Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C327 Announce Marriage to the Whole World!

C327 Announce Marriage to the Whole World!

A moment later, Soong Yiren logged into her millions of fans' Weibo and forwarded Gong Lingye's Weibo.    


Warm Light was slightly tipsy V. "Hubby, happy wedding! Love you @ Gong Lingye."    


After the two of them posted on Weibo for a few minutes, the Internet suddenly exploded.    


Countless people left comments below: "D * mn, what's going on?"    


"Ah, are you really Gong Lingye? "Oh my god, I actually saw the pictures of the real Gong Lingye!"    


"This is simply the legendary handsome man who can't even close his legs! I've saved the photo. How can a girl's profile picture be replaced by mine using AI technology? " Wait online, hurry... "    


"Brothers and sisters, I found a financial report, and this is the picture of Gong Lingye! " So it really was me who posted it! "    


"So I'm not sleepwalking? Then I must have clicked on Weibo in the wrong way!"    


"I quit Weibo and came in again. Why hasn't my Prince Charming's Marriage Weibo disappeared yet?"    


"Ah, my goddess married my Prince Charming! Am I dreaming?"    


"Oh my god, while I'm still alive, I saw my Prince Charming post on his personal Weibo. It was an official declaration of marriage!"    


"So, they really got married? " Why can't I recover my energy? "    


Gong Lingye's business partners were much more sensitive than the onlookers.    


"Congratulations, Mr. Gong and Madam Gong. Happy newlyweds! "It's been a hundred years!"    


"Congratulations, Director Gong and Madam!"    


As more and more people found out about Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren's Weibo posts, the official Weibo server could not take it anymore and almost collapsed.    


When it recovered again, the audience came again and kept scrolling through the comments. "So, this is true?"    


"My prince charming is married. Should I congratulate him? "Wuuuu, why do you want to cry? No, I should still be happy. "Because I've been worrying about how my Prince Charming won't get married..."    


"On behalf of the tens of millions of otakus, I express that my heart has been broken today! Goddess, you must be happy! "    


"Could it be that I'm the only one who hasn't digested this news? Why do I feel that my Prince Charming will always be at the top of the snow mountain? He won't descend to the mortal world for anyone?"    


Countless netizens were in an uproar. The person involved had already driven to the entrance of the Gong's Mansion.    


To be honest, it was a lie to say that he wasn't nervous. After all, Soong Yiren had come to Gong Family as Gong Mochen's girlfriend.    


Now, she had become Gong Lingye's wife without any buffer. Soong Yiren did not know how she would react to Old Madame Gong.    


After parking the car, Gong Lingye held Soong Yiren's hand. He knew that she was nervous, so he held her tightly and led her into the car.    


The maid had seen Soong Yiren before, but when she saw Gong Lingye holding Soong Yiren's hand, she was instantly shocked.    


He hurriedly bowed to Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren, then quickly welcomed the two of them in and said, "Old lady, young master is back!"    


Old Madame Gong just happened to take an afternoon nap and was drinking tea in the living room while teasing her granddaughter. When she heard the commotion, she lifted her eyes.    


Gong Lingye brought Soong Yiren to the entrance and changed her shoes before walking in.    


"Mom." Gong Lingye called Old Madame Gong and then pulled Soong Yiren and formally introduced, "Mom, I brought Nuan back to see you. I am married to her."    


Old Madame Gong thought that she had misheard but when she looked closely at her son and saw that he was indeed holding Soong Yiren's hand, she was a little stunned. "Lingye, isn't Ruonuan Mochen's girlfriend?"    


Soong Yiren instantly felt a little awkward but Gong Lingye directly pulled her and walked closer to Old Madame Gong and said, "Lingye, isn't Ruonuan the girlfriend of Mochen?" Mother, I'm sorry. Actually, I have been hiding it from you. I have been with Warmth for half a year. The matter between her and Mochen previously was just to deal with her family. The matter is more complicated. I will explain it to you in the future."    


Old Madame Gong was still in shock. Soong Yiren took a deep breath and smiled sweetly at her, "Mom, it is indeed as Lingye said. We were actually together a long time ago. It was only because of some reasons that I did not tell you. I am sorry."    


It was only then that Old Madame Gong realized that the two of them were not joking.    


She was a little angry, a little happy, and even a little gratified.    


After all, her son had never had a girlfriend and had finally brought a girl back. As a mother, how could she not be happy?    


But when she thought of the relationship between Soong Yiren and Gong Lingye, she was a little worried. She was worried that Gong Lingye was bewitched by Soong Yiren's beauty, so he would do something impulsive.    


After all, Old Madame Gong was a traditional woman. Regardless of whether Soong Yiren and Gong Mochen were really just playing, since she had been with Gong Mochen before, she found it hard to accept.    


Just as she was feeling complicated, she heard footsteps coming from the stairs.    


Yue Wenqing slowly walked down the stairs. When she saw Soong Yiren, her heart suddenly lit up. But then she saw Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren holding hands.    


She narrowed her eyes and found that the two of them were really holding hands between lovers. She felt as if her head had been hit by something.    


Even the pace of going downstairs became faster. Yue Wenqing walked to Old Madame Gong's side and said, "Mom, Lingye, this is..."    


Old Madame Gong did not express her stance but Gong Lingye opened his mouth, "Sister-in-law, I am married. This is my wife Yu Ruonuan."    


"Marry?!" Yue Wenqing looked at Gong Lingye in shock and almost blurted out: "Lingye, I don't think this joke is very nice."    


Gong Lingye directly took out his marriage certificate. "We went to get our marriage certificate today. Warmth and I really love each other. There is no other reason for us to get married."    


Yue Wenqing looked at the marriage certificate and suddenly felt a wave of anger that she had been deceived. "Are you worthy of Mochen by doing this?"    


"The matter between me and warmth has nothing to do with Mochen." As Gong Lingye spoke, he stretched out his arm and hugged Soong Yiren. With a protective posture, he said, "Besides, Mochen already knew that Nuan was my girlfriend half a year ago."    


Yue Wenqing's face was filled with disbelief. But immediately after, she thought of something and sneered, "Lingye, I clearly remember that Miss Yu had always chased after us, Mochen. At that time, when you met her, you didn't even greet her! At that time, how was she your girlfriend?"    


Hearing her say this, Old Madame Gong also reacted and frowned, "Lingye, what is going on?"    


Soong Yiren was already somewhat embarrassed at this moment. Gong Lingye whispered to her, "Nuan, it's fine."    


After saying that, he opened his mouth and said, "Mom, sister-in-law, I am warm together with you. It is both of us who are willing and after careful consideration. As for Mochen, when he comes back from work, you can ask him. Look at him. I don't know.    


When Gong Lingye said this, he brought Soong Yiren to sit down and poured her a cup of water. He then said to Old Madame Gong, "Mom, Warm and I have something to say to you in private."    


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