Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C311 I like That Little Brother Just Now!

C311 I like That Little Brother Just Now!

Aa Mian heard him and looked at the person who came.    


Xuanyuan Che was very fast, and he had already arrived in front of Aa Mian.    


"Aa Mian, give her to me." Xuanyuan Che's gaze fell on Beiming Mo's hand. That hand was still attacking Aa Mian's abs.    


Usually, Beiming Mo would definitely be frozen by Xuanyuan Che's gaze, but today, she was so drunk that she could not see anything clearly. She did not care about anything else.    


She smiled lightly and continued to tune. She teased Aa Mian. "Little brother, your figure is really good. You must have good stamina as well, right? Whoever marries you will be really happy! "    


Aa Mian's breathing tightened. In front of him, Xuanyuan Che's face was so dark that it could drip water.    


He did not care whether Beiming Mo was involved or not. Instead, he took Beiming Mo's hand away from Aa Mian's body and pulled her out of Aa Mian's arms.    


In an instant, she was far away from the human-shaped hormones. Beiming Mo was very dissatisfied and reached out to scratch Xuanyuan Che. "So annoying, let go! I am going to find my little brother!"    


Xuanyuan Che pursed his lips and his jaw line was taut. He did not care that Beiming Mo scratched him until the back of his hand hurt. He directly lifted her horizontally and strode out.    


Beiming Mo instantly lost her balance and was stunned for a moment. Then, she began to struggle and kept scratching Xuanyuan Che with her fingers.    


Luckily, she wore thick clothes in the winter. Beiming Mo could not hurt Xuanyuan Che, but it made him even more upset.    


He walked to the front of the car and roughly put her in the back seat. He locked the seatbelt and closed the car door.    


He walked to the driver's seat and started the car. He stepped on the accelerator and drove quickly to the hotel where he was!    


Ever since that day when she said not to contact him, she even blacklisted him. He had looked for her through other means, but her cold tone and attitude had no room for negotiation. So, he was also somewhat disheartened and really did not contact her again.    


It was the New Year and he had returned to Imperial City to celebrate the New Year. He even thought that perhaps she really only had a playful attitude towards him.    


Yes, he did like her, but that kind of love was not enough to make him completely trample on his dignity.    


In his life, he rarely took the initiative to coax people. He felt that he already took the initiative to coax her, already giving up some self-esteem to accommodate her. However, in exchange, it was her indifference and confrontation.    


She was sometimes passionate and sometimes cold, her unpredictable attitude making him feel like he was a pitiful bug that she played in her palm, begging for her occasional pity.    


He couldn't stand such an understanding. So, he left.    


But today, the Soong Family murder case was open for trial. Although there was still no verdict, the process was kept a secret. However, there were still some photos of the scene being leaked out.    


He saw Beiming Mo sitting on the plaintiff's seat. In the photo, she was crying.    


She had always been strict with her appearance in front of the public, but she actually cried without any image. At that moment, Xuanyuan Che did not know what had happened to him. He immediately bought a plane ticket to Ning Country.    


He found out about Beiming Mo's whereabouts from Aa Mian. When he rushed over, he happened to meet Aa Mian, who had just driven over.    


He parked the car and had not thought about what kind of attitude he would use to meet her. Because when he came, he was impulsive. But when he really thought that they were going to meet, he suddenly regretted his impulse.    


However, the moment he pushed open the door and saw Beiming Mo leaning against Aa Mian and attacking other men, all his hesitation and hesitation turned into anger.    


Xuanyuan Che only wished he could chop off Beiming Mo's restless hand!    


At this moment, the scenery behind him kept moving backward. Xuanyuan Che's Qi was still cold, but Beiming Mo, who was in the back, obviously did not notice anything.    


She was tied up by the seatbelt and was somewhat dissatisfied.    


Her brain was in complete chaos. She had never been so drunk that she did not know where she was.    


She was thirsty, and she was trapped again. Her eyes were swollen and painful, and she could not help but complain, "Let me go! Disgusting -"    


Xuanyuan Che's breath in the front row became colder.    


I'm thirsty, I want to drink some water... " Beiming Mo muttered.    


"Water, I want water -" she could not help but say.    


Xuanyuan Che finally could not take it anymore. His tone was cold and hard. "Even if you are thirsty, bear with it!"    


His tone was never fierce, but it could not scare people who were completely drunk. Beiming Mo muttered, "So annoying. I want to go back! Annoying, let go of me!"    


Xuanyuan Che increased the throttle.    


Not long after, he had already driven to the hotel entrance. He parked the car and threw the keys to the driver. Then he walked to the back of the car and picked Beiming Mo up.    


Her body felt light because the world was spinning around her. She had a moment of silence. But very quickly, it started to make noise again.    


Her hand landed on Xuanyuan Che's chest, and her voice was filled with doubt. "Eh? Why does it feel different?"    


Xuanyuan Che felt a soft hand land on his chest. Her hand seemed to have magic power, and wherever it passed, there was an electric current.    


He breathed heavily, and his Adam's apple rolled. He carried Beiming Mo to the elevator. Because there were still people around. So he covered Beiming Mo's face. Suppressing his emotions, he said, "Stop messing around."    


How could Beiming Mo listen?    


Her hand continued to touch. After feeling for a while, she sighed, "The feeling is not as good as before! I like that little brother just now! "    


Xuanyuan Che said, "Say it again?!"    


He held his breath and turned into a human-shaped ice cellar.    


Beiming Mo was not afraid of death and continued. "Although it also has muscles, it is not as big as the little brother's pectoral muscles just now. The lines of the abdominal muscles are also not that clear. " One look and you can tell that I lack exercise... Hey, Big brother, it's time for you to exercise..."    


When she said this, Xuanyuan Che happened to arrive at the floor where his room was.    


At this moment, there was no one in the corridor. He was so angry that he wanted to throw her onto the ground. However, just as he loosened his grip, he hugged her again.    


There was no place for him to vent his murderous aura. It was as if Xuanyuan Che was competing with someone. He stepped on the carpet with extra force.    


When he reached the door of the room, he used the card to open it and then closed the door. He strode to the front of the bed and threw Beiming Mo down!    


Beiming Mo felt even more dizzy and said very discontentedly: "Your character is still so bad. You pointed out your shortcomings and you even hit people..."    


"Bei! Ming! Mo!" Xuanyuan Che gritted his teeth and interrupted Beiming Mo's words.    


Perhaps it was because his tone was too harsh, even though Beiming Mo was drunk, she could still feel the cold aura of doomsday.    


She vaguely felt that it sounded somewhat familiar.    


Immediately, she remembered that it seemed to be Xuanyuan Che's voice.    


She was puzzled. As she was drunk, she immediately voiced her doubts. "Eh, didn't we not contact each other? Why are you here again?"    


Her words were like a knife that directly cut open his dignity, crushing him until nothing was left!    


Xuanyuan Che's chest heaved up and down, his eyes scarlet. "Only when I'm f * cking sick would I see you crying and immediately fly over to find you!"    


After saying that, he pulled off his tie, threw it away in annoyance, and turned around to leave.    


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