Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C369 She Was Drinking with Another Man!

C369 She Was Drinking with Another Man!

Both of them had just eaten. When Beiming Xiao's manager saw Beiming Mo, his eyes went wide.    


However, Beiming Xiao immediately chased her away and brought Beiming Mo to a nearby bar.    


The two of them sat down and ordered some soft drinks. As they were chatting, Beiming Qiao called over.    


Beiming Mo answered, "Dad."    


Beiming Qiao said, "Momo, are you still outside?"    


"Yes!" Beiming Mo said, [I happened to meet Mr Xiao who came to China to film. We are both at the bar!]    


When Beiming Qiao heard that Beiming Xiao was also there, he suddenly remembered the genetic assessment report.    


On it, it clearly stated that he and Beiming Xiao did not have any relatives!    


Hence, Beiming Mo and Beiming Xiao were not related by blood.    


Thinking of this, Beiming Qiao frowned deeply, but he could not remind her too clearly, "Girl, go back to the hotel early at night. Don't play too late!"    


"Okay, dad!" Beiming Mo smiled.    


They chatted for a while longer before hanging up.    


Beiming Xiao took out his phone. "My most beautiful and talented sister, let's get some hot air!"    


Beiming Mo rolled her eyes at him.    


He did not care. He picked up his phone and put one hand on Beiming Mo's shoulder. He took a selfie and posted it on Weibo. "We met Sabrina when we were filming. Let's drink together! @ Sabrina. "    


Sure enough, after sending the post, the number of comments increased very quickly. It was more useful than anything else he had before. There were also many people in the comments section asking him where he was filming. Obviously, those were Beiming Mo's fans and they purely wanted to see the goddess.    


Beiming Mo saw this and smiled helplessly. "Alright, seeing how pitiful you are, let me help you forward it!"    


As she spoke, she took her phone and reposted Beiming Xiao's Weibo. "Brother, this meal is on you!"    


However, not long after she posted on her Weibo, Xuanyuan Che called.    


Beiming Mo looked at her phone and hesitated for a few seconds.    


Beiming Xiao asked from the side, "A man?"    


"Yes, sir." Beiming Mo picked up her phone and answered, "Hello."    


"Momo, are you at the bar?" Xuanyuan Che asked.    


"Yes." Beiming Mo said casually.    


"You don't drink well. Don't drink." Xuanyuan Che knew Beiming Xiao was Beiming Mo's Second Elder Brother, but he was a man after all. He didn't like the feeling of losing control.    


"Sure." Although she agreed, her tone was still slow, as if she ignored his words.    


He could not help but think of the way she was drunk every time. It was as if there were insects gnawing at his heart. "Momo, I am serious. You are a girl. You have to learn to protect yourself. "    


Beiming Mo felt that it was fun. This man could actually become an old mother. She asked him, "What is your name?"    


Xuanyuan Che felt a loud bang in his head. "You don't even know who I am?"    


Beiming Mo raised her eyebrows. She knew that he thought she drank too much. She asked, "What exactly is her name?"    


He said, "Xuan, Yuan, Che!"    


Beiming Mo pretended to be puzzled. "Eh, why is the screen displaying Che Yuanxuan?"    


Xuanyuan Che,... ""    


The next second, he heard a beeping sound.    


He was so angry that his temples were jumping. She had drunk too much and was with another man. She even hung up on him!    


He made another call and the phone rang twice. It was immediately cut off!    


In the bar, Beiming Mo looked at the phone that was automatically turned off and had an innocent look on her face. This had nothing to do with her!    


That night, Beiming Xiao sent Beiming Mo back to the hotel and directly left.    


Beiming Mo took a shower and came out to charge the phone. She received an unfamiliar phone call.    


Actually, she did not really want to answer it. However, she accidentally answered it. She heard a synthetic male voice inside, "Beiming Mo."    


Beiming Mo's breathing paused and became alert, "Who are you?"    


"Who I am is not important." That person said, "You only need to know that you better break off with that man called Xuanyuan Che! " Otherwise, the consequences will be unbearable for you! "    


Beiming Mo was shocked. Her hair stood on end.    


She and Xuanyuan Che were... Did someone know about their conversation today, or did they already know that there was something fishy going on between her and Xuanyuan Che?    


And today, Xuanyuan Che called. Beiming Xiao was opposite her. Could it be him?    


However, just as this thought popped up in her mind, it was slapped back by Beiming Mo. If it was him, wouldn't it be too much of a confession without beating himself up?    


"Remember?" That person sneered. "If you don't want someone close to you to die, then remember what I said!"    


"Who exactly are you, and what do you want to do?!" Before Beiming Mo could finish speaking, the phone on the other side of the line was cut off.    


On the screen of the phone, there were only the words' private number '.    


Her breathing was still not calm, so she immediately contacted Soong Yiren and asked Soong Yiren to ask Gong Lingye to help investigate who exactly the person on the phone was.    


However, in order to not let Soong Yiren worry, she only said that it was a harassing call.    


Hee Wanshuang stayed in the hospital for three days and finally completely recovered from her fever and could be discharged from the hospital.    


On the day she was discharged from the hospital, the police station informed her to go and sign the case.    


On that day, Gong Lingye still had some matters to deal with, so it was Pei Jun and her parents who accompanied Hee Wanshuang over.    


The day before, Pei Jun came over and played the conversation between Gong Lingye and Le Haisheng for her. She was in a trance for a while when she heard it, but her mood still did not seem to get out of the mud.    


On the way today, Pei Jun had shown her the psychological treatment plan. She also agreed and said that she would fully cooperate with the treatment.    


After signing in the office, Hee Wanshuang was just about to come out when she bumped into a tall figure. And... The girl beside him.    


Lieh Yuanchen was also informed to come and sign today. Originally, Lieh Xiaoruan did not need to come, but she did not like the environment of the hospital. So, after her health recovered a little, she followed her brother out to breathe.    


Their eyes met in the air and Lieh Yuanchen clearly paused. Then, he took a step forward, "Shuang -"    


Hee Wanshuang did not look at him. She lowered her head and pinched her bag, as if his call just now had given the air.    


Beside her, Hee's father had already taken a step forward and said, "Lieh Yuanchen, I have something to say to you!"    


Lieh Yuanchen immediately understood that the other party was probably going to tell him about the divorce, so he instinctively said, "Dad, I still have to go and sign first."    


"We are waiting for you!" Hee's father had obviously made up his mind. Hee's mother walked in front of Hee Wanshuang and firmly protected her behind her.    


Lieh Yuanchen's breathing paused and he opened his mouth to speak. "Alright, wait for me for a while."    


He walked in to sign and Lieh Xiaoruan hesitated by the side but still shouted at Hee Wanshuang, "Sister-in-law."    


Hee Wanshuang slowly looked up and her eyes were empty.    


Lieh Xiaoruan was stabbed by her empty hole and she pursed her lips, "Sister-in-law, it was my brother and I who misunderstood you."    


Hee Wanshuang still did not have any expression and words that did not have any warmth came out from her throat, "En."    


Lieh Xiaoruan had never been soft with anyone before. So, even though she wanted to apologize for her brother, she did not know how to say it.    


Behind him, Lieh Yuanchen had already come out. He looked at Hee's father and Hee's mother and said, "Dad, Mom, I want to talk to Wanshuang alone."    


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