Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2131 His Heartbeat Accelerated

C2131 His Heartbeat Accelerated

That evening, when Gong Suhe arrived at the music room, Lu Yu Ze had already arrived.    


The brother Lu Yu Ze chose was a popular song and Gong Suhe also knew how to sing. Hence, she took the music score and tried to play it once.    


Lu Yu Ze sat opposite her and listened quietly.    


It was said that girls who played the music had a scholarly air to them, and Gong Suhe belonged to the type of girl who didn't play the music even if she didn't play it. She also had a kind of gentle, scholarly air.    


At the age of fifteen, most girls were either introverted or outwardly outgoing and outgoing, but Gong Suhe was also outgoing and had a kind of quiet temperament.    


When Lu Yu Ze was in the military training, he saw her who was different from everyone else.    


At this moment, listening to her play, he felt that his heartbeat could not help but accelerate.    


Ever since he was young, because of his handsome appearance, he had always been chased by girls. However, he preferred to play with boys, play football, play games, and seemed to have no interest in girls.    


It was only when he caught a glimpse of her that he realized what type of girl he liked.    


It was a lie to say that he couldn't find a partner to sing with. It was also a lie to say that he didn't have an accompaniment. He had even specially listened to quite a number of ancient songs in the past few days. He had specially found a popular ancient style song to match the ancient style of the ancient style of the ancient style in order to match the ancient style of the ancient style of the ancient style of the ancient style of the ancient style.    


After hearing Gong Suhe finish playing, Lu Yu Ze immediately retracted his deep gaze from her and said to her: "There should be no problem. I'll try matching it with your accompaniment this time."    


Gong Suhe nodded and started to play the prelude.    


Lu Yu Ze followed her beat. The prelude ended and started to sing.    


The two of them cooperated for the first time and it was still a little awkward. However, Gong Suhe also realized that although her Zhuo Qian was not a traditional accompaniment instrument, it was not a problem to accompany Lu Yu Ze's song.    


After the song ended, Lu Yu Ze said, "Looks like it's alright. We should just cooperate a few more times.    


We don't have much homework today, what about you guys?"    


Gong Suhe said, "There's only one math test. I think we can finish it in an hour."    


"Then let's practice for another hour?"    


Lu Yu Ze asked.    




Gong Suhe answered.    


In an hour, their coordination became more and more natural. They should be able to perform on the stage after practicing for about one more time.    


Lu Yu Ze looked at the time and got up on his own accord: "Then I'll send you back."    


Gong Suhe shook her head. "It's fine. My family will come and pick you up."    


"Okay, then I will take the subway back."    


Lu Yu Ze packed his things and mentioned Gong Suhe's FEMALE3. He said, "It's still a little heavy. I will help you take it down."    


The two of them went downstairs together. Gong Suhe waved at Lu Yu Ze. "You can go back first. My family should be arriving soon."    




Lu Yu Ze waved at her and left.    


He walked more than ten meters naturally and turned around the corner. He knew Gong Suhe could not see him anymore, so he stood up differently.    


Sometimes, a young man's happiness was reflected in his endless energy. Lu Yu Ze practically ran forward at lightning speed. He did not know how long he ran before he stopped. He lowered his head to look at Gong Suhe's WeChat Moments.    


Actually, after adding Gong Suhe, he had already seen her WeChat Moments. She did not post a lot of things. Almost all of them were scenery. Occasionally, she posted small things in her life, but there was not a single selfie.    


However, he had seen a few photos of her from Gong Suhe's travel photos, so he directly saved them.    


At this moment, he foolishly looked at the WeChat Moments that she had seen for half a year, then smiled and went to take a taxi.    


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