Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2101 Tonight You'll Only be Single

C2101 Tonight You'll Only be Single

At this point, the last two people were undoubtedly the brightest tonight, and Xiyan Yi was already in the army, so it was not surprising that he could smile till the end when he was born in the special forces.    


However, Gong Suhe, who usually quietly picked herbs, was actually better than Pei Shangyu and Xiyan Cheng. It was very surprising.    


When Gong Moyi saw this, she immediately felt honored. "Ah! Suhe is the best! It is the pride of our female compatriots!"    


Gong Suhe made an obeisance. She cupped her hands. "Thank you for your negligence."    


She had truly overlooked it. Coupled with the darkness of the night, she raised her head and only exposed her nose and eyes to the surface of the water. She did not roar or make any noise, so many times, everyone passed by her but did not discover her.    


"Alright, next is you!"    


Gong Moxuan blew the battle horn. "Our current target is Suhe!"    


This time, under everyone's full speed, Gong Suhe was caught without any dispute.    


As for the last Xiyan Yi, under Xuanyuan Yov's suggestion, everyone switched Luo Nanxiao to the outermost position, so it was also a piece of cake.    


Everyone played the game for almost half an hour and was extremely excited. They went to find a waiter to order some drinks and leaned against the shore to drink.    


Thus, the atmosphere became that the girls gathered together to gossip, while the men gathered together to look at their legs. Who was the heavy one?    


They didn't need to get up early the next day, but they would get tired after soaking in the hot spring for too long, so they all went out to take a shower before coming out to play.    


Everyone had already agreed to meet in the hall later. However, when Gong Suhe and Gong Qingmo came down together, they found that there was no one in the hall.    


Gong Qingmo was somewhat puzzled and asked, "Sister, are we bathing faster?"    


Gong Suhe had already guessed something. She could not bear to tell her single brother and could only say, "Maybe. Maybe they are not physically strong and are tired."    


"Yes. Maybe they have a baby in their room to video with the baby?"    


Gong Qingmo muttered. After waiting for a few minutes, she saw the siblings of Luo Nanxi and Qin Qizhou.    


"Hey, where are the others?"    


Luo Nanxi was confused.    


Xuanyuan Mo's voice sounded from behind him. "Oh, looks like we'll only be single tonight. After all, the others have to create humans..." Gong Moxiu and Gong Moxuan both had their eyes on the zodiac that would be born next year, so they planned to start having babies soon.    


Even Beiming Yumo and Huo Chenfei heard that they also planned to start having babies recently, so they calculated that those who came down were all single dogs.    


Qin Qizhou's footsteps stiffened when he heard Xuanyuan Mo's two words, "single person," and "make people..    


Xuanyuan Mo noticed it. She blinked at Qin Qizhou and revealed a gaze that was filled with provocation and anger.    


Then, she quickly withdrew her gaze and pulled everyone. "It's fine. We can play six games if we have fewer people. I'll go to the front desk to get the cards. Those who lose will drink!"    


Xuanyuan Chen had actually come down a long time ago. However, he sat by the side alone, and no one noticed him.    


When he heard that his sister wanted to drink, he immediately stood up and wanted to stop her. But at this moment, he received a message from the high school class group. - Class monitor, everyone. "Teacher Wu's son is getting married next month, on the first day of the month. Let's go together later! Those who have family members, bring them with you! "    


Soon, the students came out one after another. "Okay, we must go!"    


"Teacher Wu's son is married. In my memory, he is a few years younger than us, right?    


" He's only 22 this year? "    


That's right. In other words, most of the students in our class are married, right?    


" Sigh, it's better to be single. I'm depressed from taking care of my children every day! "    


Me too. I really miss the days when I was single in the past! "    


As the crowd discussed, some people began to discuss what brand of milk powder they wanted to buy and what brand of diapers they wanted to buy. Some even asked which lunar center was better. All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the group changed completely, and it became a Daddy and Mommy group.    


Xuanyuan Chen did not continue watching. He directly logged out of the interface.    


At this time, Xuanyuan Mo had already come over with a card. She had an excited expression. "Come, come, come. Drink if you lose!"    


Xuanyuan Chen did not oppose his sister's behavior anymore. He quietly followed her and touched the cards.    


In the first round, Gong Suhe, Xuanyuan Chen, and Qin Qizhou lost.    


The three of them drank crisply and crisply. When they put it down, Gong Suhe received a phone call.    


The call was from an unknown number. The moment the phone slipped and answered the call, Gong Suhe heard the sound of wind coming from the other end of the phone.    


Her throat tightened slightly and she asked calmly, "Hello, who is this?"    


However, no one answered her.    


She did not immediately die, but quietly waited for a few seconds.    


Just as she was about to die, she heard that person's voice tremble. "I'm back now. Is there still time?"    


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