Sky War God

C16 Get out of Here!

C16 Get out of Here!

Get out of here!    




Nangong Lingshuang's eyes were filled with pride as she nodded at Zhou Mubai. She had awakened Green rank phoenix battle spirit, and no one in the same realm could compete with her.    


She glanced at Ye Feng coldly and said, "I will deal with you after I defeat him!"    


"I'll go wait here then."    


Since they were both so arrogant and badly wanted to fight, he could watch from the side.    


Nangong Lingshuang turned around and faced her opponent. The phoenix shadow behind her was faintly visible, and the five-colored halo around her body slowly rose. She looked like a sacred God.    


" I must admit, your cultivation is strong. However, we're under the same realm, but you are not a match for me."    


Nangong Lingshuang smirked as waves of phoenix aura were released.    


"Hu! Hu! Hu!" There was a sound.    


As the hot Nirvana Fire rose, the temperature went up as well. It was as if they were about to be roasted and melted.    


"You attack first!"    


She commanded. The terrifying aura on Nangong Lingshuang's body continued to bloom as the Nirvana Fire wrapped around her.    


"Then I won't hold back!"    


Zhou Mubai sharply stared at her. The bright Green Rank phantom of the Roc and the surging aura spread out in all directions.    


The Roc was the supreme ruler of the sky. It represented speed, and it also had a vigorous attack.    


Zhou Mubai had inherited the Roc's two attributes. Not only was he fast, but his attack power was also powerful.    


On the field, Zhou Mubai let out a furious roar. With the terrifying elemental energy condensed in his palm, he attacked. As the phantom of the Roc behind him let out a fierce howl, and then he struck out with his palm. The void trembled, and a bleak cold wind wreaked havoc.    


Nangong Lingshuang's expression became serious as the phoenix shadow behind her released a boundless and dignified aura. The Nirvana Fire roared and rolled. As she struck her palm out, the area seemed to turn into a sea of fire, and the scorching heat seemed to melt everything.    




Their powers collided, and a loud explosion occurred. The endless elemental energy and Nirvana Fire muddled insanely as the two of them were pushed back.    


Nangong Lingshuang's fixed expression didn't change, and her body still carried an auspicious aura. The Seal in her hand altered, and the cry of a phoenix echoed. The Nirvana Fire condensed into a fire phoenix in front of her and went towards Zhou Mubai. Wherever the fire phoenix went, the temperature of the space would rise.    


Zhou Mubai's expression didn't change either. He dodged her attacks by moving in numerous positions, creating afterimages of him. He quickly sprinted towards Nangong Lingshuang and used his sharp claw to attack her. It was like a real Roc claw, and it was destructively powerful.    




With a flick of Nangong Lingshuang's finger, a scorching Nirvana Fireball appeared, colliding with Zhou Mubai's claw.    


The terrifying flames continued to burn. Zhou Mubai felt a sharp pain in his arm and hurriedly used the elemental energy to defend himself.    


However, before he could make another attack, Nangong Lingshuang fired another attack. The Phoenix battle spirit flapped its huge wing and descended with the Nirvana Fire wrapped around its body. The terrifying flames shot out, and the heat waves rolled.    


Zhou Mubai's face darkened. His body turned into the afterimage once again as he dodged the attack of the Phoenix battle spirit in an instant. He grabbed out three claws in a row, and the terrifying sharp breath coiled around them as if it could tear the space apart.    




Nangong Lingshuang waved her arm, and a Nirvana Fire appeared. It covered Zhou Mubai's three claws, burning them.    




Zhou Mubai was shocked. The Nirvana Fire was extremely overbearing that his claws could not resist it. He hurriedly put away the claws and quickly retreated.    


However, the flame was too ferocious. It instantly caught a part of clothing in his chest and charred his flesh.    


"Nangong Lingshuang is really overbearing. The Nirvana Fire unleashed by the Phoenix battle spirit is simply alluring. Compared to her, Zhou Mubai's Roc Battle Spirit is indeed much weaker. Luckily, he's fast, and he can still hold on for a short period of time."    


The crowds froze in their seats, with their hearts pounding with excitement.    


Everyone's gazes were fixed on the fighting stage. The battle went on.    


Two Green Rank Battle Spirit were fighting in the air. Destructive energy burst out from them as they kept colliding with each other.    


Song Xinling's beautiful eyes sparkled, and a worried expression emerged on her pretty face. She could see that her Senior Brother, Zhou Mubai, was gradually at a disadvantage in the face of Nangong Lingshuang's fierce attack.    


Meanwhile, the people from the Zhou Family had ugly expressions on their faces. Zhou Mubai was the pride of the Zhou Family Body Refining Stage, but somehow, Nangong Lingshuang was suppressing him.    


Nangong Chen and the Chen family had proud expressions on their faces. Under the same circumstances, Nangong Lingshuang really wanted Zhou Mubai to be stronger.    


"Boom, boom, boom!"    


Nangong Lingshuang continuously struck three palm prints. The Nirvana Fire was still incomparably powerful. Zhou Mubai kept retreating, unable to suppress her attack.    


Zhou Mubai's face turned ugly. Cold sweat started to form on his forehead. He felt suffocating under Nangong Lingshuang's violent attack, and he couldn't hold on any longer.    


"I surrender!"    


Zhou Mubai took a few steps back and said. His expression was dark and ugly. It was a simple sentence, but it was extremely difficult for him to say it.    


Zhou Mubai was known as the strongest person in the Imperial City below the Qi Condensation. His talent was outstanding. However, today, in front of experts of the Imperial City, he was defeated by Nangong Lingshuang, who had awakened the Green Rank Battle Spirit. It was extremely humiliating for him.    


Song Xinling's eyes looked empty. Senior Brother was so outstanding, but he was defeated.    


Zhou Mubai glanced at the Zhou Family. Their expressions were ugly, and he felt a little embarrassed.    


Zhao Fann was scowling at him.    


Zhou Mubai looked away. His eyes fell on Ye Feng, and he immediately felt a cold, killing intent. "What are you looking at? I don't mind teaching a trash a lesson."    


Ye Feng slightly narrowed his eyes and sneered, "Teach me a lesson?"    


Ye Feng asked to confirm. Zhou Mubai scoffed and said. "So what if I teach you a lesson? Are you going to resist?"    


"You want to vent your anger on me after being crushed by others? You bully the weak and fear the strong. Look at you, wanting to teach me a lesson. You really think too highly of yourself. I don't even know what's so great about your strength,"    


Ye Feng said with a smirk. Truthfully, Zhou Mubai and Nangong Lingshuang were both arrogant just because they had some achievements. They thought that they were invincible under the heavens. It was ridiculous.    


"You're really shameless, trash. I will teach you a good lesson,"    


Zhou Mubai shouted. As if getting defeated by Nangong Lingshuang, who was at the same cultivation level as him, wasn't enough, an unknown person like Ye Feng was acting arrogantly in front of him. He was completely enraged.    


Although Ye Feng had displayed a pretty good strength earlier, he could still teach him a lesson and save some face.    




Just as after he was speaking, Zhou Mubai's body flashed, and numerous afterimages appeared. He instantly appeared in front of Ye Feng. The Roc Battle Spirit glittered, and he struck his palm out. The space where the palm passed was distorted as if it was going to shatter at any moment.    


Although he was suppressed at the Fifth Layer of Body Refining Stage, Zhou Mubai had already unleashed his full power in the palm strike. It was imaginable how powerful the strike was.    


"Get lost!"    


A terrifying cold light flashed in Ye Feng's eyes. Zhou Mubai had sent Wang Loong and a group of experts to kill him because he and Song Xinling were traveling together in Emerald Mountain Range. Ye Feng had yet to settle this score with him, but he did not expect that Zhou Mubai would continue to provoke him during the Tianxuan Mansion enrollment.    


Almost immediately, the silver lance circulated within his body, unleashing a terrifying Fist Light. Ye Feng's fist was filled with a sharp Qi, like an endless spear light.    


Under the control of the silver lance, Ye Feng's powerful punch merged with the overbearing Fist Light and the sharpness of the spear light.    


With the combination of the two powers, how could their attack be compared to an ordinary attack? In an instant, the two attacks collided.    




The attack resulted in a loud explosion that echoed in the area. A powerful destructive power bloomed. As the smoke cleared, Zhou Mubai staggered backward with his trembling arm. Blood seeped out of the corner of his mouth, and his expression was ugly.    


Ye Feng, on the other hand, was still standing on the same spot. He hadn't moved at all and still had the same expression. His aura was stable as if it wasn't affected at all.    


Everyone raised their eyebrows in awe, and their eyes froze as they watched the scene. They looked at Ye Feng, who was standing with his hands behind his back, with disbelief in their eyes.    


"This young man actually managed to force Zhou Mubai back with just a casual strike. His strength is unfathomable."    


The crowd thought to themselves. Ye Feng's strength shocked them once again.    


The faces of the people from the Zhou Family went darker as they intensely watched the battle. Song Xinling bit her red lips anxiously and clenched her fists. Her Senior Brother had lost twice in a row, and Song Xinling found it hard to accept.    


"He couldn't even withstand a single strike, yet he still dared to mock other people. What a pitiful person!"    


Zhao Fan looked at Zhou Mubai contemptuously, whose aura was floating around him. His eyes filled with contempt.    


Zhou Mubai's expression was incomparably gloomy. He couldn't accept the fact that under that battle, he was at a complete disadvantage. In addition to that, everyone had witnessed his downfall.    


Zhou Mubai had already lost to Nangong Lingshuang, and he was clearly at a disadvantage with his battle with Ye Feng. Zhou Mubai had lost his face today.    


"Don't be arrogant. If I wasn't suppressed in my cultivation realm, I would've easily beaten you!"    


He screamed at Ye Feng. Under his heavy lids, his eyes were cold.    


"Ha ha ha!"    


Ye Feng's hysterical laugh was full of disdain. "You are really shameless. You are a ninth-level Body Refining Stage, and I am a Fifth Layer of Body Refining Stage. Yet you still have the face to say such a thing? I really feel sorry for you!"    


Ye Feng's words were full of deep ridicule. As if he had a dignified aura coming from his body, his cold eyes swept across Zhou Mubai's body. His glare felt like an extremely sharp spear light that pierced through Zhou Mubai's body.    


With the ugly expression on his face, Zhou Mubai averted his gaze from Ye Feng as his body trembled.    


"Under such circumstances, I don't think it's worthy for me to attack someone as arrogant and treacherous as you,"    


Ye Feng continued, as he stared at Zhou Mubai, then added, "Get lost yourself!"    


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