Sky War God

C3679 The Trump Card of Silken Cloud

C3679 The Trump Card of Silken Cloud

At this moment, the Confusion Spirit Orb's power was unleashed.    


The terrifying destructive attacks from the outside world instantly covered Ye Feng's body.    


However, the Confusion Spirit Orb in Ye Feng's body was also spinning continuously. The aura that was being emitted had reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could clearly feel that the strength in his body had reached an extremely powerful realm.    


Countless terrifying ripples were unleashed at this moment. The two extremely special powers in the world were interwoven together.    


An extremely brilliant radiance was released at this instant. There were even destructive power in the depths of the void that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It was brewing at this moment.    




An incomparably terrifying vibration of destruction resounded at this instant. That extremely terrifying destructive power crazily erupted.    


Countless terrifying ripples spread in all directions at this moment, as if they were trying to cover everything in the world.    


After enduring such a terrifying attack, the aura emitted by the Confusion Spirit Orb became even stronger.    


A mass of chaotic origin energy floated around Ye Feng's body, helping him defend against those terrifying attacks.    


Jin Xiu Yuanfeng's strength was indeed incomparably huge, but at this moment, the strength he could exert was also rather limited.    


That kind of unimaginably powerful destructive power had already circulated to the extreme, and the aura that was emitted at the same time was unceasingly spreading at this instant.    


"You still dare to resist? You actually dare to resist with just this little bit of strength of yours?"    


Looking at Ye Feng's current attitude, jin Huafeng's expression became even more ferocious.    


The strength in his body was unleashed without any reservation at this moment. The aura that was unleashed was even more powerful to an unimaginable realm.    


The incomparably terrifying destructive power spread out crazily at this moment. The energy that it displayed became extremely terrifying.    


However, Ye Feng was still looking at him calmly, allowing the terrifying energy to descend upon his body.    


"So, this is all you have?"    


He looked at Jin Xiu Yuan Feng. Ye Feng said the same thing.    


In an instant, Ye Feng's words shattered Jin Xiu Yuanfeng's mental defense, and the terrifying destructive aura was completely unleashed.    


"You're courting death!"    


Jin Xiu Yuanfeng roared loudly. The aura in his body started spreading crazily at this moment.    


You only contained a powerful pressure that exceeded imagination. It erupted madly at this instant, as if wanting to make him explode. This part of the world seemed to be completely destroyed.    


In the Super Dimensional Void, that kind of power that ordinary people could not imagine completely erupted at this moment.    


However, Ye Feng didn't change anything. He just kept circulating the energy within the Confusion Spirit Orb.    


The chaotic origin energy circulated with a terrifying energy that was beyond imagination and spread out in an instant.    


It was also at this moment that the chaotic origin energy within Ye Feng's body had accumulated to an extremely powerful realm.    


Seizing this opportunity, the aura in Ye Feng's body erupted crazily, as if it was going to tear everything in this world apart.    


Countless destructive power collided with each other at this moment. The power that was displayed was beyond imagination.    


A Saint magic spear appeared in Ye Feng's hand. That kind of destructive power that ordinary people could not understand exploded at this moment.    


At this moment, Ye Feng ignited the chaotic origin energy in his body and unleashed his most powerful attack.    


On top of the Saint magic spear, the power of destruction shook, and the energy it emitted reached an extremely terrifying level.    


Such a terrifying destructive power was simply about to devour everything in this world. Countless Destruction aura were expanding crazily at this moment.    


In an extremely short period of time, the entire space was violently shaking. The energy that was gathered had also reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


No one could describe the extent of the destructive power that was contained within it.    


However, the Origin aura that surrounded the two of them spread out in an instant. It was as if they could no longer resist the terrifying pressure.    


Such a terrifying energy was circulating continuously at this moment, and the attribute energy that it emitted became unusually pure.    


This unimaginably powerful aura seemed as if it was going to suppress the entire space in an instant.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds were heard continuously. That kind of extremely terrifying pressure had even reached a level that ordinary people could not withstand.    


At this moment, the ability that Ye Feng had displayed had far exceeded everyone's imagination.    


They couldn't understand why a person who had just ascended from the lower realm had such a terrifying ability.    


Against a Sovereign, no matter what sort of power he had borrowed...    


At this very moment, Ye Feng had already unleashed his own strength, and was capable of contending against Jin Xiu Yuanfeng.    


Only Ye Feng knew that the Chaotic Origin Energy in his body was burning crazily, and even the Dao of Heaven Surmounting was shaking.    


In order to unleash this level of strength, he had to use his most powerful technique as soon as possible.    


Moreover, if he wanted to continue burning his own Origin Energy, he would have to pay a huge price.    


Once the origin energy was overused, no matter how powerful one's cultivation was, they would not be able to recover it. They would only be able to completely wither away.    


At this moment, Ye Feng was relying on the unique aura that the Confusion Spirit Orb possessed, which was why he had such courage.    


Similarly, once the Confusion Spirit Orb could no longer replenish Ye Feng's spirit energy, then the power within his body would completely collapse in an extremely short period of time.    


Without the support of the Chaotic Origin Energy, not only would his own strength rapidly wither, he would also lose his own Heavenly Ling Path forever at this moment.    


Ye Feng could also feel that the strength in his body had reached its limit.    


Under such circumstances, the aura that was emitted from the depths of the void became incomparably terrifying in an instant.    


Both of them had already exerted their strength to the limit. An extremely terrifying destructive power crazily spread at this instant.    


At this time, jin Xiu Yuanfeng had already calmed down.    


The light in his eyes instantly became incomparably fierce, and the aura that was emitted had even reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.    


When he felt this kind of power, Ye Feng's eyes also revealed a brilliant radiance.    


"You are not bad. You have even exceeded my imagination.    


It must have taken a lot of luck for my stupid sister to meet a powerful cultivator like you.    


I'm willing to give you a chance now. As long as you are willing to submit to me, then everything that happened before will be written off.    


Your strength is worthy of the best cultivation and training, and you can even walk to a higher level. You shouldn't be bound by such power. "    


At this moment, jin Xiu Yuanfeng's words were incomparably sincere, and even Jin Xiu Liuyun was shocked when he heard it.    


She knew the personality of this Big Brother the most, but since he was able to say such words at this moment, it meant that he was incomparably serious.    


The energy in her body was trembling unceasingly. If Ye Feng really agreed to Jin Xiu Yuan Feng's request, she wouldn't have any chance to talk about it.    


Upon hearing these words, Ye Feng fell into silence. The energy in his body was circulating continuously, and the aura that was being emitted had also reached a stable state.    


"Give up. As long as you submit to me, you won't have to endure such torture anymore.    


The pain of burning your origin was extremely intense, and your foundation wasn't as stable as before. At this moment, unleashing the energy in your body at all costs would bring you tremendous damage.    


Submit to me and serve me as your master. I will give you better conditions so that you can quickly treat your injuries.    


It won't take long for your strength to fully recover. It can even be said that you will be able to walk to a higher level. "    


Honestly speaking, the attitude that Jin Xiu Yuanfeng had displayed at this moment and the aura were already rather shocking.    


Furthermore, Ye Feng had humiliated him in such a way that it could even be said that his dignity had been completely trampled under his feet.    


It was Jin Xiu Yuan Feng who was able to endure this resentment and use this kind of bearing to recruit Ye Feng.    


If it was anyone else, they would probably have already submitted on the spot.    


However, at this moment, the person he was facing was Ye Feng.    


This also meant that all his efforts were in vain.    


Ye Feng only shook his head slowly. At this moment, the remaining energy in his body was poured into the Sacred magic spear in his hand.    


Countless destructive rays of light bloomed at this moment.    


The spatial origin surrounding Ye Feng's body had already started to distort violently. That kind of unimaginable power seemed as if it was going to cut the heaven and earth apart.    


The power of destruction spread out in an instant. The aura that was released had reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


At this moment, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the void had become unusually pure.    




Apart from destruction, it was also destruction!    


It was as if the power of the heavens and earth contained Ye Feng's unique will, and the aura it emitted had reached an incomparably terrifying realm.    


There was no response. He just waved the Sacred magic spear in his hand and thrust it forward.    


"Is that so? When you said those words, what kind of turmoil was in your heart?    


The aura that was emitted was so powerful that it seemed like it wanted to tear me into a thousand pieces.    


Do you think that I can't sense such danger?    


If I really agree to your request, I'm afraid that I won't be able to live until the next moment, right?"    


After unleashing such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng's tone was extraordinarily calm, as if he didn't waver in the slightest.    


Such a terrifying force was spreading crazily in the void. An extremely powerful blood-red light was locked onto Jin Xiu Yuan Feng in an instant.    


Everything between the heavens and the earth had already been completely suppressed by this unimaginably powerful force. Even the Origin aura within its body was in an unprecedented turmoil at this instant.    


Jin Xiu Yuanfeng's expression also became more and more shocked. The Origin Power in his body kept exploding at this moment, as if it was going to kill Ye Feng.    




An incomparably terrifying sound of destruction and vibration resounded at this moment.    


That kind of terrifying destructive might that surpassed the limit crazily bloomed at this instant. It seemed as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Such a terrifying destructive power was circulating continuously at this moment. The aura that was being emitted had reached a realm that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Jin Xiu Yuanfeng's expression also became even more furious. It could even be said that he no longer concealed it at all.    


A seven-colored radiance bloomed from within his body. That sort of power that ordinary people were unable to imagine directly enveloped the entire heavens and the earth.    


The seven-colored radiance collided with the blood-red spear light, causing the aura to become incomparably terrifying.    


In this instant, the energy that was emitted from the entire void had become unimaginably terrifying.    


However, when they felt this power, the expressions of everyone present became incomparably shocked.    


It was as if everything in the world had been stirred by both sides, and the aura that was being emitted had become incomparably terrifying.    


At this moment, the aura that was gathered in the peak body had already reached an unimaginable realm.    


Circulating the most terrifying energy in his body, Ye Feng unleashed his final attack.    


* Hong Long...... * A wave of energy that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people erupted at this moment.    


Countless terrifying aura were unleashed at this moment. It was a terrifying energy that ordinary people could not understand. In fact, it was going to completely suppress the entire spatial zone in a very short period of time.    


At this moment, countless destructive aura were crazily circulating in the depths of the void.    


An extreme aura was constantly colliding with each other at this moment. The power it displayed had even reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


* Hong Long...... * That terrifying destructive pressure descended upon Ye Feng's body at this moment.    


The terrifying aura crazily attacked Ye Feng's body, pushing the pressure he was enduring to a certain limit.    


The Confusion Spirit Orb could indeed help him withstand a portion of the pressure, but this kind of strength would also bring tremendous pressure to his body.    


It could even be said that when the energy in his body had completely spread out, the aura in his body was also circulating continuously at this moment.    


Ye Feng could also hear the sound of shattering continuously coming from his body when he felt this terrifying energy that had surpassed the limit.    


His strength had already reached its limit. Even if he used the source energy in his body again, it wouldn't change anything.    


The destructive force that had exceeded the limit had completely struck Ye Feng's body, and it had even destroyed his body bit by bit.    


Skin, flesh, internal organs, bones...    


In the end, even Ye Feng's soul suffered an unprecedented suppression. It was as if the power in his body was going to be completely destroyed at this moment.    


However, Ye Feng's incomparably firm will didn't undergo any changes. Even the aura of the Heavenly Ling Path continued to expand at this moment.    


When they felt this kind of power, the expressions of everyone present would undoubtedly be completely stunned.    


If the power that Ye Feng had displayed earlier was shocking, then everything that had happened had completely exceeded their understanding.    




As a true Sovereign, the aura that Jin Xiu Yuanfeng had bloomed had already reached a level that ordinary people could not even imagine.    


This sort of destructive power that surpassed the limits was simply terrifyingly powerful to an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, the destructive power had completely erupted, and that extremely terrifying power had descended at this moment.    


Ye Feng's strength was indeed beyond imagination. At this moment, the strength he displayed had been completely suppressed.    


There was no longer any ability that could change the current situation. It could even be said that Ye Feng had sensed the terrifying power that had surpassed the limit.    


At this critical moment, the void once again bloomed, emitting a seven-colored radiance.    




Before Jin Tuyuan could react, that extremely terrifying power in the depths of space erupted at this instant.    


An incomparably powerful attribute power was released at this instant. That extremely terrifying and powerful energy even displayed its own strength in an extremely short period of time.    


It was as if an arrow had pierced through the entire space, charging towards Jin Xiu Yuanfeng's chest at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, all the strength that Jin Xiu Yuanfeng possessed had been gathered on Ye Feng's body. The strength that he had displayed was simply insufficient to change the current situation.    


He could only watch helplessly as that extremely terrifying short-sighted thing pierced through his chest, and an extremely terrifying destructive power burst out from his body.    


In front of such a force, the aura that Ye Feng released was incomparably weak. However, at this moment, he could also sense the source energy in his body. It was recovering at an extremely fast speed.    


It was as if an invisible bond had appeared between him and Jin Xiu Yuanfeng's body.    


Through this link, he was able to ceaselessly absorb the energy of Jin Xiu Yuanfeng, and it would improve his strength and recover his injuries.    


"What exactly is this?"    


Ye Feng was extremely shocked as well. The aura within his body... * Hong Long...... *    


The constantly shaking Dao of the Heavenly Spirit was quickly becoming active at this moment.    


At some point in time, silvery Cloud had already stood up, his hand still holding a seven-colored bow that flickered with silver-gray light.    


The terrifying Arrows that had descended from the depths of space just now had shot out from his hand, directly piercing through Silken Yuan Feng's chest.    


It was precisely the power emitted by this Arrows that had caused Jin Xiu Yuanfeng to suffer an incomparably great injury. It was even to the extent that it wanted to completely obliterate the power within his body.    


"My dear Big Brother, you didn't expect this, did you? I'm still not completely useless."    


Jin Xiu Liuyun said in an incomparably weak voice. The arrow she shot just now was also a huge burden to her.    


But at this moment, a trace of a smile appeared on the corners of her mouth. The aura that was emitted had similarly reached a realm that ordinary people were unable to imagine.    


Silken Cloud walked forward step by step. The energy that was emitted from his body had similarly reached an extremely terrifying level.    


Jin Huanyun had never imagined that this younger sister of his would actually possess such a method. Moreover, she had already endured it to such an extent.    


He would obviously be easily killed, yet he still had no intention of making a move.    


It was only when the power within Jin Xiu Yuanfeng's body was no longer able to affect the aura in the outside world that she unleashed her most powerful power, unleashing a fatal blow towards Jin Xiu Yuanfeng.    


Regardless of whether it was in terms of timing, angle, or strength, that arrow could already be considered to have reached the acme of perfection.    


Looking at Silken Cloud, silken Essence Feng also couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of fresh blood. The strength within his body had already become incomparably weak.    


That kind of strength that ordinary people were unable to comprehend erupted unceasingly at this instant, causing the aura that was emitted to become incomparably pure.    


Although his injuries were recovering quickly, his strength was even weaker. It was as if he was going to collapse at any moment.    


While the injuries on his body were recovering unceasingly, it also meant that Jin Xiu's Essence was suffering a heavy blow.    


If someone could observe Jin Xiu Yuan Feng's inner world, they would discover that that world had already been directly penetrated by an incomparably terrifying attack, and the power emitted from it had already been completely suppressed.    


When he felt this impact, the world within Jin Xiu Yuanfeng's body circulated rapidly, wanting to counteract the terrifying power that was released from the outside world and recover its own strength.    


However, if Jin Xiu Yuan Feng wanted to obliterate that Seven-Colored Arrows and release the destructive power, he would need to consume an even greater amount of aura.    


"My dear Big Brother, who exactly is hunting who now?"    


Jin Xiu Yuanfeng didn't dare to stay any longer in the face of Jin Xiu Liuyun's question. The energy within his body was completely unleashed at this moment.    


That terrifying aura that was unimaginable to ordinary people spread out unceasingly at this instant. There was even a kind of power that ordinary people were unable to comprehend that spread out unceasingly at this very moment.    


"Very good, little girl. Your growth has indeed exceeded my expectations.    


This time, I have indeed succeeded in your plot, but this matter won't end so easily.    


My plan will not change. Even if you obtain that identity, it will not affect the situation at all.    


I'll wait for the moment you reach a dead end... "    


Jin Xiu Yuanfeng's voice also became louder and louder. The aura that was emitted from his body was also completely suppressed at this moment.    


When they felt such a force, the expressions of everyone present became much more relaxed.    


The rest of them even let out a long breath of impure air. Only Jin Xiu Liuyun and Ye Feng's expressions remained unchanged.    


"Miss never thought that you would have such terrifying strength that you could even defeat that young master."    


Granny Hua was incomparably excited as well. In that instant, she directly released her own strength and swiftly walked to Jin Xiu Liuyun's side.    


However, when she endured such an aura, jin Xiu Liuyun's body trembled as he directly spat out a large mouthful of blood.    




Upon seeing this situation, everyone was incomparably shocked. The aura within their bodies had already reached a stage where they were powerful.    


Especially Granny Hua, as she unreservedly unleashed her own strength, wanting to help Jin Liuyun heal his injuries in an extremely short period of time.    


"Don't move!"    


Ye Feng shouted loudly at this moment.    


Chaotic origin energy circulated within his body. The origin energy that he had just absorbed also quickly emerged within his body.    


When they sensed this aura, everyone's gaze had already converged on Ye Feng's body.    


The seven-colored light and chaotic light alternated at this moment. Ye Feng's Dao of Lingtian had also manifested his most powerful Profound Meaning at this moment.    


"Her origin has been damaged. If you use your own strength at this moment, it will cause the aura in her body to be damaged. Boom!    


You are not trying to save her. You are trying to kill her completely. "    


Hearing Ye Feng's words, everyone's facial expression froze instantly.    


Especially Granny Hua, her expression had reached an extremely gloomy state at this moment. The aura that was being emitted had become incomparably distorted.    


"Little devil, do you know what you are saying?"    


Granny Hua's voice had also become hoarse, and the aura that she was emitting had reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


Ye Feng's expression did not change at all when he felt this power.    


While circulating the source energy in his body, Ye Feng was also releasing his own powerful will.    


That kind of enormous power was displaying its most powerful technique at this moment, as if it wanted to merge the entire spatial zone into its body in a very short period of time.    


Under everyone's astonished gaze, the energy within the peak body was quickly restored. At the same time, the incomparably broken body was also growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.    


At the same time, Ye Feng spoke in an extremely calm tone.    


"Now, it seems like the energy within Miss Liu Yun's body can still be stabilized.    


Once you use this energy to break the circulation of the aura in her body, who will pay the price for this?    


Granny Hua, do you dare to try? "    


Upon hearing Ye Feng's words, granny Hua's expression turned incomparably ugly. However, she had to admit that Ye Feng's words did make sense.    


Although the current condition of Silken Cloud wasn't very stable, it was still able to resist the aura of the outside world.    


If the energy she sent in impacted Silken Cloud's body, then even if she had the greatest ability, she wouldn't be able to change anything.    


At this instant, granny Hua also stopped moving, and could only watch as the power within Silken Cloud's body circulated on its own.    


It was also at this moment that Ye Feng walked to Silken Cloud's side. The aura in his body continued to emit.    


The source energy that was circulating in Ye Feng's body was also displaying its own strength at this moment.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy was circulating continuously, and through the mark on his forehead, it displayed a purer and more refined power.    


When this incomparably weak Brocade Energy was emitted, it was absorbed back by the Silken Flowing Cloud at an extremely fast speed.    


Looking at this scene, everyone was incomparably shocked, as if they couldn't believe that such a terrifying injury would be continuously healed by Ye Feng.    


In fact, this was a fairly simple logic.    


The Silken Mark on Ye Feng's body was given to him by Silken Cloud.    


Now, Ye Feng had reversed the power in his body and completely unleashed the aura in his body.    


Under such circumstances, jin Huanyun would naturally absorb the power that was emitted from his body and continuously strengthen his own origin.    


Under such circumstances, even if he suffered an injury at the quintessence level, silken Cloud would still be able to rely on such a weak power to stabilize his own condition.    


It was during this process that the aura within Silken Cloud's body had already become purer and purer, and the strength it emitted had even reached a realm that ordinary people were unable to imagine.    


Silken Cloud's cultivation realm was rather high as well. After recovering a little of its original strength, it was even able to take the initiative to absorb the strength of the outside world.    


Although the origin power that Ye Feng had unleashed was pure, it had no meaning when Jin Huanyun could circulate his own strength on his own.    


At this moment, the aura in his body that ordinary people couldn't understand was completely unleashed.    


After recovering a portion of his strength, silken Cloud looked at Ye Feng at the first possible moment.    


"I didn't use you as bait just now. I really needed a lot of time to prepare to launch such an attack.    


I even needed to burn my origin power "    


Although Jin Xianyun's voice was weak, it was rather sincere and did not conceal anything.    


Ye Feng nodded as well. Of course, he knew that it wasn't a simple method to exert such power.    


Just like him, in order to unleash a technique that could resist Jin Xiu Yuan Feng, he had to burn his own source energy to stimulate the Confusion Spirit Orb and the Sacred magic spear.    


After getting Ye Feng's understanding, jin Xiu Yun slowly closed his eyes and circulated the aura in his body bit by bit, as if he wanted to push his strength to a higher level.    


Having suffered such a serious injury, silken Cloud needed some time to recover.    


"Granny Hua, let's return to the carriage."    


In such a battle, silken Flowing Cloud's carriage frame did not suffer any damage either. It was just that those few heavenly horses were frightened.    


However, after a little consolation, it could still play its role and would not be greatly affected.    


After being supported by Granny Hua onto the carriage frame, silken Cloud also turned his head and said to Ye Feng, "You come up too."    


"This, young Miss, how can this be?"    


Upon hearing these words, granny Hua's expression instantly changed as the energy in her body began to be released.    


However, silken Cloud didn't care about such a thing at all. He said very seriously, "Ye Feng suffered such a heavy blow because of me. It's even to the extent that a large number of injuries have been left in his body.    


This period of time is no longer suitable for a tiring journey. It's better to enter my carriage and recuperate properly. It won't delay the following matters. "    


"But, miss..."    


" Alright, do as I say. "    


Granny Hua wanted to say more, but was directly interrupted by Silken Cloud.    


After that, silken Cloud beckoned at Ye Feng.    


"Come up."    


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