Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C380 Her Biological Father

C380 Her Biological Father

Lieh Yuanchen could see the door of the court from afar. Before he could get out of the car, he received a phone call from another country.    


When he saw that it was from Country G, he was shocked and quickly answered the call.    


"Young Master, Madam is suddenly seriously ill and is currently being resuscitated in the hospital!" The nurse Lieh Yuanchen hired for Mia hurriedly said.    


Lieh Yuanchen's expression changed. "Okay, I will go back immediately!"    


He hung up the phone and said to Si Ji, "To the airport!"    


Lieh Xiaoruan asked from the side, "Brother, what's wrong?"    


"Mom is being rescued when she's sick. We'll return to G Nation immediately!" Lieh Yuanchen said.    


Lieh Xiaoruan's expression also changed. She began to pray in her heart that her mother was fine.    


The driver had already turned the car around, and the court building disappeared in the rearview mirror.    


The court was getting closer and closer to the start of the hearing. Zhang Zixun looked at his watch and said to Pei Jun, "Mr. Pei, did the other party promise to come over previously?"    


Pei Jun was also puzzled. Then, he took out his phone. "I'll call and ask."    


However, when he called, Lieh Yuanchen indicated that the line was occupied.    


He called a few times, but the call still did not go through.    


It was time for everyone to take their seats. Hee Wanshuang subconsciously looked at the opposite side, but there was no one there.    


The judge also realized that one side was absent and could not be contacted, so he announced that he would wait for 15 minutes.    


Because Lieh Yuanchen and Hee Wanshuang could only be considered to have broken up relationships. Therefore, fifteen minutes later, even if no one from Lieh Yuanchen's side came over, it could not be considered a legal absence and continued the trial.    


And Lieh Yuanchen did not invite a proxy lawyer. Therefore, the judge could only announce that he would be retrial another day.    


Pei Jun and Hee Wanshuang came out together. Just as they were about to tell her some things, Hee Wanshuang's phone rang.    


When she picked it up and saw that it was Lieh Yuanchen, her expression changed slightly.    


On the side, Hee's father also saw it. He immediately frowned and said, "What face does he have to call me?!"    


Hee Wanshuang fell silent and ignored him. She still hung up the phone automatically.    


On the airport highway, Lieh Yuanchen heard the prompt that no one answered inside. His breathing paused. He opened WeChat and sent Hee Wanshuang a message. "Shuang, my mother is seriously ill and is in critical condition. I have returned to G Country. If I go there, she wants to talk to you. Don't hang up on me, okay? "    


After thinking for a while, he said, "Don't tell her that our baby is gone. She has always been looking forward to this. I don't want her last days to be unstable. "Thank you, my wife."    


Hee Wanshuang received the notification and did not read it.    


She still had to go to the psychiatrist's side to receive treatment this afternoon and cooperate with all the antidepressant drugs.    


Time became slow and calm. She learned to make herself forget some things. She did not think about it and did not care about it. It was as if nothing had happened.    


Hee Wanshuang only saw the message sent by Lieh Yuanchen in the evening.    


She quietly finished reading and shockingly remembered the scene of him taking her to Country G to see his mother.    


That kind and blond woman, was she seriously ill?    


She began to feel sad, and then she thought of the baby that wasn't there. Instantly, that feeling of self-blame and depression once again surrounded her.    


Just at this time, her mother knocked on her door and came in, "Shuang, Tianqi came to find you to go out and play."    


"Oh." Hee Wanshuang put down her phone and took a deep breath. Pretending nothing had happened, she changed her clothes and walked out.    


"Shuang, let's go. I just found a good store. I'll bring you there to take a look!" Luo Tianqi said and pulled her away. "Uncle and aunt, we'll send Shuang back after we've had enough fun!"    


Hee Wanshuang was pulled out of the door by him. When she got into the car, she looked at the street view outside the window that was constantly moving backward. She picked up her phone and replied to Lieh Yuanchen with one word, "Okay."    


No matter what happened between her and Lieh Yuanchen, she could not let that warm elder feel sad.    


At this moment, Lieh Yuanchen just came out of the airport and went straight to the hospital.    


While he was burning with anxiety, he received a message from Hee Wanshuang. Although it was only one word, it made him feel more at ease.    


Half an hour later, they finally arrived at the hospital. Lieh Yuanchen saw his mother's doctor.    


"I'm sorry, sir. We were unable to save your mother. Please go and see her for the last time!" The doctor also said sadly.    


Lieh Yuanchen's heart sank into the abyss.    


Beside him, Lieh Xiaoruan had already rushed in.    


The ward was very quiet. Mia was lying there alone and had already removed the hanging bottle on her body.    


Lieh Xiaoruan threw herself to her mother's side, "Mia! Mommy!"    


She only gently stroked her hair.    


Lieh Yuanchen felt that his breathing was tightly held. Those few steps were exceptionally difficult for him to walk.    


Finally, he also came to the window and half-knelt, "Mia."    


Mia revealed a gentle smile on the corner of her lips and looked at the door again.    


Lieh Yuanchen understood something and said, "Wanshuang is pregnant and recently her reaction was a little too big. She was afraid that something would happen to her on the plane so she did not let her come over."    


Mia nodded and wanted to say something but still did not say anything.    


"Mia, I will call her. Listen to her, okay?" Lieh Yuanchen said and took out his phone.    


Seeing Mia agree, he immediately called Hee Wanshuang.    


When the fourth bell rang, Hee Wanshuang answered. Hee Wanshuang's calm but somewhat hollow voice sounded, "Hello."    


"Shuang, I am on Mom's side." Lieh Yuanchen said, "She wants to say a few words to you."    


Hee Wanshuang agreed. "Okay."    


Lieh Yuanchen passed the phone to his mother's ear, "Mia, Wanshuang is listening."    


Roar. Mia's eyes lit up. "When the baby is born, you must bring him to see me!"    


"Okay." Hee Wanshuang could not describe the feelings in her heart, "Mia, I'm sorry, I did not come to see you."    


"Take care of yourself. I am fine." As she spoke, she seemed to be a little tired and her eyes indicated to Lieh Yuanchen.    


Lieh Yuanchen held his phone and stood up. "Shuang, I can't go back to the country recently. Take good care of yourself. When I come back, I will see you again."    


Hee Wanshuang said in a low voice, "Got it."    


After hanging up the phone, Lieh Yuanchen went back to the bed. He saw his mother holding Lieh Xiaoruan's hand and looking deeply into her eyes. Tears seeped out of her eyes bit by bit.    


He had never seen his mother like this. He only felt that she seemed to be looking at another person whom she deeply loved through Lieh Xiaoruan.    


When he thought about how he had returned from Hua Country, he had already gone to the hospital, but Lieh Cheng'an had yet to appear, Lieh Yuanchen felt a wave of anger!    


However, before he could complain about his father, he heard his mother say: "I have something that I have never told you..."    


Lieh Yuanchen's heart skipped a beat for no reason.    


Mia looked at Lieh Xiaoruan and her voice became very soft. At that moment, she seemed to be much younger. "Xiaoruan is not the child of Lieh Cheng'an and me. Her father is from Hua Country..."    


"What?!" Lieh Yuanchen was completely shocked.    


Mia, however, did not seem to notice it. She was still immersed in the memories of the past. "Xiaoruan, your father's surname is Gong and his name is Gong Ren Kun. He was the previous patriarch of Gong Family..."    


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