Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2290 Are You Still Willing to Treat Me Now?

C2290 Are You Still Willing to Treat Me Now?



Gong Suhe answered but continued to silently search the chat logs.    


Gradually, her expression became somewhat complicated.    


Seeing that she did not speak, Lin Qi could not help but say, "He He, did you think of anything?"    


Gong Suhe put away her phone and said, "Forget it."    




Li Xia was also stunned. "Why?!"    


"I won't investigate anymore."    


Gong Suhe could not say what she felt in her heart. She already had an answer that she was almost certain of.    


On the side, Zhai Xingchen's face turned slightly pale. He tried his best to pretend to be relaxed, but the disappointment in his heart was overwhelming.    


"Oh, I forgot one thing."    


Gong Suhe took out her phone again. "Xia Xia, we haven't added it yet."    




Li Xia replied and added Gong Suhe as a friend.    


Seeing that Gong Suhe clearly did not want to pursue this matter, the two best friends did not continue asking.    


The few of them returned to the hotel room together and prepared to rest for a while before coming out to eat together at night.    


When Zhai Xingchen returned to the room, he only felt that time had become exceptionally torturous.    


The air seemed to have turned into a blunt knife that cut his breathing bit by bit.    


He leaned against the back of the chair and did not move at all.    


At this moment, the sound of knocking came from the door.    


"Who is it?"    


When Di Xingchen opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was exceptionally hoarse.    


"It's me."    


Gong Suhe's voice came through the door.    


Di Xingchen's Adam's apple rolled. Suddenly, it was as if all his strength had been sucked dry.    


She had come to ask him.    


At that time, she did not directly put it on. It was the last warmth she gave him.    


When he found the photo from Qin Shanshan, he had already exposed some of his hacking skills.    


And that 'Zero' was able to get Li Xia's score when the college entrance exam results were announced. It was also because he broke into the school's firewall.    


Gong Suhe definitely guessed it... Zhai Xingchen hoped that time would be a little slower. He slid the wheelchair over and felt that the distance of a few meters had burned away all the light in his life.    


He opened the door.    


Outside the door, Gong Suhe was holding something in her hand. Zhai Xingchen did not look and did not have the strength to look.    


"Why don't you let me in?"    


She asked.    


Zhai Xingchen realized what was going on and opened up a path.    


Gong Suhe walked in and closed the door.    


Zhai Xingchen slowly followed behind her.    


Gong Suhe placed the things in her hands on the coffee table and spoke naturally. "Xingchen, my mother just said that it's best to use stir-fried red beans to roll on the soles of your feet an hour after treatment. I'll help you with it."    


After saying that, she turned around and went to the room to find a tray. Then, she poured all the red beans in the bag into the tray.    


"It's just stir-fried. It's a little hot."    


After saying that, Gong Suhe looked at Zhai Xingchen. "Quickly come over and take off your shoes and socks. You just need to step on them and roll until the red beans are colder than your feet. That's enough."    


Zhai Xingchen looked at her slowly and said with a hoarse voice, "Suhe, are you still willing to treat me now?"    


Gong Suhe had a puzzled look, "Why not?    


I will not give up halfway."    


She was anxious, "Hurry up!"    




Zhai Xingchen replied, unable to express his feelings.    


He followed Gong Suhe's instructions and used his hands to lift the pair of powerless hands. His legs were placed on the tray.    


Then he used his hands to control his legs. His legs rolled on the beans.    


Gong Suhe explained by the side, "This is a folk prescription. Let's all try it."    


She conveniently gave some examples of the folk prescription, but she saw Zhai Xingchen looking at her with a complicated gaze. There were too many hidden undercurrents in his eyes, and it was simply impossible to conceal them.    


Gong Suhe was stunned and almost blurted out, "Xingchen... Do you like me?"    


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