Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2185 What Happens When You Get in a Wheelchair?

C2185 What Happens When You Get in a Wheelchair?

Gong Suhe thought about Lu Yuze saying it might snow at night, so she wrapped herself up in a thick layer.    


She was a girl who only cared about the temperature when she wore clothes.    


Gong Moyi and she had an appointment at a newly opened shopping mall. Outside the shopping mall, there was an open-air skating rink.    


Today was Christmas Eve, and many young men and women were relaxing in the skating rink.    


Gong Suhe and Gong Moyi first went to the dessert shop to eat something before putting on gloves and renting a set of ice shoes.    


Gong Suhe had almost never skated before and just as she entered, she could only walk along the railing.    


Gong Moyi was very active since she was young. In the past when she was in J Country Primary School, she had skated with Huo Chenfei many times.    


She wanted to hold Gong Suhe's hand and slide, but Gong Suhe waved her hand. "It's fine. I will practice by myself first."    


Gong Moyi nodded, "Then I will go and spin two laps first. If someone bullies you... "I will beat him up."    


Gong Suhe smiled and looked at Gong Moyi's graceful figure as she ran away.    


She obediently followed the edge and slowly adapted to it. There were many people whistling by her side.    


A girl said in surprise: "Wow, it's snowing!"    


Gong Suhe looked up and indeed saw snowflakes falling from the sky.    


In the light, the snowflakes became crystal clear and clear, making the whole ice skating field look like a dream.    


Gong Suhe could not help but raise her hand and her gloves caught the fluttering snow.    


She was studying their shapes.    


Outside the skating field, Zhai Xingchen was sitting in a wheelchair. His gaze swept across the ice and suddenly stopped. He stopped moving at a spot.    


The girl was wearing a white down jacket. Below was a red checkered skirt and black underpants.    


She was wearing a pink hat and a scarf that was also pink. She was wearing a furry ball that covered half of her face.    


She was using her fingers to catch the snowflakes and carefully looking at them.    


Zhai Xingchen did not expect to meet Gong Suhe.    


He did not move and even forgot to look around.    


Behind him, a young man sneered, "Little cripple, you also want to skate?"    


Another girl giggled. "Big brother, it should be very suitable for his wheelchair to go in!"    


When the young man heard this, his eyes immediately lit up. "Not bad! Why didn't I think of this idea?    


" Let's go, let's go. I'm going to buy a ticket! "    


Zhai Xingchen listened. When he heard the cousins' words, he wanted to turn his wheelchair around and leave.    


However, his cousin had already grabbed his wheelchair and even said to his uncle, who was in front of him: "Dad, I'll bring Xingchen and Xiaoyu inside to play for a while. We'll look for you after you finish patrolling the shop!"    


The uncle in front waved his hand. "Okay, we'll go straight to the shop later."    


His cousin, Kun, and Xiao Yu held Zhai Xingchen's wheelchair and walked towards the ice skating field.    


This had happened more than once in the past. Zhai Xingchen did not put up much resistance. After all, he couldn't even stand up. No matter what, he couldn't beat his cousin, who was now 1.8 meters tall and exceptionally robust.    


But today, he seemed to have gone mad. He struggled with all his might, and Ah Kun almost couldn't hold onto the armrest of the wheelchair.    


"Little cripple, are you courting death?"    


After saying that, Kun threatened, "Believe it or not, I will throw you in the middle of the road right now, take away your wheelchair, and let everyone see how you crawl!"    


Zhai Xingchen's expression changed, but his eyes were filled with scarlet hatred.    


"Yo, yo, you're still angry?"    


Ah Kun sneered. "I, he... Mom is going to bring you in today!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, he forcefully pushed Di Xingchen to the entrance.    


Although the rules here stated that they had to rent ice shoes, money could make ghosts push the mill. Ah Kun gave a lot of money, so he stabbed him and brought Zhai Xingchen, who was sitting in a wheelchair, in as well.    


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