Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C389 Aixue Cruise Ship

C389 Aixue Cruise Ship

Although the news only mentioned that a cruise ship had exploded at the border of Hua Country, and it was suspected that the cruise belonged to a person, there was no other information that had yet to be confirmed. However, Soong Yiren's heart still pounded violently for no reason, and she felt a strong sense of unease.    


She immediately called Pei Jun and informed him of this news.    


On the other side, Pei Jun also contacted the relevant departments and transferred the high-definition image captured by the satellite.    


He saw that there were a lot of fragments scattered on the border of the sea. It could be seen how powerful the explosion was at that time.    


Although the cruise ship had long since ceased to exist, one of the wreckage still crashed into Pei Jun's line of sight.    


On it should be a sign, which also indicated the owner's information.    


The Aegis.    


The word "love" was already somewhat incomplete, but the word "snow" could be clearly seen.    


When he thought about what happened to Gu Tingxue last night, Pei Jun's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.    


Aa Mian's phone had a shared location with him, so when he opened it, he saw Aa Mian's movements. Instantly, he no longer felt lucky.    


He saw Aa Mian and the others set off from the port, heading straight to the border of Hua Country and the deep sea. Because the signal was not good, the shared location was finally cut off.    


However, that place was very close to the area where the accident occurred.    


Therefore, Pei Jun immediately told Soong Yiren the truth, and arranged for ships and speedboats to set off to rescue them.    


At this moment, the speedboat set off, and Soong Yiren quickly entered the azure sky.    


Although she had been imprisoned under the cruise for three years and caused severe psychological trauma, after being together with Gong Lingye, those nightmares in the past rarely appeared in Soong Yiren's subconscious now.    


At this moment, the worries in her heart were overwhelming. She had completely forgotten about the instinctive discomfort in her body and could only hope that it could be faster.    


It would take two hours to drive from here.    


When they arrived at the outer seas, the waves were quite strong, and the wind that blew at them was especially bone-piercing.    


Pei Jun was afraid that Soong Yiren would fall sick, so he hurriedly took off his jacket and gave it to her. "Madam, your body hasn't recovered yet. Wear thicker clothes and don't catch a cold."    


Soong Yiren saw that his clothes were thin, and her eyes swept across the small underground cabin of the speedboat. She said, "I'll go over there. Wear your coat. I still need you to contact someone later."    


Pei Jun had been following Gong Lingye all these years, and had seen all kinds of shapes and sizes. Sex women, in the past, had always thought that no woman was worthy of Gong Lingye.    


It was either a lack of ability or a lack of personality. Or that their appearance and temperament were lacking.    


However, the woman in front of him, regardless of appearance, connotation, or even personality, was impeccable.    


He sighed in his heart. He could only hope to find Gong Lingye as soon as possible, and hope that everything would go smoothly for his boss and the Lady Boss.    


The speedboat was very bumpy. Pei Jun helped Soong Yiren to the underground cabin and said, "Madam, if you feel uncomfortable, call me at any time."    


Soong Yiren nodded.    


She entered that dark place again. The waves under her body were bumpy, and her stomach began to feel uncomfortable.    


However, the obsession in her heart made her forcefully endure all of the discomfort, stubbornly holding on.    


When he left yesterday, he told her to wait for him to come back.    


Furthermore, he had always been cautious when doing things. It was impossible for him to be unprepared for Gu Chiyun, and it was also impossible for him not to make preparations in advance.    


Therefore, he would be fine.    


Soong Yiren warned herself again and again, but the worry in her heart still firmly enveloped her breathing.    


Time passed bit by bit. Finally, Pei Jun opened his mouth and said, "We are nearby."    


Soong Yiren felt her heart suddenly tighten. She took a deep breath and climbed out of the underground cabin.    


However, the moment she came into contact with the fresh air, the mountains and seas in her stomach rushed out crazily.    


She quickly ran to the side of the speedboat and began to vomit.    


Pei Jun saw this and quickly went over to support her. He brought water for her to rinse her mouth.    


Finally feeling slightly better, Soong Yiren looked at the sea in the distance and saw some remains floating and sinking in the waves.    


If she had only seen the news on Weibo before, she would not have known the power of the explosion at that time. But now that she was close to it, the direct feeling hit her face, making her heart feel even more helpless.    


She took out Zahara from her pocket and said to it, "Zahara, quickly look for it. Can you find any signal nearby?"    


Gong Lingye came out this time to send Gu Tingxue off for the last time, so it was impossible for him to bring Ares with him. The only thing he could contact was the phone.    


She also had the mentality of giving it a try. She brought Zara with her and kept adjusting the search range on the screen. However, there was no response at all.    


This time, Pei Jun sent out many speedboats to search the area where the accident happened. At the border, he was also quickly communicating with the people there and searching the nearby Ning Country.    


However, along the sea trench... In another direction, it was Country J.    


Although J Country had diplomatic relations with Hua Country, there was almost no trade between them. Therefore, Gong Lingye really did not have anyone in J Country.    


Soong Yiren looked at the screen of Zahara and frowned.    


She shifted her gaze away from the screen and looked into the distance.    


After crossing this trench, the mysterious country in the distance, the country where she and Gong Lingye's enemies were hidden, what did it look like?    


The place where the explosion occurred was also connected to the border of Country J's territorial waters. Would Gong Lingye float there?    


"Pei Zi Zai." Soong Yiren called Pei Jun, "Can we go to J Country?"    


When Pei Jun heard this, he also understood Soong Yiren's guess. He shook his head, "In the past, there were fishing boats that crossed the border to catch fish, but they killed them."    


Soong Yiren's heart tightened when she heard this. "Then if there are no clues here... Then, can we enter J Country through diplomatic means?"    


"I'm afraid that's hard. After all, for so many years, J Country treats all countries the same way..." As Pei Jun was speaking, someone suddenly exclaimed. "We found a person!"    


Soong Yiren heard this and her face instantly turned pale.    


Very quickly, a subordinate scooped up the person from the distant sea. The lower half of the person's body had already been blasted beyond recognition.    


The moment Soong Yiren saw that person, she felt as if her heart had been violently smashed.    


Because she recognized that face. That was Gong Lingye's subordinate. She had seen him before when she was with Dr. Tan.    


Her heart sank to the bottom of the abyss. She grabbed the railing of the speedboat tightly and looked around.    


"I found another one!"    


As the man shouted, half of his body was caught.    


However, this man was probably Gu Chiyun's, because Pei Jun and his men did not know each other.    


"Looks like something happened around here on the cruise." "Contact the other speedboats and ask them if they got anything."    


Someone started to communicate on the other side and quickly replied, "Yes." On the border of Ning Country, someone found half a corpse. It was Gu Chiyun's men. "    


"We are at the border of Ning Country. We haven't found anything yet."    


"We found Gu Chiyun's men at the border between Hua Country and Country J. I think he's the captain, but he's already dead."    


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