Sky War God

C3518 Ye Feng's Law

C3518 Ye Feng's Law

Such a sudden change shocked everyone present to the point of being speechless. They were simply unable to imagine just what kind of power could erupt with such great power at this moment.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes sparkled with a bright light. The aura that was unleashed from his body was crazily unleashed.    


Even the power of the Laws in the world was completely stunned by this aura at this moment.    


The powerful energy that was being emitted from the void had reached a realm that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Ye Feng's expression became incomparably solemn. The aura that was emitted from his body was constantly condensing.    


The power of Laws belonging to Ye Feng was constantly brewing in the void, emitting a terrifying power that was beyond the reach of ordinary people.    


Ye Feng's consciousness had returned to the moment just now.    


After Ye Feng had ignited all of his attribute energy and injected it into Luo Chenguang's body.    


Ye Feng's body automatically circulated those powerful attributes, trying to cover all the energies in the spatial zone.    


However, Ye Feng's body was just like what he had expected. It was just a projection of his memory. Even if he could cultivate to such a terrifying realm, he would still vanish into thin air in the end.    


However, the most terrifying thing was that Ye Feng had projected a part of his energy into his body with his powerful senses and profound cultivation base.    


It was just like the ancient divine sword that he had thrown into the sword earlier.    


Moreover, this energy was the most essential aura in Ye Feng's body. It had completely descended in a very short period of time.    


The seal that Ye Feng had left in this world had just dissipated. The energy contained in his body was close to nothing, and he wouldn't be targeted by this world.    


With such a powerful opportunity, Ye Feng hid the figure that he had just projected and kept circulating all kinds of Cultivation Method.    


In terms of cultivation base, it was extremely easy for him to circulate the energy in his body and withdraw the source energy that had spread out previously, but it would take a little time.    


It was during this period of time that Luo Chenguang crazily burned his own origin force, trying to help Ye Feng gather his energy and revive him from the void.    


The fluctuation of the aura had directly concealed Ye Feng's original intention, and it had instead alarmed the source laws of the world.    


In the beginning, luo Chenguang's strength wasn't enough to pry open the seal of the power of the Laws. It simply wasn't enough to cause a true sea of Laws to descend.    


However, as Ye Feng's resurrection continued to progress, the aura that was released from it became stronger and stronger. It finally stimulated the supreme Sea of Hao Tian.    


In this short period of time, the aura that was released from the void had reached an extremely terrifying level. It was crazily attacking the formation that Ye Feng had set up.    


In such a short period of time, the energy left in the peak body had started to gather crazily.    


At the same time, an extremely terrifying attribute energy erupted under such circumstances.    


The source energy that Ye Feng possessed had reached an unimaginable level, and the essence contained within it was extremely high.    


One should know that Ye Feng's current cultivation base had already stepped onto the Threshold of the ancient Giant God realm. As long as he had a single resource, he would be able to help him break through.    


Regardless of whether it was in terms of magic power or qi and blood, it had already reached an extremely abundant state. Even his own Power of life had begun to transform under the nourishment of the Ten Thousand Spirit Divine Art.    


Otherwise, if he comprehended the Dao Art of an ancient Giant God, or even condensed his own life spirit, Ares-class, he would similarly reach a very stable state.    


As long as he could release his own Origin aura, then no matter what kind of power it was, it would be enough to help Ye Feng break through to such a strange realm.    


Now, Ye Feng had divided a part of his Divine Sense and sent it into this world. Compared to when he first entered this world, it was many times more powerful and powerful.    


Furthermore, this world also contained the energy of Ye Feng's Origin aura. It was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


In just a blink of an eye, Ye Feng had circulated the energy of the origin that had separated the heaven and earth. The aura in his body was rolling crazily.    


In a very short period of time, Ye Feng had already gathered all the energy of these attributes into his Divine Sense. In an instant, the aura in his body was condensed once again.    


One after another, he unleashed all kinds of divine abilities. The crazy breakthrough had also allowed Ye Zhong's strength to increase the fastest.    


At the same time, the aura that was unleashed from the Myriad Transformations Domain had reached an unimaginable level. Finally, it broke through the limit under Ye Feng's control.    


An incomparably powerful Law aura surged out from Ye Feng's body, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in the world.    


The last wave of extremely powerful energy had already occupied Ye Feng's body. The Law energy that was emitted from his body had reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


Even the origin force of the heavens and earth was greatly suppressed by the power of law that was emitted by Ye Feng.    


The sea of Hao Tian that was expanding continuously in the void was also completely controlled by this force.    


Seeing such a scene, What?    


Luo Chenguang could clearly feel that Ye Feng had completely burned away all the source energy in his body, and the aura that was unleashed had completely collapsed.    


Even though he had mastered the Returning Origin, such a terrifying divine ability couldn't restore Ye Feng's strength to such a terrifying extent in such a short period of time.    


Most likely, it was Luo Chenguang who had ignited all of his original strength, using this power to fully restore Ye Feng's body.    


However, in this way, the energy in Ye Feng's body would be completely consumed, and he wouldn't be able to affect the surrounding space at all.    


In fact, he wouldn't even be able to resist the terrifying cold energy that was emitted from his surroundings, and he would be frozen in an instant.    


Even though it was just a toilet, luo Chenguang didn't hesitate at all. He wanted to use his own strength to save Ye Feng.    


However, he never thought that in such a short period of time, the strength in Ye Feng's body had completely recovered. It had even reached a level that ordinary people couldn't imagine.    


Such a terrifying pressure was also extremely powerful. It had completely condensed the surrounding laws.    


"You vile creature, you really are an Outer World creature that descended from the outside world.    


We cannot allow you to remain in this world and seize the source power of our world."    


He could feel the powerful aura emitting from Ye Feng's body. The mighty creature in the void became completely enraged. The energy of the Laws that erupted from its body swarmed towards Ye Feng.    


An incomparably terrifying aura burst out in a short period of time, covering Ye Feng's position at an extremely fast speed.    


Sensing such a powerful force, Ye Feng's expression was incomparably calm, as if he didn't put this terrifying attack in his eyes.    


The powerful force that was emitted from the void had reached an unimaginable level.    


The incomparably terrifying destructive power could even destroy the surrounding space.    


The strength that Ye Feng possessed was extremely powerful. He had already sensed the energy contained within the aura at the first moment. The chaotic energy in his body started circulating spontaneously.    


Before the energy unleashed by the expert could fully erupt, the source energy in Ye Feng's body started burning crazily.    


Such an aura had already reached an extremely terrifying level, as if it was going to face the terrifying attack unleashed by the opponent and destroy everything.    


In an extremely short period of time, the two terrifying attacks had already collided.    


A rumbling sound of destruction was heard at the first moment. There were even terrifying destructive power spreading in all directions crazily.    


It was as if it was going to destroy everything in the world.    


Luo Chenguang's expression became extremely solemn when he sensed such a terrifying power. He couldn't imagine how Ye Feng would be able to fight against such a terrifying power.    


However, what shocked everyone was...    


The aura in the void had already reached an extremely terrifying realm. The terrifying destructive force was restricted to an extremely small realm.    


Ye Feng slowly raised his palm and restrained all the energy in the surroundings. The aura had also reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


Facing such a powerful aura, everyone on the scene was completely shocked. Even the mighty figure in the sky was shocked beyond their imagination.    


Ye Feng's control of the power of law had reached a level that no ordinary person could reach. Even the Saint Spirit in the void spoke in an unimaginable tone.    


"Impossible. How can the power of law you control be so powerful and pure?    


What kind of method did you use to hide from the entire world?    


A person like you absolutely cannot remain in this world any longer. "    


Witnessing Ye Feng's current means, the Sacred Spirit in the void also became extremely crazy. It was constantly moving the power of the law between the heaven and earth. Like a wave of destruction, it crushed down on Ye Feng.    


However, the temperament that Ye Feng displayed at this moment was incomparably indifferent. He didn't put the dreadful pressure between the heaven and earth in his eyes at all.    


The power of the Laws that had just been brewed in his body was unleashed at this moment, completely covering his body.    


In the next moment, an extremely terrifying power of attribute reached its peak and burst out from Ye Feng's body.    


This kind of terrifying pressure seemed to want to completely destroy everything in the world.    


The incomparably powerful aura spread wildly in the void, and the rumbling sounds of destruction echoed out continuously.    


Such a powerful force was unleashed by Ye Feng at random, shocking everyone present.    


The living beings in the void also felt the terrifying power that Ye Feng possessed, and their hearts were filled with incomparable shock.    


The power of the Attack that was unleashed had gathered the mighty power of Hao Tian's ocean, and it could control the source of all Laws in the world.    


The aura that was released was the sharpest and most terrifying attack in this world, and no one could resist it.    


In his point of view, Ye Feng's strength should be easily defeated by him, and the source energy in his body would be completely destroyed.    


However, the matter wasn't as simple as he had imagined.    


No matter how much energy that living being used, it was still extremely weak in front of Ye Feng. It couldn't break Ye Feng's defense at all.    


In this short period of time, the source energy in Ye Feng's body erupted crazily.    


An extremely powerful Law aura was unleashed from Ye Feng's body, and it was unleashed towards the crack in the sky.    


Previously, Ye Feng had used the superposition of the Chaotic Law and force of creation to seal the crack, isolating it from the transmission of the Law.    


Now, the counterattack of Hao Tian's ocean had completely broken the seal, but it didn't cause any impact.    


The power of the law unleashed by Ye Feng once again had reached an unimaginable level. It was even more so given to the power of Hao Tian's ocean. The Saint Spirit gave him a very familiar feeling.    


Looking at Ye Feng's behavior, he had realized that Ye Feng still wanted to once again seal off the connection between Hao Tian's Ocean and the main world.    


One should know that in this world, Hao Tian's Sea was also the most essential force, it could help the people in this world, the Law of the Heavens and Earth.    


Once Hao Tian's Sea was lost, the Origin aura in this world would weaken along with it. In fact, no one would be able to break through to the next realm for a long period of time.    


Especially the eighth transformation, it had reached an extremely difficult stage. If one couldn't find the source of the Laws in the Comprehension World, they would be able to break through to the next realm.    


Then almost no one could cultivate to the eighth stage of transformation and control their own power of laws.    


Hao Tian's ocean was naturally extremely furious. It descended upon them at the first moment. Terrifying energy surged out from the crack.    


It was as if the entire world was going to be destroyed. Such a terrifying and vast source law had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


The Golden Spear Law was released at this moment, as if it wanted to completely separate everything in the world. It wanted to cut apart such a terrifying aura, causing everyone present to be completely shocked.    


As the source of the Law of this world, the aura that was released from Hao Tian's Sea had reached a level that no ordinary person could reach.    


Especially the creature in Hao Tian's sea, it could easily control all kinds of Laws.    


At this moment, terrifying aura kept exploding in the void. Terrifying divine weapons of laws and divine tools were rushing towards Ye Feng's direction, like a torrent that could destroy the heaven and earth.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes shone with a cold light. The aura in his body was erupting crazily.    


An incomparably brilliant and bright sword light was unleashed from his palm. Although he had never seen the Good Fortune Divine Sword before, the sword light of good fortune that erupted from it would never be fake.    


In this short period of time, the two attacks in the void collided once again.    


The attribute energy that Brother Bing's Laws summoned was enough to evolve all the Ares-class weapon in the world.    


The power contained in it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It could mobilize all the terrifying powers in the world in the shortest amount of time.    


However, the Good Fortune Divine Sword that Ye Feng controlled also had such means.    


It was as if the power of all the elements in the world had been completely condensed and unleashed.    


With Specialist deriving to the extreme, the Good Fortune Sword Light that was released had reached a level that no power of Laws could impact.    


The two terrifying attacks collided in this short period of time. The rumbling sounds of destruction echoed out.    


An extremely terrifying destructive power burst out from the void and spread in all directions, as if it was going to destroy the entire world.    


This time, the creature in Hao Tian's ocean had a domineering look in its eyes. It didn't take Ye Feng seriously at all.    


Now that it had unleashed the law and source energy it controlled, it would definitely be able to kill Ye Feng in the shortest amount of time possible.    


However, while he was feeling so confident, the aura that was unleashed from his body had become extremely violent.    


The bright sword light of fortune was flashing back and forth in the void. The aura that was being emitted had reached a stage that no ordinary person could imagine.    


Furthermore, the sword light of creation seemed to possess its own intelligence, allowing it to freely evolve between the heavens and the earth. It was also emitting an attribute energy. It also grew at an extremely fast speed.    


In an extremely short period of time, the Creation Sword Light began to split apart continuously. The powerful energy it emitted completely shattered the surrounding space.    


The original sword light began to split apart continuously, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in the world. The aura that it released had reached an unimaginable level.    


In the blink of an eye, the Creation Sword Light had transformed into countless clones that were sent toward those terrifying attacks.    


In this short period of time, the aura that was unleashed from the void had reached an extremely terrifying level. When those attacks collided with each other, a terrifying rumbling sound was immediately produced.    


The extremely terrifying destructive power was constantly emitting destructive ripples in the void, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in the world.    


The expert in the void had an extremely ugly expression on his face when he sensed the resistance unleashed by Ye Feng. He frantically circulated the energy of the Laws between the heavens and earth, wanting to crush Ye Feng to death.    


The power unleashed by the Good Fortune Sword Light was also quite powerful. It even collided with the Laws of Ares-class in the void in a short period of time. Both sides were in a deadlock.    


Although Ye Feng's strength had reached a terrifying level, there was still a complete sea of Hao Tian behind him. The aura that was unleashed from it was even more terrifying.    


It was as if there was an endless source of origin energy, causing the pressure on Ye Feng to become even greater. The origin aura was crazily unleashed.    


In the end, the terrifying pressure was barely able to withstand Ye Feng's sword light of fortune. Finally, it was completely destroyed by countless Ares-class. However, those laws could no longer cause any harm to Ye Feng.    


The power of the laws contained in it had been completely destroyed by the sword light of fortune, and it couldn't unleash any more of its power.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were flickering with an extremely cold light, as if he was going to completely destroy everything in the world. The aura that he was unleashing had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


"Not only do you dare to steal the source energy of my world, you also dare to defy the laws of this world.    


With such a huge crime, it is impossible for you to continue to exist in this world.    


Every time you resist, it will increase the suffering you will suffer by countless times"    


Under extreme anger, the terrifying creature in the void did not hesitate at all. It immediately activated the most powerful Origin Energy within its body.    


In this short period of time, the void erupted once again. An incomparably terrifying Law energy seemed to want to completely destroy everything in the world.    


In the endless sky, a huge palm slowly fell down, covering the entire world and the space where Ye Feng was.    


The power contained in this destructive palm was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It would definitely destroy everything in the void in the shortest amount of time.    


Ye Feng's eyes sparkled with a tremendous power when he saw this attack.    


The energy in his body had been fully mobilized at this moment, unleashing the most terrifying energy in his body.    


In an instant, the entire void was shaking continuously, as if the aura contained in Ye Feng's body could completely suppress this entire spatial zone.    


The Myriad Transformations Divine Ability was circulating continuously. The aura that was being emitted from it had reached a terrifying realm.    


When Ye Feng first condensed his body, he had already fully condensed the power of the Myriad Transformations Domain.    


The final force had already fallen into Ye Feng's body. The power of law cultivated through the Myriad Transformations Domain was unimaginably powerful.    


When he was facing the man in the void, Ye Feng's strength was indeed powerful, but the consumption of the aura to defeat him was enormous.    


Ye Feng only relied on the strength in his body to continuously fight against that expert. He used the terrifying aura emitted from his body to enhance his current cultivation base.    


The most important thing was to let Ye Feng familiarize himself with this newly formed body and unleash all the combat strength that he could control.    


Reality proved that the strength Ye Feng could control was indeed powerful enough. With just a little bit of strength in his body and the dazzling sword light from the Good Fortune Divine Sword, he was able to fight against that expert.    


It could even be said that under the situation where Hao Tian's Sea was the foundation, that expert could only fight to a draw with Ye Feng.    


Now, Ye Feng had mobilized the most powerful force in his body, and the aura he released was so huge that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The incomparably terrifying power of the Laws was surging crazily in the void, and the attribute of the energy that it was emitting shocked everyone present.    


It was as if the massive aura was enough to completely suppress all the energy in the world.    


After that, a weak light rose from Ye Feng's body and bloomed in an instant.    


"What kind of Law is this?"    


The expert in the void had already sensed a terrifying power the moment he sensed the power of the Law. His eyes were filled with terror.    


The power of this law unleashed by Ye Feng was too terrifying, causing the surrounding space to distort.    


Especially in the void, the huge palm that kept falling down was also completely resisted by Ye Feng's Law energy.    


The terrifying aura that was emitted from it was also suppressed by Ye Feng, making it impossible for it to continue descending.    


At the same time that this force was surging, Ye Feng's Law energy was also continuously seizing the energy from the destructive palm print.    


Although it was only an extremely weak Law, the aura contained within it had already reached a level that ordinary people could not reach. The surrounding Law energy had also been completely drawn in by the Law energy that Ye Feng possessed.    


"What kind of Law energy is this? How could it draw in this sea of Hao Tian?"    


The expert in Hao Tian's sea was completely enraged. He frantically circulated the Origin aura in his body, drawing the power of the entire Hao Tian's sea and violently rushing towards Ye Feng.    


One should know that Hao Tian's sea was the origin of this world. The power of the law contained in it had reached an unimaginable level.    


Now that the origin power of Hao Tian's Sea had been fully activated by that expert, Ye Feng could sense that the terrifying pressure had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach.    


Faced with such a terrifying pressure, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. He immediately activated the aura in his body.    


The power of the Law and the destructive pressure that filled the sky collided, immediately causing an extremely terrifying vibration.    


Even Ye Feng could feel the terrifying pressure, as if it was going to be torn apart in the shortest amount of time.    


However, this kind of power was nothing to Ye Feng. He just unleashed the power of the Great Dao in his body and instantly suppressed the surrounding space.    


"Myriad Transformations Law, go!"    


Right at this moment, Ye Feng suddenly let out a soft cry. The power of the law surrounding his body began to gather crazily. It went against the current and rushed towards Hao Tian's sea.    


Myriad Transformations Law. It controlled all the attributes of the heaven and earth and the powerful power of law and aura.    


It also contained the Chaos Law and Good Fortune Law that Ye Feng had painstakingly cultivated.    


Wishful Steel covered all the aura in the world. From the origin of all things to the revolution of the chaos of destruction to the end, all of these were contained within this Law.    


Of course, the Myriad Transformations Law that Ye Feng controlled was not good at fighting. Instead, it could completely decompose all the energy in the world and refine it into his own body.    


Although it had a fatal flaw in other aspects, however, the Myriad Transformations Law in Ye Feng's hand was powerful enough to suppress all the energy in the world.    


It was also because of the existence of this aura that it nourished the tea-flavor crystal in Ye Feng's body.    


The purifying force emitted from it had reached an extremely powerful level. Any kind of energy that entered Ye Feng's body would be completely purified by the aura.    


Moreover, such a change didn't only happen in Ye Feng's body, it also reflected his true form.    


In the depths of the void, Ye Feng's true form immediately emitted a sparkling radiance.    


In particular, a very powerful purifying force was released from his chest, covering Ye Feng's entire body in a very short period of time.    


The terrifying aura contained in the Tower of Life and Death was being transmitted into Ye Feng's body through some kind of force in the spatial zone.    


Originally, Ye Feng was able to reach such a terrifying realm with the help of his own strength in the spatial zone.    


And the feedback from the power of Laws would eventually be used on the tea-flavor crystal. When this treasure and the power contained within it became even stronger.    


And at this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the void had caused changes to occur to the tea-flavor crystal within Ye Feng's body.    


From the endless void to the present reality, the power of law that Ye Feng controlled had reached an extremely profound level.    


If Ye Feng could really exert this power to the extreme, he would be able to freely travel between the two worlds.    


When he thought of this, Ye Feng's eyes began to tremble crazily. He had already activated the aura in his body at the first moment.    


However, Ye Feng's attention was now fully focused on the Tower of Life and Death. The power of law that kept falling down from the void was still crazily erupting.    


Ye Feng's eyes also released an extremely brilliant light. After that, the Myriad Transformations Law rushed up against the current.    


The powerful aura in the sky had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach. Even the power of the law that kept falling down from Hao Tian's sea had reached an incomparably terrifying realm.    


However, no matter how powerful the opponent's power and Laws were, they couldn't resist Ye Feng's Myriad Transformations Law. In a very short period of time, they had completely collapsed.    


After that, Ye Feng's palm reached into the endless sea of Hao Tian and grabbed out a huge figure.    


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