Sky War God

C57 Chapter 57 Soul Refining Skill Completion

C57 Chapter 57 Soul Refining Skill Completion

The Will Refining skill was very powerful to the point where not everyone could cultivate it, at least to those who were mentally weak. Once they cultivated the skill, it would be very easy for them to have the opposite effect, and they might harm themselves.    


Currently, Ye Feng started cultivating it, and it wasn't easy. He still had a long way to go.    


Throughout the entire cultivation process, Ye Feng's muscle tissues were constantly being tempered and changed. However, he gritted his teeth and persisted with the firm belief that he could do it.    


A day passed by so quickly, and Ye Feng withdrew from his cultivation. At the end of it, he could feel the muscle tissue in his body had completely changed. It had become rich and full of vitality.    


His perfectly curved muscles looked fuller with his brass-colored skin. He was no longer as weak and weak as before.    


Even the wounds he received from the Giant Ape Iron Fist attacks had actually healed on their own.    


"The Will Refining skill is really powerful."    


Ye Feng took a deep breath and sighed. He looked at his perfect body that had undergone a metamorphosis. He could feel that his body was filled with energy.    


A moment later, the Giant Ape descended once again. It stared at Ye Feng with its huge eyes, and a hint of surprise flashed in its eyes.    


"Second level of the Will Refining skill. Not bad!"    


The Giant Ape praised Ye Feng. Back then, it swore a lot at Ye Feng as it used its iron fist to ravage him. This made Ye Feng mad.    


"How are you going to torture me this time?"    


Ye Feng asked.    


"A battle, of course!"    


The Giant Ape's face, which was covered with black fur, revealed a ferocious smile. Then it began to shrink as it punched out its iron fists mercilessly.    


"You twisted Giant Ape! How long are you going to continue ravaging me?"    


Ye Feng felt cheated. However, he had no choice but to use all his strength to dodge the attack of the Giant Ape. He did not dare to be careless at all.    


As he dodged the Giant Ape's attack, Ye Feng felt something different. It turned out that the Giant Ape increased its attack power.    


Ye Feng originally thought that he would be able to resist, but he still received many ruthless attacks of the Giant Ape's iron fists. After their battle, Ye Feng had quite a few injuries on his body, but he was much better than the day before. The effect of the Will Refining skill's tempering began to show.    


"Complete the third level of the Will Refining skill in one day. If you don't succeed, you know what will happen!"    


As expected, its body disappeared once again before Ye Feng could say anything. Instead, Ye Feng cursed the Giant Ape in his heart. Then he sat cross-legged and began cultivating.    


Time flew by. In the outside world in front of the Statue, there were already people who had withdrawn from the Comprehension. However, Ye Feng was still suffering torture in this virtual space.    


Six days had passed like a flash. Every day, Ye Feng had to endure different kinds of iron fist attacks from the Giant Ape, and he was living a life worse than death.    


However, it was in this hellish tempering that Ye Feng forcefully cultivated to the eighth level of the Will Refining, the Soul Refining.    


After six days of continuous tempering and hammering, the strength in his body reached an astonishing level.    


Currently, his punch contained tens of thousands of kilograms of great power. He could easily destroy a same-level martial arts defense.    


The defense of his body was just as terrifying. He could withstand same-level martial arts attacks without the help of any defensive armor or defensive Martial Skill. It was as if he had copper skin and iron bones.    


At this moment, Ye Feng was sitting cross-legged. He had just received an even stronger attack from the Giant Ape's iron fist, but there were no obvious injuries on his body. Even if the attack hit Ye Feng, he could continuously use his physical body to receive ten of the Giant Ape's iron fists without moving at all.    


This was a tremendous change compared to the first battle seven days ago.    


Before he left, the Giant Ape gave Ye Feng another day's time. It allowed him to break through to the last realm, the Will Refining.    


'You always give me one day to train. Do you think I'm a Divine Immortal?'    


Ye Feng complained unwillingly, but he couldn't do anything and sat down cross-legged. His Divine Sense glowed brightly. The elemental energy merged with the soul force in his mind, tempering his soul.    


Compared to his previous body tempering, the Soul Refining was a form of mental energy. So Ye Feng had to be extra careful in every step. If something were to happen to his soul, even if he didn't die, he would most likely become an idiot.    


As a whistling sound came out from Ye Feng's body, the temperature of his body began to rise. The Divine Sense seemed to have turned into a spiritual flame because he could feel that it was trying to burn his soul.    


The Will Refining was the evolution of the Soul Refining. Therefore, the requirement of controlling the Divine Sense was much higher than that of the Soul Refining.    


Ye Feng carefully controlled it, not daring to make the slightest mistake. As the spiritual flame burned more intensely in his soul, the pain that came from within appeared. Moreover, it was increasing at a terrifying speed.    


Ye Feng's expression changed, and his face turned slightly pale. Soul calcination had not only brought extreme pain to his body, but it also caused great damage to his mind. It made him feel how inferior he was.    


Calcining his soul made Ye Feng feel as if his mind was about to collapse.    


Ye Feng gritted his teeth and persisted. His spiritual flame blossomed with than even stronger power, wildly calcining his soul. Around Ye Feng's body, the radiance of the flames rose as well as the temperature in the space.    


Streams of flame spirit seemed to seep out of Ye Feng's body. It was making sounds as it burned the void.    


Under such heat, Ye Feng didn't doubt himself that he could break through the restraint and cultivate the Will Refining skill.    


Meanwhile, six days had passed in the outside world. At the top of the Tianxuan Peak, where the eight statues were located, everyone had already withdrawn from their respective Comprehension.    


However, Ye Feng was still immersed in it. For a while, strange lights circled his body as if numerous runes were surging around him. It was very mysterious.    


The eight statues were still there, and the force of heaven and earth was still extremely strong. The few of them stared blankly at the eight statues. All had different looks on their faces.    


Chen Aotian, Shangguan Hong, Qin Yanran, and Zhou Mubai had obtained the enlightenment they wanted from the Statue. However, they were still unsatisfied.    


Terror filled Feng Gan and Son of God's faces. No one knew what they had experienced in the Comprehension.    


As for Liu Yunjie, who was the first to walk out of the Comprehension, he sat down cross-legged and started cultivating.    


"We finished the comprehension already. Why haven't we been brought out of this place yet?"    


Feng Gan was getting impatient. He had been on this peak for several days straight.    


"I think Ye Feng had to finish his comprehension before we could move on,"    


Son of God said as he looked at Ye Feng, who was still immersed in the Comprehension. Cold light shone in his eyes.    


"Ye Feng still hasn't moved. I think he is just pretending because he is afraid we would make a move against him!" Feng Gan said sarcastically.    


Feng Gan only lasted for less than a day before he was forced to withdraw from the comprehension. Right now, he could still remember the terrifying experience that day as if it was just yesterday. He couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.    


If he were to be given another chance at comprehension, he wouldn't take it. For him, the terrifying experience was even worse than killing him.    


"It's possible. He doesn't even have the qualifications to enter the comprehension in front of the statues."    


Son of God nodded. As he spoke, he stepped in front of Ye Feng, and a cold light shot out from his demonic eyes.    


"Wake up!"    


Son of God let out a roar. The terrifying sound wave swept across heaven and earth and shook the space.    


It was so loud that everyone's eardrums went numb. For a moment, they thought they had gone deaf.    


Ye Feng, who was the nearest to him, was the most affected. His body trembled slightly, and his brows furrowed. The lights that surrounded his body began to fluctuate, becoming extremely unstable.    


In the virtual space in his mind, Ye Feng knew that someone had interfered in the outside world. However, he was at the critical moment of calcining his soul. There was nothing he could do about it, and could only try his best to calm down.    


"Keep pretending. You're still going to die. Why don't you wake up now and bear my anger?"    


In the outside world, Son of God continued. His voice became louder and louder. It was extremely penetrating.    


"Don't you think that it's very shameless of you to cause trouble when someone is using the comprehension?"    


Qin Yanran stepped forward. Her beautiful eyes were cold.    


"What right do you have to tell me what to do?"    


Son of God's eyes were demonic. He leered at her with his evil eyes. The inner sect of the Holy Church of Desire was naturally lecherous, and Son of God's group was no exception. Once his eyes swept across her body, evil thoughts came to mind.    


"Are you protecting him because you guys had sex before?"    


Son of God continued to sneer in a frivolous tone.    


"You are really shameless!"    


Qin Yanran's eyes turned dark, and the aura on her body bloomed. It was as if there was the power of a vermilion bird was lingering around her body.    


"What? Did I say something wrong?"    


Son of God chuckled. He looked at Qin Yanran's hot body without any restraint.    


"How about serving me once I killed him from now on?"    


he offered lewdly.    


"I will make you pay for what you said!"    


Qin Yanran was completely enraged. She used the Vermillion Bird Palm Seal to slap Son of God. The power was terrifying.    


After her comprehension in front of the Vermillion Bird Statue, Qin Yanran's strength had transformed. The power of the Vermillion Bird around her had become stronger. She had almost reached the Qi Condensation Stage.    


Son of God was shocked. His demonic eyes focused as he widened them. He had never thought that Qin Yanran would attack him so suddenly. Therefore, he raised his attack to defend himself.    


Both of them were in the same realm, and they were both at the same level as the Tianxuan Mansion. However, Qin Yanran had obtained a pretty good inheritance Cultivation Method before the Vermillion Bird Statue, and her strength had improved by leaps and bounds.    


Qin Yanran had the upper hand in this exchange of blows. This caused Son of God's gaze to change, and his expression instantly became displeased.    


"Hand over your life!"    


Qin Yanran shouted in a tender voice. She was not going to give up and once again struck out with her wild and fierce attack. The power of the Vermilion Bird was incomparably powerful. Son of God barely had to catch his breath.    


Immediately, he unleashed an attack to defend himself. The two attacks collided once again, but this time, Son of God was forced back by Qin Yanran.    


Qin Yanran unleashed three palms without stopping. The attack power was terrifying and ferocious.    


Son of God's face was filled with dissatisfaction. He could only retreat in the face of her attacks.    




But Qin Yanran wasn't done with him. She launched another attack. The power gave off a majestic aura as if a vermilion bird had condensed in the void.    


Son of God grimaced. He was forced to retreat continuously, showing signs of being defeated.    


Those who were watching the felt a trace of shock for Qin Yanran's strength.    


Meanwhile, Ye Feng's painful burning mediation was finally coming to an end. He held on to his mind and did not waste time at all.    


Along with the last wave of the spiritual fire burning his soul, Ye Feng mastered the ninth level of the Will Refining skill, Will Refining!    


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