Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C382 China Is Still My World!

C382 China Is Still My World!

Lieh Yuanchen stayed in Country G for a week.    


His mother's funeral was very grand. However, when he stood in front of the tomb and looked at the green color in the distance, he suddenly felt a sense of melancholy.    


The funeral was for other people to watch. How many people actually remembered Mia?    


Her family treated her as a bargaining chip for marriage, her husband treated her as a partner for profit, and the guests here treated her as an occasional topic of conversation... Perhaps only he, and Lieh Xiaoruan who was crying beside him until her eyes were red and swollen, would be truly sad!    


He had yet to board the flight to Hua Country when he received a call from his secretary. "Chief Lie, something happened to the land in the southern part of Xiao City that we captured a few days ago!"    


Lieh Yuanchen's eyebrows twitched. "What happened?"    


Many families were competing for that piece of land. He also heard that Gong Lingye was also interested in that place.    


However, because Gong Lingye was saving Starry Night, he was unable to split up his financial resources in the end. That was why he endured the pain and gave up on that piece of land.    


He also suspected that there would be a problem with this piece of land. Otherwise, why would Gong Lingye stop? However, everything was seamless, so he had to eliminate his wariness.    


The secretary was still trembling with fear. "Just now, the government issued an approval. The archaeologists confirmed that there is an important tomb at the center of this piece of land. No buildings are allowed to be built..."    


Lieh Yuanchen's head exploded. If there were ancient books at the bottom, they would be expropriated for free. It was the property of the country.    


Even if the surrounding buildings could be built, it was not like he did not understand the customs of the Han people. How could they be willing to live around the cemetery?    


This piece of land, because the location was not bad, he originally planned to use the high-end community and the accompanying commercial district. He also planned to rely on it to recover the losses of the L Group back then.    


But now it seemed that not only could it not be salvaged, but it also could not be salvaged. Instead, because of it, the already weakened L Group instantly stood at the edge of the cliff!    


If it was not handled properly, the core of the group would also be shaken, and the consequences would be unpredictable!    


Sure enough, very soon, Lieh Cheng'an called. His voice was furious. "Lieh Yuanchen, get back here! Come to my office immediately and tell me that you are a trash!"    


Lieh Yuanchen curled his lips and his eyes turned red. "Okay."    


At the same time, in Gong Lingye's Heavenly Palace Group, after Gong Lingye heard Pei Jun's report, his fingers lightly tapped on the table. "The matter is already half done. Next, launch our new brand ahead of schedule, just one day before the L Corporation press conference."    


When Pei Jun heard this, he could not help but say, "President, the quality and price of our products are actually about the same as theirs..."    


Gong Lingye raised the corners of his lips. "Since they are all about the same, can we buy any family's products?"    


Pei Jun nodded. "That's why I don't quite understand."    


If something like that happened in the group, his business partner would know about it in the next two days. "At this time, we will introduce the same products as the L Corporation in advance. Everyone will understand the attitude of the Heavenly Palace Group toward the L Corporation." Gong Lingye narrowed his eyes. "Then, which side should we stand on? How can they not know?"    


Pei Jun instantly understood. "L Corporation is going down. We will directly show our attitude. Naturally, they will know how to choose."    


Gong Lingye nodded. "So there is one more thing we need to do, and that is to bring up the matter of Lieh Yuanchen dealing with Starry Night."    


Pei Jun's eyes immediately lit up. "If that is the case, I am afraid that no one will dare to continue working with L Group!"    


"At least that's the case in Hua Country." Gong Lingye's eyes darkened. "Since he dared to touch my things, he should know that this Hua Country is still under my control. He should pay the price!"    


Pei Jun trembled, but then he remembered that Starry Night had been severely injured to the point of bankruptcy. When Gong Lingye woke up, he didn't even frown when he heard it. Instead, he was busy getting married.    


Now, he wanted to force the L Group out of Hua Country. This difference wasn't just for Starry Night.    


It was rare for him to gossip. "President, you also want to take revenge for Miss He, right?"    


Gong Lingye nodded. "Of course. My sister cannot be bullied."    


When Pei Jun heard that, he could not help but blurt out, "Being your sister is so blissful!"    


When Gong Lingye heard that, he looked at Pei Jun with a smile that was not a smile. "Your tone is sour. Do you want to be my sister?"    


Pei Jun's expression changed greatly. "President, I am a straight man! A straight man made of steel!"    


Gong Lingye smiled. "Straight? I'll believe it if you find a woman to show me."    


Pei Jun was speechless.    


As a bachelor for ten thousand years, it was better for him to kneel down!    


Before Pei Jun left Gong Lingye's office, Soong Yiren called him.    


"Wife, you miss me?" Gong Lingye's eyes softened.    


Pei Jun fell silent and left.    


Soong Yiren said on the phone, "The old ghost found out that the thing started receiving Momo's data half a month ago. Calculating it, it was when Momo was in Ning Country."    


Gong Lingye replied, "En, is there a specific date?"    


"Located on the time Momo went to a bar. That day. Beiming Xiao was beside her." Soong Yiren told Gong Lingye about the situation she had asked Beiming Mo about that day and said, "But... If it was Beiming Xiao, what he did would be too obvious. First of all, He saw Momo and drank with her. He even sent Momo back to the hotel. Secondly, he saw Momo pick up Che's call. If it was him... Too much self-confession. "    


Gong Lingye obviously had the same doubts, so he asked, "Did you find out where the information was transmitted to?"    


"I also found this, it's a very ordinary transition station." Soong Yiren said, "The other party was clearly prepared. Even if we tracked it, it was only a few levels transition station. We could not find the source at all."    


"So now, we only have clues from the bar that day." Gong Lingye said, "I will contact Ning Country immediately to get the clues. I think Aa Mian will get the results in the next two days."    


At this moment, Aa Mian was in a basement in the Ning Country.    


The man in front of him had almost collapsed. He was not afraid of pain or death. However, this was the first time in his life that he had been tortured by such a harmless thing to the point that he almost went crazy.    


"Are you still not going to tell me?" Aa Mian asked expressionlessly.    


"I don't know anything..." That person was also a hard shell. Even though his nerves were about to be messed up, he still held onto that trace of clarity.    


These days, he could only eat a little bit of food every day. He was fed sleeping pills every day, but because his eyelids were glued, he could not sleep at all. It had already been a week. No matter how hard he was made of steel, he could not hold on at all!    


Everyday, he was hungry and sleepy. Every time he could not resist falling asleep, his eyelids would not close at all!    


He wanted to commit suicide, but his chin was usually removed. His hands and feet were tied, and there were people looking at him. There was no chance at all!    


He was really about to go crazy. If it wasn't for his only brother being held in his hands, he would have held on to his last bit of will. He was really going to say everything!    


Aa Mian carefully sized up the other party. After confirming that this person could last for another two days, he instructed his subordinates to keep an eye on him before walking out of the room.    


He took out his phone and unlocked it. There was a message that he had just received on the screen. It was from Wei Qianran.    


Wei Qianran said, "Mr Mian, I heard that you are in Ningcheng. I am also coincidentally there. I have a performance in Ningcheng's Grand Theater tonight. Can you come and cheer me on?"    


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