Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2429 Small Waist

C2429 Small Waist

At this moment, Lin Shujuann and his coach were talking about following the team when they heard the sound of running in the distance.    


He walked to the door and looked into the distance quietly.    


The girl ran very fast. The ponytail behind her head flew as she ran.    


When she ran to the corner, she seemed to have finally realized something and quickly slowed down.    


She looked up and saw Lin Shujuann standing at the door.    


After four years of not seeing each other, Ye Qingling had thought of many scenes of reunion. She also thought about how the 22-year-old Lin Shujuann looked like.    


But when she really saw it, she realized that she was actually so nervous that she did not know what to do.    


The man who was five meters away wore a casual outfit. He wore sky-blue clothes, black casual pants, and a pair of sports shoes.    


It was a very simple outfit. When it landed on his body, it gave him an indescribable feeling.    


It was as if he came from thousands of mountains and rivers without a trace of dust.    


Ye Qingling bit her lips and realized that her hair might have been messed up if she ran over crazily. She would definitely not look good, but there was no time to remedy it now.    


She walked forward in a hurry. Under Lin Shujuann's calm gaze, she felt that her walking posture was a little stiff.    


Finally, she stood still. "Brother Shu Qu. "    


Lin Shujuann nodded, his eyes carrying a hint of a smile. "Yes, Ling Ling has grown taller. "    


She was 1. 63 meters and was considered relatively tall in the diving team.    


However, in these four years, Lin Shujuann seemed to have grown taller too. She only grew to his chin.    


"Brother Shu Qu, you want to be a team doctor?" Ye Qingling's heart was pounding. She did not dare to get too close to Lin Shujuann.    


She was afraid that he would hear her messy heartbeat.    


"Mm, starting tomorrow, we need to do a basic physical examination for everyone. " Lin Shujuann said, "Just in time. Your coach and I are almost done chatting. Wait for me for two minutes. I will say hi to him and then go with you to the stadium. "    


"Okay. " Ye Qingling quickly nodded.    


She stood outside and waited for Lin Shujuann. She only felt that her palms were slightly sweating.    


It had been a long time since she had such a feeling. She seemed to have returned to the time when she was fourteen years old. She was so nervous that her every move seemed to be out of her brain's control.    


In these two minutes, Ye Qingling did not know how much she had thought about it until she heard a clean and pleasant voice behind her.    


"It's done. " Lin Shujuann came to Ye Qingling's side. "Qingling, lead the way. "    


"Oh, oh!" Ye Qingling hurriedly nodded.    


However, because she was anxious, she did not notice that there was a flight of stairs below her and stepped on empty air.    


In the next second, Lin Shujuann had already extended his arm and grabbed her arm.    


Due to inertia, Ye Qingling's body pounced forward and directly fell into Lin Shujuann's arms.    


At this moment, she smelled a clear and familiar scent.    


Lin Shujuann's palm was still on Ye Qingling's back. His voice came from above her head, "Why did you make a mistake?"    


Ye Qingling was annoyed. She was not like this usually.    


Especially after years of diving training, her body's flexibility and balance were actually very high. She had almost never fallen.    


But just now, her brain didn't know what was going on, and when she saw him, she immediately became ugly!    


"Brother Shu Qu, I didn't do it on purpose - -" Ye Qingling was pitiful.    


Lin Shujuann smiled. "It's fine, I won't fall apart from the impact. I'm just worried that you'll be like this. If you get injured and affect the competition, you'll cry again. "    


After saying that, he held onto Ye Qingling's shoulder and let her stand up straight.    


But in that instant, Lin Shujuann's expression froze slightly.    


He didn't notice just now. Ye Qingling's top was a little high, and because of the pulling motion, her snow-white waist was instantly revealed!    


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