When the other Godly Generals sensed this power, they were so shocked that they were speechless.    


The destructive power that surpassed the limit seemed to want to completely destroy everything in this world.    


The Undying Bird's Battle Spirit spread its wings and moved forward. Its speed had already been raised to the limit.    


The flames were like a storm, sweeping across the void. The powerful pressure it emitted was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


One of the Godly Generals controlled a pure metal element energy and a terrifying sharpness, causing it to freeze in an instant.    


Countless powerful aura exploded at this moment, slashing at Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed.    


Those powerful energies began to erupt crazily, as if they were going to destroy the entire world.    


When these two forces collided, the amount of energy released was simply unimaginable.    


Facing such an unimaginably powerful aura, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


The energy in the body of the Undying Bird Battle Spirit was also boiling. There was even a kind of destructive force that had exceeded the limit. At this moment, it had completely erupted.    


The Nirvana Fire was surging violently. An incomparably powerful destructive power was spreading out endlessly at this moment.    


That kind of metal element power that exceeded one's imagination was completely unleashed at this moment. It also possessed a destructive power that exceeded the limit.    


At this moment, the power that permeated the depths of the void had become extremely enormous.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds continuously reverberated at that moment. It also emitted a unique force that ordinary people could not understand.    


At this moment, Ye Feng circulated his speed to the maximum. The destructive force that exceeded the limit was completely unleashed at this moment.    




The sound of destruction was completely unleashed at this moment. There was also an extremely powerful destructive power that was wreaking havoc at this moment.    


Ye Feng could also feel the terrifying destructive power in the depths of the void, but his expression was incomparably calm.    


It was as if all the energy in the world was unable to shake his existence.    


Flames rose at this moment.    


That terrifying flame power that surpassed the limit completely erupted at this moment, as if it wanted to completely ignite the entire world.    


The Divine General who had mastered the Metal-type Strength was also completely shocked by Ye Feng's attack.    


The extremely terrifying Nirvana Fire seemed as if it was going to melt his body completely. No matter how strong he was, he couldn't resist such a terrifying power.    


At this moment, the aura that erupted from the depths of the void had become extremely terrifying. It could even be said that it was going to destroy the entire world.    


Sensing the destructive power that exceeded the limit, the expression of the Divine General of Metal became extremely shocked.    


He had never thought that Ye Feng's strength had reached such a terrifying extent, and the aura that was emitted from his body had become even more terrifying.    


This kind of destructive power that had exceeded the limit had completely spread out at this moment. A unique force that was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people had emerged, as if it was going to completely destroy the entire world.    


The power that both parties possessed had become exceptionally powerful. It could even be said that when this power was fully unleashed, it was enough to destroy the entire world.    


"You lowly thing, how dare you attack me like this? Do you know who I am?    


Don't think that There's a beautiful cloud behind us. That little slut is enough to protect your safety. Once you leave this place, all of you will die without a doubt. "    


The Divine General of Metal roared furiously. The aura that he unleashed had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


This kind of destructive power that had exceeded the limit kept exploding at this moment. It was boiling at an extremely fast speed.    


Controlling the powerful force in his body, the expressions of everyone present became incomparably shocked.    


At that moment, the aura unleashed by both parties had become extremely terrifying, and it could even be said that it wanted to completely destroy the entire world.    


"Let's talk about this after you leave this place alive."    


Ye Feng didn't care about such a threat at all. He once again unleashed the energy in his body.    


Terrifying destructive power spread out in an instant. An extremely huge palm print of destruction condensed in Ye Feng's palm.    


The palm print seemed to cover the entire sky. It descended at an extremely fast speed towards the position of the Divine General of Metal.    


This terrifying destructive power seemed as if it wanted to completely destroy this entire world.    


The destructive aura that exceeded his imagination erupted at this moment.    


The expression of the divine general became extremely shocked, as if he couldn't imagine how Ye Feng would be so crazy.    


The means that Ye Feng had displayed had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


The destructive power that had surpassed the limit was circulating continuously at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy this world.    


At that instant, that Divine General was also doing everything he could to erupt with his own power.    


The Origin Energy in his body was boiling crazily at this moment. The aura that was being emitted had also reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


In the next moment, countless destructive power were completely unleashed. The destructive waves that were formed had also reached an unimaginable and terrifying realm.    


An extremely brilliant sword light condensed in the void and lunged at the destructive palm print unleashed by Ye Feng.    


The two forces collided in an instant.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds kept exploding at this moment. There was also a kind of destructive power that ordinary people couldn't understand blooming at this moment.    


The destructive power that had surpassed the limit completely spread out at this moment. It was as if it wanted to completely obliterate everything in this world.    


In an instant, a terrifying energy fluctuation that exceeded one's imagination was completely unleashed. The destructive power that was displayed was many times stronger than before.    


When the true energy of this attribute was circulated, the aura that was gathered in the depths of the void became unusually pure.    


However, although the power of the dazzling sword light was powerful, it was unable to resist Ye Feng's strength.    


The destructive aura and origin force contained in the destructive palm had already reached an unimaginable level. At this moment, it was unleashed without holding back.    


The destructive force formed by the combination of various attributes had reached a level that ordinary people could not withstand.    


When such a power was fully unleashed, it also caused the aura in the surrounding void to tremble continuously.    


The brilliant sword light was crushed by Ye Feng's palm.    


After that, the terrifying palm print pierced through the void once again, heading towards the position of the Divine General.    


At the same time, the destructive power, which had surpassed its limit, had completely expanded, causing the entire world to be filled with it. They're all moving at an extremely fast speed.    


Such a powerful destructive force was circulating continuously at this moment, causing the entire world to be completely suppressed.    


When they truly felt this unimaginable power, the expressions of the other Divine Generals became extremely ugly.    


In their opinion, this sort of destructive power that surpassed the limit had simply reached an unimaginable level. Once it completely erupted, it would be enough to completely destroy the entire world.    


The strength that Ye Feng possessed had also reached a level that they could not hope to reach. The aura that was being emitted had become exceptionally terrifying.    


"What are you still standing there for? If we don't attack now, do we have to wait for him to catch all of us in one fell swoop?"    


The terrifying vibrating power burst out with a destructive aura that exceeded the limit, covering the entire space.    


The few Divine Generals present unleashed their own source energy with all their might. The tyrannical aura in their bodies had also reached an unprecedented level.    


In the next instant, the attribute energy that bloomed from the depths of the void completely expanded at an extremely fast speed.    


The destructive force that was beyond the limit descended upon Ye Feng's position.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could also feel what kind of terrifying aura was contained within this force.    


That kind of extremely terrifying attribute energy... At this moment, it was also unleashed without any reservation.    


In the face of this extremely terrifying destructive aura, everyone's expression had already become extremely cautious. In fact, it could even be said that there was some kind of terrifying destructive aura in the void that wanted to completely destroy this entire world.    


The extremely terrifying destructive power in his body was spreading crazily at this moment. There was even a kind of extremely powerful attribute energy that had completely expanded at this moment.    


All kinds of attributes were colliding crazily at this moment.    


Although they were unable to fuse, the destructive power that was produced from the collision had similarly reached an extremely terrifying level.    


When such a force was completely unleashed, the aura that was being emitted from the void had already reached an extremely terrifying level.    


This unimaginable power seemed to want to completely suppress and refine everything in this world. Countless destructive power were continuously released at this moment.    


A terrifying torrent of destruction rushed towards Ye Feng's position.    


The destructive aura that exceeded the limit seemed to want to completely destroy everything in this world.    


At this moment, the powerful energy that permeated the world had already reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


At this moment, a powerful aura was spreading in the depths of the void. It spread at an extremely fast speed, as if it wanted to completely suppress the energy fluctuations in the world.    


Seizing this opportunity, the powerful aura that was spreading out from the depths of the void had already become exceptionally terrifying.    


It could even be said that it wanted to completely devour all the attributes in this world.    


It was also at this moment that the powerful attributes that gathered from the heavens and the earth spread out at an extremely fast speed.    


Ye Feng could also clearly sense that the aura that was being emitted had become quite unique.    


Such a powerful destructive power seemed as if it was going to completely destroy his body. He could feel this unimaginable power. The origin force of the peak body was collapsing at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, the fluctuation of the attributes that permeated the world had completely boiled up.    


Faced with this kind of destructive power that surpassed the limit, everyone's gaze had already undergone an extremely intense change.    


Everyone on the scene was paying attention to the extremely powerful ripples of destruction in the void, as if the entire space was going to be completely destroyed.    


At the same time, the powerful aura that was spreading in the depths of the void started boiling at an extremely fast speed.    


Countless destructive power completely erupted at this very moment. It even displayed a unique power that ordinary people could not understand.    


Ye Feng was also shocked by this aura. The source energy in his body spread out at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, the chaotic energy in this spatial zone had been fully mobilized by Ye Feng.    


The terrifying aura that had surpassed the limit was about to completely suppress this entire world.    


At this moment, Ye Feng unleashed all the energy in his body. The power of the Chaotic Origin had even exceeded a certain limit.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone even brighter as he felt the attribute energy circulating in his body.    


At this moment, the powerful energy that was spreading in the depths of the void erupted at this moment. It was so powerful that it reached an unimaginable level.    




A terrifying vibration reverberated wildly at this moment. The force that Ye Feng displayed had become even more terrifying.    


At this moment, the attribute energy within the peak body spread out at an extremely fast speed.    


When they felt this aura, the expressions of everyone present became incomparably shocked.    


They seemed to be unable to imagine that Ye Feng's strength had actually reached such a realm.    


However, Ye Feng's actions wouldn't stop because of them stopping.    


He kept circulating the source energy in his body, causing the chaotic energy to boil crazily at this moment.    


At this moment, Ye Feng raised his palm and unleashed a terrifying attribute energy in the void.    


The destructive aura that had surpassed the limit completely erupted at this moment, and it could even be said that it was going to be completely destroyed.    


Countless destructive power gathered together, and the Sacred magic spear appeared in Ye Feng's hand at this moment.    


That kind of destructive aura that had surpassed its limit spread out at an extremely fast speed. It wanted to destroy all the energy in this world.    


All kinds of extremely powerful attributes collided with each other at this moment. A terrifying rumbling sound reverberated crazily at this moment.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone even brighter when he felt this kind of power.    


Every single move he made. The aura that was being emitted had become extremely terrifying.    


Seizing this opportunity, Ye Feng unleashed all of his attributes without holding anything back. The destructive force that was beyond his imagination was so strong that it could even suppress the entire heaven and earth.    


Terrifying rumbles reverberated continuously at this moment. The power that was emitted from it had reached an unimaginable level.    


Seizing this opportunity, the energy within the peak body displayed its true level.    


In an extremely short period of time, the aura that was being emitted from the void had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


It was a power that exceeded the limits of the world, as if it was going to completely destroy everything in the world.    


Facing this kind of power that exceeded the limit, everyone's eyes were completely shocked.    


They could only see an incomparably powerful sharp force piercing through the void and descending at an extremely fast speed towards where everyone was.    


The terrifying destructive power formed within the Saint magic spear was the same. * Hong Long...... * The terrifying destructive power spread out at an extremely fast speed, as if it was going to completely destroy everything in this world.    


The Concept of Annihilation was extremely terrifying. In just a very short period of time, it had already unleashed the most terrifying aura in the void.    


It was also at this moment that the power that filled the depths of the void had become exceptionally terrifying. It could even be said that when this kind of attribute power was fully unleashed, it was enough to destroy everything in the world.    


The unique fluctuation that was formed from the continuous collisions of these two powers had even reached an unprecedented level.    


However, Ye Feng didn't care about this at all. The true power he was using was the Undying Bird Battle Spirit that was constantly transforming.    


As he absorbed all the energy in the world, an unprecedentedly powerful aura bloomed from his body.    


The burning of the Nirvana Fire could even bring the heaven and earth to an unprecedented level.    


The continuous transformation of the origin energy had allowed the strength of the Undying Bird Battle Spirit to reach a level that ordinary people could not even imagine.    


However, under the cover of Ye Feng's aura, no one was able to detect the existence of such a terrifying force.    


At this moment, the Origin aura in Ye Feng's body started burning crazily.    


The destructive power that had exceeded the limit was completely unleashed at this moment. There was also a kind of terrifying energy that no one in the past could stop. It had completely erupted at this moment.    


At this moment, the attribute energy that had gathered in the depths of the void had been completely devoured by Ye Feng.    


The energy emitted from the bodies of the other divine generals were also affected.    


They could clearly feel that the destructive power that had surpassed the limit was constantly circulating and exploding at this moment.    


At this moment, the Nirvana Fire was burning crazily. The energy it emitted had even exceeded a certain limit.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could even feel the extremely powerful destructive power in the depths of the void bursting out at this moment.    


This kind of power that ordinary people couldn't understand, the power it displayed at this moment was beyond imagination.    


The attributes of all kinds of experts were collapsing continuously at this moment. It could even be said that the aura that was being emitted from it was going to destroy the entire heaven and earth.    


The Nirvana Fire that was burning continuously bloomed at this moment. There was even a kind of energy that an ordinary person would not be able to comprehend that was crazily erupting at this moment.    


The aura that was displayed by this kind of terrifying power had exceeded the limits of Ye Feng's imagination. It could even be said that the extremely terrifying Nirvana Fire was trembling crazily in the void.    


In the end, there was no way to restrain the Nirvana Fire anymore. Ye Feng could only watch helplessly as it burned towards the opponent's body.    


All the Divine Generals unleashed their strength crazily at this moment, as if they wanted to completely suppress the entire world in the shortest amount of time.    


However, at this moment, the fluctuation of the aura that was emitted from the depths of the void was unimaginably powerful, as if it wanted to suppress the entire world at this moment.    


Such a terrifying power was boiling continuously at this moment. There was even an aura that no ordinary person could understand blooming at this moment.    


This kind of attribute power that exceeded the limit was even enough to destroy the entire world, let alone a few Divine Generals who controlled the source power.    


In the end, their cultivation base was only at the Heavenly God Realm. Even if they had reached an extremely high level, what could they do?    


It wasn't as if Ye Feng had never been killed before.    


At the moment when there was no external energy to support them, the energy within the peak body finally erupted.    


His speed had been raised to the extreme, as if he was moving freely in the void.    


That kind of extremely terrifying aura was expanding continuously at this moment.    


The Divine Generals present also possessed strength that ordinary people couldn't match, but they didn't have any chance to resist in front of Ye Feng.    


They could only see a shadow shuttling back and forth in the void. The aura it released was enough to cut the entire world in half.    


The edge of destruction bloomed time and time again, as if it was going to tear the entire world apart.    


However, this destructive power that had surpassed the limit had indeed reached an unprecedented level, as if it was going to completely destroy this space.    


Even though the Divine General kept roaring and cursing, he found that it was no longer of any use.    


The Nirvana Fire suppressed the void, and the Undying Bird Battle Spirit devoured all attributes.    


Under these circumstances, they could only rely on their most fundamental strength to fight.    


However, Ye Feng's strength had already surpassed all of them.    


Countless destructive power were blooming at this moment. There was also a kind of power that ordinary people could not understand. It was completely unleashed at this moment.    


Circulating his body, he found the most terrifying aura. It was a powerful force that filled the depths of the void. It was spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


Under Ye Feng's Sacred magic spear, these experts didn't even have the chance to resist before they were penetrated by the terrifying aura.    


The source energy sealed within their bodies was also boiling crazily at this moment. The energy that was being emitted was... It had merged into Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.    


Seizing this opportunity, he circulated the source energy in his body continuously. The powerful aura in his body had also become incomparably powerful.    


At that moment, Ye Feng could clearly feel the source energy in his body growing at an extremely fast speed.    


It was just that there was a unique power that ordinary people couldn't understand that was erupting crazily at this moment.    


Sensing the terrifying attribute energy in his body, the aura fluctuation that was emitted from the depths of the void had also reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


Seizing this opportunity, Ye Feng could clearly feel the Origin aura in his body boiling crazily.    


Countless powerful Origin energies were swarming towards his body at an extremely fast speed.    


Seizing the opportunity, the Origin Power of the Heavens and Earth was fully unleashed at this moment.    


This world was trembling at an extremely fast speed, as if it was going to completely suppress the entire world.    


When he felt this kind of power, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant. The Origin aura in his body was still there. It erupted at an extremely fast speed.    




The sound of destruction erupted at this moment. There was even a type of power that ordinary people would not be able to comprehend that spread out at this instant.    


In this period of time, the aura that was spreading in the depths of the void had become incomparably terrifying.    


Moving the source energy in his body, the aura in Ye Feng's body became the same. * Hong Long...... *    


At the same time, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the void had become incomparably huge.    


The Divine Generals were doing everything they could to release their power in order to resolve this situation.    


However, the only thing they could face was Ye Feng approaching them step by step and killing all of them.    


In the end, the destructive power in the world completely erupted. There was also a unique aura that ordinary people couldn't understand that was crazily surging at this moment.    


The Destruction aura that was contained in the world was circulating continuously at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in the world.    


No matter if it was the surface of the battlefield or the deep void at this moment, they were all covered by such a powerful destructive power.    


When they truly felt such a unique force, everyone's eyes were filled with incomparable shock.    


Seizing this opportunity, the aura in the world began to circulate rapidly.    


Ye Feng was also relying on his own strength to withstand such a terrifying destructive power.    


It could even be said that if he was not careful, his body would be completely devoured by the destructive power.    


"It's over..."    


After an unknown period of time, the terrifying energy in the depths of the void had completely dissipated.    


Countless destructive power kept exploding at this moment. The aura that was being emitted was also unimaginably powerful.    


This kind of terrifying power that exceeded the limit, it could even destroy the entire world in a very short period of time.    


Circulating the extremely powerful attribute energy in his body, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


The entire void was compressing towards his position at an extremely fast speed, and it could even be said that his body was going to be completely crushed.    


However, these forces were no longer able to change Ye Feng's form. The Nirvana Fire was revolving around his body.    


No matter how crazy those terrifying destructive power were, they couldn't change this outcome. They could only watch helplessly as the energy within the peak body continued to spread out, finally suppressing all the aura in the world.    


Circulating such a huge amount of energy, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant.    


Such a unique aura had expanded at this moment, causing the energy within Ye Feng's body to change unceasingly.    


"I never thought that the one who would walk out in the end would be you."    


An extremely huge aura spread out from the depths of the spatial zone. There was also a unique energy that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and it was circulating continuously at this moment.    


The extremely unique attribute aura in his body was erupting continuously at this moment.    


An extremely powerful destructive power also bloomed at this moment. Various kinds of Origin aura gathered in front of Ye Feng's eyes, and a unique energy that an ordinary person would not be able to imagine emerged.    


In front of Ye Feng, the remains of the world quickly compressed, and finally turned into a crystal fragment.    


Ye Feng could feel an incomparably powerful force within that force.    


It was as if the aura between the heavens and earth had already gathered in that fragment.    


As the aura circulated within his body, Ye Feng also circulated the enormous energy within his body at a rapid speed.    


The energy of the attributes that had exceeded the limit spread out in an instant. It was even enough to completely suppress the entire heaven and earth.    


"This is... a world fragment?"    


Ye Feng asked with some doubt when he saw the fragment.    


Palace Master Yun Lan nodded his head and completely suppressed the force, then kept the world fragment.    


Numerous powerful Sealing Power covered it. The aura that it was emitting had also reached a stage that an ordinary person could not imagine.    


Such a unique power was constantly circulating in the void, and the aura that it was emitting had also reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


"I never thought that you would have such a powerful strength, to be able to defeat all those experts.    


However, from the looks of it, you should have obtained quite a few benefits from that space. "    


The Misty Cloud Palace's Palace Master stroked his chin and suddenly said, "Are you willing to worship me, me?"    


When he heard this, Ye Feng was quite surprised.    


The cultivation base of the master of the Yun Lan Palace had already reached an extremely powerful level. In fact, it could even be said that he was a peak existence amongst the Sovereign Gods.    


He had never thought that such a person would be willing to accept him as his disciple. This was something that would be of great help to Ye Feng.    


If he could receive the guidance of Palace Master Yun Lan, Ye Feng's strength would definitely reach a higher realm.    


In this way, it would be of great help to Ye Feng if he wanted to break through to a higher realm.    


The aura of the wielder in the depths of the void could also support Ye Feng's cultivation base and increase his economic circulation to a higher level.    


Thinking of this, Ye Feng was very tempted, and even wanted to agree to it.    




Just as Ye Feng was about to agree, an extremely special force burst out from the depths of the void and locked onto Ye Feng's body.    


The unique attribute of the force seemed to want to completely cut off everything in the world. Countless powerful aura bloomed at this moment.    


When they sensed this kind of energy, everyone's eyes were filled with extreme shock.    


That kind of attribute energy that exceeded the limit spread out continuously at this moment, as if it wanted to completely suppress everything in the world.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds continuously reverberated in this instant. The aura that was being emitted was also circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


When he truly felt this kind of power, Ye Feng finally realized how tiny he was.    


That kind of enormous attribute energy spread out in an instant, as if it wanted to completely suppress everything in this world.    


When he felt this kind of power, the Misty Cloud Palace's Palace Master could not help but frown.    


The source energy in his body was circulating continuously. The aura that was being emitted was also unimaginably powerful.    


When he sensed this energy, the Origin Energy within his body continued to expand.    


This was an extremely unique type of aura. With an extremely fast speed, it pressed down on the opponent's position.    




Countless destructive power collided continuously in the void. The aura that was released had already reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


This unique destructive power seemed to be suppressing everything in the world.    


It was as if it wanted to completely destroy the energy that was being emitted from this space.    


When he truly felt this unique aura, Ye Feng discovered that the tiny bit of energy he possessed was unable to withstand the powerful pressure from the outside world.    


It could even be said that once such an expert really attacked, the aura that was emitted would be enough to completely crush him.    


Not even the slightest bit of life force would be left behind.    


It was also at this moment that the two aura collided. That kind of extremely unique attribute force seemed to want to completely tear apart the entire space.    


"Who is it?"    


The body of Palace Master Yun Lan was emitting an unprecedented pressure. This kind of destructive aura that had surpassed the limit seemed to want to suppress the heavens and earth.    


However, the power that the other party was emitting was not the slightest bit weaker. In fact, it seemed like it was going to completely destroy everything in this world.    


The force that was unleashed from the continuous collisions had also reached an unimaginable level.    


"This person can't bow to you and me. He wants to return with me."    


A sharp voice was heard from the spatial zone. The aura that was unleashed had reached an unprecedented level.    


Facing such a unique power, palace Master Yun Lan couldn't help but frown.    


"Holy Spirit Cult."    


It was also at this moment that the Yun Lan Palace Master thought of something and said directly.    


"Since you know our name, then you should obediently hand him over to us instead of relying on your strength alone to resist the strength of our entire sect."    


As Golden Winged spoke, the aura emitted from his body became even more terrifying.    


"What a big tone. Those who don't know would think that the entire Super Dimensional Void has already been ruled by your Holy Spirit Cult."    


Palace Master Yun Lan didn't care about these things at all. The energy in his body was being released continuously, and the aura that was being displayed became stronger and stronger.    


"That's not up to you."    


Golden Winged spoke once again. The aura that was emitted from his body was like a storm as it slashed forward.    


Such a terrifying sharp force was continuously unleashed at this moment. It even displayed a unique strength that ordinary people could not imagine.    


At this moment, the Origin aura within the peak body was also spreading at the fastest speed.    


At this moment, he could feel that the strength that was being emitted from both parties had reached an extremely terrifying level. The suppressive force that had exceeded the limit had also completely spread at this moment.    


This unique attribute force had also made Ye Feng feel a kind of formidable aura at this moment. The Undying Bird Battle Spirit and Divine Dragon Battle Spirit in his body were trembling crazily.    


The attributes of these two great battle spirits were unimaginably powerful. When they bloomed at this moment, they contained an energy that ordinary people could not understand.    


When they truly carried this energy, Ye Feng could clearly feel the source energy within his body circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


"It seems like the source energy in this child's body isn't as simple as we thought."    


The circulating of this force allowed Golden Winged to sense the powerful force in Ye Feng's body.    


The unique attribute of the aura was spreading continuously at this moment, causing the entire void to tremble.    


"He possesses the power of the Sacred Spirit within his body. He is a natural member of our Sacred Spirit Cult. Could it be that you want to use this to stop me?    


Or do you want to challenge our entire Holy Spirit Cult with this little bit of power of yours?"    


The Master of the Yun Lan Palace did not have any fear. He just said in an extremely calm tone, "You can replace the Holy Spirit Cult with just you?"    


The golden-winged man was not angry. Instead, he spoke in an extremely ordinary tone.    


"I really can't. However, it is the intention of our Sacred Ancestor to let me take him away."    


Hearing this, the expression of the Yun Lan Palace Master finally changed.    


He could ignore the reputation of the Holy Spirit Cult, and even any expert of the Holy Spirit Cult.    


However, the Holy Spirit Cult's Divine Ancestor was an existence that ordinary people could not imagine.    


In the entire Super Dimensional Void, that person's strength could be ranked at the very top.    


Now that Golden Wing had come with the orders of the Sacred Ancestor of the Holy Spirit Cult, it represented the overall meaning of the Holy Spirit Cult.    


If there was a conflict at this time, then it would truly be a confrontation with the Sacred Spirit Cult.    


However, in the next instant, palace Master Yun Lan also thought of something and revealed a smile at the corner of his mouth.    


He heard Palace Master Yun Lan say in a calm tone, "Even if you want to take him away, he still has to ask if this child is willing or not, right?"    


After saying that, palace Master Yun Lan turned to Ye Feng.    


The other expert's gaze also fell upon Ye Feng's body.    


A golden light bloomed at this moment, as if it was going to cut the entire spatial zone into pieces.    


However, Ye Feng was completely dumbfounded. He didn't have any understanding of the current situation.    


"My Sacred Spirit Cult is the alliance of all the Sacred Spirits in the world.    


There are many people like you who have signed a contract with the holy spirits, and there are also natural holy spirits like me.    


To us, any one of our kind is incomparably precious, just like you, a contractor, we also view you as a part of ourselves.    


And our Holy Spirit Cult's status in the Super Dimensional Void is also incomparably revered.    


Even some Sovereign level powers wouldn't dare to casually provoke us, or even say that they wouldn't dare to make a move against our members.    


Even those top-tier super powers wouldn't dare to completely ignore our Holy Spirit Cult.    


You are born with the contract of our Holy Spirit Clan, and are a natural member of our clan.    


As long as you join the Holy Spirit Cult, the things you can obtain are absolutely beyond your imagination.    


When he felt this aura, the energy in Ye Feng's body was also jumping continuously, as if it was going to reach a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


At the same time, palace Master Yun Lan also explained.    


"The status of the Holy Spirit Cult is indeed like this, but most of them are natural Holy Spirits.    


People like you who have signed a contract with innate holy spirits also exist in the Holy Spirit Cult, but there are very few of them.    


They can give you a lot of things, but only humans like us know how to increase your strength and let you reach a higher level.    


As for how to choose, it all depends on you. "    


After hearing these words, Ye Feng fell into deep thought.    


Currently, the Confusion Spirit Orb in his body had already gathered a huge amount of origin force. The aura that could be released had also reached an extremely powerful stage.    


This energy was sufficient for Ye Feng to cultivate to the Heavenly God realm.    


The most important thing for Ye Feng right now was to grasp the origin energy in his body, and let the aura in his body directly condense into a world.    


After becoming a Heavenly God, Ye Feng would then be able to advance to a higher realm.    


Furthermore, what Ye Feng paid more attention to was how to return to the lower realms.    


After careful deliberation, Ye Feng finally made a decision.    


Turning his head, Ye Feng slowly spoke to the innate holy spirit.    


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