Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2146 Her Voice Was Inexplicably Gentle

C2146 Her Voice Was Inexplicably Gentle

Sure enough, after a few minutes, the Physical Exercise Committee accurately locked onto the energetic Gong Suhe in a crowd of people pretending to be asleep.    


"Gong Suhe, come and support brother's work!"    


The sports committee's Wang Hao was more familiar with himself.    


Gong Suhe nodded and directly took the form from Wang Hao's hands. When she saw that there was no one from the girls' group registering for these two events, she decisively wrote her name on it.    


Wang Hao almost could not believe his eyes. He confirmed again and again, "Gong Suhe, you did not fill in the wrong form?"    




Gong Suhe said, [One person can report two at the same time, right?]    


Wang Hao immediately nodded. "As long as the time doesn't conflict, you can report everything!"    


Gong Suhe shook her head. "Forget it. I only report what I am good at."    


Wang Hao did not see that the beautiful and gentle female classmate in front of him had any characteristics that were suitable for these two events. But finally, someone said that it was not appropriate. He immediately covered the form and left, afraid that Gong Suhe would regret it.    


He continued to go to various lobbyists in the class until he reached the last seat in the fourth row. Seeing that it was empty, he could not help but ask his classmate, "Who is this?"    


"Eh, Zhai Xingchen isn't here?"    


The boy in the front row said.    


"Oh, it's him. It's useless even if it's him. He can't participate."    


After saying that, Wang Hao turned around to look for his other classmates.    


In the next few days, Zhai Xingchen did not come to school.    


Gong Suhe discovered that it was Wednesday. She asked Lin Qi who was beside her and Lin Qi also said that she did not know why Zhai Xingchen did not come.    


Zhai Xingchen usually did not have any contact with everyone. Although Gong Suhe was puzzled, she did not think too much about it.    


After all, there was a problem with Zhai Xingchen's leg and he might need to be treated regularly, so there was nothing strange about it.    


In the blink of an eye, it was the day before the sports meet.    


When Gong Suhe finished school, she saw Lu Yu Ze come over.    


She just finished reading the physics exercise book, so she passed it to him. "This question is not bad. I feel that it will be very helpful to me."    


"It's good that it will be helpful, if there is anything you don't understand later, come and ask me at any time"    


After saying that, Lu Yu Ze asked: "Are you going to participate in the sports meet?"    


Gong Suhe nodded, "1500m long run and javelin."    


Lu Yu Ze could not help but laugh. "Did the Sport Committee report this to you?    


They also bullied honest people. "    


"No, I am better at these two."    


Gong Suhe was serious.    


Lu Yu Ze did not know whether to laugh or cry. "Okay, then be careful not to get tired or hurt. I'll take part in the 400m relay and shot put. I'll cheer you on when you play."    




Gong Suhe thought for a while and felt that she should return the favor. So she said, "When you play, I will cheer for you too."    


Lu Yu Ze's heart skipped a beat in an instant. He nodded and his voice inexplicably became a little gentler. "Okay, then I will wait for you."    


In a hospital in Imperial City, Di Xingchen was pushed out by Uncle Xu.    


"Xingchen, the doctor said you shouldn't give up hope. Why didn't you call me immediately when you fell down the stairs that day?"    


Uncle Xu felt a little helpless.    


A week ago, he went to the Zhai family's compound apartment that he bought for Zhai Xingchen in the morning and found that Zhai Xingchen had fallen downstairs. His left ankle had a slight fracture.    


By the time he arrived, it had already been two hours since Zhai Xingchen had fallen.    


Zhai Xingchen did not like to have other people spend the night in the apartment because there was breakfast prepared in advance at home. He only needed to heat it up a little. Therefore, even if it was a weekend, Uncle Xu would usually only go there after ten o'clock.    


Seeing that Zhai Xingchen didn't speak, Uncle Xu felt even more uncomfortable. He watched this child grow up. He was very lively and cute when he was young, but later... he pushed Zhai Xingchen out and met a few students in the corridor wearing the school uniform of No.1 Middle School.    


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