Sky War God

C3682 Yun Lan Palace

C3682 Yun Lan Palace

In that instant, the power within the peak body was unleashed to its limit, and the aura it was emitting became incomparably terrifying.    


This kind of unimaginable power was constantly erupting at this moment. The energy that was being emitted was simply shocking.    


At this moment, an extremely brilliant and sharp power was released from the Good Fortune Divine Sword.    


At the same time, Ye Feng's figure also became extremely fast, and he landed on the Void Demon Bug at an extremely fast speed.    


In just an instant, countless dazzling lights were unleashed.    


Those terrifying rays of light. It was as if they were about to condense into something solid, directly chopping down on the Void Demon Bug's body.    


Circulating such a huge force, Ye Feng's eyes shone even brighter.    


The Void Demon Bug was also struck by Ye Feng's attack, causing it to cry out.    


The powerful force in its body continued to expand, and the aura it released had reached an unimaginable level.    


An extremely terrifying destructive power was spreading crazily at this moment. There was also a force that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people that was erupting at this moment.    


Circulating the energy in his body, Ye Feng kept resisting the terrifying aura in the outside world.    


The Chaotic Origin Power was circulating continuously in Ye Feng's body, but in the end, it was still the colorful Silken Power that was released.    


Borrowing this kind of power, Ye Feng also slashed out dazzling sword lights one after another.    


Faced with such a terrifying aura, silken Flowing Cloud was also rather shocked.    


It seemed like he never thought that the Silken Power Ye Feng used would be so powerful that it could even change everything.    


The strength of the Void Demon Bug was indeed terrifying. It was able to defend itself against Ye Feng's terrifying attack.    


Its smooth skin had an extremely powerful defense, and it could even deflect all of Ye Feng's attacks.    


However, Ye Feng had the determination to pierce through a rock with every drop of water. Every sword light landed on the same spot.    


No matter how strong the defense of the Void Demon Bug was, it wouldn't be able to withstand Ye Feng's attack at a low level.    


The energy in his body kept exploding at this moment, and the energy waves emitted from his body had reached an unimaginable level.    


Circulating the energy in his body, Ye Feng was also resisting the terrifying energy waves.    


An incomparably powerful attribute energy spread out at this moment, and a destructive aura that exceeded his imagination was circulating at this moment.    


Ye Feng's eyes became more and more cautious as he sensed the constant changes in the energy in his body.    


With the help of the Confusion Spirit Orb, his strength had reached an indescribable realm.    


His own Dao of Lingtian was even more so. It was transforming at an extremely fast speed, and he could take that final step at any time.    


Ye Feng's foundation was incomparably deep. Even with such a primitive accumulation, it wouldn't take much time.    


The growth of the Heavenly Dao had also enhanced the power that Ye Feng could exert.    


However, it wasn't that simple to fully exert the power within.    


All kinds of origin energy in the world spread out in an instant, and countless destructive aura filled the air in an instant.    


An unimaginably powerful force had also displayed its most powerful technique at this moment.    


The destructive aura unleashed by the Void Demon Bug had already reached an unimaginable level.    


There was also a power that ordinary people could not understand that kept exploding out at this moment.    




Facing such a terrifying pressure, Ye Feng didn't have any fear of the source in his body. His power was still circulating continuously.    


The brilliant sword light was continuously slashed by Ye Feng, unleashing an unimaginable power that reached a terrifying extent.    


Seizing this opportunity, Ye Feng unleashed his strongest power in a very short period of time.    


A brilliant seven-colored sword light gathered most of the energy in his body and slashed down.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds continuously echoed out.    


At that instant, the energy ripples emitted by the Heavens and Earth had reached an unimaginable level.    


That kind of terrifying strength that surpassed the limit seemed to want to completely destroy everything in the world.    


The strength of both parties was evenly matched. It was not so easy to completely suppress the other party.    


At this moment, the corner of Ye Feng's mouth rose. The aura in his body also changed.    


A subtle sharp force shot out from his fingertip.    


This attack was quite gentle, without any energy fluctuation.    


However, when this force was fully unleashed, a terrifying change that ordinary people could not imagine happened.    


That sharp force contained all of Ye Feng's Comprehension and the powerful aura within the Sacred magic spear.    


The destructive force erupted at this moment.    


A terrifying force that exceeded imagination spread out at this moment, forming a destructive fluctuation. It was as if it was going to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Even though the Void Demon Bug's defense was powerful, it was still unable to withstand such a terrifying attack.    


That tiny sharp light instantly penetrated the Void Demon Bug's skin and entered its body.    


Without any resistance, the Demon Bug's body trembled for a moment before being torn apart.    


A terrifying power was circulating continuously at this moment. The aura that was being emitted became even more terrifying.    


Such a powerful attribute also shocked the others.    


The power that Ye Feng had unleashed during his battle with Jin Xiu Yuanfeng was truly terrifying.    


It was at that time that he was obviously burning his own origin power, unleashing a terrifying power that ordinary people couldn't comprehend.    


At this moment, the energy within the peak body was extremely calm. There were no terrifying fluctuations within it at all.    


This meant that the energy that Ye Feng displayed was incomparably stable, and it was also his own strength.    


Before anyone could react, the aura inside the Void Demon Bug's body had completely erupted, displaying its strength. Its power had reached an unimaginable level.    


The final terrifying power was unleashed at this moment.    


The destructive force that exceeded the limit was so powerful that it could even destroy Ye Feng.    


Facing such an attack, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. The origin force in his body erupted at this moment.    


The collision of these two forces had even pushed the aura in this spatial zone to its limit.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds kept exploding at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy the entire world.    


Everyone's expression became incomparably shocked after enduring such a terrifying force. It was as if they couldn't imagine that the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void would be so terrifying.    


But to Ye Feng, everything was no longer important.    


An extremely powerful force was unleashed from his body once again, tearing apart everything in his surroundings at an extremely fast speed.    


It didn't matter if it was the Space Laws or the Void Demon Bug.    


All of this had been crushed by the force unleashed by Ye Feng.    


There was no restriction of any power at all. The blood-red light pierced through the body of the Void Demon Bug.    


At this moment, the destructive power of the Void Demon Bug was fully unleashed, and a powerful power that ordinary people couldn't understand was expanding.    


Terrifying rumbles continuously echoed in that instant, and the force that was emitted became even more terrifying.    


In the end, the Void Demon Bug was unable to withstand the destructive attack unleashed by Ye Feng, and it gradually withered away.    


At this moment, the energy emitted from the depths of the void became purer and purer, and it even wanted to completely destroy the energy of the world.    


However, Ye Feng waved his hand gently and the terrifying destructive force of the void fell into complete silence.    


It gradually dissipated into the spatial zone.    


Everyone's expression couldn't help but become shocked when they saw how easily Ye Feng suppressed this terrifying force.    


Although they knew that Ye Feng's strength was terrifying enough, the destructive power that could erupt from his body made them look down on him.    


Even in the Heavenly God realm, there were only a few who could fight Ye Feng.    


But at this moment, the strength that Ye Feng displayed was truly terrifying to an unimaginable extent.    


Not only could he release a power that ordinary people could not understand, he could also completely restrain the destructive power.    


One had to know that destruction was easy, but it was the hardest to create.    


Unleashing such a terrifying attack wasn't anything strange. As long as one had sufficient means and strength, anyone could do it.    


However, to be able to fully integrate such a terrifying power into one's own control, it was not something a simple person could display.    


At this moment, the way everyone looked at Ye Feng had become extremely unique.    


When they returned to Silken Cloud's side, the aura that was emitted from Ye Feng's body had also shocked everyone.    


"Not bad, not bad at all."    


Only Silken Cloud seemed to have expected this outcome and nodded his head in satisfaction.    


He kept praising Ye Feng, as if he had regarded Ye Feng as his most powerful warrior.    


Ye Feng only nodded his head. After that, he silently circulated the energy in his body, wanting to withdraw all the aura in his body.    


After the battle just now, Ye Feng's strength had indeed changed to a certain extent. The strength that he could display had also become stronger.    


At this moment, it was time to temper his foundation. Of course, he couldn't be distracted.    


While Ye Feng was constantly grasping his strength, an extremely terrifying force was gathering in the depths of the void.    


The terrifying aura that exceeded his imagination was circulating continuously at this moment, and the energy it emitted became purer and purer.    


"It's time for us to set off and head to the Cloud Wave Palace."    


Silken Cloud gently clapped his hands and had already allowed everyone's consciousness to return. Moreover, he gave the following orders.    


At this moment, everyone present had already started moving, and the aura that had converged had become rather unique as well.    


The horse carriage slowly moved. It shuttled through the void and headed straight for the location of the Cloud Wave Palace.    


In the Super Dimensional Void, time was the least valuable thing.    


Just for the sake of travelling, the group had already spent several months.    


The various origin powers of heaven and earth. At this moment, it was constantly circulating and boiling, and the aura that was being emitted became even stronger.    


When he felt this kind of energy, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant.    


The Origin Energy in his body was circulating continuously at this moment.    


All kinds of energy were once again absorbed by the Ling Tian Dao, and the aura in his body was also circulating continuously.    


This kind of unimaginable power had already reached an extremely terrifying level.    


Once this kind of power was fully released, it would be incomparably helpful to Ye Feng.    


When the carriage stopped, Ye Feng also sensed the unique power in the surrounding void.    


This space was covered by a pure white fog.    


There was an extremely special power in the fog that completely suppressed Ye Feng's spiritual will.    


When Ye Feng felt this aura, the light in his eyes became incomparably bright.    


It was as if under the suppression of these clouds, it could make his body emit an even stronger power.    


Even Ye Feng's spiritual will had become stronger under this kind of tempering.    


The brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter after receiving such a unique force.    


He took the initiative to absorb the special force between the heaven and earth.    


Jin Huanyun and the others were quite shocked when they saw Ye Feng's action.    


The Cloudmist Qi of Cloudwave Palace was a unique energy that was rare even in the Super Dimensional Void, and it was capable of helping one temper one's soul.    


This sort of unique energy had a certain effect on even Sovereigns.    


However, if one wanted to completely refine and absorb this energy, it would bring an enormous pressure to one's soul. It might even cause one's soul to be damaged.    


Therefore, even if one possessed an extremely powerful technique, they would still require a great deal of soul energy. However, very few people would take the initiative to absorb Yun Hua's energy from this place.    


Jin Huanyun could not help but dissuade Ye Feng when he saw him continuously absorbing this energy.    


"Stop. The Yun Hua Power is quite special. It will cause a great burden to your soul.    


If you continue to absorb it like this, you will be crushed by the Qi of Yun Hua before your soul can transform."    


Ye Feng raised his head blankly and looked at Silken Cloud, as if he didn't understand what was going on.    


"Pressure? What pressure?"    


Circulating his Divine Sense, Ye Feng continued to absorb the energy of Yun Hua from the heaven and earth.    


Under the refinement of this power, his Divine Sense continued to experience, and even became stronger.    


However, the pressure didn't exist at all.    


Such a unique power was constantly circulating in the space. The aura that was being emitted had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


The energy of Yun Hua between the heavens and the earth was constantly gathering towards Ye Feng.    


It was as if it was going to transform his soul.    


However, even if this power was circulating continuously, the aura that was being emitted was still very unique.    


When he absorbed the energy of Yun Hua, Ye Feng could indeed feel a piercing pain in his soul.    


However, this level of energy had no effect on him. He could only circulate his spiritual energy slightly to resist it.    


"You, you are not affected at all?    


I don't feel like my soul is becoming heavier, and my reaction speed is also decreasing. It could even be said that the power in his body was continuously weakening at this moment.    


Yun Hua's Qi was one of the signature powers of Yun Lan Palace, and it also possessed an extremely unique ability.    


This kind of power would continuously accumulate and even emit an even more terrifying aura, completely suppressing all the powers in this world.    


When faced with such a unique energy, Ye Feng would also be affected by it.    


Everyone present thought that Ye Feng was just trying to hold on.    


But in fact, when Ye Feng was cultivating the Ten Thousand Spirit Divine Art, he was constantly gathering his spiritual energy and enduring the torture of the evolution and reconstruction of his divine sense.    


The pain at that time was many times greater than what he was experiencing now. It also made him completely ignore this kind of power.    


Under such circumstances, the power within the peak body was constantly circulating, and it made his soul force become even stronger.    


At the same time, Ye Feng could also feel that the aura in his body had become purer.    


That kind of unimaginable power was circulating continuously at this moment, and the energy ripples it emitted had reached an unimaginable level.    


Circulating the last bit of power in his body, Ye Feng could clearly feel the origin power in his body boiling.    


"Alright, since you still want to do this, we won't stop you."    


Jin Huanyun looked at Ye Feng seriously for a while before saying.    


"But you must also be careful. If your soul can't bear it anymore, then stop absorbing Yun Hua Qi as soon as possible."    


Ye Feng nodded his head, agreeing to Silken Cloud's request.    


Looking at how easily Silken Cloud loosened his grip, granny Hua's expression changed once again as she hurriedly said, "Young Miss, how can this be done?"    


"Why not?"    


Silken Cloud asked without turning his head. The aura within her body had similarly reached a certain realm at this moment.    


Grandma Hua hurriedly said, "Although I don't know what kind of agreement you and Ye Feng have reached, this fellow is indeed a trump card.    


You should know better than me how precious such an opportunity is to you.    


If you fail because of him, it will be a very painful thing.    


Since you want to participate in this battle, then you should show your best condition.    


Since that's the case, I can't let Ye Feng be so willful."    


Hearing what Granny said, jin Huanyun's expression didn't change at all. The energy in his body was still circulating unceasingly.    


"I understand."    


These words were said rather calmly, but even with such a calm tone, it also caused Granny Hua's expression to change.    


Although Granny Hua's status was rather noble, to Silken Cloud, she was only a servant.    


Now that the Master's decision had already been made, and she had come to say all sorts of things, could it be that she wanted to discipline Silken Cloud?    


Although Silken Cloud currently had yet to display obvious displeasure, his intentions were rather straightforward.    


After understanding all of this, granny Hua hurriedly lowered her head and took a few steps back.    


Under such circumstances, it was already no longer suitable for her to persuade anything.    


On the other hand, Ye Feng did not pay any attention to the current situation.    


The strength within his body continued to circulate and gather. The aura had also strengthened his strength.    


At this moment, the Origin Energy within his body was circulating continuously. The energy that was being emitted from his body had also become incomparably pure in an instant.    


The slow transformation of the divine soul was also very beneficial to Ye Feng. It could make the aura that he had displayed become even more powerful.    


More importantly, the growth of the divine soul was also very helpful to Ye Feng's control. It was enough to allow Ye Feng to display his greatest strength in such a short period of time.    


Enduring the transformation of this kind of power. The light in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


The source energy in his body became purer and purer, continuously absorbing the powerful aura between the heavens and the earth.    


Under the lead of Silken Cloud, they directly walked onto that cloud bridge and directly entered Cloudwave Palace.    


The surrounding clouds and mist became denser, and the aura that was emitted also reached an extremely powerful state.    


As he absorbed these energies bit by bit, Ye Feng had a deeper understanding of his own strength.    


As he circulated the energy in his body, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant.    


Before he could walk far, a very sharp voice sounded in everyone's ears.    


"Ya, isn't this Big Sister Jin Xiu?    


I, Big Brother, heard that you have already been betrothed to that prince. Congratulations.    


Unlike my younger sister, I don't have this kind of fortune. It is truly regrettable that I don't have the qualifications to serve that prince. "    


Seeing a child who had yet to grow up, he directly walked towards where Silken Cloud was.    


All sorts of precious jewels hung on his body as he walked, making clanking sounds as he moved.    


When Ye Feng looked at this girl, a brilliant light also appeared in his eyes.    


To Ye Feng, some of the basic strength had no effect on him anymore.    


However, there was a fist-sized jade-green pearl hanging on this girl's chest. The force of creation contained within it had reached a terrifying level.    


Even though Ye Feng possessed a treasure like the White Jade Divine Pagoda, he was still shocked when he saw the pearl.    


Feeling this kind of power, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant.    


If it wasn't for his rationality restraining him, he would have rushed forward and snatched the treasure away.    


"That's right. Although this matter has already been spread out, I might not agree to it.    


On the other hand, younger sister, your strength is indeed not bad. If you have such thoughts, you might as well replace elder sister."    


Silken Cloud's words were neither slow nor slow, and he did not take these matters to heart at all. It was as if these things had nothing to do with him.    


Seeing Silken Flowing Cloud's indifferent appearance, the other party was slightly at a loss as well, not knowing exactly what her intentions were.    


The aura within his own spatial zone was also circulating unceasingly, and the energy it emitted had even reached an extremely unique state.    


Feng YuQingya chuckled as well, and his voice became even more tender.    


"What is elder sister saying? That person invited by His Highness is you, how would I dare to compete with you?    


But you can rest assured that after you become that Wife, your status will naturally be different from the past. You will definitely be very respected.    


At that time, it is not impossible for one person to be above ten thousand people.    


As for sister, I can only give you my blessing."    


" Heh... "    


Silken Cloud laughed coldly with disdain. He didn't take this matter to heart at all, and the energy within his body was still circulating without end.    


Sensing the aura emitted from Silvery Cloud's body, fengyu's elegant expression became even more excited as he said to him in a relaxed manner.    


"Oh right, I wonder why elder sister is here this time. Could it be that she is also here to compete with us for the World Fragment?    


It's not that I'm saying, big Sister Jin Xiu, you're already someone who's about to become a Princess. Why are you still staring at this little thing?    


To us, this is indeed an indispensable cultivation resource.    


However, as long as you hook your finger, there will be groups of people delivering it to you.    


Why would you come here and bully us?    




Feng Qingya stuck his head out and looked at the people behind Jin Xiu Liuyun with an increasingly strange expression.    


She calmly said, "These people that Sister Jinxiu brought with her are not considered elites. They are simply unable to contend against us.    


Could it be that Big Sister Jin Xiu only has this bit of wealth and is utterly insufficient to participate in this battle?    


Or could it be that you only saw that the sisters were pitiable and specially brought these people over for us to have some fun with?"    


After hearing these words, silken Cloud finally could not resist bursting out the aura within his body.    


That unimaginably powerful force was released in an instant.    


The aura that was displayed had even reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


He heard Silken Cloud say incomparably coldly, "Enough. Don't put on that look of yours in front of me. It's disgusting.    


A person who was clearly several times bigger than himself was actually still able to display such a tone to the fullest extent.    


Moreover, pretending to be young and delicate all day long, who exactly are you lying to? Could it be that you really think that others don't know about your background?    


Feng Yu was elegant and elegant. If you show such an attitude in front of me again, do you believe that I will tear your face apart?"    


Although Jin Xiu Liuyun's aura hadn't reached such a terrifying extent, the strength that it had displayed today had also caused people to feel an unprecedented shock.    


When these words were spoken, feng Yu's elegant expression instantly turned gloomy. The aura that was being emitted had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


"Alright, it seems like you have a lot of courage."    


At this moment, feng YuQingya didn't continue hiding anything. The strength in his body completely erupted at this moment.    


That powerful flame like deterrent force erupted at this moment, and there was even a kind of terrifying power that ordinary people could not understand blooming at this time.    


Facing this kind of extraordinary and terrifying power, everyone's expression became extremely shocked. It was as if they could not imagine what kind of technique the other party had used.    


However, silken Cloud didn't hesitate in the slightest as he'd already released the power within his body at the first possible moment.    


The aura of both sides collided at this moment, and the power it emitted was even stronger than what an ordinary person could imagine.    


Facing this kind of unimaginable and terrifying power, the expressions of everyone present became incomparably shocked.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out in the void. It was an extremely terrifying power. It was also unleashed without holding back.    


The destructive power erupted at this moment. That terrifying energy that exceeded one's imagination was about to destroy everything.    


Everyone present was completely stunned by this terrifying energy.    


They had never thought that the strength that these two people had displayed would be so formidable.    


The extremely terrifying aura in the depths of the spatial zone was constantly colliding with the energy ripples it released. It was also erupting at an extremely fast speed.    


Faced with such a powerful force, everyone's eyes had changed. A terrifying power of attributes was gathering in the depths of the void.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone brightly as he absorbed the powerful force of the heaven and earth.    


The Confusion Spirit Orb was once again spinning silently within his body, absorbing the extremely terrifying attribute energy between the heavens and earth.    


Under such circumstances, the energy ripples that were emitted from the depths of the void had become incomparably terrifying.    


However, after absorbing the most powerful attribute energy in his body, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.    


The attribute energy gathered by the elegant phoenix feather was completely different from the seven-colored radiance of the Silken Cloud.    


It was an extremely unique and powerful energy that resembled the feathers of a phoenix.    


The attribute energy condensed within had simply reached a terrifying extent.    


Such a terrifying lethality was simply about to completely destroy everything in this world. The energy that was released was even about to destroy the heavens and the earth.    


Carrying such a terrifying pressure, the depths of the void also used an extremely powerful attribute energy to suppress all of this.    


In the space, the battle between the two women had also reached its climax.    


The seven-colored radiance and the flaming phoenix feathers collided unceasingly, causing the surrounding space to shake rapidly.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds continuously resounded. There was even a kind of terrifying aura that ordinary people couldn't understand that was being continuously unleashed.    


That kind of terrifying power that exceeded the limit seemed to want to destroy everything in the world.    


The destructive power that possessed a power that ordinary people could not understand expanded at this instant, as if it wanted to swallow everything in the world.    


After absorbing the terrifying attribute of the spatial zone, Ye Feng could also feel how terrifying the other party's power was.    


Just from the fact that the spatial zone had already been melted and distorted, Ye Feng was certain that the opponent's strength was above Silken Cloud.    


Feeling this kind of unimaginable power, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant. The Origin aura in his body... It was unleashed at an extremely fast speed.    


Although this power was relatively weak, the aura that was displayed at this moment was quite unique.    


The Silken Mark on Ye Feng's body shared the same origin as Silken Cloud, and it was the power that belonged to Silken Cloud.    


Now that Ye Feng had fully unleashed his power, it was equivalent to providing Silken Cloud with an endless stream of energy.    


When they felt this aura, the expressions of everyone present had become incomparably shocked.    


They also couldn't imagine that the strength that Ye Feng had displayed was so special, it even brought such a huge boost to Silken Cloud.    


In fact, silken Cloud had never thought that Ye Feng would be able to provide such a huge support to her. It even made the power in his body become even more terrifying.    


Although he was stunned for a moment, jin Huanyun took a step forward in the next moment, and a seven-colored radiance bloomed.    


Like a Longsword fiercely chopping down, the aura contained within this sharp light had already become incomparably terrifying.    


Facing this sword, feng Yu's elegant expression also became shocked. The energy within his body was circulating rapidly at this moment.    


The flames that filled the sky were released. That kind of powerful strength that ordinary people could not understand kept exploding at this moment, as if it wanted to completely suppress everything in the world.    


Such a terrifying power was continuously unleashing its own strength, completely suppressing the entire space.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds continuously echoed at this moment. The energy that was being emitted had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


"Please stop, the two of you."    


As the two were about to unleash their true flames and unleash even greater power, an enormous pressure burst out from the depths of the space.    


This kind of extremely terrifying aura seemed to want to suppress everything in the world. The power that ordinary people couldn't comprehend became incomparably terrifying.    


This kind of pressure completely suppressed the aura in the entire spatial zone. The energy that it emitted became even more terrifying.    


Facing such an incomparably unique force, the expressions of everyone present became solemn.    


Silken Cloud also withdrew his own strength and bowed in the direction of that person.    


"Greetings, senior Yun."    


Yun Tianlan, the true ruler of Cloudwave Palace, a powerful cultivator at the peak of the Sovereign realm.    


The strength he possessed had also reached a level that ordinary people would not be able to imagine.    


Although at this moment, it was very likely that he was just a projection that had descended here, the strength that he had displayed was not something that anyone dared to look down on.    


"Both of you have come to participate in our Cloudwave Palace's Heavenflow Martial Meet this time.    


At this time, please follow our Cloudwave Palace's rules and not rashly make a move here.    


Of course, I also know that to you, strength is a part of displaying your own excellence.    


But when the young ladies and young masters of the various large clans fight, it is truly a bit ugly.    


If there is really a problem, just let the soldiers under you fight.    


Isn't this the reason why we brought them here?"    


Hearing Yun Tianlan's words, everyone withdrew their strength and the aura in their bodies completely fell silent.    


Jin Huanyun nodded and said respectfully, "It's Junior who offended you this time. Senior, please forgive him."    


After saying that, he didn't even look at Fengyu Qingya before ordering his men to withdraw their aura and leave the battlefield.    


Looking at Jin Huanyun's actions, feng Yulya was incomparably furious in his heart, but he didn't show it.    


"Senior is right. It is indeed us who are reckless. Such a thing will never happen in the future."    


Feng Yu Qingya was also not someone to be trifled with. At this moment, after bowing, he fully unleashed his aura.    


"Jinxiu Liuyun, since Senior has already said so, let's use our subordinates to bet."    


Feng Yu said in an incomparably arrogant manner. At this moment, the aura that was emitted from his body had already reached a terrifying level.    


That kind of powerful pressure had reached an unimaginable level.    


The aura that was being emitted also continuously erupted at this moment, descending towards the location of Jin Xiu Liuyun.    


Faced with such provocation, silken Cloud naturally would not give up.    


The attribute energy within his body was unleashed at this instant, and an extremely powerful Origin aura circulated at this very moment.    


In the face of this unimaginable power, the aura that was being emitted from the entire spatial zone had become incomparably unique.    


Circulating the source energy in his body, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant.    


He could also feel that the strength of the people behind Feng YuQingya wasn't bad, and the aura they emitted wasn't any weaker than his.    


Facing such an enemy, not only did Ye Feng not feel any fear, he was actually quite excited.    


The energy in his body was circulating continuously, and the aura ripples that he released were unimaginably powerful.    


Silken Cloud turned his head to look at Ye Feng, then said, "Since you are sincerely courting death... Jin Huanyun's expression changed drastically."    


As he spoke, an aura was unleashed from both of their bodies.    


This unique force collided with each other at this moment. The energy ripples that it emitted resonated with the entire world.    


As such a unique power circulated, the expressions of everyone present became extremely shocked. It was as if they were unable to imagine that such a special power would gradually exist in this world.    


Under the influence of such a power, the surrounding Yun Hua Qi formed a battlefield.    


The clouds were brilliant, and the aura that was being emitted became even more powerful.    


When they appeared in the battlefield, everyone could feel how powerful the aura in the depths of the void had become.    


If one wasn't careful, one would be completely suppressed by the spatial zone. It could even be said that one's body couldn't be maintained.    


In order to resist such a power, one had to have a strong cultivation base and an extremely tenacious willpower.    


Such strength was not difficult for everyone present.    


"Since you want to fight, then let's fight to our heart's content. I want to bet on that Brocade Jade Garment of yours."    


Feng Yu said in an incomparably arrogant and elegant manner, and his tone carried a domineering aura.    


Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present had already changed.    


The item she just mentioned was also very precious to Silken Cloud, second only to her natal Ares-class.    


However, silken Streamcloud didn't have any anger, and only spoke in a calm tone.    


"What a coincidence. I also want your Phoenix Spirit Feather."    


Hearing this request, the elegant expression of the Phoenix Spirit Feather also became even gloomier.    


The Phoenix Spirit Feather was also quite precious to Feng Yu. It was almost equivalent to ten thousand years of her cultivation.    


At that moment, she gritted her teeth and said, "Fine. Since you have the guts to take it, you must have the life to take it."    


After saying this, the aura on the battlefield completely erupted.    


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