Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C405 We Are Not Related by Blood

C405 We Are Not Related by Blood

Xuanyuan Che was awakened by the pain and wanted to resist. However, the blood and heat that kept flowing out of his abdomen seemed to have taken away all his strength.    


At this moment, someone made a phone call. "Young master, we have brought him to the sea as you instructed. We are preparing to bury his corpse immediately."    


"Yes" On the other side, the man only responded before hanging up.    


The man heard the beeping sound in the earpiece and nodded at the others: "That's enough."    


In the next second, someone threw Xuanyuan Che down. Then, a few people fetched water and washed away all the blood in the speedboat before returning.    


They got into the car after docking and disappeared into the night.    


At this moment, in the ward of Second Central Hospital, Beiming Xiao coughed and opened his eyes.    


"Water..." His voice was a little hoarse.    


Beiming Mo, who was taking a nap, heard him and quickly straightened up. "Mr Xiao, you are awake? I'll pour you some water right away!"    


As she spoke, she got up and got a cup for Beiming Xiao. She filled it with water and inserted a straw into it. She walked to Beiming Xiao's side and said, "Mr Xiao, drink slowly."    


"Momo?" Beiming Xiao felt that there was a straw on his lips, so he drank two mouthfuls before asking, "It hurts so much! Did I disfigure my face? Is it damaged? "Oh right, why aren't you turning on the lights when it's dark?"    


Beiming Mo's breath paused and she opened her mouth to speak," Mr Xiao, you are not disfigured. You are not disfigured... It is midnight now. So... "    


It's precisely because it's midnight that the lights should be switched on! " Beiming Xiao drank some water. His throat felt better, but he was still a little weak. "Hurry up and turn on the lights for me, then bring a mirror over. You know, I rely on this face to eat. I have to make sure that my face is fine before I have the courage to live!"    


Beiming Mo heard his joking tone and felt even more stifled and uncomfortable in her heart.    


She took the cup and put it to the side and changed the topic. "With your eighteen lines of popularity, I feel that you should improve your acting skills and not rely on your face!"    


Beiming Xiao heard Beiming Mo's voice from a few meters away. His heart suddenly turned cold. "Momo, why didn't you turn on the light? Was it that I really disfigured?!"    


"Mr Xiao, really..." Beiming Mo explained weakly.    


"Something must have happened!" Beiming Xiao was excited. He used his hand, which did not have any infusion, to lift the blanket and get off the bed.    


Beiming Mo saw this and quickly stopped him. "Okay, I will turn on the light."    


As she spoke, she walked to the door and turned on the lights in the suite outside.    


Before Beiming Xiao's eyes was still darkness.    


He was stunned. "The lights are broken?"    


However, a moment later, he was suddenly surrounded by a fear that gripped his soul.    


His voice was somewhat dry, but his tone was pretending to be relaxed: "Momo, do you think the light flashed?"    


Beiming Mo did not say anything.    


Beiming Xiao only felt that at this moment, half of his foot had already fallen into the abyss. "So, I can't see anymore?"    


His voice was very soft, as if it would be blown away by the wind in the next second.    


Beiming Mo was silent for a moment. "Mr Xiao, the doctor said we still need to perform surgery..."    


"So I am really blind?!" Beiming Xiao suddenly raised his voice.    


He tried to look forward, but he could not see anything.    


Beiming Mo quickly went over. "Mr Xiao, listen to me. When I encountered an accident previously, I was also blind for a period of time. So..."    


"What did the doctor say?" Beiming Xiao's chest heaved up and down.    


"The doctor said that the blood clot in your craniotomy pressed down on your optical nerves. It might take a few months for the blood clot to dissolve by itself." Beiming Mo said gently. "So don't worry. Let's take our time to recover -"    


"Momo, don't you know how long I have worked hard for today's play? Do you know that I have worked hard to get the male lead role? "What have you been through?!" Beiming Xiao clearly did not accept this reality. "This is the first time I got the main lead role that is most likely to turn the tables! I can't act for a few months, so someone will replace me immediately. I've been in the entertainment industry for nearly ten years, and I've put in all my effort. All in vain!"    


He said painfully, "I'm almost thirty years old! Now, all the newly promoted young men are calling me supper! I watched them go from 18th to famous throughout the country just like me! But I... Because of every accident, I missed all the good opportunities! You don't know how much effort I used to convince myself to keep up! But I'm really tired. This time, I failed. I really don't have the courage to start from scratch! "    


Beiming Mo looked at Beiming Xiao who was in pain. For a moment, her mind was also filled with thoughts.    


She had always known that he liked acting, but his star path had never been smooth.    


She also thought that his heart was bigger. Even if he suffered setbacks, even if he was not red, he still seemed to have endless strength.    


But now, when she saw the pain and despair in his eyes, she couldn't help but feel pain for him.    


It wasn't that he didn't work hard, nor that his acting was bad. It was as if there was an invisible hand in the darkness. Every time he was about to reach the successful floating wood, he would suddenly push him further into the vortex!    


"Mr Xiao, I know that you may not be in a good mood right now, but once you have recovered, you might be able to..." Beiming Mo thought of the probability of the doctor saying that it was less than 10% and felt that her words of comfort to Beiming Xiao had become pale and powerless.    


"Haha, Momo. This is the tone you used when you lied when you were young." Beiming Xiao's smile was uglier than crying.    


He reached to the bedside to touch something, and Beiming Mo quickly stopped him. "Mr Xiao, what do you want?"    


He ignored her and swept his hand over. Instantly, the medical record book that was placed at the side was swept to the ground.    


Because the clamp was not clamped properly, Therefore, the medical records were scattered one by one.    


Beiming Mo quickly bent over to pick it up. She looked at the page number and when she put it away, she suddenly stopped looking.    


It actually said that Beiming Xiao lost Type O blood!    


Beiming Mo remembered that when she went to biology class to study blood type and genetics, she still had questions with her father when she went home.    


Her father took her brother and sister-in-law's blood type test to test her. At that time, she said that her two brothers were her brothers. Definitely not O-type. Her father even nodded and said that she answered correctly.    


But why was Beiming Xiao an O-shape now?    


Beiming Mo was puzzled when a pair of leather shoes suddenly appeared beside her.    


Beiming Shen who just came out of the washroom also squatted down. His gaze landed on the medical record. He turned his head and looked at Beiming Mo. His tone was calm. "Momo, you also know?"    


Beiming Mo looked at him in shock. "So, I did not guess wrong? You are not..."    


"Right, we aren't." Beiming Shen nodded.    


"You already knew?" Beiming Mo asked again.    


Beiming Shen continued to nod. "Yes, I already knew before the college entrance exam."    


"Then why didn't you tell us?" Beiming Mo asked again.    


Beiming Shen looked at the pendant on her neck and thought for a moment. He said, "I was afraid you would distance yourself from us."    


On the bed, Beiming Xiao heard the questions that both of them did not understand and could not help saying, "What are you talking about?"    


"Xiao, I just told Momo that we are not related by blood." Beiming Shen said word by word.    


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