Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C367 Revenge for Her!

C367 Revenge for Her!

In the end, Lieh Yuanchen didn't stay in the ward for long.    


Because he did not know how to face Hee Wanshuang.    


He came out of the ward and was about to go to Lieh Xiaoruan's place when he received a call from Ling Shaofeng. "Third Brother, we really wronged sister-in-law. We just found out that the person behind this was Le Haisheng."    


"Le Haisheng?" Obviously, Lieh Yuanchen did not know this woman at all, so he said, "Who is she? What is the purpose of doing all this?"    


"I think she is targeting Gong Lingye." "I just found out that Gong Lingye's men have already taken control of her," Ling Shaofeng said.    


"Where are they?" Lieh Yuanchen asked.    


"An underground factory, Gong Lingye's territory. It's surrounded by people. We can't get past them." Ling Shaofeng said.    


"Send me the location," Ling Shao Feng said. Lieh Yuanchen said.    


He hung up the phone and drove to the address given by Ling Shaofeng.    


At this moment, Gong Lingye had already arrived there.    


In the dimly lit basement, the woman was tied up in a rusty iron chair. Around her were rats and cockroaches.    


She had already fainted from fright and was woken up by the man's basin of ice water. Instantly, she screamed.    


At this moment, the door of the room opened, and Gong Lingye came in with a wild dog.    


The wild dog's eyes were filled with fierce light. Clearly, it was hungry and panicked. After entering, it went straight to those rats.    


There was a flight of stairs in the room. Gong Lingye walked up together with Aa Mian to the top of the stairs. His eyes were cold and indifferent as he looked at everything below.    


The wild dog had already caught two rats and was tearing them apart. The ground was a mess. Blood dripped onto the cement floor, attracting cockroaches and making rustling sounds.    


Le Haisheng had never seen such a scene before.    


She was so scared that tears flowed out crazily. She wanted to scream but was afraid of startling the wild dog, so she made him give up on catching the rats and instead went to bite her.    


She wanted to escape, but her hands and feet were firmly tied. She couldn't even move!    


In her despair and fear, she looked up at Gong Lingye, begging with her eyes. "Mr. Gong, please let me go! I don't know what I did wrong..."    


Gong Lingye's slender fingers lightly knocked on the railing in front of him, looking down at the woman below. His tone was light and casual, "It's okay if you don't know. Think slowly, I have patience!"    


Le Haisheng shook her head. She felt that the smell of blood around her was almost making her vomit. Her face was pale and she kept shaking her head. "I don't know!"    


Gong Lingye ignored her and started to talk with Aa Mian.    


At this time, the wild dog had eaten a few rats. The remaining rats had obviously learned how to run fast. It could not catch them at all.    


Obviously, after several failures, it was somewhat angry.    


It was not full. So, its eyes were still green. Then, it moved from the rats to Le Haisheng.    


She was so scared that she suddenly shivered. She wanted to retreat, but she could only stick close to the back of the iron chair.    


She knew that if she admitted to harming Hee Wanshuang, she would be very miserable. Moreover, Lieh Xiaoruan even fell into the water and did not know if she was dead or not.    


Whether she fell into Gong Lingye's hands or Lieh Yuanchen's, she was afraid that she would live a life worse than death.    


She could not think of it at all. That phone had been processed using software and there was no information about her at all. How could Gong Lingye find out that it was her?    


There was also an account that made a call. It wasn't from her either.    


At this moment, she was so regretful that her intestines were turning green. She finally understood why the people of Hua Country didn't dare to provoke Gong Lingye. It turned out that he really had extraordinary vision!    


Just as the wild dog was getting closer and closer, Le Haisheng finally could not control herself any longer. "Mr. Gong, I will speak!"    


Gong Lingye looked over casually.    


Le Haisheng said, "I recorded Hee Wanshuang's video and it was also by coincidence that I saw her and you..."    


Gong Lingye said to Aa Mian, who was beside him, "Aa Mian, let's go out and play ball."    


After saying that, he really stood up.    


Le Haisheng was shocked. Seeing that Gong Lingye was really going to leave, she quickly shouted to the two of them, "I was wrong. It was all planned by me!"    


Gong Lingye had already walked to the door.    


Le Haisheng shouted again, "Mr. Gong, I was wrong! I shouldn't have deliberately instigated the conflict between you and L Corporation! I also didn't expect that someone would fall into the water!"    


Gong Lingye turned his head and looked at her with his deep and clear eyes. "Why did you do that? I don't think Shuang or Lieh Yuanchen have anything to do with you."    


"Haha, why? It's all because of you!" She saw the wild dog drooling in front of her. Her voice was trembling. "Why am I like this now? I used to be the young lady of the Le family, and everyone held me up when they saw me! It was you who made me lose the chance to marry Mr Mochen! I had no choice but to marry him. I married an old man... I hate my current life! "    


"So, all of this has nothing to do with Shuang?" When Gong Lingye asked this, his tone became much more serious.    


"What does it have to do with her? It's all because of you! Because you treat her as your sister. I can't deal with you. " That's why I came to find her! " Le Haisheng saw that the wild dog was about to bite her, so she quickly screamed, "Quickly let me go! Please. Quickly let me go! It will bite me to death! I have said everything, quickly let me go!"    


Gong Lingye curled his lips, "Didn't you say that it is very painful now? Don't worry, it has the genes of a wolf. If it bites your throat directly, you won't have to suffer anymore. "    


It was rare for him to explain so much to her in a good mood. He didn't look into the room again, and opened the door to leave.    


Le Haisheng was shocked. She did not expect that even after she said everything, she still could not escape the fate of being bitten by wild dogs!    


"Gong Lingye! I have already confessed. Why did you not let me go?"    


"Gong Lingye, please! Quick!"    




Gong Lingye had already walked far away.    


He found it funny. When had he ever promised her that he would let her go after she confessed?    


He rubbed the space between his eyebrows, thinking that he should have calmed down after he was with Soong Yiren, so this kind of small fry dared to come out and shout.    


It seemed like it was time to do something!    


Gong Lingye had just walked to the ground when he heard a report, "Prince, Lieh Yuanchen came. He said he wants to see Le Haisheng."    


Gong Lingye raised his eyebrows. "Tell him to go in half an hour later." He deliberately released the news about Le Haisheng to see what Lieh Yuanchen would do.    


Lieh Yuanchen went in half an hour later. The room was a mess.    


He looked at the woman who was almost dead. He felt a chill on his back.    


Gong Lingye actually knew...    


So, what he told him in the hospital was that he was serious about going to war with L Corporation?    


He suddenly understood why Hee Wanshuang liked Gong Lingye.    


For the sake of his brother's sister, Gong Lingye could actually do this. Even if he did not have love for her in his heart, which woman would not be like a moth drawn to the flame because of such insolent and unscrupulous pampering?    


Lieh Yuanchen looked at Le Haisheng who was on the ground again. He bent down and took out a dagger...    


The moment the woman stopped breathing, he thought that he had avenged his wife.    


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