Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2121 Struggle

C2121 Struggle

Gong Suhe tidied herself up and felt a little upset.    


She was indeed not a busybody, but she was really annoyed by the school bullying today.    


Therefore, when she knew that Zhai Xingchen had been bullied, not only did she record it, she even went over to see how he was doing.    


Who would have thought that he treated good intentions like a donkey's liver and lungs? He even pushed her into the thorns.    


Gong Suhe was usually gentle, but she also had a temper. She stood up and walked out directly.    


Behind her, Zhai Xingchen sat on the ground and lowered his head to look at his hand that was stabbed full of thorns. There was a bit of chagrin in his eyes.    


In the end, all his emotions were replaced by coldness.    


He started to gather his strength and was ready to support himself in the wheelchair.    


No matter what, he didn't want to be like a piece of trash waiting for someone to save him.    


However, just as Zhai Xingchen endured the heart-piercing pain in his palm and wanted to try to get up, footsteps sounded in front of him again.    


From the sound of the footsteps, it could be heard that its owner was flustered and exasperated.    


Gong Suhe was indeed a little angry, but when she walked to the edge of the forest and thought that Di Xingchen was probably covered in injuries, she stopped her footsteps again.    


She felt that as a doctor, there was no need for her to lower herself to the level of patients with mental problems.    


After all, if she did not help him remove it, he would very likely be infected. He was definitely the kind of person who would not utter a word even if he was injured. She still did not know what would happen next.    


She stopped in front of Zhai Xingchen and did not look at his expression. Instead, she said stiffly, "I'll help you remove the thorn!"    


Zhai Xingchen did not move. In fact, he had not reacted to the fact that Gong Suhe would come back.    


He did not believe that she would return. He also did not believe that someone would show goodwill to him after being hurt.    


He had been used to being isolated for so many years. He had been played around in primary school, isolated in junior high school, and all sorts of rumors and pranks had almost formed his student career for so many years.    


He had never said anything about his injuries. His parents could not see it either. The only one who could feel his heart ache was Uncle Xu.    


However, after he grew up, he didn't even want to see Uncle Xu.    


He felt that he was useless. What use was there for a man who couldn't even protect himself?    


Zhai Xingchen was in such self-loathing and doubt when he saw Gong Suhe squat down again.    


She turned on the flashlight and pointed it at his hand. Her tone was still stiff. "Let me take a look."    


Zhai Xingchen did not move, but he did not hide his hand either.    


Hence, Gong Suhe directly grabbed his wrist and grabbed his hand into the light.    


She did not look carefully just now. At this moment, Gong Suhe could not help but suck in a breath of cold air.    


She saw that Di Xingchen's originally beautiful hands had at least 20 or so spikes pierced deep and shallow into them.    


Because he had pushed through the ground just now, some of the spikes were directly pressed into his palm due to the force, leaving only a tiny part of his stomach that could not be pulled out. In the light, they looked like moles.    


Gong Suhe just looked at it like that and also felt pain. Instantly, that bit of anger in her heart disappeared.    


She could not help but say, "You plan to go back like this?    


Why didn't you call for help?    


What if you get inflamed tetanus? "    


Zhai Xingchen did not speak. He could hear that Gong Suhe seemed to be a little angry.    


In the past, many people were angry at him, but at this moment, he inexplicably felt that this kind of anger had traces of warmth.    


Seeing that he did not say anything, Gong Suhe did not mind.    


She first pulled out the relatively easy thorns one by one, and then took out a small cloth bag from her pocket.    


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