Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2167 A Confession

C2167 A Confession

Gong Qingmo happened to have brought a set of glass preservation boxes, so she obediently gave half of the fruit Ding to Gong Suhe. "Sister, I'll go with you."    


Gong Suhe shook her head. "It's fine, I can do it myself."    


Finishing, she said to Helian Qing, "Mom, wait for me. I will come over immediately."    


When she got down, she still felt sore all over her body. After getting used to it, she took the preservation box and went next door.    


In the next room, Lu Yu Ze sat at the head of the bed and hung some water on his hand.    


Just as she was bored out of her mind, she saw Gong Suhe coming in.    


His heart skipped a beat, but he smiled at her very naturally.    


Gong Suhe walked over and placed the fruit tripod and toothpick beside the hand that Lu Yu Ze did not infuse and said, " My family came to see me. You should eat some too."    


This was the first time Gong Suhe took the initiative to give him something like this. Lu Yu Ze felt his heart beat even faster. He nodded. "Yes, okay."    


Gong Suhe saw that his hands were also trembling when he ate and could not help but say, "Why don't you put it in a while and eat again? Don't open the wound again."    


Lu Yu Ze shook his head. "It's fine. I just got hit twice. It's not a cut, so moving a little is not a problem."    


After saying that, he even deliberately held his hand and ate the fruit.    


Gong Suhe saw that Lu Yu Ze could not help but frown when he fed it to his mouth. She hurriedly said, "I'll help you!"    


Lu Yu Ze was stunned.    


Gong Suhe didn't think too much about it when she spoke until she picked up a toothpick and fed it to Lu Yu Ze's mouth. He slowly opened his mouth and ate it. Only then did she realize that this action was too intimate.    


Thus, the ward suddenly fell into an awkward situation.    


Gong Suhe, on the other hand, had always been a serious person. Although she felt that this was a little strange, she had already said that she would help but give up halfway. It seemed to make her obsessive-compulsive disorder even more uncomfortable.    


Thus, in this silence, she forcefully fed each and every fruit into Lu Yu Ze's mouth.    


Lu Yu Ze didn't know how to describe his current mood. He was clearly so excited that he was about to die, but it seemed as if his mood was too high, causing him to be at a loss for words.    


He ate the sweetest fruit he had ever tasted in his life and looked at Gong Suhe who was packing up the lunchbox and preparing to leave. There was a sentence that did not go through his brain and directly blurted out, "Suhe, I like it very much."    


Gong Suhe's hand paused slightly and she lifted her eyes to look at the youth in front of her.    


Lu Yu Ze felt that he had never been so nervous before. His brain had stopped working but it was still driven by his instincts. In one go: "I said I like it, I like you, and I also like the fruits you gave me.    


Suhe, are you willing to be my girlfriend?"    


Gong Suhe's entire body stiffened. Facing the young man's clear and expectant gaze, her heart was somewhat chaotic.    


Sometimes, she thought of the firefighters' words, and sometimes, she thought of the stubbornness of him sending her to the car every day for the past half a year. Suddenly, her heart began to beat faster.    


But she was still confused, so she said, "I, I don't know."    


Lu Yuze didn't seem to have guessed this outcome. Or rather, he was already prepared to be rejected and needed to continue working hard. When he suddenly heard this answer, he was a little confused.    


After more than ten seconds, he asked carefully, "Do you mean you don't hate me?    


Or, think about it again?"    


Gong Suhe had always been an honest girl. She nodded. "Yes, I don't hate you.    


But I didn't plan on dating before university. So I don't know what to do."    


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