Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2195 Zhai Xingchen Became a Model

C2195 Zhai Xingchen Became a Model

Gong Suhe blinked and came back to her senses. "Are you congratulating me or him?"    


Li Chengyi walked with her to the classroom. "Congratulations, everyone."    


"Then why did you congratulate him?"    


Gong Suhe thought to herself. Li Chengyi did better than her, so he should congratulate Lu Yu Ze more.    


"Alright, all of us boys already know!"    


Li Chengyi smiled. "When Lu Yu Ze went to participate in the national competition, he already warned the boys not to poach him."    




Gong Suhe was surprised.    


"There was a boy in Class 7 who said he would go after you after Lu Yu Ze left.    


Guess what happened to Lu Yu Ze when he heard this?"    


Li Chengyi said, "Your boyfriend went straight to beat him up."    




Gong Suhe felt that she definitely knew a fake Lu Yu Ze.    


"If you don't believe me, ask Wang Hao."    


Li Chengyi said, "So you see, those boys have been quiet recently?"    


Gong Suhe thought about it and realized it was true.    


In the past, she always received love letters, but now it seemed like they were almost gone. Only seniors from other grades would sometimes come to her and add her on WeChat.    


She curiously asked, "Then, did Lu Yu Ze win the fight?"    


Li Chengyi said, "Hehe, that boy from Class 7 was dislocated directly. Otherwise, how could he kill the chicken to warn the monkeys?"    




Gong Suhe slowly digested this shocking news. She took out her phone and sent a message to Lu Yu Ze, "Are you good at fighting?"    


Lu Yu Ze had already flown overseas yesterday. There was a time difference, and it was evening on his side.    


After the closed-off training ended, he took his phone and hurriedly replied, "He He, I am not fighting."    


Gong Suhe held her phone and her mood fluctuated.    


When they returned to the classroom, the teacher handed out the test papers and arranged a thick holiday homework. After some instructions, they officially had a holiday.    


The holidays were approaching the new year. Gong Suhe's entire family was going to J Nation this time.    


The day before they left, a former patient of Gong Suhe's treated her to a meal because of her illness.    


This patient was treated by Gong Suhe alone. Little Yan was younger than Gong Suhe by one year. The two of them had a lot of topics to talk about when they were together.    


After eating, Xiao Yan said that she should go and draw. Gong Suhe had never been there before. She was a little curious, so she went to draw on the fifth floor of the shopping mall together.    


It was already past seven o'clock in the evening. Adding the cold weather, there were not many people to draw.    


The two of them paid the money and went in to find a seat by the window to sit down. Gong Suhe supported her cheeks and thought about what to draw.    


At this moment, separated by a French window, she saw a young man sitting in a wheelchair.    


Zhai Xingchen seemed to be thinking of something. A person, or rather, he had been abandoned after being brought here.    


He was sitting in a wheelchair in the lounge area in the middle of the floor, reading a book in his hand.    


There were people passing by from time to time, but he didn't look up.    


Gong Suhe was not very far from him, about seven or eight meters away. When Zhai Xingchen picked up the book and flipped through it, she realized that he was reading a biological textbook.    


She was a little surprised.    


At this time, Little Yan came over, "Sister Suhe, what do you want to draw?"    


Gong Suhe reacted and retracted her gaze from Di Xingchen and blurted out, "Draw a character!"    


She picked up the sketch and started to draw.    


Seven or eight meters away, the youth did not move at all. He was simply a ready-made model.    


Gong Suhe's writing style was not good, but the sketch was quite good. After a few moves, she had already outlined the basic outline.    


Drawing the edges, shadow, and details were all closely matched. Gong Suhe's drawing was almost a one-to-one comparison of facial features.    


However, she had never learned how to paint. She did not know how to paint, so she could only draw a simple sketch.    


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