Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C381 The past

C381 The past

If Lieh Xiaoruan didn't know who Gong Ren Kun was, To Lieh Yuanchen, this name was like thunder in his ears!    


Gong Ren Kun was Gong Lingye's father, and also the man who brought the Gong Family to inherit the ancestral business and spread the family's reputation!    


Now, Mia actually said that Lieh Xiaoruan was Gong Ren Kun's child!    


Then, wouldn't Lieh Xiaoruan and Gong Lingye be siblings of the same father and different mother?!    


Lieh Xiaoruan was clearly a little stunned and held her mother's hand tightly. "Mia, what are you talking about? How can I be someone else's child?"    


Mia's lips were still smiling. "Lieh Cheng'an and I were originally married and we never had any relationship. I also always knew that he had many women. After I got pregnant with Yuanchen, in order to not make myself feel bad, I separated from him. "Until Yuanchen was born. He just came to see it once. "    


"Yuanchen slowly grew up. When he was four years old, Lieh Cheng'an took him over. I thought I would be like this for the rest of my life. "Until I met that man."    


He has the same skin as Lieh Cheng'an, but his personality is completely different. He doesn't remember his name. When I saw that he was injured, I let him heal in my manor. "    


While he was healing, we gradually became friends. He talked quite well, and often made me very happy "    


" At that time, he was in his forties, right? But he looked very young, as if he wasn't even in his thirties. " I gradually fell in love with him, and he also confessed to me, saying that he liked me. "    


"Although I know that I'm married, I shouldn't be with another man. But I really love him too much, and all my rationality is thrown to the back of my mind. " Also, on the day he confessed to me, I heard that the woman outside Lieh Cheng'an gave birth to a son for him. "    


"We were together. That year was the happiest day of my life!"    


"But one day, his family came to find him. It was also at that time that I found out that he had an accident and lost his memories. Furthermore, he already has a wife and child. His children are all waiting for him in Hua Country's home."    


"I don't want to be separated from him, but I also understand that his wife must be very sad, so..." Mia thought of this and tears rolled down her face. "He left. I let him leave because his brain was hit and there was blood clot. If I don't handle it, he might lose his sight."    


"Before he left, he held my hand and said that he would come and pick me up after the surgery. But, I finally did not wait..."    


"Because Yuanchen was always sick during that period of time, Lieh Cheng'an took me to his place. One time when we quarreled, he touched me. "It was also at that time that my stomach hurt a little and turned a little red. Only then did I know that I was already pregnant at that time. It was only a month."    


"After that, I gave birth to Xiaoruan. I wanted to wait for her father to come and see her. Actually, I no longer held onto hope because he had his family. " It was only because he forgot the past that he and I had such a year. "    


"Xiaoruan was born, and I almost bled to death, but in the end, I still didn't wait for him."    


"Later, when I went to Hua Country, I saw him coming out of the Heavenly Palace Group from afar." Mia finally cried, "I ran over but he could not remember me anymore!"    


"My bag fell on the ground. He helped me pick it up and said to me," Madam, are you alright? "Why are you crying?"    


" At that time, I knew that he was fine after the surgery, but he forgot about me... "    


The ward was filled with a strong sense of sadness. The woman who was lying on the hospital bed was obviously an experienced woman. However, at this moment, Lieh Yuanchen and Lieh Xiaoruan seemed to have seen the appearance of their mother when she was young.    


It was just like in the yellowed photo album at home. Youth, beauty, that kind of wholeheartedly devoted heart, like a young girl, it was the first time she fell in love with someone.    


"I don't blame him." Mia looked at the children in front of her, her eyes actually carrying expectation. "The people of China say that when people die, they will go to a place. I don't know if I will see him again..."    


Lieh Xiaoruan was already sobbing silently and Lieh Yuanchen also had an indescribable feeling in his heart.    


Back then, he had seen Gong Ren Kun's photo in his mother's photo album and every time he saw it, she would cry.    


Later on, he heard from somewhere that the man had bullied his mother.    


In addition, every time he mentioned the person in the photo, his mother's expression changed. He was certain of this statement.    


Therefore, Lieh Yuanchen came to Hua Country to expand his business and also to deal with Gong Ren Kun.    


However, Gong Ren Kun was dead, and Gong Lingye naturally had to bear the responsibility of repaying his father's debts!    


However, he never thought that this was the whole story!    


Looking at his mother's tears, Lieh Yuanchen felt indescribably sad.    


He had only lived with his father for two years when he was young. After that, he came out to live with his mother.    


In his impression, his mother was often depressed, but sometimes, she would laugh like a god.    


So that was the reason for everything!    


Furthermore, because the Gong Family knew about Mia's existence, Madam Gong, who was also Gong Lingye's mother, was not in a good health. Therefore, the matter was handled by the eldest daughter-in-law, which was also Gong Mochen's mother, Yue Wenqing.    


Therefore, Yue Wenqing had always known him and Lieh Xiaoruan, but Old Madame Gong did not know them.    


It was just that when Mia was pregnant with Lieh Xiaoruan, the moon was shallow. Therefore, the people of Gong Family did not know that Lieh Xiaoruan was also Gong Ren Kun's daughter!    


Everything was clear. Lieh Yuanchen did not know who he hated at all.    


Did he hate Gong Ren Kun for abandoning his mother?    


However, Gong Ren Kun had lost his memory back then. From his mother's memories, it could be seen that he was sincere towards his mother.    


Furthermore, if he did not forget this part of his past after the surgery, what would happen?    


Lieh Cheng'an and Mia had a commercial marriage alliance. It involved too many things. Would it be possible for them to get a divorce? Impossible.    


What about Gong Ren Kun? He had so many children, so how innocent was his wife?    


This matter, from beginning to end, was unsolvable. It only made him suddenly understand that a marriage without love was the tomb that destroyed everything!    


Mia said so much in one breath. Clearly, she could not hold on any longer.    


She was already at the end of her rope. At this moment, there was still one wish that she had yet to fulfill.    


She looked at her eldest son, her eyes filled with anxiety. "Yuanchen, although Xiaoruan is not the same father as you, she is also your biological sister. You have to take good care of her!"    


"Okay." Lieh Yuanchen agreed almost immediately. "She will always be my sister!"    


"Also, Xiaoruan should have a brother and sister. But if it is not convenient, don't admit it." Mia said.    


Lieh Yuanchen nodded. "I know what I am doing."    


Mia finally relaxed when she heard him. "Then I can go and see him without worry..."    


There were still tears on her face, but her eyes were calm and gentle.    


The corner of her lips slowly parted into a smile and then she completely closed her eyes.    


Outside, Lieh Cheng'an finally rushed over, and he even brought along the family and lawyers on both sides.    


Instantly, the ward was replaced by clamoring and crying, but that woman who had been sad all her life had already gone to the heaven she yearned for.    


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