Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C329 Mo Chen Call Me Aunt Ye

C329 Mo Chen Call Me Aunt Ye

At this moment, time seemed to have stopped for a few seconds.    


After that, Gong Lingye held Soong Yiren's hand and walked straight to Gong Mochen. "Mochen, I will bring your aunt back to take a look."    




When Gong Mochen heard this, he felt like his breath was stuck in his chest. He could not go up or down.    


He tried his best to take a deep breath, and only then did his breathing become slightly smoother.    


"You guys are married?" He looked at Soong Yiren and asked.    


Soong Yiren nodded. "Yes, we just got the certificate today."    


He wanted to congratulate her. But he could not say it out loud. He just looked at Soong Yiren and only asked after a long time, "You know everything, right? Won't you regret it?"    


Even if that man's life might not be long, would he still not hesitate?    


Soong Yiren leaned on Gong Lingye's arm and shook her head at Gong Mochen. "I do not regret it! I feel very happy!"    


When Gong Lingye heard her, he lowered his head and planted a kiss on her forehead.    


Gong Mochen's hand suddenly tightened. After a long time, he nodded. "Okay, I understand."    


After he finished speaking, he turned around and left.    


He walked into the room and Yue Wenqing had already walked over. "Mochen, you saw them?"    


Gong Mochen nodded. His heart was dejected and he almost did not want to speak.    


Yue Wenqing saw that he was silent and could not help but ask, "Did you, uncle, steal your girlfriend?"    


Gong Mochen thought of Soong Yiren saying 'I don't regret' just now and could not help but reveal a smile at the corner of his mouth as if he was mocking himself, "Mom, she has never been my girlfriend."    


From the beginning, Soong Yiren had said that she was with him for the sake of cooperation, because she needed the identity of his girlfriend.    


So, she probably never liked him from the beginning to the end, right?    


"She has already married uncle. In the future, don't mention that she is my girlfriend anymore." After saying that, Gong Mochen directly walked to his own room.    


Currently, he had the absolute control of the Heavenly Palace Group. Gong Lingye had helped him to the position that everyone looked up to, but he was not happy at all.    


The position he sat on was given to him. The woman he liked had already been married to someone else...    


At this moment, Gong Lingye had already brought Soong Yiren to Phoenix City.    


Although it was not Soong Yiren's first time here, it was her first time here as Gong Lingye's wife.    


On both sides of the main hall of Phoenix City, the senior executives in suits were already standing on both sides. When they saw the two of them, everyone bowed respectfully at the same time. "Greetings, Director Gong! Greetings, Madam!"    


Gong Lingye held Soong Yiren's hand and walked to the center of everyone. He stopped and said in a low voice, "Everyone knows. She is my wife, Yu Ruonuan. In the future, when you see her, it will be the same as seeing me! Her orders are also my orders!"    


When everyone heard that, they quickly replied, "Yes! Director Gong!"    


Gong Lingye's gaze fell on the current Phoenix City's General Manager and said, "Go upstairs and go to the office to look at the financial report."    


The manager quickly nodded and said to the two, "Director Gong, madam, please!"    


Soong Yiren followed the two to the office. The general manager had already taken out the report and had the staff in charge of finance to make a summary and report.    


Soong Yiren listened the entire time. She directly asked about things that she did not know.    


Although she did not understand the twists and turns in this, after all, her own experience was there and the questions that she raised were quite sensitive. Something about feeling.    


Instantly, the impression that the General Manager had of her deepened a little. As expected, although the woman that Gong Lingye took a fancy to looked very young, she was not just a flower vase with her outer appearance.    


These people actually used their eyes as their sense of smell to do things. So, looking at Gong Lingye's attitude towards Soong Yiren, and how many bowls of ink Soong Yiren had in her stomach, it could affect their attitude towards Soong Yiren.    


Gong Lingye naturally knew this well. So, after the report from the general manager ended, he directly opened his mouth and said: "My wife likes the Thai food here. Ask the chef to prepare it. We are going to eat in the private room upstairs. " Oh right, she likes to drink the fragrant Maocao juice, but don't add sugar. Tell the kitchen. "    


When the manager heard that his boss remembered the details of his wife's taste so seriously, he immediately thought that he must let his subordinate know that his wife's orders were indeed the same as his boss's orders. He must strictly follow them!    


It was still that familiar private room. Soong Yiren suddenly remembered the scene when Gong Lingye brought her here for the first time half a year ago.    


At that time, she was still very wary of him. Even when she saw that his hair was small, her grudge against him did not diminish.    


Later, when he kissed her in the bathroom, she did not resist at first, but when she heard that Gong Mochen was coming, she immediately became anxious and bit him.    


That time, he was very angry. After that, they did not contact each other for a long time. Until they met in Ningcheng...    


Thinking back to the past, she felt that sometimes people's feelings were really magical. At that time, she would never think that there would be a day when she would fall in love with this man who 'forced' her to marry him so willingly.    


Gong Lingye saw Soong Yiren looking at the 270 degrees floor-to-ceiling window, so he pulled her to sit down and held her in his arms. "Are you thinking about what it looked like when you first came here?"    


She nodded. "Yes! At that time, she felt that this place was very beautiful. At that time, I thought that you really knew how to enjoy it! "    


Gong Lingye smiled. He hugged her and leaned against the sofa, looking at the night sky outside. "At that time, I only thought that you were not bad, so I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. " It would be good if you could last for a long time, but if you couldn't, then we would be separated again. "    


In the past, he had never felt that every moment of being together was precious. Now, it seemed that it would have been great if he had known earlier!    


Soong Yiren smiled, "Then can this be considered as free love and marriage?"    


Gong Lingye raised his eyebrows. "Didn't you say that I forced you?"    


Soong Yiren blinked. "I think so. At that time, you threatened me that if I don't break up with Mochen, I will announce what he can't do!"    


Gong Lingye also smiled and said casually. "I don't know if Mochen's problem has been cured," Gong Lingye said.    


Soong Yiren did not realize that this was a trap. She nodded. "It has been cured for a few months. I..."    


When she said this, she suddenly realized something and quickly stopped.    


However, a certain person had already approached in a very dangerous manner, "Nuan, how did you know? Hmm?"    


Soong Yiren immediately jumped down from the sofa. "I don't know! I don't know anything!"    


"It's too late." Gong Lingye said and chased after them.    


Soong Yiren panicked and ran away. In the end, she was blocked by Gong Lingye in the bathroom.    


He hugged her from behind. "Nuan, did he tell you or did you discover it yourself?"    


Soong Yiren twisted her body but was unable to twist it out. She could only say pitifully, "He said it."    


"Really?" He looked into her eyes from the mirror. "Baby, once you lie, you don't dare to look at me."    


Soong Yiren completely surrendered and said weakly, "I found out..."    


She could only tell him that she accidentally found Gong Mochen's tent.    


Gong Lingye said, "Wife, I am jealous."    


After saying that, he pressed her against the door and lowered his head to kiss her.    


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