Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2143 She's Trying to Clear His Mind

C2143 She's Trying to Clear His Mind

I don't know what she wrote..." However, she saw Zhai Xingchen turn his wheelchair over and stop in front of her and Gong Suhe.    


Zhai Xingchen's hand that was holding the wheelchair was a little unknown. He did not look at Gong Suhe but did not go around the two of them.    


Gong Suhe subconsciously felt that Zhai Xingchen seemed to want to say something.    


But after waiting for a few seconds, the young man did not say anything.    


Gong Suhe pulled Lin Qi and walked back. Just as she turned around and rubbed her shoulders with Di Xingchen, she heard the youth say, "I don't accept her gift."    


Gong Suhe almost thought that she misheard and turned her head. "En?"    


Zhai Xingchen met Gong Suhe's gaze. He felt his heart beating faster and faster and blurted out one sentence. "I don't like her."    


Gong Suhe nodded when she heard him.    


Beside her, Lin Qi immediately jumped up. "Haha, you don't like her either?    


Me too! Zhai Xingchen, then what kind of girl do you like?"    


After she finished speaking, she noticed that the expression of the young man in front of her suddenly froze. His light brown eyes also seemed to be somewhat deep because of his expressionless face.    


Lin Qi was startled and suddenly realized that she was completely unfamiliar with Zhai Xingchen. Just now, she really had a hot head and felt that the young man who repeatedly clarified her had some fun, so she asked this question.    


She hurriedly waved her hand. "No. I was just casually asking. You don't need to ask and answer..." After saying that, she pulled Gong Suhe and chatted with others before leaving.    


Zhai Xingchen returned to his table with a cold and gloomy expression.    


However, there seemed to be something in his heart that was constantly clamoring.    


Lin Qi's words echoed in his ears, asking him what kind of girl he liked.    


He had never thought of this question before, but when he heard this question just now... The first thing in his mind was actually Gong Suhe's face.    


This kind of understanding made Zhai Xingchen somewhat fearful. He had never encountered such a problem before. He felt that his mind was in a state of panic.    


He forced himself to read, but the words jumped into his eyes one after another. He had no idea what they meant at all.    


In fact, he even felt an image appear in front of him. In the forest under the moonlight, Gong Suhe squatted in front of him and carefully helped him remove the thorn on his palm.    


There was also the welcome party. She came out from backstage and gave him a cold drink.    


She squatted beside him and whispered to him that if he didn't drink it, it would be bad.    


Zhai Xingchen couldn't help but stop thinking about those scenes. An answer in the depths of his heart was also obvious because of the waves in his heart at that moment.    


He felt that it was a little sweet, but it was more astringent.    


He pinched the pair of legs that he could not move. His legs felt a chill slowly seeping out of his heart and spread throughout his entire body.    


After the exam, the school officially began the evening self-study session. Gong Suhe had something to do that night, so she applied for leave early.    


She came out of the classroom and when she passed by the sports field, she saw that it was right in front of her. Lin Yue was walking and chatting with a girl.    


At this moment, the sky had already darkened. The two of them did not pay attention to Gong Suhe, so they did not deliberately avoid arousing suspicion.    


Only to hear the girl beside Lin Yue say: "Oh right, how have you been progressing at that crippled place for the past two days?"    


When Lin Yue heard this, she instantly rolled her eyes. "Is that cripple sick?    


Yesterday, in front of everyone, he threw away the pudding that I gave him! " I don't know today, but he wasn't there when I went to deliver the cake, but I left my phone number and still haven't contacted me. "    


"Is he blind?    


If you're willing to pay attention to him, it's simply like a pie falling from the sky, alright?    


" Does he really think that he is worthy of being a Celestial Immortal? "    


When Gong Suhe heard this, her heart could not help but palpitate. They were talking about Di Xingchen?    


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