Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2403 The Pregnant Woman Was Laughing so Hard That She Was about to Go to the Hospital

C2403 The Pregnant Woman Was Laughing so Hard That She Was about to Go to the Hospital

The audience is laughing out loud.    


"Music is on the stage!" Xiyan Chi snapped his fingers.    


Suddenly, the music started. It was a square dance!    


"Damn, this music, I can really perform it!" Xuanyuan Yov had automatically switched to his character.    


"The boundless horizon is my love. Flowers are blooming under the foot of the mountain. What kind of rhythm is the most swaying? What kind of song is the most satisfying. . . "    


As the lyrics began, Xuanyuan Yov and Gong Moxuan had completed three rotations and four kicks.    


Gong Moxuan's grass skirt flew up as it spun, shaking off a few pieces of grass.    


Xuanyuan Yov's palace dress fluttered in the air and completed a flying movement, almost tripping himself over.    


The two of them worked very hard. Xiyan Yi, who was in the middle, had a cold look on his face. He had been in the army all year round. Even if he was wearing a maid dress, it could not hide his iron-blooded aura.    


Beside him, Xuanyuan Chen was wearing a bikini with no expression on his face. There was not a trace of emotion in his eyes.    


"Sister Yun is wild!"    


"Sister Yun is enchanting!"    


"But the other two young ladies also need to work hard! "    


Below, Gong Moyi took the lead and started to beat the beat for the four of them.    


Very soon, all of the little fellows started to beat the beat together.    


Qiao Zhen raised his hand and made a sound amplifier gesture, shouting, "Ah Chen, do your best! Jumping up, Look at your brother!"    


The contrast between the two was too obvious. They had the same face. One of them was so engrossed in the dance that she took turns to perform the classical dance moves of the square dancer. The other was like a block of ice that had been frozen in place.    


Below the stage, Luo Nanxiao went to the children's area to carry her son over. She did not know when, but Luo Nanxiao went to the children's area to carry her son over.    


The two years old little fellow spoke with a childish voice and followed Luo Nanxiao, shouting, "Captain's father, do your best!"    


After shouting, he asked Luo Nanxiao, who was beside him, "Mom, Dad wants to wear it. The baby wants it too!"    


Luo Nanxiao hurriedly waved her hand. "Dad, the baby cannot wear it. "    


Oh, it was better to quickly bring the child back to the children's area. Otherwise, her worldview would be misled!    


The little fellow wanted to go back and play with his little friend, but before he left, he added oil to Xiyan Yi.    


The other two uncles jumped so well that their father fell behind. Oh, I can't get Little Red Flower anymore. . .    


The crowd below the stage was already laughing so hard that they couldn't straighten their backs.    


Lieh Muwan held her stomach. "Hey, hey, hey, I can't take it anymore. Mr Xuan, the babies are starting to fight!"    


Lu Lisheng also covered her stomach, "Ah Xiu, I can't take it anymore. . . "    


Gong Moxiu frowned," Does your stomach hurt? "    


After saying that, he carried Lu Lisheng to rest.    


Lu Lisheng had only been pregnant for two months, and she could not exercise intensely yet.    


"No, I still want to continue watching. " Such a rare performance, it would be a pity if there was no more!    


Gong Moxiu pretended to be serious. "Go and rest first. I want to watch the replay for you. "    


Lu Lisheng was surprised. "Who recorded it?"    


Gong Moxiu pointed at him.    


Gong Moyi secretly placed her phone on the stool beside her and whispered. She was recording.    


Other than Gong Moyi, Luo Nanxiao was also doing the same thing.    


Lu Lisheng was relieved. "Oh, I will go to the reclining chair and slowly. . . "    


At this time, the music had entered a high tide.    


Gong Moxuan and Xuanyuan Yov jumped and twisted as they walked to Xiyan Chi's side. One of them held Xiyan Chi's hand and pulled the host onto the stage.    


Xiyan Chi was waiting for this moment.    


All of a sudden, the crowd was in chaos.    


On both sides of the stage, Xuanyuan Chen and Xiyan Yi were still the pillars of the ice mountain, the Sea God Stabilizing Needle.    


"The most dazzling national style is the most beautiful color in the entire sky. " With this final sentence, the five people on the stage made the final pose!    


Xiyan Chi was in the middle, and two tall 'beauties' held his hands by his side. They made a waist movement.    


The ice pillars on both sides of the arena finally made a single expression after more than four minutes.    


It looked like someone had saved him after hanging him.    


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