Sky War God

C3670 The Mystery of Time

C3670 The Mystery of Time

Ye Feng was incomparably surprised when he sensed the change in time.    


At this moment, the energy in his body was unable to circulate freely.    


The effects of the entire Heavenly Ling World were also extraordinary. Sensing this aura, Ye Feng was even more unable to calmly deal with all of this.    


One must know that he was currently carrying an incomparably important mission. He needed to increase his cultivation and realm in the shortest amount of time possible, and go to me, the Heaven Swallowing Infernal domain, and save his wife and children.    


However, at this moment, he was actually restricted by such a terrifying power. It would take a long time for his mind and thoughts to circulate.    


To break such a force, it would absolutely require an incomparably huge amount of power. However, Ye Feng didn't possess such strength at this moment.    


The source energy in his body was circulating continuously. It was also circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


However, every thought in Ye Feng's mind was incomparably heavy. The source energy in his body was unable to resist the aura in the outside world.    


"Absolutely... right. But... with this.... Like..."    


With this thought, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright. By relying on his powerful Spiritual Will, he seemed to want to penetrate through this void.    


At this moment, a strange change occurred!    


Ye Feng's spiritual will seemed to have surpassed a certain boundary, jumping towards a higher realm.    


That kind of unimaginable power, at this moment, revealed its own secret.    


The aura that was emitted from the depths of the void even made Ye Feng feel an unprecedented shock.    


To be precise, this place shouldn't belong to the void anymore.    


The force that existed in the spatial zone revealed an extremely powerful energy fluctuation at this moment.    


When he entered this place, Ye Feng's spiritual will had already returned to normal.    


At the same time, he saw the changes in the surrounding environment. He was completely shocked by this extremely special force.    


Under Ye Feng's feet was a sparkling long river.    


In this place, Ye Feng seemed to have seen his entire life. From the moment he was born, after experiencing endless suffering, he had finally reached this step.    


Everything he had experienced in his life had appeared in this river.    


It could even be said that underneath his feet, the river continued to flow downwards. Ye Feng had also seen the scene of the future.    


Unfortunately, such a scene was too blurry. Even Ye Feng could not detect any useful information from it.    


However, Ye Feng had already understood the true profoundness of this long river.    


The power of time!    


It was said that it was a powerful force that transcended space, and it was one of the most terrifying laws in the world.    


Even Ye Feng, who possessed the Chaotic Law, was powerless in front of time. He was directly attracted by this force.    


Sensing the changes of the aura in his body, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably bright at this moment.    


That was the long river of time!    


Perhaps, this was the greatest opportunity in the world. If he could obtain some benefits from it, Ye Feng's strength would definitely improve tremendously.    


Ye Feng, who had just condensed the Path to Heaven, was incomparably excited in the face of this endless river.    


This feeling was second only to Ye Feng's grasp of his own fundamental strength, and it allowed his cultivation to rise to an even higher level.    


Under these circumstances, Ye Feng continuously circulated his Cultivation Method, releasing the Heavenly Ling Dao, and continuously colliding with the long river of time.    


Ye Feng didn't know how to control the power of time.    


In fact, he didn't even know how to use the Comprehension Time Law.    


But at this moment, Ye Feng was circulating his power continuously, slowly absorbing the power of time.    


The power of time seemed light and light, but Ye Feng could also feel the weight of time while circulating it.    


He had used all of his strength to circulate the Heavenly Ling Path, unleashing all of the strength he possessed, but he was still unable to shake the tiny bit of water in the river of time.    


In fact, during this process, Ye Feng's aura was also affected by the power of time.    


Under the polishing of time, the Dao of the Soaring Heavens... It seemed to be advancing towards another realm.    


However, before Ye Feng could fully understand the changes in the Heavenly Ling Path, he suddenly realized that some of the Comprehension in his body had already been worn down by the power of time.    


Those powerful and terrifying Comprehension had completely vanished in a very short period of time, as if they didn't exist at all.    


With this feeling, Ye Feng's expression became incomparably solemn.    


The source energy in his body circulated rapidly at this moment. The aura that was unleashed was also circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


However, the power of time was still as powerful as before. Even if Ye Feng tried his best, he wouldn't be able to change anything.    


The Heavenly Dao was constantly circulating, breaking through the limits time and time again, and returning to its original state.    


During this process, Ye Feng also discovered that his Heavenly Path seemed to have undergone some sort of mutation.    


The effect of the passing of time on the Heavenly Ling Path was absolutely beyond imagination.    


Although it would be completely worn down by the power of time every time, this kind of change would similarly allow the Heavenly Ling Path to nurture something even more novel through repeated polishing.    


It was as if Ye Feng's Dao of Soaring Heavens was released. It would repeatedly burn on a furnace and use a hammer to forge it, allowing the power within it to increase continuously during the process of changing.    


After realizing this, Ye Feng's eyes also revealed an incomparably brilliant radiance.    


He circulated the Heavenly Path with all his strength, and continuously tried to use the Heavenly Path to absorb the power of the long river of time between the heavens and earth.    


Feeling the process of this change, Ye Feng gradually forgot about the flow of time. He kept circulating his own Ling Tian Dao.    


During this process, Ye Feng's Dao of Lingtian was constantly transforming, and it had even reached an even purer stage.    


Originally, Ye Feng's Dao of Lingtian was born because of the convergence of all kinds of energies in the world.    


Especially the realm of the heavens, it wasn't created by Ye Feng himself. It could even be said that the circulation of these energies hadn't reached the most smooth stage.    


Although Ye Feng's control of the Heaven Surmounting World was like observing the patterns on his palm, the profoundness behind it was... He couldn't completely control it by himself.    


At this moment, Ye Feng was also circulating the aura in his body, increasing his cultivation bit by bit.    


More importantly, under the tempering of the power of time, Ye Feng was slowly tempering and wearing down the connection between the Heavenly Path and that world.    


The power of time that was sealed around Ye Feng's body was also the same. Under such circumstances, it began to crumble bit by bit.    


It was also at this moment that Ye Feng saw a very special scene.    


It was a figure he saw in the long river of time.    


A figure that was sealed by endless chains.    


After careful observation, these chains actually came from the river of time.    


The chains were even polished from the power of time, allowing his spiritual will to fuse with the entire world.    


The other end of the chains was also entangled in the depths of the endless void, as if it had already entered another dimension.    


"Super Dimensional Void!"    


Ye Feng had already guessed the changes in it at the first moment. The energy in his body was circulating crazily at this moment.    


Only that place could have such a method to lock Ye Feng up with the Time Shackles.    


It seemed like Ye Feng had condensed the Path to Heaven, and he had also mastered the entire realm. This had also touched the heartstrings of some people, causing them to attack Ye Feng at all costs.    


The energy that came from the Super Dimensional Void was also continuously seizing the energy within Ye Feng's body. It seemed like it was borrowing Ye Feng's strength to sense the energy of the Time Law.    


After grasping this aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.    


The source energy in his body was circulating continuously, and the aura that was being emitted became stronger and stronger.    


Although he didn't know who had attacked him, Ye Feng was still very grateful to him.    


If it wasn't for this person secretly attacking Ye Feng and borrowing the power of time to seal Ye Feng's spiritual will, he wouldn't have been able to fully control his body.    


Then Ye Feng wouldn't have the chance to face the river of time, or even use the power of the river of time to temper himself.    


At this moment, the aura in Ye Feng's body kept coming into contact with the river of time, and the energy it emitted became purer and purer.    


When he sensed this aura, the energy contained in the entire spatial zone had become extremely pure.    


Especially Ye Feng's Dao of Soaring to Heaven, it was as bright as glass.    


However, the incomparably pure radiance spread out at this moment, causing the spatial zone to become exceptionally powerful.    


Sensing such a force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant, as if it was going to completely absorb the entire world within a very short period of time.    


In the continuous interaction with the long river of time, Ye Feng could also feel the continuous purification of his own strength. It could even be said that it made his body incomparably light.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could also feel that if he borrowed the power of the Heavenly Path, he could break down some of the unnecessary power in his body to ensure his own purity.    


In Ye Feng's body, there were only two types of power that had yet to fully merge with his body.    


The tea-flavor crystal and the mark of the War God.    


These two energies came from the woman Ye Feng deeply loved. The other one had an extremely strong will.    


After a simple thought, Ye Feng circulated the aura in his body.    


The power contained in the Heavenly Dao had reached an unimaginable level.    


The energy that was emitted from the void was even about to completely suppress everything in the space in an instant.    


As if it was trying to purify all the energy in its body, the Heavenly Path slashed toward its body and destroyed the God of War Seal in an instant.    


This powerful mark that contained boundless will of war had also given Ye Feng a lot of help.    


However, at this moment, the aura that was unleashed from the spatial zone had completely suppressed all of this.    


Even the terrifying will of war was being instilled into Ye Feng's consciousness at this moment.    


The Dao of the Soaring Heavens, that incomparably powerful spiritual will, was unleashed at this moment, colliding with the war imprint contained within the War God's Seal.    


Both of their strengths were beyond imagination. At this moment, Ye Feng even discovered that countless experts had appeared in front of him and were issuing challenges to him.    


When he felt this kind of power, Ye Feng couldn't help but smile. Then, the power in his body burst out.    


Such an enormous aura had expanded at this moment, and it had completely suppressed the entire spatial zone in a very short period of time.    


When such a terrifying aura was unleashed in the void, it had even displayed Ye Feng's powerful technique.    


When it sensed this power, the aura in the peak body became incomparably pure. The energy it emitted had completely suppressed the entire spatial zone during this period of time.    


Those terrifying thoughts of war were completely suppressed by Ye Feng's spiritual will in a very short period of time.    


Furthermore, an incomparably terrifying aura was expanding at this moment.    


Sensing such a force, those war wills seemed to be unable to resist Ye Feng's powerful spiritual will.    


It had already declined in a very short period of time.    


Ye Feng could also feel the loneliness in their hearts, but at the same time, he could also feel an enormous force.    


It was the power of the Divine God of Battle.    


Ye Feng used his spiritual will and powerful will of war to defeat the will sealed in the mark of the War God.    


He even suppressed them without holding anything back.    


This method was also the final praise of the mark of the War God. That kind of enormous power also merged into Ye Feng's body.    


However, this energy no longer contained any energy imprint. It was just an extremely pure Combat Comprehension.    


After obtaining these Comprehension, Ye Feng could slowly absorb and digest them, using them to become his own strength.    


After fully integrating with these Comprehension, Ye Feng's combat strength would be enhanced tremendously, and he could even break through to an unimaginable level.    


After slowly digesting these Combat Comprehension, Ye Feng shifted his gaze to the tea-flavor crystal.    


This treasure that came from Yang Mingxian not only entrusted him with the longing for her, it also had a powerful technique that could purify all energy.    


However, as Ye Feng's realm increased crazily, the help that the tea-flavor crystal provided him was getting smaller and smaller.    


Even though Ye Feng had used the Comprehension in the world of the White Jade Divine Pagoda, it had gradually made this treasure lose its original effect.    


This time, Ye Feng seized the opportunity and unleashed the Dao of Origins in his body.    


With the help of the Heavenly Path, Ye Feng extracted the tea-flavor crystal and used the power of time to seal it layer by layer.    


Even if this tea-flavor crystal couldn't merge into Ye Feng's body, it was still one of the treasures in this world, and it was also the proof of Yang Mingxian's revival.    


When the day came when Ye Feng could surpass the boundary of life and death and reach an even more terrifying level, he would use a supreme technique to resurrect Yang Mingxian.    


At this moment, what Ye Feng paid attention to was how to improve his own strength.    


Borrowing the power of time to seal the tea-flavor crystal layer by layer, Ye Feng also sent him into the deepest part of the Confusion Spirit Orb.    


There was an endless source of chaotic energy being released here, and there was even an aura that ordinary people could not imagine that was constantly circulating.    


The energy that was being emitted from it had reached an unimaginable level. The Chaotic Origin Energy was constantly circulating, and it was even displaying an extremely terrifying amount of energy.    


This energy was the only thing that could nourish Yang Mingxian's soul until the day Ye Feng broke through to the next realm.    


After doing all of this, the aura in Ye Feng's body became incomparably pure.    


In the long river of time, the chains that flew out no longer entangled Ye Feng's body.    


However, Ye Feng could also feel that his own Heavenly Path also contained a chain that was formed from time.    


The light in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant when he sensed the aura.    


Borrowing his own grasp of the Heavenly Path, Ye Feng slowly entered deeper into the Heavenly Path. He wanted to use this opportunity to improve his Comprehension, which contained the power of time.    


Under such circumstances, the aura in Ye Feng's body began to release continuously.    


That kind of unimaginable power was fully unleashed in a very short period of time.    


It possessed a powerful attribute that was beyond anyone's imagination. It kept expanding in Ye Feng's body, and it seemed like it was going to completely suppress everything in the void at this moment.    


At this moment, the powerful force in Ye Feng's body had become incomparably terrifying.    


The Law aura in the spatial zone was continuously releasing a force that ordinary people could not hope to reach. It was getting stronger and stronger.    


As the path of the heavens continued to go deeper, Ye Feng also sensed the Time Chain contained within.    


"Eternal Time!"    


Within Ye Feng's Heavenly Path, there was an extremely terrifying divine ability that was sealed.    


Or perhaps it could be said that it was a type of powerful law derived from the Dao of Time.    


Within this aura, Ye Feng could feel the purest energy in this world. The powerful aura that was emitted from it had even reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.    


Circulating the Chaotic Origin Energy in his body, the Dao of the Heavenly Spirit bloomed at this moment.    


The Time Laws that exceeded his imagination displayed his most powerful strength at this moment.    


An incomparably terrifying aura bloomed at this moment. The aura that it released was even able to circulate to a terrifying degree that ordinary people could not understand at this moment.    


Ye Feng, who had seized this opportunity, also felt that the aura that permeated the void had become extremely pure.    


Under such circumstances, Ye Feng was continuously using the power of the Comprehension Time. Finally, he found the source of this aura.    


The eternal solidification of time could allow the Time energy around Ye Feng's body to move according to his normal condition.    


No matter what kind of technique was used, it couldn't interfere with the time around Ye Feng's body.    


It could even be said that the technique used by that fellow couldn't affect Ye Feng anymore. Instead, it would let Ye Feng sense the power of the Time River that was triggered once more.    


In this way, not only would Ye Feng not be affected by the power of the outside world, he would also be able to use this opportunity to descend once again on the river of time, the power of Comprehension Time.    


Of course, the time that Ye Feng had used to combine his body with the world had already passed.    


Even in the long river of time, Ye Feng couldn't allow himself to wait for those ten years to reverse the flow of time.    


But even so, the characteristics of this journey of time had already exceeded his imagination.    


With this method, Ye Feng could be considered to have a trump card that could save his life.    


However, Ye Feng had no idea how many people dreamt of obtaining the opportunity and resources that he had at this moment.    


The eternal solidification of time could be said to be the most precious of the Laws of Time.    


Once he possessed it, he would be able to avoid all damage caused by the Time Law. This was an incomparably precious power in the Super Dimensional Void.    


After reaching that realm, controlling time was something they needed to research.    


Unfortunately, the power of the river of time was too profound. Even if they tried their best, they wouldn't be able to move them at all.    


On the contrary, those experts who controlled a portion of time would continuously lose and collapse due to the difference in the power of time.    


Some people would even be devoured by the endless power of time because they were unable to resist the power of time.    


They would completely exhaust their lifespan and disappear from this world.    


This type of power was unimaginably terrifying, to the extent that it would even cause one's soul to be completely devoured by the entire void.    


Although he didn't know what the power of time was, Ye Feng now had a ticket to a higher realm.    


After slightly adjusting his emotions, the aura in Ye Feng's body completely bloomed at this moment.    


In this very short period of time, the energy in Ye Feng's body had completely spread out, causing his energy to resonate with the entire world.    


Finally, Ye Feng took a step forward. It was as if his body had passed through an endless space.    


In the next moment, he had already appeared in the Heaven Surmounting World.    


After Ye Feng severed any connection between the Heavenly Path and the Heavenly Path, the energy in the void no longer belonged to Ye Feng.    


However, the moment he returned, the aura in the void began to tremble continuously.    


That kind of unimaginable power was revived at this moment, and it even had the will of the heavens and earth acting as a hindrance.    


"What a joke. It seems like you have never learned your lesson."    


Sensing the awakening of the will of the heavens and earth, the power in Ye Feng's body exploded at this moment.    


The unimaginable pressure could even destroy this part of the world, suppressing the entire spatial zone at an extremely fast speed.    


The will of the heaven and earth couldn't be imagined. Even if all the connections were severed, the power that Ye Feng possessed was still so terrifying.    


The aura on Ye Feng's body was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It even displayed a power that ordinary people couldn't understand at this moment.    


It was at this moment that endless Law fluctuations bloomed in the void.    


An extremely terrifying aura was released at this moment. It seemed as if it would completely suppress the entire space in an extremely short period of time.    


It was also because of this opportunity that the terrifying force in the depths of the void erupted wildly.    


A terrifying rumbling sound could be heard at that instant.    


There was also a power that ordinary people could not understand. At this moment, the destructive fluctuation that was formed from the explosion became extremely terrifying.    


The power of the will of the world couldn't fight against Ye Feng at all. It could even be said that this powerful force of the world had been completely suppressed by Ye Feng.    


Such a terrifying technique was shaking the entire spatial zone. The energy it was emitting was many times stronger than before.    


Facing this kind of pressure that ordinary people could not understand, the expressions of everyone present became extremely cautious.    


In the next instant, this kind of unimaginably powerful force was completely released, and it was sufficient to completely seal and refine this entire stretch of heaven and earth.    


The terrifying vibrating power echoed. The unimaginably powerful aura in the void exploded at this very moment.    


The Heavenly God experts in the world were completely shocked when they sensed this power.    


When they saw that the person who possessed all the power was Ye Feng, they were shocked beyond their imagination.    


However, after a brief moment of shock, everyone's emotions had returned to normal. In fact, it could even be said that they were calm and composed.    


Although Ye Feng had disappeared for more than ten years and didn't appear in front of them, to a Heavenly God, such a period of time wasn't a problem at all.    


Perhaps he had already spent such a long time in seclusion.    


At this moment, the aura in the void erupted once again. The Heavenly Gods present only thought that Ye Feng was demonstrating some terrifying technique.    


Or rather, it was very likely that he was purely trying to vent the accumulated energy in his body after he went into seclusion.    


However, under such circumstances, the pressure that the world's will was enduring was beyond imagination. It was even hard to imagine where this power came from.    


Originally, Ye Feng was able to suppress the power of the will of the world because he was able to communicate with the source of the world. In fact, in terms of authority, he was even more powerful than the will of the world.    


But now, even though Ye Feng had given up all the power in this world, it still made the world unable to resist.    


It could even be said that Ye Feng now had the true power to destroy the will of this world.    


Once the power of the Heavenly Path erupted, it would be enough to completely destroy the will of this world in the shortest amount of time.    


The will of the world trembled crazily when it sensed the power that was being emitted from Ye Feng's body.    


It seemed like it couldn't imagine what kind of cultivation had Ye Feng reached to be able to possess such terrifying strength.    


The aura in his body was circulating continuously at this moment. The energy that was being emitted was crushing the world step by step.    


After that, Ye Feng suddenly raised his hand and formed a seal in his palm, then he forcefully struck at the will of the world.    


Although he didn't know what it was, the will of the world instinctively wanted to resist.    


Unfortunately, the difference in strength between the two of them was too terrifying. Even if the world tried its best, it wouldn't be able to change this force.    


In fact, the aura in the spatial zone had once again displayed its strength, and it had already reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


Such a powerful technique. The aura that was gathering crazily in the void had even reached an extremely terrifying state in an instant.    


At this moment, the will of the world was suppressed by the seal that Ye Feng had released.    


The aura in the spatial zone was shaking continuously once again. The energy that was being emitted from it had become extremely terrifying.    


All kinds of aura in the world were once again sorted out by Ye Feng's Heavenly Spirit Dao.    


This time, Ye Feng did not use the Dao of Lingtian to control this world. However, the seal he left behind still suppressed the foundation of this world.    


After finishing all of this, Ye Feng took a step forward. The energy in his body had completely dissipated, and he appeared in front of Martial Emperor's Manor.    


The moment he sensed Ye Feng's arrival, the corners of Martial Emperor's Manor's mouth curled up.    


He was quite satisfied with this disciple of his, Martial Emperor's Manor.    


In fact, it was already a great achievement for him to still have such thoughts.    


But no matter what, he still felt a sense of relief when he faced Ye Feng, Martial Emperor's Manor.    




Ye Feng said respectfully.    


Martial Emperor waved his hand and said with a smile, "No need. Your cultivation base has already far exceeded mine. I don't deserve to be your master anymore.    


In the future, you don't have to mention this title anymore. "    


However, Ye Feng shook his head, totally ignoring Martial Emperor's words.    


He said in an extremely calm manner, "This world no longer has any lingering feelings for me. Next, I will definitely advance to a higher realm.    


Of course, there are some people in this world that I am more concerned about.    


Therefore, I'm willing to give you the authority to control this world"    


As he spoke, Ye Feng once again condensed a seal and handed it over to Martial Emperor's Manor.    


This seal contained a wisp of Ye Feng's will, and it was also a part of the power of the Path of the Soaring Heavens.    


It was just like how Ye Feng had just shattered the War God's Mark. With the Mark of Heaven, Martial Emperor's Manor would be able to use all the energy in this world.    


When he felt this aura, Martial Emperor Manor's eyes were filled with incomparable shock, as if he couldn't imagine that Ye Feng actually had such strength.    


After giving a few simple instructions, Ye Feng took a step forward and appeared beside Yun Dangtian once again. He had also instructed Yun Dangtian to leave behind a Ling Tian Mark.    


After completing all of this, Ye Feng no longer had any attachment to this world. He took another step forward.    


At this moment, Ye Feng appeared in the boundless ocean of void. He felt the law power that was constantly surging in the void, and the aura in his body became even stronger.    


Relying on his own sensing ability, Ye Feng was also trying to find a place that could allow the Dao of the Sky to grow rapidly.    


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