Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2161 Change of Events

C2161 Change of Events

Neither of them thought this opportunity would really come soon.    


A week before the final exam, the teacher announced that after finishing the last subject, the entire class would organize an outing.    


Furthermore, this would be the first and only field trip in everyone's high school life.    


Thus, after the exam, before anyone could get their grades, they would immediately set off.    


This time, their destination was a villa in the suburbs of Emperor City.    


The villa had long repaired the mountain road. The road could go all the way to the top. After reaching the top, they could take a stretch of the Linyin Road and reach the lake at the top of the mountain.    


They were all at the age where they liked liveliness. The students had already prepared the ingredients and pots beforehand, preparing to cook something by the lake.    


When Gong Suhe and Helian Qing went to pick herbs in the past, she learned some cooking. Before she left, she specially practiced making dumplings again, so she could be considered to have a well-thought-out plan.    


This time around, the entire Grade One, Class Seven set off together, so the group was very vast.    


After Gong Suhe and the others reached the mountaintop, they passed through the lush forest and walked for more than twenty minutes before finally arriving at the lake.    


Their eyes lit up. Everyone became excited and started to work in groups.    


Gong Suhe and the others got a good spot and started to pick up stones to build the stove.    


This activity was held for two days, so some of the students who were in a hurry had already started to set up tents.    


Some of the students saw Gong Suhe carrying a bag and thought that it was something to cook, so they opened it and found that it was a pair of binoculars.    


"Wow, Suhe, you even specially brought a telescope?"    


Gong Suhe nodded, "Yes, at night, try the starry sky."    


Actually, Lu Yu Ze said he also brought one.    


Their class had to arrive earlier in the area closer to the lake.    


Everyone started to get busy. Gong Suhe, on the other hand, was seriously making dumplings with another girl.    


It took them a long time to finish making the fire. After boiling the water, the dumplings were almost ready.    


After the dumplings were cooked, the fragrance of the dumplings came over. It was the first time many students ate something they personally made. Plus, they had been exercising for a long time, so they felt that it was especially fragrant.    


Lu Yu Ze smelled the fragrance and came over. He held the bowl and said to Gong Suhe, "Can you give me two?"    


Gong Suhe smiled and gave him five directly.    


The surrounding classmates jeered and laughed. Seeing this, Qin Shanshan's hand that was holding the bowl turned white because of the force.    


The lunch and afternoon meal had to be taken care of by everyone. Some students had underestimated their appetite, so there was no next meal after lunch.    


Thus, everyone gathered in twos and threes, planning to try their luck in the forest.    


It was just that their dreams were very full, but reality was very bone-chilling. When everyone dispersed into the forest, they discovered that there were some wild animals there.    


They couldn't even find wild mushrooms or ferns.    


However, they wouldn't feel disappointed if they couldn't find anything. After all, when they were young, a lot of things could be satisfied.    


Gong Suhe and Lin Qi were also in the forest. They did not know how long they had walked for, but they suddenly realized that they were a little lost.    


At this moment, an explosion sounded from afar.    


Although it was far away, they could still feel the heat wave rushing over.    


Gong Suhe was alert in her heart and pulled Lin Qi to the other side.    


But very quickly, she did not know what was over there. In the blink of an eye, fire lit up in front of her eyes.    


Gong Suhe's breathing became heavy and she quickly told Lin Qi to cover her mouth and nose with a tissue and quickly ran towards the place where there was no fire.    


She took out her phone and wanted to make a call, but she found that there was some kind of signal jammer installed at the place where the explosion occurred. The phone actually did not have a signal! Lin Qi also had a face full of fear as she ran forward with Gong Suhe. Behind them, the fire quickly spread...    


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