Sky War God

C3661 Xuan Qiong's King

C3661 Xuan Qiong's King

When Ye Feng felt this aura, the energy in his body began to fluctuate at an extremely fast speed.    


The terrifying energy that was emitted had even reached a level that ordinary people could not reach.    


This kind of terrifying energy that was beyond imagination was unleashed crazily at this moment, and it completely suppressed all the energy in the world.    


The powerful energy that filled the depths of the void was even about to completely destroy everything in the world at this moment.    


Such terrifying power was unleashed in an extremely short period of time.    


It also arrived at Ye Feng's location at an extremely fast speed.    


Such a terrifying force was enough to completely obliterate his body in the shortest amount of time.    


Sensing this extremely powerful force, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright.    


The energy in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed. The aura that was unleashed instantly destroyed the entire spatial zone.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was heard at this moment.    


There was also an extremely terrifying energy that was crazily releasing countless destructive power at this moment.    


It was like a tidal wave that was heading towards Ye Feng's position, as if it was going to completely destroy his body.    


Such a terrifying energy spread out at this moment. It was the source energy of Ye Feng's body.    


It was also circulating the chaotic energy between the heaven and earth at a rapid speed. It was even going to break through to an unimaginable level at this moment.    


At this moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually bright.    


The powerful fluctuation that was emitted from his eyes had even completely suppressed the energy in the entire spatial zone.    


At that moment, he had also killed a large number of Heaven Gods, and the energy that was gathered from his body.    


He had also reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine. This terrifying energy that exceeded the limit was about to completely suppress the entire space in an instant.    


When they also felt this kind of power, the expressions of everyone present became incomparably shocked.    


The terrifying aura that filled the depths of the void had completely spread out at this very moment. In an extremely short period of time, it had completely suppressed the energy in the surrounding spatial zone.    


Countless destructive power erupted crazily at this very moment. It was a kind of destructive aura that had surpassed the limit.    


It was as if everything in the world was going to be completely destroyed in a very short period of time.    


Terrifying rumbles reverberated continuously at this moment.    


That kind of terrifying energy, which had exceeded the limit, was even going to completely suppress all the attributes in the world at this moment. That kind of tyrannical strength was beyond imagination.    


It crazily condensed in Ye Feng's body, forming a destructive wave that was beyond the reach of ordinary people.    


At this moment, an incomparably huge palm print of destruction appeared in the depths of the void.    


The energy of Xuan Qiong was crazily condensed, and the aura that was emitted from it was even more powerful. With an extremely fast speed, it pressed down on the spot where Ye Feng was standing.    


"That's... the King of Xuan Qiong!"    


Martial Emperor Zhuangzi cried out in shock. At this moment, the aura in his body had been fully activated.    


An incomparably massive force had expanded at this very moment. It had also unleashed all the energy in this spatial zone in a very short period of time.    


However, the terrifying energy that permeated the space had also reached a realm that an ordinary person could not imagine.    


The destructive power unleashed by the King of Mysterious Joan was even more powerful, and it instantly suppressed the energy that Martial Emperor had unleashed from the manor.    


Facing such a terrifying destructive aura, Ye Feng did not have any fear.    


The source energy in his body was circulating continuously. The energy that was unleashed had reached a level that ordinary people could not reach.    


The Origin Energy of Chaos was boiling at this moment.    


At the same time, the aura of an expert that was lingering in the depths of the void had also reached an extremely terrifying state.    


The destructive might that exceeded the limit had even exceeded the imagination of everyone present at this moment.    


Facing such a terrifying aura...    


The light in Ye Feng's eyes also became stronger and stronger.    


The source energy in his body had already reached a terrifying realm beyond imagination.    


Every move he made was to leave his mark in this world.    


Countless destructive power spread out in a very short period of time.    


It also caused the entire space to boil at an extremely fast speed. That kind of destructive fluctuation had exceeded the limit.    


At this moment, it displayed its true power.    


It was also at this moment.    


The radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually brilliant.    


A powerful attribute energy spread out at this instant, and it even reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


The destructive power that surpassed the limit was circulating continuously at this moment.    


It condensed into an incomparably powerful pike of destruction and shot into the sky.    


That terrifying aura exploded crazily at this moment, emitting a powerful force.    


It had even reached a realm that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed wildly at this moment.    


The power that was emitted was even about to completely destroy everything in this world.    


The powerful destructive power that both parties possessed collided with each other at this moment.    


The powerful energy that was formed was so powerful that it could completely destroy the energy of the entire spatial zone in an instant.    


A terrifying rumbling sound.    


That extremely terrifying aura reverberated in the void. It had even reached a stage that an ordinary person could not hope to reach.    


Countless destructive power spread out in an instant.    


It was even to the extent that it wanted to completely obliterate everything in this world.    


Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright when he sensed such a force.    


The Origin aura in his body had even completely destroyed the entire spatial zone in an instant.    


The moment the destructive power shook, the Origin Energy within the peak body became stronger and stronger.    


The formidable aura that was emitted from his body was about to completely obliterate all the energy in the world.    


Ye Feng's original strength had already reached an unimaginable realm.    


At this moment, the aura that he had displayed had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


Terrifying rumbles reverberated continuously in the void.    


The powerful ripples that were emitted were even about to completely suppress all the energy in the world at this moment.    


That kind of terrifying energy that surpassed the limit had even completely sealed up the entire space in an extremely short period of time.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy was circulating continuously in Ye Feng's body. The aura that was unleashed had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach.    


The destructive power that had surpassed the limit was constantly emitting its own energy, as if it wanted to completely suppress the entire spatial zone in the shortest amount of time.    


Facing such a terrifying aura...    


The light in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely bright.    


The source energy in his body was even more intense. * Hong Long...... *    


In an instant, the terrifying energy had already gathered around Ye Feng's body in a very short period of time.    


The aura that was released had reached an unimaginable level.    


When this energy was fully unleashed, Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright.    


The aura that had gathered was even about to completely suppress everything in the world at this moment.    


Such a terrifying power surprised the King of Xuan Qiong. It immediately mobilized the power in its body.    


It was as if it wanted to completely suppress the aura in this world.    


An incomparably powerful force of Mystic Joan burst out at this moment.    


It was as if the entire space had been completely sealed and refined.    


Countless destructive aura were rolling crazily at this moment, completely enveloping the spatial zone where Ye Feng was.    


This kind of destructive power that had exceeded the limit was expanding continuously at this moment.    


It was also circulating at an extremely fast speed, as if it was going to completely seal off this part of the world.    


Sensing such an obvious pressure, the source energy in Ye Feng's body started boiling crazily.    


The destructive aura that had exceeded its limit bloomed at this moment, and it seemed as if it was going to completely obliterate everything in this world.    


The Destruction pike in his hand once again condensed and turned into a real substance.    


Ye Feng's Chaotic Origin Energy was surging at this moment, and it had even fully unleashed the power of the Sacred magic spear.    


Originally, Ye Feng had sealed off the power of the magic spear. When he was fighting against those powerful experts, he had also unleashed the power of the magic spear.    


At this moment, the origin force within the Sacred magic spear was moving at an extremely fast speed. The chaotic and void force was even about to completely devour everything in this world.    


However, Ye Feng was no longer able to suppress such a terrifying force in the face of such a terrifying pressure.    


The aura that was sealed within the Sacred magic spear was completely unleashed.    


An incomparably terrifying energy spread out in an instant, forming a destructive fluctuation.    


It had even reached a level that ordinary people could not even imagine.    


The power of destruction, the power of nothingness, and the power of profound dome. When they collided, a terrifying aura that ordinary people couldn't even imagine erupted from the depths of the void.    


It was as if the entire spatial zone was going to be completely suppressed in a very short period of time. This kind of destructive power was beyond the limit.    


It had even completely sealed and refined the entire spatial zone in an instant.    


Such a terrifying destructive aura was crazily surging in the void.    


It also caused the surrounding Heavenly Gods to be completely shocked, as if they couldn't imagine that Ye Feng's strength had actually reached such a terrifying extent.    


He was actually able to fight against the king of Xuan Qiong.    


At this moment, that extremely powerful aura was fully unleashed from the depths of the void.    


It was so powerful that it could even cover the entire space in an instant.    


The King of Xuan Qiong was also feeling quite oppressed.    


It seemed like it had never thought that Ye Feng would possess such a powerful strength. He was actually able to resist the attack unleashed by the King of Profound Joan.    


In the next moment, an incomparably powerful aura was unleashed from his body.    


It pressed down towards the depths of the spatial zone at an extremely fast speed, as if it was going to suppress it. * Hong Long...... *    


Sensing such a terrifying force, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became stronger and stronger. He frantically circulated the origin force in his body.    


However, the gap between their strengths was really huge.    


An extremely terrifying destructive power landed on Ye Feng's body from the depths of the spatial zone.    


It was as if it wanted to completely destroy his body.    


At this moment, the aura that was emitted from the depths of the void had reached a level that no ordinary person could reach.    


* Hong Long...... * The destructive power struck Ye Feng's body at this moment. The terrifying force shook his body time and time again, as if it wanted to completely destroy him.    


Such a terrifying energy was completely unleashed at this moment. The waves of destruction were so powerful that it could destroy everything in the world.    


Even Ye Feng's powerful body couldn't withstand such a terrifying impact. The source energy in his body.    


It was also trembling continuously, as if it was going to be completely submerged at any moment.    


An unimaginably powerful energy burst out from the heaven and earth, as if it was going to completely seal the entire spatial zone at this moment.    


The destructive power, which had been refined beyond his imagination, kept attacking Ye Feng's body, wanting to completely destroy this spatial zone.    


The source energy in Ye Feng's body was enduring such tremendous torture.    


It was also continuously releasing the aura. The strength of the aura was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


There was also an extremely terrifying attribute energy that was continuously spreading out at this moment.    


That kind of destructive aura that had exceeded the limit was about to completely obliterate the entire space in an instant.    


The Origin aura between the heavens and the earth continued to expand at this moment.    


It caused the energy that was being emitted from this space to become extremely dangerous, as if it was going to be destroyed in an extremely short period of time.    


It completely suppressed all the energy between the heavens and the earth.    


Circulating the Chaotic Origin Energy in his body, Ye Feng unleashed the aura.    


It had even reached an unimaginable level, a terrifying energy that had exceeded the limit.    


It was even to the extent that it wanted to completely destroy the entire space in an instant.    


Circulating such a terrifying aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer and purer.    


The energy that was emitted from his every move had become incomparably terrifying. The destructive power that surrounded his body.    


It was even suppressed by an even stronger aura.    


In an extremely short period of time, the energy that filled the depths of the void.    


It had already become extremely terrifying. The terrifying energy that was gathered here was even about to completely crush the energy in the entire space in an instant.    


Just as this energy was in a deadlock, the figure of the Mysterious Joan King finally appeared.    


That terrifying aura that had exceeded its limit continued to expand its chaotic energy. At this moment, it had completely bloomed.    


It caused the entire space to boil at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine.    


"Weak human, with your strength, you actually dare to provoke our Xuan Qiong Clan's peerless expert.    


And you actually dare to use your lowly body to kill them.    


Do you know how serious of a crime you have committed? It is a mistake that no one can save.    


At this moment, the most you can do is kneel down and repent, showing your regret for everything you have done.    


This is the only way to let your soul rest in peace, so that the power in your body will no longer be tormented by suffering. "    


When he heard this, Ye Feng's expression was also quite shocked.    


It seemed like he didn't expect the King of Xuan Qiong to say such a thing.    


He couldn't imagine that the power contained in the King of Profound Joan's body had already reached an extremely terrifying level.    


At this moment, a powerful aura bloomed from the depths of the void.    


At this moment, it was trembling continuously. That kind of destructive power that had surpassed the limit...    


It was even about to completely suppress and refine everything in the world at this moment.    


When he sensed this aura, the light in Ye Feng's eyes was completely unleashed at this moment.    


This kind of extremely frightening attribute strength was even able to completely suppress the strength between the heavens and the earth in an instant.    


Such a terrifying aura of destruction was expanding continuously at this moment.    


It also caused the entire space to circulate at an extremely fast speed.    


It could even be said that there was an unimaginably powerful force. It was completely unleashed at this moment. The entire space was there. It was boiling at an extremely fast speed.    


Ye Feng didn't have any fear when faced with such a powerful force.    


The source energy in his body was circulating continuously. The aura that was being emitted had also reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


At this moment, the source energy in Ye Feng's body began circulating continuously.    


The terrifying aura that had exceeded the limit was unleashed without any hesitation.    


There was no power that could restrain him. The terrifying aura that erupted from the depths of the void.    


It was also a powerful force that was beyond imagination that rushed towards the King of Xuan Qiong. It had even reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine at this moment.    


Circulating such a powerful aura, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also circulated to the extreme at this moment.    


That extremely brilliant light force was even about to completely suppress everything in this world in an instant.    


Such a terrifying attribute power was constantly erupting in the depths of the void. That kind of powerful energy was beyond imagination.    


It was even to the extent that it wanted to completely obliterate all the energy in the world at this instant. Even the King of Xuan Qiong was shocked by this energy.    


"Your words are truly too difficult to hear. It's simply like fart.    


You want to judge me, torture me, and see if you have the ability and qualification to talk to me like this? Who gave you the courage to talk to me like this? "    


When they heard Ye Feng say such words, the expressions of everyone present were unprecedented.    


They were shocked by the source energy in their bodies. All of them were circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


It was as if he was trying to maximize his strength at this moment to ensure that he was awake.    


However, no matter how he circulated his strength, the aura that was emitted was still extremely powerful.    


The energy that was released from Ye Feng's body had also reached an unimaginable realm at this moment.    


The terrifying energy waves that had exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment.    


It was so powerful that it was beyond his reach. The rumbling sound of destruction spread out at this moment.    


It was as if it was going to destroy the power of this world.    


The two extremely terrifying aura collided at this moment. The energy that was emitted from the depths of the void was also present at this moment. * Hong Long...... *    


Ye Feng held the Sacred magic spear in his hand. The source energy in his body was expanding continuously at this moment, displaying his most powerful strength.    


The source energy in his body was circulating rapidly, causing the entire world to boil at an extremely fast speed.    


When it sensed this kind of energy, the King of Profound Qiong was also shocked by the aura that Ye Feng had displayed.    


That kind of terrifying energy that exceeded the limit was even able to completely suppress the aura in this world in an extremely short period of time.    


Such a terrifying energy fluctuated in the void. It rumbled and echoed, emitting a powerful aura.    


It had even reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach. This kind of destructive power had exceeded the limit.    


In fact, it was going to completely suppress and refine everything in the world within an extremely short period of time.    


In that instant, Ye Feng's words had infuriated the King of Profound Joan even more.    


He exerted all of his strength to mobilize the source energy in his body, and the aura that was emitted from his body became even more terrifying.    


"As expected of a daring brat. Since that's the case, it's even more impossible for you to survive in this world. You have to pay a price for this. Your body, soul, and even the imprint that you left in this world will be completely destroyed."    


After saying this, the aura that bloomed in the depths of the void had already reached a certain limit. It was a destructive power that had surpassed the limit.    


At this moment, it was expanding continuously. In fact, it wanted to completely destroy and destroy the energy in this spatial zone in a very short period of time.    


The light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright after receiving such an unimaginably powerful energy.    


Countless destructive power crazily bloomed at this moment. It was even to the extent that it wanted to completely obliterate everything in this world at this moment.    


The strength of both parties had reached an unimaginable level. At this moment, Ye Feng didn't have any hesitation.    


He unleashed the Origin aura in his body. That kind of terrifying energy that exceeded the limit also displayed his most powerful technique at this moment.    


In an instant, the aura that was unleashed by the Mysterious Qiong King also erupted crazily. It was filled with countless destructive power.    


The destructive waves formed by the rapid circulation at this moment had also reached a level that ordinary people could not match up to.    


An incomparably terrifying aura of destruction spread out in an instant. The entire heaven and earth was emitting a powerful energy.    


It was circulating at an extremely fast speed. In fact, it could even be said that it was circulating at an extremely fast speed. The aura that was being emitted from this spatial zone had already reached an extremely terrifying level.    


Ye Feng, however, didn't have any fear. He kept thrusting the Sacred magic spear in his hand forward. It was as if his body was shuttling back and forth in the spatial zone. His speed was extremely fast.    


That kind of extremely terrifying destructive power kept advancing forward, and the aura it emitted had even reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


The destructive power kept exploding in the depths of the void, causing all the energy in this area to circulate at an extremely fast speed.    


It even wanted to devour all the energy in this world.    


Although the energy that King Xuan Qiong sensed was terrifying, the aura that was displayed at this moment was.    


It had also been completely suppressed. This kind of destructive power that exceeded one's imagination had simply reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.    


The aura contained in the entire spatial zone had become exceptionally terrifying.    


The destructive fluctuation that had exceeded the limit, it was as if it was going to completely suppress all the energy in the world at this moment.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds kept bursting out at this moment.    


It also caused the space in this area to circulate at an extremely fast speed. It was even to the extent that it wanted to completely destroy all the aura in the world at this moment.    


The incomparably terrifying destructive power circulated crazily in this instant. It had simply reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


That kind of destructive power that exceeded one's imagination was released in an extremely short period of time. It was the same as the destructive power that was released in an extremely short period of time. It completely suppressed the entire space with an extremely fast speed.    


The King of Mysterious Joan kept emitting terrifying aura.    


It seemed like it was going to reach an unimaginable level, completely destroying Ye Feng's body.    


At this moment, the energy in the depths of the void had become extremely terrifying.    


The powerful aura that was unleashed from his every move had become exceptionally terrifying.    


The strength that both parties possessed had broken through some kind of boundary.    


The aura that was being emitted from each of their actions had displayed the fundamental strength that belonged to them in an extremely short period of time.    


Countless destructive journeys were in a frenzy at this moment. The powerful energy waves that were gathered here were so strong that it could even destroy the entire spatial zone in an instant.    


Carrying such an unimaginable power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant.    


The power of the destructive aura, which had exceeded his imagination, was also developing at an extremely fast speed.    


Ye Feng didn't feel any fear when he felt such a powerful force.    


The energy of the attributes in his body continued to spread forward, emitting terrifying waves of energy.    


It was even to the extent that it wanted to completely destroy the entire space in an instant.    


At this moment, an extremely frightening Devouring Power once again erupted from within the Sacred magic spear.    


It was as if it wanted to devour all the energy in this world.    


Countless destructive power were crazily displayed at this moment.    


It was as if he was going to display his most powerful strength at this moment, and completely destroy everything in this world.    


Sensing the continuous circulation of power in his body, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer and purer.    


That kind of unimaginable chaotic origin energy. At this moment, it was circulating continuously and reaching a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.    


There was an extremely powerful force of destruction that was displayed at this moment.    


It was even to the extent that it wanted to completely suppress all the fluctuation between the heavens and the earth at this moment.    


The powerful strength contained within his body at this moment was also beyond imagination and terrifying.    


That kind of extremely terrifying attribute energy had completely erupted and formed a destructive ripple at this moment. It had also completely spread in an extremely short period of time.    


Grasping this opportunity, the aura that was lingering in the depths of the void...    


At the same time, he had also displayed his true strength in an extremely short period of time. It was an incomparably terrifying destructive power.    


At this moment, it was completely displayed, and it spread out towards the King of Xuan Qiong.    


The King of Profound Qiong was also completely shocked by the power unleashed by Ye Feng.    


The terrifying aura that filled the depths of the void had even reached an unimaginable realm in such a short period of time.    


When such a force was completely unleashed, the energy that was emitted from the entire spatial zone had already reached an extremely terrifying level.    


The aura that was unleashed from his every move was about to completely obliterate the entire spatial zone at this moment.    


Within Ye Feng's body, countless energy of different attributes fluctuated, and the aura was unleashed.    


The radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely terrifying. The attributes unleashed by his every movement had reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became purer and purer, and the energy that was emitted from his eyes became even purer. It circulated at an extremely fast speed.    


It could even be said that it was going to completely suppress the energy in the entire spatial zone at this moment.    


At this moment, the energy in Ye Feng's body erupted. It was as if something was constantly trying to fight against the source energy of the world.    


The chain that was tightly wrapped around his body.    


At this moment, he had also displayed his most powerful strength, as if he was trying to break free from all the restraints of the world at this moment.    


Circulating the powerful force in his body, the aura that Ye Feng possessed.    


At the same time, it had reached a certain limit. The powerful waves that were gathered by his every move were about to completely destroy the entire world at this moment.    


At this moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.    


The origin force between the heaven and earth began to converge in Ye Feng's body.    


At the same time, Ye Feng could also feel that the origin force in his body was constantly transforming.    


It was as if it had given birth to something incredible. Even the energy unleashed by the King of Profound Joan couldn't cause any substantial damage to it.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes shone with a pure radiance.    


The source energy in his body began to expand and release.    


In the next moment, the entire world began to shake crazily. Even the King of Profound Qiong was shocked by the power Ye Feng had displayed.    


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