Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C320 Let's Get a Divorce!

C320 Let's Get a Divorce!

Pei Jun's phone was quickly picked up, but no one answered after the ringing.    


What Soong Yiren did not know was that Pei Jun was currently locked in a room.    


In the room, good wine, good meat, and good tea. Unfortunately, he was unable to leave.    


He also did not expect that when Lieh Yuanchen asked him out to meet, he would actually force him. He really didn't know that Imperial City was also under the feet of the Son of Heaven.    


It was precisely because Lieh Yuanchen didn't play by common sense that Pei Jun was really put under house arrest. After he confiscated all the communication equipment, he had basically greeted all three generations of Lieh Yuanchen's ancestors.    


Two days ago, in the evening, Lieh Yuanchen had just left the hospital.    


He was driving. The passenger seat was Lieh Xiaoruan, and the seat next to her was Hee Wanshuang.    


The three of them did not speak. The atmosphere in the car was so oppressive that it almost froze.    


When they reached the underground parking lot, Lieh Xiaoruan got down from the front passenger seat first. She carried her bag and was about to support Hee Wanshuang who was in the back seat when Lieh Yuanchen shouted at her. "Xiaoruan, don't worry about her. Isn't she capable? Does she still need someone to support her?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan was silent. Seeing that there was a bag in the back, she hesitated for a moment and helped Hee Wanshuang carry it.    


"Thank you." Hee Wanshuang said and got out of the car.    


Her stomach still hurt a little and her steps were a little soft. When she walked behind the siblings, she was left behind by them.    


Her empty hand unconsciously returned to her lower abdomen.    


There was once a small life that had stopped there, but now, it had already left her.    


At that time, when she was sent to the hospital and pushed into the operating theater, the baby had already left the mother's body.    


He was just a tiny germ. Other than when her appetite was not good and her mind was not good, she could not feel his existence, but she was caught off guard and left her.    


In the beginning, she did not want him. But it was really gone. Her heart seemed to be blocked by something heavy, and she couldn't breathe. She was so sad that she wanted to cry.    


She saw that Lieh Yuanchen and Lieh Xiaoruan had already walked to the elevator door. Hee Wanshuang suddenly did not know what she followed there for.    


The reason why she married Lieh Yuanchen was because of the child in her womb. Then, the child was gone. Between them... What else is there to do...    


Hee Wanshuang clenched her fists and made a decision in her heart.    


She should correct this wrong past.    


Just as she was about to rush over to Lieh Yuanchen to propose a divorce, she suddenly felt a shadow in front of her.    


The man's eyes were still filled with anger, and his voice was filled with anger. "Do you want me to carry the sedan chair and wait for you to go back?"    


Hee Wanshuang's body unconsciously shrank back. She had just given birth and even the color of her lips was very light. She met the man's eyes. Her voice was not loud. "No need. I think I don't need to go up."    


Lieh Yuanchen narrowed his eyes. The invisible pressure around him was like the dark clouds in the sky. He attacked Hee Wanshuang. "What do you mean?"    


"Let's divorce." Hee Wanshuang tried her best to withstand all the pressure. She looked at Lieh Yuanchen. "There is no longer any bond between us."    


A few seconds later, when Hee Wanshuang thought that Lieh Yuanchen would ignore her, he smiled but his expression became more and more shocked. "Hee Wanshuang, you killed my child and have not paid the debt. Do you think I will let you go so easily? Divorce, don't even think about it!"    


Hee Wanshuang's body trembled.    


"If you don't want to go home, fine. Then scram and meet your Gong Lingye!" Lieh Yuanchen left these words behind and strode away.    


Hee Wanshuang stood where she was and did not move.    


On the other side, Lieh Xiaoruan saw Lieh Yuanchen coming alone and could not help but ask, "Where is sister-in-law?"    


"She has already left." After saying that, Lieh Yuanchen walked into the elevator and pressed the button to close the door.    


The two of them went upstairs. Lieh Xiaoruan saw that Lieh Yuanchen really locked the door and could not help but say, "Brother, Will anything happen if you lock her outside alone?"    


"What happened to a living person like her?" Lieh Yuanchen was not in a good mood. "Now there is no child to throw at her again."    


"Brother, I see that you rarely get so angry!" Lieh Xiaoruan raised her hand and placed it on Lieh Yuanchen's shoulder. "Sister-in-law didn't fall on purpose. The child can be reborn without it..."    


"She didn't do it on purpose?" Lieh Yuanchen threw his coat away. "If she didn't do it for that -"    


He suddenly stopped talking.    


Lieh Xiaoruan did not wait for him to continue. She raised her eyebrows and got closer. "Brother, why didn't you say anything?"    


"Nothing." Lieh Yuanchen took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart. His voice had already calmed down. "Xiaoruan, I will be very busy starting tomorrow."    


"Brother, you were hiding something from me just now." Lieh Xiaoruan did not know that Hee Wanshuang liked Gong Lingye. Seeing that Lieh Yuanchen was so angry, she could not help but raise her eyebrows. "Could it be that she secretly saw her ex-boyfriend behind your back and then fell and had an abortion on the road?"    


Lieh Yuanchen said, "Xiaoruan, you don't have dinner tonight."    


Downstairs, Hee Wanshuang slowly walked out of the underground garage.    


Her bag had just been taken away by Lieh Xiaoruan. There was nothing on her body now.    


It was very cold outside. She was wrapped in a down jacket.    


Maybe it was because she had just given birth? She felt that the spring wind was still so bone-piercing that it almost penetrated her.    


In her lower abdomen. There was still pain. She walked forward step by step. For a moment, she didn't know where to go.    


She clearly wanted to see Gong Lingye earlier. However, for some reason, after the baby was gone, she suddenly felt disheartened and did not want to see anyone anymore.    


At this moment, she only wanted to hide by herself.    


Hee Wanshuang came out of the neighborhood because she did not have a phone and did not have any money on her. So, she could only walk along the road.    


Maybe because she didn't feel well after giving birth, she lost all her strength after walking for half an hour.    


Hee Wanshuang saw a bench by the roadside and walked over to sit down. Her abdomen seemed to have lead in it. It was swollen and painful and she could not move at all.    


How could she go back and explain it to her mother?    


Lieh Yuanchen had said that he would not divorce her because she had not paid her debts. Then, could she really only torture each other with him?    


Night fell bit by bit. Hee Wanshuang's body gradually froze. Towards the end, she could not even feel the numbness in her abdomen. She really could not move.    


In the Imperial City L Corporation building, Lieh Yuanchen was in his office.    


He picked up the phone immediately when he heard the phone ring.    


After listening to what was said, he had a lot of eyes. A bit of ruthlessness: "Right, suppress it immediately! That project will make the Star Night Corporation die in its womb! "    


The person on the other end of the phone said. "Director Lie, If we do that, our foundation in Hua Country might be affected as well. I'm afraid that it won't be easy for the old CEO to explain it to us. What do you think... "    


Do as I say, I will bear the consequences! " Lieh Yuanchen said, "Within three days, we must use all our strength to make the Star Night Corporation completely bankrupt!"    


After hanging up the phone, Ling Shaofeng, who was behind Lieh Yuanchen, said, " Third Brother, I know you are very angry. But you also told me before that there are some things that need not be rushed. Since Gong Lingye is going to die, let's just wait and see. However, by doing this, using the L Group to crush us, it will be a total loss to the enemy! "    


Shao Feng, he made my child not even have a chance to be born. This kind of thing cannot be tolerated! " Lieh Yuanchen threw a stack of documents to Ling Shaofeng. "Don't sleep today. Get these things ready!"    


Ling Shaofeng knew that he could not persuade Lieh Yuanchen, so he could only nod and agree.    


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