Sky War God

C3686 Void Thunder God

C3686 Void Thunder God

Ye Feng's expression was incomparably shocked when he felt such a force.    


That kind of unimaginably powerful aura was circulating continuously at this moment, and the power it was emitting was beyond the limit.    


Facing such a terrifying power, none of the people present could withstand the terrifying pressure that was beyond the limit.    


Feeling such a terrifying pressure, the Origin Energy within everyone's bodies boiled at this moment.    


However, Ye Feng's expression became even more calm. The Origin aura in his body was circulating continuously, and the energy it emitted became purer.    


Under such strength, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy that he controlled had now displayed an energy that ordinary people could not understand.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy was circulating continuously in Ye Feng's body. The energy that it was emitting was unimaginably powerful.    


When it sensed this energy, the unique destructive power in the void exploded at this moment.    


Although this kind of aura was terrifying, the energy gathered when it was released was so soundless and silent.    


At this moment, all the hairs on Ye Feng's body stood up.    


It was as if the destructive power that had surpassed the limit had spread out in an instant.    


The extremely terrifying Destruction aura was circulating continuously at this moment, and the energy it emitted was becoming more and more terrifying.    


Ye Feng's eyes sparkled brightly as he absorbed the Origin aura from his body.    


At that moment, a terrifying force descended from the depths of the void, as if it wanted to completely destroy Ye Feng's body.    


Ye Feng did his best to circulate his source energy, wanting to unleash all of his aura.    


The two energies collided at this moment. An incomparably terrifying destructive power bloomed at this moment.    


There was no sound. Ye Feng could only feel a powerful pressure pressing down on his body.    


The destructive power that was beyond his imagination exploded at this moment, as if it was going to destroy the entire world.    


The faces of the people in the city became extremely shocked while enduring such a terrifying pressure, as if they couldn't imagine the extent of Ye Feng's strength.    


In an instant, the energy that was released from the depths of the void had become unusually terrifying, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in the world.    




Ye Feng couldn't control his own body at all. He also spat out a mouthful of blood.    


The terrifying destructive power struck Ye Feng's body. It was as if it wanted to destroy everything in his body.    


The powerful aura that was beyond imagination expanded at this moment, and a force that ordinary people couldn't match was circulating continuously at this moment.    


Such a terrifying attack, even if Ye Feng used all his strength, he wouldn't be able to resist it. How could he resist it?    


Terrifying rumbles reverberated continuously at this moment. The aura that was being emitted also became purer and purer.    


It was precisely because of this terrifying destructive aura that the energy within the peak body was constantly fluctuating, as if it was going to collapse at any moment.    


Such a terrifying energy had even shocked Ye Feng. He couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying strength the opponent was circulating.    


The Origin aura in his body was circulating continuously at this moment.    


Sensing such a terrifying strength, Ye Feng did his best to resist it.    


However, in the depths of the void, the destructive power that exceeded his imagination was still circulating continuously. The aura that was being emitted became even more powerful.    


In the face of such a terrifying force, everyone present was completely shocked.    


Many experts had already been locked onto by this destructive power. The source energy within their bodies was continuously collapsing.    


Facing such a force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter, as if he was trying his best to suppress all the aura.    


Therefore, at this moment, the aura that was emitted from the entire spatial zone became stronger and stronger. The destructive power that ordinary people couldn't imagine displayed its true strength at this moment.    




An unimaginable sound of destruction and vibration resounded at this moment. Various kinds of source energy bloomed in the void.    


Facing such a terrifying aura, everyone on the scene tried their best to resist the powerful force that was emitted from the depths of the void.    


There was also a terrifying ability that exceeded their imagination. At this moment, it was constantly circulating, and the aura that was released became stronger and stronger.    


It was under such an opportunity that Ye Feng did everything he could to circulate the energy in his body. It was as if he was going to release all the aura in his body.    


This kind of unimaginable power had reached an unimaginable level.    


Under the constant circulation of his energy, Ye Feng finally sensed the unique aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void.    


The circulation of his energy had finally allowed him to sense some clues.    


In the depths of the spatial zone, there was an extremely unique lightning energy. The destructive power contained within it was unimaginably powerful.    


When he felt this terrifying lightning, Ye Feng's expression became incomparably solemn.    


He had never thought that there would be such a terrifying force in this battlefield, as if it was going to completely destroy his body.    


Facing such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng's expression became incomparably cautious.    


The destructive fluctuation that was released just now was just the aftermath of the activation of the lightning.    


The true power contained within the lightning was definitely many times stronger than before.    


If that kind of power really erupted, even if Ye Feng's strength was enhanced by a few more levels, he was afraid that he would be completely wiped out.    


Such an aura was really too terrifying.    


At this moment, Ye Feng didn't dare to be careless. He carefully circulated the power in his body, wanting to leave this spatial zone in a very short period of time.    


"Dammit! What exactly is this?"    


"It's absolutely impossible for me to die without knowing why. All of you, destroy it together!"    


Just as Ye Feng made the decision to leave, the other experts in the spatial zone went crazy.    


That kind of unimaginable power erupted at this moment. An extremely terrifying destructive aura was unleashed at this moment.    


Under the guidance of these people, the power that was emitted from the depths of the void became even stronger.    


The energy within the bodies of the other experts also blossomed at this moment.    


The destructive power that had surpassed the limit instantly expanded, as if it wanted to suppress the entire world.    


Such a terrifying aura, it even wanted to completely suppress the entire space.    


When Ye Feng felt this kind of power, the light in his eyes became even brighter.    


"Damn it! These people are simply courting death!"    


Even someone like Ye Feng couldn't help but curse in his heart.    


He had no idea what was happening right now. He hastily unleashed his true strength in an attempt to destroy the entire spatial zone.    


Naturally, he would have to pay an extremely miserable price for doing so.    


The destructive power was spreading at this moment. There was even a kind of powerful force that ordinary people could not understand that was spreading at this moment.    


That kind of powerful aura that exceeded one's imagination kept exploding at this moment. It was even saying that it wanted to completely destroy the entire world.    


Those experts were circulating the energy within their bodies with all their might, and the source energy within their bodies had already been expanded out.    


The destructive power was circulating continuously, and the spatial zone could not bear such a terrifying aura.    


In an extremely short period of time, an incomprehensible vibration came from the depths of the void. There was also an extremely terrifying energy spreading crazily at this moment.    


When they felt this aura, the expressions of everyone present became extremely cautious. The source energy in their bodies was circulating.    


The incomparably terrifying aura was circulating continuously at this very moment. That kind of powerful energy that ordinary people could not understand was displaying their true strength at this moment.    


The terrifying lightning in the depths of the void also underwent a certain degree of mutation under the continuous impact of such strength.    


The energy contained within it had begun to spread continuously. The aura that was being emitted had also reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    




A trembling sound was transmitted from the void. The powerful energy that was being emitted had even reached a level that ordinary people could not understand.    


Circulating such an unimaginably powerful energy, the expressions of everyone present were extremely shocked.    


The terrifying lightning in the depths of the void, the aura contained within it, had reached a level that no ordinary person could understand.    


That kind of destructive power that exceeded one's imagination directly covered everyone's bodies.    


After that was a terrifying vibrating power that exceeded the limit, as if it was going to destroy the entire world.    


Facing such a powerful vibrating power, none of the people present had any chance to resist. The aura in their bodies were constantly collapsing.    


"What kind of power is this? Why is it so strong?"    


"To think that such a terrifying aura would be unable to be suppressed! This sort of power is most likely a powerful skill at the Sovereign God level!"    


"Is this a battlefield for us to fight, or is it for us to lose our lives?"    


Someone was roaring out furiously at this moment. The aura within his body was also circulating continuously, emitting an unimaginable amount of power.    


However, at this moment, the aura that was spreading in the void had reached a certain limit. Once it was fully unleashed, the power that it was emitting would definitely be beyond imagination.    


Ye Feng did his best to conceal his existence. He kept circulating the Chaotic Origin Energy to cover his body.    


The terrifying waves in the outside world had indeed affected his body. However, with his powerful strength, he could still resist some of them.    


After that, those unimaginably powerful aura exploded at this moment.    


In the face of this terrifying destructive energy wave, all the experts present didn't hesitate and unleashed all the energy in their bodies.    


The destructive power, which exceeded one's imagination, also completely erupted at this moment.    


Those experts directly mobilized the most fundamental strength within their bodies. It was as if they wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


When he sensed this energy, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant.    


The destroyed aura had already reached a level that ordinary people could not reach. There was also an extremely terrifying destructive power that was erupting crazily at this moment.    


The lightning in the depths of the spatial zone had also unleashed its most terrifying power at this moment. There seemed to be some kind of terrifying aura that was constantly expanding in the depths of the spatial zone.    


It was only when they truly felt this kind of terrifying strength that surpassed their limits that everyone present was completely shocked.    


Even so, they were unable to imagine where this energy came from, and why it was so terrifying.    


They could only feel the destructive force covering their bodies, and they could only watch helplessly as their bodies were being adjusted bit by bit until they were completely destroyed.    


"I... I don't want to die."    


"What exactly is this? Why is it so terrifying?"    


"This is all part of Palace Lord Yun Lan's scheme. This is all part of his scheme."    


The people present were also roaring madly, as if they wanted to completely unleash the power within their bodies.    


However, this aura had already reached its limit.    


The destructive vibrating power that was beyond their imagination expanded at this moment. The destructive power that it displayed was also beyond their imagination.    


Seizing this opportunity, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant.    


An incomparably terrifying aura erupted at this moment.    


Ye Feng's strength was extremely powerful. At this moment, the energy circulating in his body had reached an unimaginable realm.    


That kind of terrifying strength that exceeded one's imagination was unleashed continuously at this moment.    


The waves of destruction were spreading in all directions at an extremely fast speed.    


Facing such a unique destructive power, everyone's eyes were filled with craziness.    


Only Ye Feng was circulating the powerful aura in his body in this state, and unleashing all the energy in his body.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy circulated continuously, forming layers and layers of Yuan Qi barriers around Ye Feng's body.    


The energy that was emitted had reached an unimaginable level.    


Of course, more importantly, the Confusion Spirit Orb in Ye Feng's body was constantly absorbing the terrifying aura in the outside world, helping him weaken the power of the lightning.    


Ye Feng could clearly feel that the aura in the depths of the void had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


The terrifying lightning had also completely bloomed at this moment.    


The aura of Destruction was spreading crazily at this moment.    




Finally, when the lightning bolt exploded, an incomparably terrifying sound of destruction reverberated in the depths of the void.    


Furthermore, the vibrating power in the depths of the void had reached a terrifying level, as if it was going to destroy everything in the world.    


Ye Feng's expression became extremely serious after enduring such a terrifying attack.    


He could sense that the terrifying part of these attacks was the aura. Once his body couldn't withstand the terrifying destructive power, it would cover his body in a very short period of time.    


What was even more terrifying was that even though Ye Feng had the protection of the Confusion Spirit Orb, the destructive power contained within that lightning strike had already surpassed the limit of power.    


Under such a change of power, if Ye Feng made a slight mistake, he would be completely destroyed by the lightning, leaving no trace behind.    


Under such circumstances, Ye Feng exerted all of his strength to circulate the source energy in his body. The aura in his body had also been circulated to the maximum.    


In just a breath's time, Ye Feng had completely unleashed all of his energy.    


The chaotic source energy circulated in the depths of the void. The aura that bloomed was also unimaginably powerful.    


When they truly felt this terrifying energy that exceeded the limit, everyone's eyes became extremely bright.    


The powerful aura that no ordinary person could understand in the depths of the spatial zone had expanded at this moment. It could even be said that it was going to expand. * Hong Long...... *    


Countless destructive power spread out at this very moment, and it even released a kind of terrifying aura that ordinary people could not understand.    




In the depths of the spatial zone, an incomparably terrifying vibrating power of Destruction once again resounded.    


At this moment, the power contained in the void had reached an unimaginable level.    


That kind of unimaginable destructive power bloomed in that instant, even to the extent that it wanted to destroy everything in the world.    


Ye Feng's expression didn't change even though he was under such tremendous pressure. He just circulated the source energy in his body.    


In an instant, the destructive force that had surpassed the limit had reached an unimaginable realm.    


Without any hesitation, Ye Feng integrated all the energy in his body and covered the Good Fortune Divine Sword in his hand.    


Colorful radiance bloomed, and then endless force of creation gathered here.    


When they truly felt that terrifying power, the expressions of everyone present were completely shocked.    


An extremely powerful destructive power was spreading continuously at this moment. There was even a kind of powerful fluctuation that ordinary people could not understand that was spreading continuously at this moment.    


Ye Feng could feel that this kind of terrifying energy was continuously seeping into his body.    


But at the same time, he could also sense that the aura that was gathering in the depths of the void had reached a very powerful realm.    


Circulating this unimaginably powerful force, the destructive ripples that were emitted from the depths of the void continuously erupted at this moment.    


The Chaos Origin Energy resisted this pressure and at the same time, it also plundered the Origin Energy contained within.    


When they felt this aura, the expressions of everyone present became quite interesting.    


That kind of extremely powerful attribute energy was unleashed continuously at this very moment. It was even said that it wanted to completely suppress everything in the world.    


Although Ye Feng was unable to resist the terrifying strength of the opponent, he could still react to it with the help of the Confusion Spirit Orb.    


Under the impact of the Chaotic Origin Energy, an extremely unique type of energy was constantly expanding.    


Under the continuous circulation of the Chaotic Origin Energy, the bolt of lightning in the void was being refined bit by bit.    


The portion of aura contained within had also merged into Ye Feng's body.    


"Power of space?"    


When Ye Feng realized this kind of power, his expression became very puzzled. The Origin aura in his body had become incomparably pure.    


Such a terrifying power was spreading continuously at this moment. The aura that was being emitted had also reached a terrifying realm.    


Circulating this kind of extremely terrifying attribute energy, the expressions of everyone present became extremely brilliant.    


Those who were able to resist the lightning attack in the void were already quite powerful existences.    


They were even more aware of just what such terrifying lightning power represented.    


Although they could survive under the lightning, they were unable to resist the power contained within.    


They could only watch helplessly as their bodies slowly collapsed under the continuous bombardment of the lightning.    


However, what Ye Feng was showing right now was completely different.    


It was as if he had grasped a part of the secret of this lightning and was beginning to resist it.    


The destructive aura that was beyond imagination in the depths of the spatial zone expanded at this moment. A unique force that ordinary people could not understand erupted crazily at this moment.    


Ye Feng had also circulated the power of his Divine Sense to the maximum in his spatial zone. There was also a terrifying energy that was beyond the limit that kept erupting at this moment.    


The spatial aura circulated continuously, causing the entire spatial zone to shake at an extremely fast speed.    


Ye Feng naturally seized this opportunity. The aura in his body continued to spread at this moment.    


There was also a powerful fluctuation that had exceeded the limit, and it had completely expanded at this moment.    


After merging with a part of the spatial origin force, the energy ripples that Ye Feng released were unimaginably powerful.    


At this moment, the aura that was emitted from the depths of the void had become purer and purer.    


That kind of unimaginable power... It spread at an extremely fast speed.    


When they truly felt this kind of power, everyone's eyes became extremely brilliant.    


Especially when Ye Feng was breathing continuously. The source energy of the heaven and earth had already gathered on his body.    


"Void Divine Lightning!"    


At this moment, Ye Feng finally understood what the lightning hidden in the depths of the void represented.    


In this battlefield, it wasn't just the spatial barrier that Palace Master Yun Lan had set up.    


In the depths of this spatial zone, there were all kinds of dangerous environments that were hidden. It was like the Divine Void Lightning at this moment, as well as powerful attacks of various attributes.    


In order to survive in such a battle and obtain the final victory, one didn't just need to have sufficient strength to resist the enemy's attacks.    


More importantly, he was able to survive in such a dangerous environment and refine the terrifying energy in the void.    


If they were unable to do so, the pressure that they would have to endure in the end would cause the entire battlefield to be compressed at an extremely fast speed.    


At that time, there was only one person left. It would also be completely destroyed by this destructive power.    


Otherwise, after the heavens and earth were destroyed, the powerful energy contained within would be compressed to the extreme at this moment, finally forming a world fragment.    


Even though the person who was able to survive till the end would also die because of this.    


However, he could similarly win this world fragment for his master.    


In other words, under normal circumstances, no one would be able to leave this battlefield alive.    


However, after Ye Feng appeared, everything had changed.    


Ye Feng had already sensed the unimaginable power in the void and was constantly refining it.    


The aura in his body had once again been bestowed with his soul. The formidable power contained within it had once again revealed his true level.    


Ye Feng's comprehension ability was extremely powerful. In this very short period of time, the energy within his body had become purer and purer.    


At the same time, the terrifying Divine Void Lightning was also absorbed into his senses.    


The chaotic origin energy in his body was circulating continuously. Ye Feng was also refining the void divine lightning bit by bit.    


The terrifying destructive power had become unimaginably powerful.    


After absorbing the power of the lightning in the void, Ye Feng found that his body was trembling continuously.    


With the help of the lightning energy, Ye Feng could feel that the strength in his body had reached a certain limit.    


In an instant, Ye Feng had taken a step forward, stirring up the powerful force in the entire spatial zone.    


Under the circulation of the aura, the entire spatial zone was filled with a powerful energy that no ordinary person could match.    


At this moment, countless destructive aura bloomed in the world.    


This kind of terrifying energy that exceeded the limit, it could even suppress the entire world in an instant.    


Without any hesitation, no power had ever been able to suppress Ye Feng.    


At this moment, the lightning energy in the depths of the spatial zone had become more and more dangerous.    


As he continued to absorb the powerful aura, Ye Feng could feel that the source energy in his body had become even stronger.    


The restrictive force that existed in the void was also broken by Ye Feng.    


Sensing such a powerful force, everyone's expression became extremely shocked.    


After that, they saw Ye Feng pulling an invisible lightning thread towards them.    


"What is he trying to do?"    


"Such terrifying lightning energy can actually be tamed by him to such an extent. Such strength is truly terrifying."    


"He's still analysing the current situation at a time like this. Don't you feel the biting cold killing intent emitted from his body?"    


"If I'm not wrong, this guy is going to kill us and use our power to escape this space."    


At this moment, Ye Feng had already arrived in front of those experts. With a flick of his finger, he released the lightning energy in his body.    


The power of such terrifying Void Divine Lightning was naturally beyond imagination. That kind of powerful force that ordinary people couldn't understand was also unleashed at this moment.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was released at this instant.    


Even the experts of the Heavenly God realm couldn't resist the terrifying power unleashed by Ye Feng.    


The force of the plane spread crazily and engulfed the bodies of those experts in a very short period of time.    


It was also at this moment that Ye Feng could clearly feel that the origin power in his body had become incomparably pure.    


It was as if his body had reached an extremely powerful state after being tempered by the Void Divine Lightning.    


Every movement of his had a destructive power that had surpassed the limit, and at this moment, it was spreading continuously.    


The powerful aura that was being emitted caused even the surrounding space to tremble.    


It was also at this moment that Ye Feng felt the tremendous force in his body.    


At the very first moment, the aura in his body had completely expanded.    


That kind of powerful force that had exceeded the limit kept exploding at this moment, causing the surrounding space to expand. Boom! Boom! Boom!    


When he truly felt this kind of power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


"The Void Divine Lightning is indeed powerful."    


After letting out such a sigh, Ye Feng slowly controlled the power in his body.    


That kind of extremely unique attribute energy also displayed a powerful aura that ordinary people could not imagine at this moment.    


The Void Divine Lightning was extremely helpful to Ye Feng. It had given him a deep understanding of the power of the Spatial Properties and the power of lightning.    


In this boundless Super Dimensional Void, all the techniques that Ye Feng had comprehended had lost their effectiveness.    


Under such circumstances, the only thing he could do was reconstruct the source energy in his body and draw in the aura from the heavens and earth once more. Moreover, the Comprehension had an even stronger power of laws.    


However, Ye Feng had only been in the Super Dimensional Void for a short period of time, so he couldn't do such a thing.    


Under such circumstances, with the help of the various elements in the battlefield, Ye Feng could cultivate all kinds of elemental powers.    


Under such circumstances, the aura that gathered in the entire spatial zone had become very unique.    


Faced with such a powerful force that surpassed the limit, the expressions of everyone present became increasingly pure.    


However, they didn't have the chance to sigh anymore.    


The destructive power unleashed by Ye Feng directly covered their bodies. In an extremely short period of time, it completely destroyed their bodies.    




Terrifying sounds of destruction reverberated continuously at this moment. The power that was unleashed had also reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


Therefore, at this moment, the aura that was contained in the entire spatial zone had already reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


It could even be said that even Ye Feng himself was shocked by the lightning energy in the spatial zone. He couldn't imagine how terrifying the energy contained within was.    


"Damn it!"    


At this moment, an incomparably hoarse voice resounded in the spatial zone, as if everything in the world was going to be completely suppressed.    


Ye Feng couldn't help but frown when he sensed such a force.    


Currently, there weren't many people in this spatial zone who could resist the pressure of the spatial law and wouldn't be killed by the lightning force.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone even brighter as he sensed the energy in his body.    


The aura that was unleashed from his every move was unimaginably powerful.    


He stretched out his hand and grabbed. The terrifying power of the attributes had once again gathered in front of Ye Feng. There was also a kind of power that ordinary people could not understand circulating continuously at this moment.    


The Void Divine Lightning had directly formed a pike, and it was suspended in Ye Feng's palm. It was constantly emitting a terrifying sharp force in the spatial zone.    


Under the suppression of the aura, no one could resist Ye Feng's aura.    


In a very short period of time, Ye Feng had locked onto the person who spoke just now.    


The aura emitted by a similarly powerful cultivator even shocked Ye Feng.    


When they felt this power, the brilliance in everyone's eyes became extremely brilliant.    


It could even be said that there was an extremely powerful force spreading wildly at this moment.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy in their bodies was circulating continuously, and the aura that was being emitted became incomparably pure.    


Ye Feng's expression had also become incomparably solemn, and the aura that he had gathered was also circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


A brilliant light bloomed at this moment. There was even a kind of power that ordinary people could not understand that was being continuously unleashed at this moment.    


Without any hesitation, Ye Feng threw out the lightning spear in his hand.    


* Hong Long...... * A terrifying vibration resounded at this moment. There was also a force that ordinary people couldn't understand. * Hong Long...... *    


He could feel the terrifying power contained within this attack. At the same time, his opponent was also shocked by the aura that Ye Feng possessed.    


Such a terrifying aura was constantly erupting with energy at this moment. It was spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed in the void.    


The strength of that expert wasn't bad either. He immediately unleashed his own source energy and charged fiercely at the lightning pike.    


The two forces collided in an instant.    


The incomparably terrifying destructive power spread out at this moment. The aura that it emitted was even at a level that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


At this moment, the energy that was being emitted from the entire spatial zone had become purer and purer. The aura that was being emitted was circulating at an extremely fast speed.    




Although the strength of that expert wasn't bad, the lightning energy that Ye Feng had gathered was even more terrifying.    


It was impossible for him to withstand such a powerful attack. He spurted out a mouthful of blood at the first moment.    


The destructive pike unleashed by Ye Feng also possessed unimaginable power, as if it wanted to completely destroy his opponent's body in the shortest amount of time.    


With such terrifying power, the expressions of everyone present became extremely brilliant.    


They had never thought that Ye Feng would not only be able to control the Void Divine Lightning, he would also be able to defeat the next challenger.    


Such a powerful destructive aura was circulating continuously at this moment, and the energy it emitted was extremely terrifying.    


Silently circulating the most terrifying aura in his body, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became like a thunderbolt.    


At the same time, the energy emitted from the entire world became purer and purer.    


The terrifying aura that had surpassed the limit was gathering towards the location of Ye Guang.    


In front of such a terrifying energy that had exceeded the limit, the powerful aura that was emitted from the depths of the void became extremely gentle.    


With the help of such a powerful force, Ye Feng suppressed that expert and charged forward.    


An extremely terrifying destructive pike once again appeared in Ye Feng's hand. The energy it emitted had even reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


That kind of unimaginable power seemed to want to completely destroy the entire world. Countless Destruction aura exploded at this moment.    


"You still want to kill me with just this bit of power? It's still too early for you!"    


Even in the face of such a terrifying attack, the expression of the expert on the opposite side was still incomparably ferocious.    


The energy within his body was circulating unceasingly, and the aura that was being emitted became even purer.    


When they truly felt this energy, the expressions of everyone present became extremely shocked, as if they were unable to imagine that this energy had already reached such a terrifying extent.    


In the next instant, this kind of unimaginably powerful aura completely erupted at this moment. There was even a kind of power that ordinary people couldn't understand circulating crazily.    


The terrifying aura formed by the impact of these two powers caused Ye Feng's body to tremble continuously. However, he didn't retreat at all.    


He continued to circulate the energy within his body to crush forward. The aura that was being emitted had become incomparably terrifying.    


The frenzied destruction didn't even restrain itself. It also made the void lightning that Ye Feng unleashed become even more terrifying.    


Under such circumstances, the power that erupted from his body had already reached a level that ordinary people could not understand.    


Seizing this opportunity, the energy gathered in this area had already become incomparably terrifying. It could even be said that it wanted to destroy this entire area.    


At the same time, the energy gathered in this piece of space had reached an extremely terrifying state.    


"Young man, don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you have grasped a bit of power. This world is not as simple as you think it is. "    


The expert on the other side also said the same.    


However, Ye Feng's expression became even more relaxed. He did not even show any signs of fear.    


"That's right. Everything in this world isn't as simple as it seems.    


Take you for example. You have great confidence in your own strength, but you have no room to resist in front of me."    


After saying this, the aura in Ye Feng's body began circulating continuously. The power that erupted from it was so powerful that it was beyond the reach of ordinary people.    


It was also at this moment that the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void was unimaginably powerful.    


This kind of terrifying power that exceeded the limit spread out in an instant, and it could even be said that it wanted to completely destroy the entire world.    


Above the spear light, countless lightning energy continuously formed a brilliant radiance.    


At this moment, an invisible lightning radiance appeared once again in Ye Feng's hand.    


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