Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2165 The Girl Who Got What She Lost

C2165 The Girl Who Got What She Lost



Lu Yu Ze called Gong Suhe and saw that she did not respond. He was extremely flustered and he hugged her while trembling. He also did not dare to look at Gong Suhe. Whether she still had breath or not, he only covered Gong Suhe's face with the wet towel on his face and quickly ran forward with her in his arms.    


After hearing the explosion, he went to find Gong Suhe. However, the forest was too big and he could not find her at all. As his own strength grew weaker and weaker, his heart became more and more desperate.    


He did not expect that she would actually roll to his feet by herself.    


He hugged the girl who had lost her and regained her as he ran wildly.    


Along the way, there were also trees that were broken by the flame. Lu Yu Ze carried Gong Suhe and protected her in his arms. Several times, the broken tree branches smashed into his arms and back. He felt that his arms were as heavy as thousands of kilograms, but he still firmly held Gong Suhe and did not let go.    


Just like that, they ran all the way. Lu Yu Ze relied on his perseverance to move forward. When he carried Gong Suhe out of the forest and saw the fire truck rushing over, he finally had a pair. His legs went limp and he fell to the ground.    


The girl in his arms was caught by the fire officer. Lu Yu Ze let out a sigh of relief and fainted.    


The two of them were immediately sent to the ambulance. There was also a girl in the distance who was screaming while covering her face. Together with the other injured students, they were brought to more than ten ambulance that had rushed over.    


After that, the firefighters started to put out the fire. Students who had fainted were carried out one after another. A few teachers who had escaped with them had sorrowful expressions on their faces. A few of them directly fainted from crying.    


When Gong Suhe woke up, it was already the morning of the second day.    


She felt a little sore all over her body and could not help but move her body.    


It was also at this time that she discovered that her hand seemed to be held by someone.    


She turned her head to look and saw the sleeping youth by the bed.    


Both of Lu Yu Ze's arms were wrapped in gauze and there seemed to be a bandage on his back. He held her hand with one hand and placed the other by the bed. His head was leaning against the side of the bed as he slept.    


Gong Suhe did not understand the situation. Especially, why was Lu Yu Ze holding her hand?    


She felt slightly uncomfortable, so she pulled her hand away.    


This action made the young man who was not sleeping soundly feel something. He opened his eyes and looked up at Gong Suhe.    


The two of them looked at each other.    


Clearly, Lu Yu Ze did not realize anything. When he saw Gong Suhe wake up, his eyes immediately lit up. "How do you feel?"    


Gong Suhe opened her mouth and her voice was a little hoarse. "I'm fine."    


After she finished speaking, she drew her hand again.    


Only then did Lu Yu Ze realize and hurriedly let go of her hand.    


A layer of warmth quickly climbed onto his face, and his voice was stuttering due to his nervousness: "I, I just woke up and came over..." He did not know how to describe his feelings at that time. In short, he forgot everything at that time.    


He was afraid of losing her when he saw her, so he grabbed her and didn't put her away.    


But now that he thought about it, they were just classmates. What he did was too sudden, and he didn't know if she would get angry.    


"I'm sorry."    


After saying that, Lu Yu Ze quickly stood up. "I'll get you some water."    


He quickly got up and went to get a disposable cup.    


Gong Suhe saw that both of his arms were injured and her hands were trembling when she took the cup. She quickly propped herself up and sat up. "I will pour it myself."    


Lu Yu Ze went to stop her. "It's fine, I'll go."    


At this moment, the firefighter who went next door to apply medicine saw it and couldn't help but laugh.    


He walked in and said to Gong Suhe, "Little classmate, you don't know how anxious your boyfriend was when he woke up to want to see you!"    


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