Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C357 All the Evidence Pointed to Her

C357 All the Evidence Pointed to Her

At this moment, someone pointed at Hee Wanshuang and said, "I just saw you push that girl down?"    


"I didn't push her!" Hee Wanshuang became anxious. "Quickly save her!"    


"We called the police. The police will be here soon!" Someone said.    


Sure enough, not long after, the police came. Someone immediately went into the water to save him. The other two people came in front of Hee Wanshuang and said, "Miss, we received a report. Several witnesses saw it. It was you who pushed that Miss into the water."    


Hee Wanshuang's heart turned cold and she shook her head. "I did not! She fell down by herself when she pulled me!"    


"We still need to verify the specific situation, but Miss, you need to come with us to the police station."    


Hee Wanshuang had never encountered such a thing before. Her breathing was trembling, "I really did not..."    


"Do you have it? We will investigate." As the policeman spoke, he instructed one person to take Hee Wanshuang away first. Along with a few witnesses, they also got into the police car. The rest of the people stayed behind to save her.    


More and more people gathered around. Even some of the people who rushed over also braved the cold and went into the water to salvage her.    


However, even when night fell, they did not find Lieh Xiaoruan at all.    


At this moment, Hee Wanshuang finished her statement and the police also called Lieh Yuanchen. But because of his business trip, his phone had been switched off.    


Hee Wanshuang was alone in the interrogation room. Facing the cold wall, she did not have any communication tools on her. She only felt as if she was in an extremely dark world. That world was eroding her bit by bit and swallowing her.    


When she was young, some memories came screaming. Her brother's death and the blood soaked her clothes. After a long time, she sealed herself in her own world and did not communicate with anyone.    


She locked herself in a small room. That day, there was a power outage at home. Her parents did not go home because of social gatherings, so she stayed alone in that darkness for a night.    


Since then, she was afraid of the darkness but also of the light. She liked to be alone quietly, but when she was alone, she felt like she was suffocating to death.    


She didn't know either. She didn't know if it was because the heating temperature was not high enough here, but she felt that it was very cold.    


Inexplicably, she thought of Lieh Yuanchen's embrace last night. It was wide and warm.    


However, Lieh Xiaoruan did not know how it was. She asked people but no one told her.    


Actually, she did not hate Lieh Xiaoruan. Instead, she felt that this girl usually looked arrogant. In front of her family, she was pure and spoiled. She was a pretty cute girl.    


Although they usually did not interact much, they could still feel Lieh Xiaoruan's goodwill towards her. No matter what the reason was, she did not want anything to happen to Lieh Xiaoruan.    


Lieh Yuanchen found out about his sister's accident around two o'clock at night. He had just walked out of the airport when he received an unfamiliar call. The man inside said, "Hello, is this Miss Lieh Xiaoruan's family?"    


His heart thumped. "I am her brother. What happened to my sister?"    


The man on the other side said, "We are the Southern City District Police. Sister Ling went missing after falling into the Imperial City River. There are witnesses who suspect that she was pushed into the water due to a dispute with her wife. However, there is no concrete evidence, so they called to ask you to come to the Southern City Police Station to assist in the investigation..."    


Lieh Yuanchen felt a loud bang in his head, but he had not lost his composure yet. He said, "My sister has not been found yet?"    


"Yes, we are trying our best to salvage her." The other party said.    


"What's the location where she fell into the water?" When Lieh Yuanchen asked, his voice was trembling.    


"At the bridge pier near Yellow Garden Road near the Imperial City River." The other party said.    


"I'm at the airport. I'll be right back." Lieh Yuanchen said, "Please help me save my sister!"    


"Protecting every citizen is our fault."    


After hanging up the phone, Lieh Yuanchen walked quickly to Beiming Mo's side. "Sabrina, I have something urgent at home. I have to go back immediately. I will give you the official seal and documents. " You're the full representative! "    


Beiming Mo saw that he was anxious and could not help but ask, "Did something happen?"    


"It's nothing." Lieh Yuanchen quickly passed the things to Beiming Mo and turned around to leave.    


As he walked, "Shao Feng, Xiaoruan fell into the water! Immediately arrange for everyone to salvage the water at all costs! "    


When Ling Shaofeng heard the news, he was shocked, but he did not have the time to ask about the sequence of events. He immediately said, "Okay, I will arrange it right away!"    


Lieh Yuanchen bought the nearest flight and flew straight to Imperial City.    


However, when he was waiting for the flight, every phone call he received was the same bad news. "We haven't found the young lady yet!"    


Lieh Yuanchen's heart became more and more anxious. He felt that every minute and every second he waited was torture to him.    


Until he finally arrived at Imperial City at seven o'clock in the morning.    


As soon as the plane landed, he immediately started the plane.    


Ling Shaofeng's voice was a little hoarse. "Third Brother, we haven't found him yet."    


Lieh Yuanchen felt a strong panic in the depths of his heart. He said, "Did you find anything on the case?"    


"Yes, I did." Ling Shaofeng was obviously hesitant, and his tone became cautious.    


"Tell me!" The passengers around him jumped to their feet.    


"Third Brother, the police here have moved the location of the accident and the cameras near your home. He took a deep breath and seemed to have made up his mind. "Found sister-in-law kissing a man suspected to be Gong Lingye on the street. After that, Xiaoruan did not know why. She went to the bridge pier. Then, just as sister-in-law was about to continue a date with that man, Xiaoruan found out. After Gong Lingye left, Xiaoruan and sister-in-law had an argument at the bridge pier. "    


Lieh Yuanchen's hand, which was holding the phone, was so hard that the veins on it bulged. His voice was cold and bloodthirsty. "Continue."    


"The camera is not that clear. We can only see sister-in-law and Xiaoruan pulling on the bridge. After that, Xiaoruan fell into the water." Ling Shaofeng carefully said, "But it does not prove that sister-in-law pushed Xiaoruan..."    


As he finished speaking, his voice became softer and softer.    


Lieh Yuanchen's eyes, however, turned scarlet. "That woman!"    


Many scenes involuntarily surfaced in his mind.    


The first time she picked up Hee Wanshuang on the street, she treated him as Gong Lingye. That deep infatuation towards a man who suppressed pain in his eyes moved him.    


The second time was when he picked her up. She knew that he was not that man, but she still made a dream for herself and even gave her body to him! Hehe, just how much love was there for her to give her precious first time to a substitute!    


Lieh Yuanchen only felt that his chest was interwoven with raging flames. Worry, fear, disappointment, anger. All of his emotions, for Lieh Xiaoruan and for Hee Wanshuang, were interwoven together and almost burned him to ashes!    


He came out of the airport and went straight to the bridge of the Imperial City.    


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